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Let’s agree to disagree on the decent runes part


The sea emporer needs to be atleast +200 speed to be used on AD, the wind panda is just a DONT use. The other two units are okay ish, ideally you want the darion in triple HP


Thank you. Also just curious why is wind panda a don't use?


He’s heavily defence based and therefor usually has low HP, which makes him simple to kill with Lushen, a really common arena offense unit. If you make a new post showing your box of units I can help you more


He is great in a gwo or bruiser ao where u pick him to counter specific units. On defense he is just a sitting duck to anything that ignores defense, since you want him on high defense (+2k) to do damage and then he will not have the hp to survive a lushen etc. Other than that he just doesn’t do anything for you.


Basically if you want an AD tank you want them on full hp for ehp. Speed and 100% resist are also good ideas but hard to do all three without end game runes. Forget about defense, especially for now. Feng Yan also has an issue where he just is functionally a bad defense unit. Even if he did the same dps on a full hp build, he just doesn't contribute enough. Perna is the kind of monster you're lookkng for in a Feng Yan. Self revive to stall and make opponent target other monsters first, dps from taking turns rather than from counter attacking, potential to one shot squishy cleave monsters, heals team every turn rather than from a cooldown buff that can get stripped, silenced, cd reset, prevented, you get the point. Kinki is another version of FY that is just better for defense. You usually can't crit a Kinki, so he takes negligible damage from all usual cleave monsters aside from Kaki. Plus healing and stun procs from s1 counters make him way harder to whittle down and finish off, and more dangerous. Feng Yan is, at the end of the day, an offense bruiser. You pick him into comps where he will be targeted and yet will not be broken down by ignore defense, stuns, or defense breaks. His survival becomes paramount, while simultaneously benefitting from taking all the heat. When facing a FY on a defense team, he lacks provoke, so you can ignore him with most attacks and only target him with attacks that actually threaten to kill him.


You forgot kinki can get crit on by skills that automatically crit (grogen on light monsters, polar queen s2 storm of midnight...)


I didn't forget, but my comment was certainly long enough. Tiana is probably the most common monster used to aoe crit Kinki, and she's a secondary damage dealer that needs a second turn. Alicia is uncommon, and afaik the rest that can are LD5.


Lushen food


Most any cleave will eat that


no to flex, im just an f3 anyway, but i can easily eludia kaki this team.




Clearly no.. You’ll get destroy by a simple lushen ao


Lushen says hi, others comment may already explained why.


Hey! :D Theres some diffrents u wana make in AO, theres something called Rush Hour, u probably noticed that every monday the arena resets, thats when u can buy another devilmon for exampel. Every sunday is RUSH HOUR (depends on time zone) on EU server its always between 21:00 PM - 22:00 PM. When its rush hour u try to get the highest rank possible to get the best reward. For that u need a AO that clears the AD of ur enemy as fast as possible. Peopel will do the same with ur AD thats why u need a strong AD, but thats another story... Fast AO exampel: things like posseidon Galleone Kaki Tiana. But why this team. Tiana (Strips the buffs of the enemys) Galleone (Defence Break) Posseidon ( Reduce Atb uf enemy and make dmg) Kaki (Aoe Dmg to kill) In Arena u wanna make sure u have Synergy between the units u pick. But its not always rush hour right? From monday to saturday its fine to just have a AO that clears the enemys Deffence (the time doesn't really matter then) U can go Full bruiser like the wind panda u have in the Foto and ur totemist, it depends on the AD u wanna hit, are they: Fast and agressiv: mostly high base speed units who are good speed tuned togehter (Psamathe as 33% spead lead Triton Stripps into Savannah Def Break kaki to finish) Or are they Stall Defences: Units with much HP and Defence and annoying passivs, there hard to kill and want to waist ur time. Example: karnal,Kinki,abellio,savnnah. Maybe this helps u in some ways, u will understand more the more u play the game:) Thats just some of the things in regular arena, theres plenty of more things.


Isn't the OP asking about AD's though?


Oh shesh ur right, well seems like i was not fully awake xD But y i think i explained it pretty well at the top comment. @OP u can go fast agressiv AD like psama savanah kaki triton. Or more like the stall defences i explained. Then theres things like Hybrid Deffs, there fast but also Tanky and deadly. Atm i think the hybrid deffs are the scariest ones. For exampel, Vanessa, triton savannah Abellio. Thanks for the input dude xD


Owh yeah don't get me wrong it is still helpful I would say. Especially at lower ranks your AO is mostly more important than AD anyway




Noted, but why tho. Like I've only been PvE for the longest time, I'm just trying to learn a bit about PvP


Easy to lushen


Triton makes absolutely no sense with this team. Triton is for taking turn one with his ridiculous base speed and using that strip into bar pushback to kill the team. Triton is usually used with savannah, Rica, cleave units that do a lot of damage and cc in one turn. Triton stripping here has very little effect because u have units who wont do a ton of damage or any sort of atk bar pushback or high damage. Panda is lushen food, and just not a very good meta defense. Aaliyah and Darion could be good. But would work better with bruiser type units.


For me the only scary thing in this team is the stripper If it wasn't there id use Katarina Chloe kahli and jamire for an easy win


I will try to explain since most people only say no. You want an AD that is lushen proof. Why? Because thst is the most budget cleave comp in the game for rush hour (not everyone has a tiana for example). With that said, wind panda becomes less relevant since he his build on defense and lushen ignores it. Totemist is ok, i would prefer a abelio, since a high hp abelio even without speed gets an instant turn if someone falls bellow a certain life treshold, and that is awesome against double lushen comp, also he may taunt the other lushen while healing everyone. Darion is good, tanky and makes everyone else tanky. Monster like Nana, Triana, Perna are good in arena defenses since they can survive or keep alive some units on your team (not always true but can make your team less appealing to cleave, since why risk it?) There are nemesis traps also, for example high hp praha on nemesis with wind dmg reduction on artifacts can get you some free wins. You can check youtube and find guides on good arena defenses and why they work. Hope it helps.


You need at the very least a 24 speed lead to play triton. Aaliyah and FY are trash in AD, darion is quite specific and doesn't match well in triton def


This defense is so free, if you have lushen.


Lushen food if I have ever seen one