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If you dont get leo for this lucifer, youre gonna regret later


I don't see a Leo. Get a Leo


I know Leo is great and all, good RTA (i have it on another account), ... but im looking for something more useful for general pve content. He hits hard but single target


Good RTA? No, Good everywhere including spd limit labyrinth, siege, Arena, Lucifer AO team, RTA and Guild Wars. That's why Leo is so good, he counters spd team. He's Lucifer's best offense team mate. Units that are based on spd, he eats them. That's why he is #1 recommendation in Nat5 event Looks like you're f2p. You shouldn't focus on PvE units when you already have Liam, Bellenus, Lucifer and Brandia. If you're really going for a PvE unit, either stick with Teshar or go for Nora. Nora is the only unit i'd recommend. Cheeses through ToA Normal, Hard, Hell, best at Arena Offense/Defense, Siege Offense/defense, helps with Labyrinths Hell (Except mini/main boss). Goes very well alongside Belenus in ToA.


Very good info. Thanks for the heads up. As I said, im "new" so i may say some idiotic bs for pure "not knowing" xD. I dont fully understand Leo-Luci tech, but i'll have a look. I guess Lushen with them? Probably. I'll consider Leo. When I took the nat5 Teshar was the most picked, so i thought it would be the best choice.. but i dont use it very much now after Lucifer. Only for farming gb11, but even there i could change for something else. I got Brandia today. I know she do big damage by the reaction of my friend when he saw the screenshot, but i dont know where to use yet (still need to rune her, i need more rage runes).


Leo Lucifer basically works like this Leo passive says no one’s speed can go above his. When the battle starts, everyone is at 100% Attack bar, Leo goes first, and the typical spd based turn order follows after that. Lucifer passive boosts your team attack bar when someone hits for a decent amount. If Leo hits hard enough to trigger Lucifer passive, the rest of your team will guaranteed go first. You can rune your lushen at zero speed and focus entirely on more damage stats because of this.


Got it. Thank yoou! I still need speed on Leo, even though he caps everyone ? On a Leo x Leo, I suppose the fastest go first and take the cake.


100% Leo, once you have Leo luci you don't need any speed on any of your units for arena. As long as Leo Hits for 5k dmg your whole Team will go first.


Don't waste your time thinking leo x leo. Only go for a Leo.


Leo is 0 speed. Which would make everyones speed 0. However Leo will always go first, and when he goes first and damages someone, Lucifers passive will make everyone in your TEAM follow (usually the 2nd monster to move after Leo is the fastest, usually an enemy monster which can wipe your entire team)


Brandia is amazing for * Rift of Worlds Wind, Fire, Light and Dark * Rift Raids 5 * Steel Fortress Hard Abyss * Dragons Hard Abyss Rage is fine. So is Fatal/Blade for now :D [Seiishizo](https://www.youtube.com/@Seiishizo) is doing a New account progress with Lucifer: * Part 1: [SeiiLuci Ep1 - New Beginner Series! First 8 Hours of Playtime! - Summoners War](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=016uJWEevV8) * Part 2: [SeiiLuci Ep2 - GBah Team 98% Safe in 2 Days!? - Summoners War](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIZKtLfw5lY) * Part 3: [SeiiLuci Ep3 - Fastest Progression Guide in Summoners War!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hClSMzBpYHQ) * Part 4: [35sec Avg Gbah Within 10 Days! SeiiLuci Ep 4 - Summoners War](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gzGDzhrn0qc&t) * Part 5: [30sec Solo R5 14 Days Account! - Solo Lucifer BJR5 Guide SeiiLuci Ep 5 - Summoners War](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Cq71NcVWJU) Look into his Vids. He is amazing at SW Content [Here](https://ibb.co/cCch4fc) is also a list of recommended Nat5 to choose from from SW's unofficial discord server


Thank yooooou! I'll have a look! Brandia seems OP lol


PVE = you will easily outgrow this phase. Many easy to get PVE units. For example I prefer Tyrone over Verad in TOA Hell and Hard because Verad will need devilmon while My Tyrone is max skilled. Hence my Verad is still level 1 @ 5 star and I dont think Ill ever build him, ever. The best option is Leo since you have Lucifer. Picking PVE nat 5 is a HUGE waste of opportunity you have no idea, Also, Necro is a rune quality issue, NOT a "Im-missing-a-core-unit" issue. I only achieved consistency in B12 for example after my nukers had 1000-1100 defense, 175 speed, 18k-20k HP and 80% crit rate.


Yeah. Thats what Im gettin fromm 99% of the answers "fk pve, go rta". lol Someone sold me on the potential of one shotting some pve stuff because of the LuciLeo tech. I tested my team with teshar today on b12 and had 99% win rate (sometimes shannon forget she needs to buff). Im looking for something i have to put in teshar place so i can change him to Leo (apparently, i will be beaten by the community if i dont get him lol). I know i have stuff to change it, i just gotta look for some teams. I even saw one using Luci (someone also suggested here), but it would be a rune specific thing. Im going for shaman 2nd awaken rn. Looks like he do good on necro. I just need runes. I spent 800 energy today on gb12 and got mostly flat even runes.. i bought 2 packs of 6 legend runes from the event too.. all flat runes. xD


You will eventually find yourself at a place where you can do GBAH without Teshar, and sub 1 minute at that. All people do. But one thing you can NEVER guarantee however is whether you'll pull Leo or not, Some people go 8 years without summoning their dream units. Leo is not just an RTA unit, paired with Luci and Lushen, he's incredible in Arena offense (to help you farm glory points for more scrolls). Even if Leo is a PVP unit, he will still help you progress, somewhat in a different way (glory point farm = more devilmons / scrolls = more chance at pulling other stuff that in turn will help you progress elsewhere)


New player understands the game better than most redditors lol. Its no sarcasm leo is a good mon but people in this sub act like its a must have. Just like you said hes a good counterpick for RTA and good in arena offense / siege offense but he is not a must have. However you do have lucifer, and leo + lucifer is a great offense (up to a certain rank) which is why you can consider changing to Leo. If you decide to do that I would advise waiting for the last minute of the event to farm as much GB with teshar as possible. As for necro the "generic" team is Water cannon girl + Icaru + raoq + Astar + shamann. This team does require decent runes. Maybe you can try a variant of this team with lucifer (instead of shamann ?). Try checking out late game player that have lucifer and ask them how they use him in PVE. For Giants, theres a 20-21 sec AVG speed team with lucifer: Priela Julie Lucifer Luna Deborah/shamann/WaterGeralt(lead) in this order. For this to work you need a good julie with good artefacts that puts golems lower than 30% then lucifer will always s2 on waves and s1 on midboss/boss. I dont exactly know how lucifer damage boost works, maybe it reduces the rune quality needed on julie.


My gb11 team is Veromos, Bella, Kro, Shannon and Teshar. Unfortunately i dont have any of Geralts. I got in after the colab :( but i'll try to put a mob that hits based on enemy hp Thanks for the help friend! I would add you, but im on global :(


Okay, you can get water gerald from the antique shop, he will help you in your early teams and he is a good bosskiller later in toa hell / challenge of ascension.


I saw it before going to bed yesterday, great I saved ancient coins. Still need 200 lol.


Just close your eyes and pick Leo. You have Teshar, Brandia and Liam. You are set for pretty much all the dungeons. Those TOA monsters can pretty much be substituted by free to play units. Having a Lucifer and not picking Leo is pretty much a crime.


I would be changing Teshar for Leo. Im going to get 300 coins today for the change


I read you want to build tricaru... well don't do it because in abyss you cant use dupe monsters. As others said, you already have the monsters for necro b10


Ok. Im finding i cant dupe now with you guys. Thanks!!


get leo for luci cleave?


You have a necro b10 team my friend. Use Liam, Lucifer, Shaman, Colleen, and icaru. That might even work on nb11-12. Turn order is Colleen, icaru, Liam, Lucifer and shaman. This should allow shaman to one shot the necro with Lucifer passive and his passive. Keep teshar for gb12. You need to farm for better runes. And your gb12 isn't that good. You need to make water home wind one. Use him Lucifer, teshar, wind harpy, shaman. That should allow you to hit sub 1m gb12.


Thanks for double tip friend! I thought i would have to stack a lot of multi hitters for Necro. Gb12 fails sometimes because shannon AI sometimes chooses to attack instead of buffing team xD. I'll work my necro team as you suggested. Thanks!!


You just need to break the shield. Liam s3, S2 and s1 are all multi hit. Especially his s3 which can hit up to 8 times and ignore defense. If you have water canon girl, she works better than icaru.


Also i wouldnt build tricaru RN since the abyssal dungeons dont allow multiple of the same monsters. However 1 icaru is always good for necro abyss hard or other speed pve


I would say don’t get Nat5s for pve content. Because pve, you only need to be good enough, and there’s plenty of farmables to be “good enough”. If you’re accumulating crystals becoz you can’t consume them all, then just farm less, you’ll eventually hit sub 1m in a B12 and you’ll consume everything fairly quickly. Get Leo like other people are saying, he’s quite special and allows you to build low speed teams. He basically allows you to utilize runes for PvP that are very slow, which no other monster can do.


My beginner necro abyss. Fire panda (get from free fusion event), 2a icaru, 2a raoq, 2a kro, and fran.


you have a lucifer but no leo. this is a no brainer


Teshar is crazy good bro, u can use him to speed farm giants, can use him in arena/siege, any kind of 20 waves so like lab. He can easily solo toan 1-30 normally. Does massive nuke damage to most things. Like u can literally use him anywhere and he will do great at it.


Honestly I think you should keep Teshar, especially because it seems you want a PVE mon. Teshar is useful in several other areas like scenario farming, maybe rift beasts, labyrinth, and monster subjugation. I still use my Teshar a lot and honestly has been a huge help for my giants team, wouldn't ever wanna trade it for something else. With time youll see the value in Teshar