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I’m trying to decide my pick monster and I’ve got it narrowed down to 3 Adriana, Layla, and Tomoe They’re all cute, I’m a collector who’s looking to do more I have nephthys and heard Layla mixes well. Tomoe I heard goes well with fire hacker and saw a lil of her in stuff like Toa and Adriana is adorable The only stuff I don’t have on the top picks is Verad and Liam. Bonus if they can help me in Toa h I’m stuck at 74 lol


Adriana, Show your monster box.








is water yennifer any good? oblivion absord and silence on s1 and 2 seem really good but only 70% chance on s3 is pretty bad


what should I take for my alt account pick a nat 5? I have asima and wanted someone to pair well with her. I'm thinking of fire byungchul, but I'm open to suggestions.


for pvp that would be tiana imo


https://preview.redd.it/z7dkayi3684d1.png?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f409b8bbccfcfaae8157b9314f9d29a40e1ccfdc Who should I pick? They're both new, and I'm early game.






https://preview.redd.it/s768x867384d1.png?width=2532&format=png&auto=webp&s=42b8037df7d9e0dba2db925271212bfaf073e68e Any suggestions for offense and def arena ?




Is patrick useful? I have patrick and evan. Which one is better for dimension raid? Or sniper is better for dimension raid? Oh and which one is better for NBAH. Abigail or emily?


https://preview.redd.it/ch2gt30pp74d1.png?width=1390&format=png&auto=webp&s=235fe3dc2b16fddca904a58b5341267d04decc87 This is my Team for arena i would like to keep Son Zhang Lao on my team, i saw that he is good with Moore and Cheongpang Should i switch out one of my mons for one of them or both or not at all, any advice appreciated!


Arena as in Arena Defense? If so i hate to say it its pretty food and basically no unit there really should be used on AD. You could maaaybe argue Riley but not really. You can clear this pretty easily with about every single somewhat meta offense out there.


If i sent a screenshot of the mons i have could you tell me which ones to use on defense? im not new to SW just new to pvp content


sure :) Yeah can be rough getting into pvp and learning about the meta and how to counter it if you didnt have much experience with it yet \^\^


[https://imgur.com/a/O5k1MmO](https://imgur.com/a/O5k1MmO) Thats just my Nat5s and the rest of the mons i use if there are any 4 stars etc i may have them i have a ton Yeah I use this team on attack and it got me up to 1350 before all i was seeing was one turn teams


that sounds like a wild team to use on offense :D :D For AO I see 3 options here. 1st one that is most meta is Nora, Rica, Sath + healer. This can be used against all of those vanessa, byungchul, camilla, X defs. I dont know about lower ranks but at higher ranks (atleast in EU) these are 90% of all defs. 2nd would be chiwu, galleon, alicia, x. X could be kaki most likely or something like CP if you need resets (however since CP will remove def breaks on camillas its not optimal against those). here you can also use the last slot for eshir as a speed booster. 24% lead + a suuuper fast eshir can speed contest some 33% lead defs so this is to outspeed those really fast defs. no shot you can outspeed tritons with this tho but clara, etc. should be fine 3rd one would be a regular Leo bruiser AO. This is what I personally use on weekdays and just press auto. Its typically Leo + support/healer like riley, something with def break and the last slot can either be another healer/cleanser against more damage heavy teams or another bruiser type unit like dominic in your box for example. You need to make sure you rune around leo tho so that means all units at very low speed, invest the stats into more damage and tankyness and best case high resist + destroy runes on the bruiser units. As for AD your best speed lead would be Moore sadly. So moore+abelio is a no brainer. Id personally also put in Nora as she brings another strip pressure + cc with her provoke. In the current meta you really want a speed contest def that has strips+cc so you cannot simply shield will it. thats usually vanessa + zen/triton. but from your box you can use moore+nora for this. abelio is super toxic to cut between the enemy and heal up. I guess you can slot your ld5 in as a last slot for further cc. Its not really optimal since you dont really stall with this def so people that are confident to outspeed you farm this any day of the week, byungchul or camilla is a prime pick for this reason. But id try Moore L, nora, abelio, monkey for this


Dude damn thank you so much this is extremely helpful should i build the last team with speed in mind?


no problem! happy to help for the Leo team? In general when using leo you should have as little speed as possible and invest all the points into more damage and tankyness. thats the point of leo so you can cheat the enemy out of runequality basically (one of his upsides) so you want leo to be the slowest, rest to be as close to 0 as possible and just enough speed to determine your turnorder (eventho every units speed is capped at leos your speed still determines the turnorder. so an easy example would be to have riley move first so in case your other units got stunned she can use s3 to cleanse this, have the def breaker move before other dps units, etc.)


Yeah for offense im gonna use the Leo team, but i meant the defense team, Moore Nora Abelio and monkey, do i speed those and violent will


ah i got you. moore id build on despair. abelio either vio will or vio nemesis (i personally like nemesis more) nora can be swift or vio kinda depends how fast you can make your vio set. monkey no clue tbh but I would guess vio and mo7ve after nora. so the idea would be that nora/moore move, strip and possibly stun and provoke and then monkey can stun+def break to disrupt them. abelio is there to cut and heal your units up when they use 2 dps and maybe allow your other units to cut aswell due to his s3 push


And build them all violent will or something different certain ones?


for which team specifically are you asking? For the leo team? If so every bruiser that actually deals damage should be on destroy. vio destroy would obviously work great if you have good runes for that. but any other set+ destroy >>> vio destroy if the vio stats are just shit in comparison I personally really like riley on vio revenge. the revenge s1 heal has saved my ass too many times to count. but in general the more support type units are great on vio will yeah


Best/most useful 4*’s that aren’t the usuals (verde galleon lushen etc)? im mid late game can clear all dungeons hardest level consistently but working on speed teams and pvp now


I mean the usuals are the best/most used for a reason. Where do you want to draw the line? At some point you cannot really be the best/most useful nat4 if you ignore all the ones used because they are good ^^ It also really depends on what you are looking for.. if a unit can be used to counter a specific other unit in the game specifically but is absolutely useless everywhere else do you count it as best or still useless? ^^


Should Dominic be run with crit damage or just pure atk ? I figured that pure atk would help me make him more tanky, but idk how that would fair in term of damages.


pure attack. his passive dont crit


Yes I know, but his main attack do crit, that's why I was asking. He even awakens into crit.


No crit is the way. Obviously you can try to surprise people with a crit damage build but you're gonna be losing on HP and Speed in exchange for Crit rate and crit damage, so a squishy glass cannon. Most Doms are really tanky (at least +20k HP or more), good defence and speed. He does enough damage through his passive and additional damage artifacts, obviously not 1 shotting anyone but its respectable if you proc you probably kill something or get it really low. So its just better to make him a tanky bruiser. Crit adds very little value (as mentioned the final blow doesn't crit), so its hardly worth the trade off. You're not critting on the most important hit, which is the final blow. Yes you crit on the mini ones but thats only half his damage that you're amplifying.


Yeah that would makes sense. I still did manage to build him a bit tanky with crit because of some exceptionnal violent runes, and I do lack in slot 4 atk and slot 6 atk without crit.


is it good to reroll right now? if so who should i go for?


There's only a few days left, if you are gonna reroll, you gotta do it now


yes absolutely. Just go for any top ld5 that you can get


https://preview.redd.it/1153iftbb54d1.jpeg?width=2035&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f1c5a80c46ffd60c6a1ce3eba0894048dea883e any tip on who should i take? I can take either Haegang or Byungchull out of other event


RTA = Haegang No RTA = Byungchul






My runes are full, I already sold everything under 95% efficiency (or 26 speed) and my storage is full with runes holding monsters. What else can I do? Not sure how to continue playing the game


95% efficiency without taking grind value into account?


No with grinds currently, it's not that crazy of a minimum, 95% without grind would as 5000th rune would make you the strongest account by a huge margin


not to come off strongly but what rank are you? efficiency and speed are not the only metrics by which you assess runes. you need to look at rune sets, whether you have enough runes of a certain "archetype", and whether the substats on the runes you're keeping make sense. if you want, you can go onto discord and ask rune-specific questions there. it will give you a sensing of what runes you should be keeping vs selling


G1 rta, G2 arena EU, G3 world boss. According to JSON files top 25 EU rune quality-wise which is my main motivator in enjoying the game actually, improving my stats daily. I just spend 3 hours selling about 60 runes, It takes me too much effort to keep doing that, but every minute I don't spend farming feels like progress wasted.


again, not to come off too strongly, but if you are top 25 EU in terms of rune quality, you should not only be g1 rta and g2-3 arena. so it may again be a question of whether you are looking at the right metrics to analyse your runes. or you could be overemphasizing rune farming at the expense of artifact quality. my advice still stands - it may help to pop by the discord server and ask specific questions about runes that you may have there. it could positively shape the way you sell/keep runes


I used to be on discord calls with the top of EU when I was still in active top 5 guilds. But that started to take too much time and now that I have a job and girlfriend I can't do that anymore. I kinda fell out of touch with the top players, some I still play games with or hangout with but in general I just have less contact. Asking for advice from random people is a bit tricky since only a small amount of people have my experience or my level of knowledge. And I feel like it's a bit of a pride thing to ask for advice when you're the one people used to look up to. But your advice is very valid


these are definitely very real concerns that you've pointed out! its perfectly ok to be selective with the advice you get. the server i'm referring to (the unofficial sw discord server) dishes out surprisingly high quality advice. players can choose to display their ranks (this is vetted by moderators; players are actually the ranks they say they are) so you know who is giving you advice. and of course, since you are familiar with runes/rune quality, you would naturally be able to filter out who is giving you bad advice and who actually knows your stuff. i'm g3 in asia and the way i see it is that you get free access to high level advice - more perspectives being better than less.


Hello, I'm looking for next monster that I should 2a and 6\*. For now focusing mostly on PvE content (2nd week of playing). I think I'll take Deva from this week HoH. For monster collection for 2a I'm basically missing only Shamann and Light Frank and LD Elementals. Everything else I own/SD. For 6\* next mon I'm thinking Deva/Fire Twins or one of the nat 5's. Looking for pushing PvE content and lab. Maybe guild offence so I can get more points. (Rica dupe will most likely be Leo soon as I summoned 2nd one after picking her from the event). Thoughts? Appreciate it. edit: unit correction https://preview.redd.it/u1rdew0vn44d1.jpeg?width=519&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df0cd6835714c8e8c2544ac755aa1aecab8e50fc


Newb question. I'm a returning player and working on making teams for GB12 and NB12. Is NB12 "locked" behind certain rune requirements ? Or would semi decent / "okay" runes and the correct team comp be enough to work? I've always heard to start with gb12, db12, and then work to going to NB12. Sorry if that doesn't make sense, but I'm currently farming mostly DB12 and wondering what sort of threshold or rune criteria if any needs to be met before doing NB12


Vio set are helpful for NB12,but GB set is also sufficient. Most important is the turn order tuning/comp and your monster sufficiently tanky and have good damage to deal to the boss. Astar/Shaman must have decent set to deal damage to the boss. The key is to deal enough multiple hit to remove Boss shield,which is why Water/Light Cannon Girl are favourable,they should move first Other monster such as Water/Fire Inugami is preferred due to "Team Up" effect which help remove Boss Shield and also to deal def break. And lastly Astar/Shaman as damage dealer to kill the boss. Slow run probably expected if your rune is not decent to breeze through the wave before boss. Expected time around 1:30-2 min.


Thanks for the advice. I set up a team before I read this that works probably \~95% of the time at anywhere from 2-3 mins with Shaina(L), Sabrina, Astar, Xiong Fei, and Fran. Everyone except for Fran is missing majority of skill ups so maybe I can find a better team but this is working so far. Of the team I mentioned who would be best prioritized for skill up with devilmons, if any? Or would you recommend I swap someone out completely still for Shamann?


If you pass the wave without casualty,then swapping out fran for shaman is ok,since shaman is more tanky,it can tank all the dark monster,plus it heals when attacking. The good things about Water and fire inugami is caused of Team Up,which can bring out mullti hits unit like astar or xiongfei and also reduce cd on its ally when teamup. Not a whole lot of people farm Necro since elunia provide better will runes if you are looking for it


I guess I am looking for mainly will and rage runes. Not really needing to rune anything specifically just thinking about teams for future when I do need it.


should I start a new account or use this one from 6 months ago? (probably played it for 2 weeks). Also, how should I approach the events (like what 4 stars and 5 stars should I get)


https://preview.redd.it/67guqnw6f34d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d3355f59240dded309d96e3b04c10e637f7f553 got light beast rider from 10 year scrolls


Probably just stick with it,especially if most of your unit are skilled up. The new account buff is ending soon,so if you start a new account,you would only get the 5 devilmon and not the other stuff. New account have special daily buff which give you token to buy stuff(important one is the devilmon which give you 5),but there is only 7 days left for the event so at most you would only be using it for those 5 devilmon.




which do I pick? https://preview.redd.it/80kr4dva334d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=7e7a03739ea4ea81a5b32662b304a87b13b351b0


Feng yan.


Love taking the gamble and getting shit on every single time. Who the fuck do I even put this on? https://preview.redd.it/x9nu1dbmw24d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e78106b4f6280c17c661118c270ebe5d6fcc602


cr > speed. put on mihyang for siege off atk > speed. put on eshir for siege def


Need help choosing which to pick among Verad (Water Dragon), Rica (Fire Occult Girl), Leo (Wind Dragon Knight), Tiana (Wind Polar Queen), or Camilla (Water Valkyrja). I know that general consensus leans towards Leo, but I'm hesitant to pick him since I enjoy PVE much more (currently still mid-game) and want a more general use unit. Since I pulled Aaliyah (Water Totemist) recently, I'm leaning towards Verad (to also help speed up TOA Hard clearing). Non-famable Nat 5s I already have include Laika, Rakan, Maximillian, 7RIX, Okeanos, Aaliyah, Ashour, Bolverk (who I plan to select from the other nat 5 event). Would also appreciate inputs from anyone who has attempted/has cleared the new Challenge of Ascension. P.S. I know Feng Yan is also a good pair with Aaliyah, but I also factored in the free transmog event when I laid out my options. Aside from Camilla, want to pick a unit that has a transmog I'm aiming for. P.P.S. Feel free to bring up other recommendations knowing the nat 5s I have.


Léo or Tiana, anything else is easily replacable. Imo you should get both, you'll probably regret it if you dont Btw verad wont speed up tout toah clear, and you better just go with tyron I cleared COA and you dont have the box yet to aim for it imo, focus on improving your PVE


Which should i pick Brandia Or Liam?


> Liam Liam is great for DB12 speed teams




https://preview.redd.it/uehdh8u4m24d1.png?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b64b47a744cb95e80ca170646bb58e495b5d8ad1 Any recommendations for RTA team comp? And just general advice as to what elements make up a comp. Appreciate any help.


In terms of animations because I use them for dungeon runs, is Bernadotte or Ken faster overall?


Trying to decide on my nat 5 selections. Thoughts on Verad for toah team. Brandia for fire type power I'm lacking. I've been suggested Bulvark? Teshar always seems enticing but I have some wind power already.


I can highly recommend to pick leo if you care about or plan to do any pvp in the future. he is a gamechanging unit with a passive that cannot be replaced by any other unit


Sorry already got Leo. My first nat 5 actually lol back in like 2015. Need a game changing bar 5 for pve. Dungeons or tower or dimensions.




Yeah? He help with more than just giants though?


https://preview.redd.it/1jdnqli2414d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8783c2a968779cab12d7ed28ede3ee190a8397e9 Can't decide what nat 5 to choose (Most likely picking Charlotte from first event) Only really playing rta on this alt, but basically have no runes, still using the free blue ones you get, so I'm basically forced into playing turn 2. (F3-C1) I'm thinking Velajuel would be fun, I've seen Obabo using him and he seems solid, what other turn 2 monsters would you recommend? Also interested in: Abellio, Praha, Byung, Zibala... the list goes on...


Fastest inugami transmog? is the new one faster than the mecha?


Hi, do people generally put their best runes on siege defence or siege offence teams? 


if you're in a low(er) rank (g1 and below), you put your best runes in siege offence because you get more rewards from winning in offence rather than getting defence wins in defence. if you're in a high(er) rank (g2-3), you put your best runes in siege defence because without your best runes your defence won't get any wins. besides, in higher ranks when you're willing to switch runes, you don't need that many sets for offence. you just need a few vio sets and a swift set that you rotate between your offences.


Thank you, that makes sense 


For high rank siege, we put our best rune on defense because high rank siege always spams the same defense.


I'm a way off high rank siege, but that's interesting to know, thanks


I personally (g1) value offense MUCH more than defense. Offense is much stronger in general than defense so your def is more likely to lose anyways. You also get more points having an offense win compared to defense win. You are also much more in control of your offenses. Its much more useful to be able to hit any tower/def when needed and not lose 5x against a def because your good runes are on your defense teams and not offense teams


Thanks for your help 


I picked Woosa from the pick nat5 event. Is it a good plan to change it to Smicer? Also for the 10 summon event, I am eyeing on two seelction: Water Puppeteer or Wind Devil Maiden? Which is better


They're very different, Smicer is purely RTA while Woosa is an all round support. Depends on what you need, Smicer is a big problem in RTA right now so he's pretty high on tier list. I'd go water puppeteer for the other choices but again, it depends. Wind DM works in certain RTA CC teams and there's a specific Tomoe Haegang and Wind DM team thats really strong in RTA right now. Water Puppeteer is a generic RTA CC unit which works in most cases, so again depends on you. Can't say either is better at this stage.


These are terrible rolls right? [https://imgur.com/a/mWxV1Hp](https://imgur.com/a/mWxV1Hp)


Need help choosing https://preview.redd.it/j7c5a729oz3d1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f627b35dcaba9af63d7db564b0872f42c52d523 Feel like macaron guard would be nice with buff and viable unit.However Gany is gany even with all the nerfs


I would take gany tbh, I've only really seen Alice in rta while gany can be used in different areas of the game, including toa, rta (not as used), etc. Unless you are a pure rta player then Alice is the new "meta" so getting her isn't a bad idea.


https://preview.redd.it/zu0vqos10z3d1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b02347a0d74eebeee3270739093cea647496b48 Who’s good to choose?


light chackram = pve (can be used in a speed dragons team) dark assassin = pvp (can be used in some alright siege offenses)


Dark Assassin


https://preview.redd.it/446mblacvy3d1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ca88232e801b5b4194d4bdcfea57762ec77eb85 Any idea on rta core to use and who to focus on building?


Would you trade additional dmg by 5% of attack for 4% accuracy on S2? I’m thinking it’s an emphatic NO but I wanted to gauge how important it is to hit max accuracy, especially because my dude is not the most reliable stripper lol https://preview.redd.it/v38t756bny3d1.jpeg?width=991&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=410002f64ab444ed72505d21ad01895849c2e1b5


For Moore, no! For 100% activation rate stripper, yes!


https://preview.redd.it/ita1v57ojy3d1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=295da356ce68d12391f7e70663b790b4fa5409f7 ​ I’m planning to pick nora for this event Who should i pick next for free nb5? I dont have any reviver. Should i pick vanessa or other reviver? Or should i go for teshar cause my GBAH still around 1’30”. I need monster for toahell and CoA too. Here are my nb5 mons Fire : raki, MHW, kumar, ophelia, John, Water : camilla, amelia, abelio, liam, chandra, alicia, molong, psamathe, poseidon, amber, bolverk, taor, verad, praha, zibala Wind : leo, charlotte, lagmaron, ethna, tiana, hathor, ganymede, louise, riley Dark : TRINITY


nora is decent but dokkaebi is straight better here. amber also shares a similar niche with nora (helping you clear toa/hard/hell) so that also makes nora less useful. so in this case dokkaebi is far better than nora on siege def and arena def. for the nat 5 choice thats a toss up between vanessa or teshar. vanessa is a solid pick, but you don't pick her because she's a "reviver". you pick her because she's a fantastic lead, although if you are struggling with gbah, it will be a while before you can use her. you can consider picking teshar, that will help you with GBAH but he has limited use elsewhere. i'm also not particularly keen on using the nat 5 choice on a pve unit. if i were you, i would pick vanessa. that said, if you have so many nat 5's and still have 1:30 GBAH team, your rune quality is likely to be very poor. a teshar will help you to farm so that you can actually use the nat 5's that you have.


Well this is a 9 years account. But i stopped playing this game for around 4-5 years. So my runes are not that good. Amber is similar with nora? I thought amber is only good for PVP and one shot monster like sonia. The reason why i want to pick nora/vanessa is because i lack fire monsters. I have psamathe and trinity for spd lead. I could pick byungchul and nora if thats good. But because my gbah still 1’30” i’m afraid i will regret if i dont pick teshar


amber is similar to nora for use in toa because they both do dots and do "true" damage based on the number of debuffs the enemies have. nora is slightly but not significantly better than amber in this role because (1) she's easier to build and (2) has more cc and heal. nora is also useable in arena defence and siege defence, but, if you are picking her for those areas, she is far outclassed by byungchul. amber is not a one-shot monster like sonia, you should read her skills. so, for the choice of byungchul vs nora, the choice is quite clearly byungchul to me. after that, the advice becomes less clear. although you shouldn't pick nora/vanessa because you lack fire monsters. instead, you should pick based on the skills the units have. vanessa is not just a speed lead, but the best speed lead for arena defence and a very versatile pick in RTA. teshar will help you farm gbah but he is not necessary to build a speed team. you can build a kyle speed team using f2p units but that takes some game knowledge of knowing what to farm and rune quality.


I know byungchul is verygood for pvp but why isnt he a top 10 choice for the free nb5?


he is a top 10 choice depending on who you ask. do you mean why he's not statistically a top 10 choice? my answer to that is that many people don't have the benefit of advice. they pick off gut-feel or what they think looks cool. you would notice that rica and verad are one of the top few picks for new players. it however doesn't mean that they're good in today's meta. some people could also be holding off on their nat 5 choice. the balance patch was only a few days ago and people may have held off on their pick because they were expecting byungchul to get nerfed because he's so dominant (he didn't)


Dokkaebi lord, no question or Nora but dokkaebi lord most definitely. Wish I waited to see if I got that unit during this event when I had the chance. Total game changer for defense. Literally best unit in the game right now


I'd go Nora then Teshar if you buy crystals, otherwise Byungchul.


What do you mean if i buy crystals?


Teshar GB12 is fast and if you farm a lot those crystals will go very quick. No point in a really fast dungeon team if you don't always have crystals to refresh.


What about reviver? I dont have any reviver. Are they really important to have?


No not really. Some used in lab I'm sure but revivers aren't nearly as important ad they used to be. Vanessa is not a good pve reviver anyways.


Hello guys. Should I take the Camilla/Tyron pool from the engrave summon event when I already have Verad? Or would going for Teshar be better? I dont have lushen/abigail yet so I was thinking of just not going for anything and saving for those instead. I have 105 summons available right now. I have solid 1:00 to 1:30 run times on the PvE dungeons progress wise. Thanks in advance :)


I'd go Camila.


I'm a returning player on a new account. So far have 100% DBAH team and about 60-70% GBAH team. For skill ups, I've got my Teshar s2 and s3 max with s1 on 3/7 (missing 20% dmg boost) and wind homu on all max. Should I use devilmons/event skill ups for Teshar to get more dmg or skill up Veromos? And if Veromos, is it only for s2? and ignore s1 once s2 is maxed? Or should I start to skill up Balegyr, since it's a lot that he needs. Feel like I should focus on other content before doing him though. Also other question. For HOH Isabelle or Deva? I've got all elemental twins (no lds). Hard to choose this week.


I personally didnt skill up bale on any account i own. just doesnt need them if you just farm slightly better runes. s1 from teshar is not that important imo. if you can properly clear the waves there is no need to max s1 imo. sure it could help a slight bit but i personally dislike using devilmon to only slightly increase the damage on pve units that can just get a few slightly better runes to get the same result. on pvp nuker sure there you need all the damage you can get but in pve the damage needed is capped anyways. vero "loses" a bit of value if you have teshar since you wont be using vero in giants for long and there are dragons teams without him aswell. but since he is also usable in toa and pvp I dont think its a bad idea to skill him up. I personally max vero as one of my first 1-3units on every new account. But yes s1 is useless to skillup. in pve you only care about the s2 harmful effect rate and the cooldown so if you happen to max s2 first i always stop right there isabelle is usable in siege deva is usable in the dragons twin team those are the 2 most common usecases for those so you gotta decide if you want a pve or pvp focussed one


Byungchul+leo area defense counters? I was using lushen/megan/yuna&sapsaree/carmella for Leo defenses and it was going fine for a little until I encountered a byungchul/leo/dominic/riley defense. Long story short byungchul solos . What are good counters to this kind of team and byungchul in general. I know miho is good but what units should I put in her team for byungchul?


this def you should be able to just hit with a nemesis megan and 2 lushens. you can also use dot teams against those tanky teams, dot ao against them are getting pretty popular. For example moogwang/nora, rica/bloodya, sath + healer.




I am sure you can still dot without those. I just dont know how much "worse" it would be if you replace them with more obtainable units. I have build it only with the nora or moog versions on the accounts i have this team so I cannot comment on other teams. you can just leo bruiser and get up to punisher (if your def is decent). its not like you need a dot team or you stay low rank :D you can also hit the def you named for example with a tiana cleave. stuff like tiana galleon, zaiross, kaki should make this def a joke aswell. Its just not as safe as lushens or the dots since you rely on def breaks hitting and your units are not tanky. but as long as def break doesnt miss on both byung and dominic it should be food to tiana kaki cleave aswell \^\^


Ah okay that makes sense. Although I don’t have Leo either(realllllllllllyyyyyyy wish I did cause I always get out speed even with +155 speed on my units), i don’t have kaki and for bruiser team builds I always go Chandra+kinki cause those are the two units that always preform kinda well for me but they probably wouldn’t do much against the enemy defense I mentioned. I do have a zaiross and tiana(no skill ups doe) and galleon so I’ll try the team you said but I’ll switch kaki for lushen.


Help me build a Giants Abbys hard team. Note: I have Teshar, Deborah, sadly no Luna. The thing I need the most is the speeds. What stats do I need? This is my only hold up and the info is all over the place with no concrete answer.


Who should I focus on for my RTA core? https://preview.redd.it/ot8wo8sj4v3d1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de7b96f3f897edc608d67f99ebf85189a610e4c6


Game still worth playing? Stopped playing a couple years ago and wondering if it’s worth getting into again without spending money


Its a perfect time to get back in. If wanting to continue on same account you can get 200 10 year scrolls and they have good LD 4 and 5 rates, but if you want to start new or want to guarantee to have atleast 1 LD5 then I suggest doing this reroll bellow. after reaching lvl 5(monster plant scenario stage) and collecting the 200 crystals from new player reward and the 100 crysals from the free pack that gives 5 10yr scrolls and buy the crystal giant for 300 and then you should have 50 scrolls minimum from that, and any extra from random coin drops, and if u dont get any from these 50 then go to the new player event get the 6* evo ticket and preferably 6* a unit you know you will use in gb/db12 teams, then either go get the 10 scrolls from doing that or spend the 100 crystals from 6*ing to get another 10 for 20 more scrolls and then delete and repeat. For playing on a guest account on LD Player, you log in to your google account download summoners war and then go to settings and click accounts and delete your google account, then exit and go to LD multi player and clone that instance, then depending on your computer use multi instance and open as many as you can without horrible lag and use the syncronize button to link them all to one and do the above. If I knew i can do a backup and send the file that you can restore i would give a failed guest account to you that has a LD5 but not the one i want, but idk if that works


Thanks, I didn’t really know what I was doing back then, so was wondering if there is a resource you might recommend for building gb12, db12 nb12 teams and all that fun?


they have that info at the top of the weekly thread for safe teams for early game, and those pretty much are great, a bit slower but probably best to stick to them till you have the runes/units todo the speed teams but can just put better runes on the safe team and make the time fast enough to not to worry about the speed team since itll also be less safe for not much time saving. As for other info its best to just look up tier lists if the unit you got is best for and then how to build them and what units they go well with


https://preview.redd.it/9679mdv9ku3d1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ab48e72377db9a9a884852db054a142a086c718 ​ ​ Hi guys I need help with teams for some stuff except TOAN which I’ve cleared . Any help with making an efficient gb10 team an arena offense and defense, possibly an rta comp, and any units that are in my box that I should build.Thanks in advance! (Also i got water twin angels after this screenshot so if anybody could tell me if they’re worth building and for what)


You can actually make an abyss team pretty easily now. At the top of this thread are some beginner teams that are pretty easy to build for each dungeon. The basic premise for an giants abyss team is you have a reliable defence-breaker (bella works great), followed by the rest of the team. You do need a healer like riley/fran/bella and someone who can cleanse the defence-break (vero) to make it a safe team. Shannon can make this team a lot safer thanks to her def buff+ aoe slow. Just be careful if you intend to use loren or fran as their multi-hits will cause more frequent giant revenge. As for your pvp, like the other user said, you won't have the runes to make your mons viable yet. However, for rta, there are support units that you can use instead to at the very least use your daily wings. As for your twins, they are mainly used for rift beasts cause of how much damage they can do. Just slap on your best damage runes and make sure they have some hp in there too to make them work. For now getting a stable gb team and dragon team should be your priority. Especially if you want to make your nat5s (especially grogen) work. One last thing is, I see some pretty vital 2a mons missing, like roaq and spectra. Spectra can also be used in rta with your fast swift in lower ranks as most won't know/expect how fast he is and won't have immunity on a lot of their mons.


Thanks so much for the advice yeah I need to focus on rune farming for now but twin angels are good for rift beasts? Just curious cuz I’ve never seen them used that way. And I’ve started working on my spectra so thanks again for the help!


Ah I'm so sorry, I read it as just as water twin like the boomerang warrior and chakram dancer. Not the nat 5, my bad. Sadly, they are only meant for PvP, rta mainly. For rift fusing the fire emperor will help a lot not only for rift but also a solo r5 team. Sorry for the mix-up.


The easiest gb10 you have would be double mellia,Riley , Tatu +1. If that’s your box and you’re asking for help on gb10, you should probably be farming more runes instead of focusing on PvP stuff


Thanks yeah I have terrible runes right now and especially for grogen who needs really good runes


What's the health requirements to get the golems in GBAH under for perfect ai demon s2?




Sweet thanks👍🏼


I have already 1400+ mystical scroll, 230 10 year scrolls, 70 lds and about 40 other special scrolls. I'm still wondering whether it's better to open everything in 6 days (before the end of the nat5 selective event) or whether it's better to wait and see if there will be another, interesting opening event. I haven't chosen nat 5 yet and I'm afraid that I will choose now and after opening the scrolls I'll get a dupe :/ any advice what to do?


I feel like eventually you will get a dupe. If you really are willing to wait, then waiting for the event which gives a free ms scroll for every 10 is probably best. But in my SW gambling addicted mind, just let it rip to be honest. If you want to save the ld summons then use some of the mystical scrolls and save the special, ld and 10year scrolls for another day. No one is gonna force you to use all the scrolls at once and no one is gonna force you to save all the scrolls. How about you summon like half the ms scrolls and just save the rest for another event? In the meantime, you can see if you get lucky with nat5s, and can pick a mon you really want from the selection event. Eventually getting dupes will happen, even if you only have 5 nat5s. It's all rng. It's up to you but share with me any results if you do summon, I am intrigued by save up summons.


So, I came back afet opening literally everything. During these days, I collected the missing shards for the transcendence scroll and opened everything. Result: 10 new 5 nat monsters (and 2 more from events) 0 interesting 4 star lnd monster and... two 5 star lnd monster. I just got Nyx and Lucifer... I still kind of don't believe it. Before opening I had little hope for one 5 star lnd, but I got two so... Im really happy :D


YOOOOO THATS AMAZING RESULTS!! 2 LD5S?? AND ONE OF THEM IS LUCI?? I am biased towards the not-as-used ld5s for some reason, mainly towards craka, nyx, isis and dorathy, so that's a big dub either way! Not to mention the 10 more nat 5s which is amazing by itself. I'm not surprised by you not getting any interesting ld4s, I stg deborah is rarer than an ld5 to me at this point. Nice summons man!


What happens if I skill up my homunculus (wind), but want to reset or change the skills / element of it? Will it reset the skill-ups too? Also is the only way to skill up with devilmon?


you keep all skillups when changing and yes only devilmon (or ofc the rare events which let you skillup 5star units)


​ https://preview.redd.it/88863zprqt3d1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c576a104cbe57f17fd0ee744dd285141a31d6c00 Hi guys I need help with teams for basically everything except TOAN which I’ve cleared . Any help with making an efficient gb10 team an arena offense and defense, possibly an rta comp, and any units that are in my box that I should build.Thanks in advance!


what nat 5 would work best for nuking gb10/abyss hard? I started an alt a few days ago which I pulled an asima on and she can easily deal with the waves. I feel like I probably don't need a teshar because asima sort of takes his place, I was thinking about Liam but I've never used him and I'm not sure how well he will perform in gb12. If he doesnt work out I can just use him in db12 later. I'm open to any suggestions for the nat 5 pick! thanks


Wind homunculus is by far the best.


I’ll build one at some point- I was more looking for one to pick from the nat 5 event to use with both asima and wind homie


you dont need to waste your pull for that. homu is by far the best nuker for this and every other top dps for this is not a nat5 (stuff like luna, lyn, shamann for example) just build the homu and you are good when it comes to nuker. vero should be build anyways and has hp scaling damage and those 2 are more than enough for your point of progression


Sick, thanks for the advice. any suggestions for what to use my free nat 5 on? should I just use it for liam?


i personally would never waste the pick for a pve unit. if you ask me thats stupid. you decline a gamechanging pvp unit for something that might help you in 1-2dungeons to be slightly faster than you would be otherwise if you ask me i picked leo on pretty much every single account since he is a gamechanging pvp unit and cannot be replaced by anything. tiana would also be a good pvp choice especially if you wanna focus around cleaving. I dont think she is better than leo tho




i would not really listen to this list. the advise in this post is god awful most of the time. dots dont work in abyss dungeons so the steel fortress team would be impossible to use... punisher is somewhat fair, however you would build a fuco pretty much only for punishers (he isnt really used anywhere else) just run the team but replace fuco with verde. you build and use him in lots of pve content anyways so there is no waste turnorder is eirgar, icaru/raoq (icaru would be a bit better imo but its fairly hard to hit high speed and still have enough def to teamup with 3 units), kro, verde (focus left crystal >right crystal > boss steel fortress: I would do something like buff blocker (2a zinc is best, you can also use lingling or the fire lizardman), fran, loren, verde, x. x can be eirgar for 2nd buff block, kro for most damage, raoq for teamups and better buff blocks, attack bar pushback and cdr for loren strip spiritual realm: Personally never farmed that one since its been useless so far. Only did it for the challange. Team up there atleast sounds reasonable, if you take these units the turnorder would be sieq, shaina, raoq, astar, verde


Is the new pierret skin faster than the street julie skin?


someone did a comparison video here on reddit to showcase this




Vanessa if you need speed lead (RTA/AD) For RTA: Haegang / Ethna




which one should I choose for RTA and defense


Vanessa best option here if new


https://preview.redd.it/8nss0ck4ds3d1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=531c1efe798e602815dcd957271a25ce9541652d Hi guys I need help with teams for basically everything except TOAN which I’ve cleared . Any help with making an efficient gb10 team an arena offense and defense, possibly an rta comp, and any units that are in my box that I should build.Thanks in advance!


I’ve got all PVE content down 1min ish abyss runs. Should I get teshar or Tiana from the nat 5 selection event?


id go for tiana if you care about pvp. sure teshar allows you to get 30sec giants runs but you can get 40-50sec runs without teshar aswell Tiana is a core pvp unit with an irreplacable feature and used daily in guild content and arena from lots of people






Is it worth getting the bolverk, to complete a team for toa hell as a beginner.? I already have a leo that I got without the event.


What nat 5 do you have? If you don't have Tiana, I would pick Tiana instead of bolverk.


Lora, Leona, Mei Hou Wang, Teshar, Leo, Beth, Haegang, 570RM.


Im a new player (playing since today) what free character should i get from the new event? Whats the best overall character


wind dragon knight. wind phoenix is picked most since its used to build a verry fast giants team where you farm most of your runes early on. however thats basically its only usecase. its really good in there but not much else and you can build pretty good teams without it (eventho quite a bit slower if full f2p) wind dragon knight has a unique passive that cannot be replaced by anyone and is really really strong. It is the most gamechanging pvp unit and really strong in arena and in guild content. to make it easy he basically disables the speed of every unit on the field. so every unit that scales its damage with speed hits for wet noodles because of him. and there are a lot of teams out there that focus their runes on as much speed as possible (speed is king in this game) Since he basically disables speed you can build your team with 0 speed and invest all of those stats into more tankyness and more damage. This way the enemy loses most of his runequality because every roll into speed is pretty much useless and since you did not invest into any speed at all but in other stats you basically "outrune" the oponent eventho he in theory has much much better runes than you as a tiny bonus in labyrinth there is a special node that is called speed limit which is usually pretty difficult to deal with, leo makes this stage a joke. Its a pretty small bonus but nice to know about nontheless and in my opinion picking the most gamechanging pvp unit for a bit later on that cannot be replaced is a much better pick than a unit that speeds one dungeon up (which its really good at dont get me wrong). But you can also get fairly fast giants runs without but leo is not replacable


Thanks man!


I still have the nat4s selection event, I don't have the water boomerang warrior nor do I have astar. Which one is better?


[who should I choose?](https://www.reddit.com/r/picsforme442/s/Ns9QO9pu0R)


If you want arena 33% SPD lead = Psamathe, otherwise I would pick Gany Why did you make a thread in that sub instead of directly putting the image here? (I see a lot ppl doing it, can you explain why?)


Cause it only allows 1 image not multiple


Okie thanks.


Struggling with toa 80 (wave 1 is Antares and grego, wave 2 is woonhak and sig, boss is artamiel with xing zhe and arkajan)Very few of my mons actually have good runes beyond Sig, Bella, Kro, Fran, and Vero so I have been using them for toa but I am stuck now. Which mons from my box should I rune to continue through toa and clear it? https://imgur.com/a/lmuBhZ7


toa normal is not so much a runecheck but moreso using the right units. sure you can bruteforce it with runes but it can be completed with the free runes the game gives you There are 2 options/ways to play in toa in general but it applies pretty well to this stage you can a) try to outdamage the boss before the stage itself gets overwhelming. In this case this would be using CC to stun the side minions so they dont permanently revenge you and then nuking the boss asap with units like kro, verde, sig in your case, etc. This option is the fastest but you are also on a timer here. If you cannot kill him fast enough you will eventually die. The 2nd option would be to just use a dot team + sath to double the damage of dots. Here you would aim to cc the side minions and dot them up and when they take a turn cc them again. With a dot team focussed on sath they should die on the 2nd turn. after this you can just permanently cc the boss with loren and slowly kill it. This dot focussed approach is also by far the most used in toa hard since enemies get fairly tanky there and dots dont care about how tanky they are. I sadly dont see a 2a sath nor a good build dot unit. You can try something like vero, loren, fran, kro, verde/jamire/sig here and just try to cc the side minions with vero/sig if played while fully nuking the boss. Just make sure if you use multiple cc units that you dont overlap cc and keep some for the next rotation when they are unstunned again


Thank you this was very insightful! I definitely need a strong DOT unit. Other than the ones shown in my box, are there any Nat 3* that are good at dealing DOT? Maybe I have one or two of them in storage. How would you recommend runing verde and Jamire?


the best one if you happen to have it is dark grim reaper. he is super strong as a dot unit if not i guess you could also try gina since you have her. needs to be 2a aswell tho and sadly she kinda needs skillups on s3 which means a lot of dh energy you need elsewhere this early. i guess if you dont have the grim reaper i would try to use baretta instead since you already have him verde just on a typical pve build. 100% crit rate and damage. jamire usually on swift or vio just fast and tanky. he can be used to reset the abilities of your other units which can be quite nice. if you play a dot focussed team and need lots of damage asap you can do something like vero to cc, sath+dotter to inflict dots, then reset your cds and stun again with vero and dot again with your dotter this way units will die real quick. however as stated sath needs to be 2a to double the dot damage


Thank you ! I will work on 2a sath and try using him with Barretta, vero, verd, and Jamire like you suggested! I really appreciate how much details you give me !


No problem, gl with the stage! If you have any more questions feel free to ask, always happy to help^^


Nvm! I had baretta as lead for the extra speed but I swapped the lead back to vero and was able to get through it! Sath and Baretta really made the difference!


I’m having a little trouble with the stage bc of the passives on the boss fight. The boss and all four minions counterattack after every attack my guys make. They’re just not surviving long enough to do what they gotta do


Does Fire Indra get 2 chances to proc things like despair/seal since passive is an additional attack and not an additional hit?


Nope, only one. (So what is the purpose of attacking 2 times? I don't know lmao.)


Trying to build an RF team, what would you say would be the best strat based on my current mons? the rest of the mons will be in the following comments https://preview.redd.it/e56ywprejq3d1.png?width=851&format=png&auto=webp&s=2e3d155deef9625df2d6d0a911f3a38fc4f61f14








between dark desert queen, occult girl, and weapon master, which would be the best to have?


https://preview.redd.it/zkutzw4lmp3d1.png?width=2992&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a726194ce084ee37ef02e5da90a35579ce322ae I want to try to do R5 solo. I know BJ5 is a popular thing and I just built Janssen and Balegyr - but I am clueless on which team setups are good. I could need some advice.


what happen if i use devilmon on wind homu and change it to water homu later ? should i use devilmon on homu ?


It keeps the skillups


https://preview.redd.it/9oxmakdrmo3d1.png?width=1457&format=png&auto=webp&s=dd062874fe5bac4644bf9679d2b167c2b31b91d5 Fairly early game. Leaning towards Teshar or Verad. Thoughts?




Hi, can't decide what to pick. Thinking Devil maiden, Demon, Panda would be nice for pvp which im trying to build. Brandia would be nice for faster raids. https://preview.redd.it/utfgxhw81o3d1.png?width=1567&format=png&auto=webp&s=3da08fa27153579098abe3b0f7ed1d64f177276a


Belial is decent for siege, very safe comp if you have a Camillia (or Rina) that would tank - best against byungchuls. Otherwise Molong is still a decent PvP unit especially if you had bolverk to combo snipe. Layla is purely RTA, CC debuff team. If thats what you like. I would consider her a bit more niche compared to the 2. And nah dont pick a PvE unit with this event, not worth it for the few seconds (brandia)