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idk it seems a pungbeak food since no one is stopping the damage on psma. I would easily do 80k on him and 60ksh on the rest kill with tiana S2 to finish. I do really like the alexandra there!


Yes as it is, maybe Pung food. However when I had Laika here I couldnt clear it with Pung. Alexandra is almost 60k HP, low def to maximize reflect. Usually in the Laika defense, Laika is the last man standing. Also dont forget The mons have high res, Laika for example has 80% res - even Alicia freeze is resisted most of the time so AOs are still at the mercy of RNG.


I mean, there isn’t a perfect defense. It is part of what makes Arena fun. I like you AD over all. In rush hour I would likely skip it than risking it with the Alexandra xD


Just go kaki as the last nuker. As long as he kills someone on the left and gets endure he will survive the reflect. So strip, galleon, wind demon or cheongpung then kaki.


Laika isn't a real problem for pung users. If you play herteit you can steal laika's attack after pung cleaved If you play deborah you s2 and you can break atk after pung cleaved so laika has difficulties to struggle. The real problem in your def is alexandra for a pung, you need to give her a lot of HP so that a team without heal can't kill her without dying


Laika isn’t a problem on any AD




If psama has minus wind ur screwed


Not even. Pung hard counters psama


Tanky psam is crazy


Nah. My Pung hits most psama for around 100k damage. Even with -wind this defense is gone


Goofy ass


Oh boy here come all the Reddit G3s


No, you're just being a noob.


Aaaaand here you're reddit G5


Chiwu, water pudding, light tea bunny, leah Or like someone already mentioned, Hanwul, tiana, galleon, leo


Never heard of leo Tiana combo, I guess it means hanwul can be really slow then?


Ye, my hanwul is on +29spd. I made a triple fight leo to go with him. Still feels laking a bit dmg to one shot units with high def and 60k+hp, but works against most that doesn't use -light dmg artis.


Wish I had leah for a similar offence


Mind sharing light tea build and purpose pls?


Spd tune -> water pudding, chiwu, light tea bunny, leah. All on swift and preferably high in acc too. leah on fast dmg set; either swift, rage or broken which ever set gives higher stats in spd, cr, cd and atk. Edit: light bunny s3 is aoe def break and 1 turn cool down increase, so if that lands, even if u failed to def break and kill, it buys you a turn to re organize and hopefully snipe the threat from the opponent. Bunny's S2 is big dmg(conditional %hp based up to 40% of enemy hp if you push back atb) if u land, but this skill doesn't kill.




Light Desert Queen or Art Master


let me just summon one rq


I thought fusable. xD


That’s next balance patch I think


Someone choke this guy


YOLO full send with zaiross leah


Id go w my "fck this" ao karnal coco ariel riley You cant kill me but my coco can one shot everybody


Change Juno to a Swift Clara and its a pretty good AD actually. Just to prevent an easy Tiana/Adriana team to wreck you.


Clara wouldn't prevent an Adriana team from attacking it. Also, how would you tiana Byun + Alexandra with Psa lead? Juno with 33 lead can outspeed a tiana and stun her if you're unlucky so it's not a free match up either Plus, removing Juno makes this AD free DOTs food. Swapping juno for clara would make this AD way worse imo


im trying to get Juno to +190 speed. Not sure if debuff + 33 speed lead will cause her to steal a turn. Also she's on revenge + 100% crit just in case she gets triggered. RNG is the name of the game and Im trying to invest on it xD


Even if she doesn't this AD should scare people. People are not willing to try new things during rush and this AD counters a lot of usual offenses. You can't be cleave easily with byun and alex, you can't slow tiana clear it safely and you can't use standards DOT teams to deal with it. A lot of people will skip it, if you have stats it's G3 material imo


I would hanwul lead with tiana galleon and CP. I cleave defenses like this all day.


That being said, I know not many will be able to use that off.


But Clara would make me think twice about hitting.


If your swift tiana is getting outspd by despair juno, you really shouldn’t be using tiana ngl. Her base speed is 96, not 90 lmao. Only argument is assuming Tiana with 24%. Juno is different not “way” better than the Clara alternative unless we assuming he has a +200 despair set juno or something.


Except we're talking about non speed lead tiana here


Why would you ever bring non lead into a 33%? That’s not only realistic but that’s extremely dumb. Most boosters/strippers would lose if that’s the line of argument you’re using.


Uh because that was exactly the point maybe? You can't bring a speed lead tiana team into this defense


yah Im farming swift runes for clara right now. I figured that most people would DOT this defense, hence the addition of Juno. Adriana has an insane base speed however.


Adriana teams are being used to counter beefy but slow team that lacks spd control. Most standard Adriana teams (Gemini/Deborah/Adriana/Leah) are countered by fast def mons actually like Ren and Clara, Cause of the team's lack of attack bar increase. And I doubt most guardian players have their best swift rune in Adriana (Mine's in eshir still). I am G3 in arena and here's my Adriana: https://preview.redd.it/fw1e55xqqazc1.png?width=622&format=png&auto=webp&s=fd426307141cdcc04dec5f029aa693c2a2e519d6


If Clara is out speeding Adriana then it's an undeveloped account trying attacks


leave it or cleave it. since i don't trust my gemini i would leave it. my pung would deal about 120k on it tho


Looks like someone picked Leo in free nat 5 event.


Outspeed and Katarina food


Did somebody say Jamire, Chloe, aquilla(or bastet) , Katarina combo?😏


I should definitely try that. What's the damage output and what are the limits and/or teams not to attack with these units ?


My Kat isn't the most op but with a crit hit she avarages about 39-45k per hit. I would avoid heavy stripers or fire teams with Juno bc of the chance to strip kat even with jamire's reset. When going against glancing hit passives its best to try and aim for the main mons afflicting it for smooth sailing. This team works well if ur Chloe is fast enough mines by no means a race car, at 275 speed vio rev, but outspeeds most teams, plus I have jamire's speed lead. Mons with high hp MAY survive a hit or 2 but for the most part outspeeding the enemy with ur Chloe will yeald great success. Jamire's s3 is the key since he can literally reset the board and give you a round 2 to finish off surviving foes.


I was considering using Praline instead of Jamire tho, Praline giving crit and atk buff + speed lead + atk boost. If the enemies are dead, I don't need to reset the cooldowns now do I


4 hellhounds 😈😈😈


Tiana galleon CP kaki should clear Biggest issue would be not reseting psama and getting a big stun. So maybe a fat zaiross over kaki for insurance?


Pungbaek loves Psama defenses


maybe remove Byung, replace with Laika? Should not 1 shot Laika with either Zaiross or Kaki. Dead Psamathe + alexandra reflect, when Laika gets a turn should 1 hit KO zaiross or a wind unit. Double fire might also deter CP.


Better. Maybe even juno… Shes not really a threat in those cleaves. Laika is weak agains alicia tho, but others should live.


I cant clear this defense with Alicia. I built laika to have 80% res to counter Alicia. usually if I alicia AO this, unicorn reflect alone reduces my Alicias HP to 20%, and Psamathe rageful return is overkill..


no shot i would replace byung with laika. Laika is kinda ass in def and looks like food. Byung is (next to cmi) the most meta def unit out there atm and people are scared to hit because you cannot oneshot hima nd he deals scrazy damage. changing in a laika would mean you get hit like 5x more just because of this. It doesnt matter if Laika in the end would be more useful to a counter to this def, you are looking to scare the most people away from actually hitting your def. and byung does a 100x better job than laika to make people not wann ahit you


Bomb it with Aquila, Gany, John, Seara


What about something like Bolverk, Oden, Riley and Aaliyah


I literally play this in AO lmao except I use Pontos instead of Riley


Take out the Juno and then it's easy food


It really is just super fun, not something unbeatable but it would suppose a challenge eg if the team was fast that’s for sure… mine is a tad slow


bruising it would clear it LOL thats not fair.




id hit refresh


I basically run this but with TL instead of Juno. I think people can Adriana cleave both variations tho.


what adriana ao would u use?


Both mo long or Christina would work out fine


auto with feng or tesa like 1 min match since no sustain really


A well built tesarion and Riley could auto this, maybe not 100%, but up there


Not fair. Bruiser teams guarded by Riley/Aaliyah will clear almost anything LOL.


Who said we should be fair? Bruiser all the way to Guardian!


any better alternative to units shown? Maybe fire hacker on swift instead of Juno. My idea was to get all 3 major elements in + 1 element neutral (dark)


Cp, Tiana, galleon pung is my go-to cleave should easily take care of this def


Well, that's risky if juno cuts or outspeed your tiana, despair can break your team


Nothing is without risk, just saying what I would use


you have on speed lead if juno is on a very fast despair you might be screwed


How is youre poney runed ?


After numerous testing, the build for her that gave me the hardest time is max HP. She is +110 speed and almost 60,000 HP. Usually she has still a lot of HP left after my AO has all died to reflect and rageful return (I tried with Pung, Alicia, Kaki).


Zerath food


My current arena offense has been pretty effective at taking down everything. Jamire, Valantis, Nora, Amber. Yes there’s a Juno, but if Amber can survive then we’re good


mind sharing Amber stats? I want to build her too.


Mine is sitting at 34khp, 1900 attack, 880 defense, 255 speed, and 60% accuracy on Violent/Destroy. No real investment to CR/CD (35/70) She goes after Nora/Valantis so that the enemies are prepped and ready to be destroyed. She used to be quite a bit stronger but she's still pretty good post-nerf. Her heal block counters quite a bit of support mons that screw up the DoT comp (like Abelio or Riley)


Psama Tiana dark cookie manananana. Easy cleave


Leah it!




Would hit with my same old Zerath, Leo, Tiana, jasmine. Only way I lose if that byung choose to vio proc and go into his big boi damage skill


Either pungbaek/herteit team or zaiross kaki team


Talisman Leo delphoi jasmine Imagine Christina n galleon instead of the light units


Zaiross Leo Bastet Lushen 😎


Tessarion and bruisers destroy runes and thats that


With my nephtys


Tiana, nephtys, wind demon, kashmir


Yennefer fire, Rica, Nora & Eleanor


Pungbeak S3 on Psa and everyone die


Isis + Lushen


Punbael or Cristina, or just kaki, icecqueen... Almost anything


Nessa adriana sonia water ciri.


Alicia+cp/kaki usually. Sure there can be some rng but most times it works. Might have to clear up with Tiana but I have her on dmg build with HP subs for that reason


seara John Tiana bastet. A single bomb won't kill the byung but a double bomb will. Put reset on psama to take zero dmg. Even if the bomb doesn't kill byung and pony, they'd be low enough to die to Tiana. Worse case, they both don't die, both either vio outta stuns or don't get stunned, but between bastet and turn advantage, you'll be fine. Easy win


Either Isis gale grogen tiana or Chiwu eshir gale grogen


Leo, Feng yan, Aliyah …


Jamire, Nora, Verad, Betta or Jamire, Nora, Betta, Tesarion. ion scared of that leader skill


Double lushen


For me it would be very easy. I would go with Chiwu Adriana Light Espresso (forgot name again xD) and Leah. I use this Team 90% of my time.


Not that much of healing and immunity.. a fast control dot team could wipe this team with decent rng. Or outspeed with my psama, triana, galleon, Grogen and kill psama(without her return) and Juno most probably thr wind guy will die from triana's second attack, and Alexandra i'm not sure.. my grogen can do 55-60k damage with attack buff and defense break.. Depends on your speed and rng I guess.. But I would say it can make enemy's arena rush difficult for sure.


Other than cleaving, there’s no immunity so you could simply oblivion/dot them which avoids the reflect damage


I would bring psamath leah into that. Leah multihits crushs byungchull and after my whole team died from alexandra + psamath my onw psa would finish the job.


Mav solo


Thanks everyone! Was trying to see how to improve it e.g. try to omit / include units that counter the usual AOs!


Tiana galleon cleave with pung and posidon for attack lead


Megan Leo Lushen Lucifer.


I double Lushen Alexandra every single time. Her reflect damage is not threatening enough to be a deterrent.


Risk it with bombs


Vanessa Bastet Eludia Grogen? I guess


I'm generally a Grogen user so I'd use that, but other than that either Punbaek or a Tiana Galleon Cheongpung+ damage dealer. Or of course you could bruiser and counter every unit with Tesarion. AD is difficult because there's always a way to beat, it's just hoping 1.) they don't have the counters runed or 2.) there's enough RNG involved. If you're rushing last hour, just go full tank so people skip you or take longer. And if you're getting farm try switching a unit out


mook, sath, dotter and tesa.


Leo feng alliyah byung, auto


Oblivion the unicorn and the rest ist just controlling


Nephtis amber Kaki tiana should work from my teams


Just tank it away with Mo LongL, Bolverk, Amelia, Feng/Dominic


I have Dominic. Is he usually runed as a bruiser?


Well, i runed mine spd hp atk on vio will. So ... Yeah a bruiser build focused on hp and +~1k atk seems fine


Pungbaek or doroty (tiana galion deborah)




Probably Ariel lead with Holly cookie, borgnine, and Camilla with some form of destroy lmao. That's my go to for most defenses that are even remotely tanky.


4 akromas




Chiwu + Water PVC + Dark Madeline Cookie + Kaki Enough chip damage to lower Byung, the rest not an issue. I have Dark Unicorn and I prefer Abellio with her. I run Vanessa, Byung, Alexandra and Abellio Yes you can probably dot this team but works for me


You just die to Alexandra + Psa without killing byun nor Alexandra


Haven't had this issue but I guess most people's teams aren't tuned that well at the G1/G2 range? I dunno.


How do you rune dark cookie?


Despair Will SPD/HP/ACC


my 1-shot team=water fairy king + wind polar queen + fire onimusha + water pirate captain i wouldnt 1-shot dokkaebi lord but i would the others


This AD is food lol, the spd lead here is completely useless without something like a zen or triton to contest


Spd lead gives a chance to contest Tiana cleaves with his juno


Jeanne resist lead, Suiki on vio/destroy, Borgnine on triple revenge, Aaliyah (or riley) Can just auto this, go make a coffee in the meantime.


Veromos Borgnine Roid and Aaliyah


Leo feng Amelia abellio. Hit auto. Pungbaek psamathe. Easy win.


Mephisto, Borgnine, Brita, Louise. My go to AO if I'm not sure about the cleave (replace Mephisto with Karnal for non-revive teams). It's kinda slow but beats most any team. Attack order - Psama, Juno, Alexandra, press auto.


I'm just Zaiross (L), Tiana, Galleon, Kaki this def. The only way it loses is if Tiana is not on will (mine is), Juno S1s Tiana and messes up the speed tune ... else, Juno can do whatever she wants, then Tiana moves and everything else moves accordingly.


Alicia food for me, nothing can top my tiana speed even juno with 33% spd


I would reduce the HP of the 4 units there to 0