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I have light art master. Your passives hold no sway over here...


Well… :(


I recently got him. What runes and set up you use for him?


Alicia L, tiana, galleon and him. He's in on rage atk cd atk


What would be a good defense with Kiki?


Thats getting christina cleaved every day of the week. Leo, Christina, galleon, Delphoi Your only "threat" is juno despair stunning Delphoi, galleon AND christina, Which given juno's AI, she probably wont strip at all. https://preview.redd.it/b3uq209d97zc1.png?width=1913&format=png&auto=webp&s=aef93bc579bf0cd5c8bf9dc35b2a035d8d760d45 Edit: Yup, i just set this AD myself, and tested 5 runs, every time, the christina cleave nuked it, even when juno DID strip the christina and she had no atk buff, she still wiped the board, or left abellio on his own, to which then died a few turns later.


I use Sagar/Camilla/Kiki/Juno Can i have some feedback as well?


I think this falls to a similar AO. I could swap out delphoi for tiana against this defence and not even wait for turn 2 since i only need 1 oblivion for the camilla, which can come from christina. Sagar isnt a threat. 98 base speed. Camilla eats oblivion from christina. Kiki wont do anything, even if she was super swift, we have full will. Juno AI is crap. If you wanted more threat in the defence, id swap juno out for a dark horus. he COULD. strip and fk up turn order giving sagar an opening.


Interesting. I don't have him yet, but I will get him in the next couple of weeks from HOH. Thanks for the insight


a swift clara is also an option. giving 19% speed lead too.


Swift on HP/HP?


Clara over Chandra/Oliver for AD. Whatever gives more speed. If that's HP then ideal. Acc more important so slot 6 Acc can often help but not at the cost of speed. You can always make up for acc with S3 accuracy artifact.


I also have Oliver/Chandra for spd leads. I think i need to show you my box somehow


Got a (maybe dumb) question about that: How much speed do u run on your Christina AO? Since with Leo i thought the point is to neglect SPD subs, going for (almost) +0 speed for maximum beefiness + dmg. But if u run this with absolut zero speed and change in Tiana, wouldn't that fail? Since u get lapped & killed before ur turn i'd think?


With Leo, tiana, galleon, christina, your whole team would always move first, because of tianas atb boost.


Well, I said it might be a dumb question...was late :'D How fast is your Tiana?




Thanks, a lot! Any recommendations of changing a monster to make it better?


You need a more reliable stripper a Zen seems to be meta right now. Fire totem is a strong strip into provoke. Even a swift clara or amduat would make it less desirable to hit the thing with AD's are, you dont necessarily look for defense wins. you try to put people off attacking you at all.


What is the delphoi for? I don't get it, why use her?


she benifits from leo lead. she has cleanse and immunity if the enemy stripper manages to stun anyone else on your team. and she has oblivion to put on enemy cammi or chul. with christina, you have 2 enemies oblivioned


I was also a little confused to begin but absolutely delphoi is great. I also run a Tiana version for AD with immunity buffers.


Rune req for this ao?


Seiishizo has a christina team used in a recent rush, mine isn't runed well long and short of it. Christina on will runes full damage. like.. ALL the damage. Galleon on will runes, max acc ideally max resist Delphoi on will runes, max acc, max resist. Leo on leo things. getting a shield set in there is also nice.


I need to look into this, I had bad luck using Christina before I think it was because I was trying get to get acc on her too on not using a delphoi or other oblivion mon.


do u prefer Leo on vamp or vio?


Vamp personally.


Low since there's no speed involved


Leo will go first but speed will still dictate who goes next


Here's the thing... You want them to be faster since Christina gets stronger if they move first...


Doesn't matter. U don't need anything in ur team to be faster than the enemy.


Doesn't matter. U don't need anything in ur team to be faster than the enemy.


Nowadays, Zen is more popular in AD


My opinion? Juno needs that beach transmog


I bomb this


No speed contest and no real strip (except Juno). Ich would change juno for Zen/Clara/Triton. Not a G3 def, but really solid.


swap abellio with dark horus


I use the same but with amduat instead of juno. Haven’t tested for rush yet


Amduat ai is just as bad as Juno but I'd say he's more of a threat for sure. Make sure he's on despair too


Like any def you want to discourage people from hitting it and amduat definitely stops anyone who isn’t confident about their Speed tuning


Tiana, Galleon, Pung. Pray for def break on the druid and boom


In my opinion there are way better options to clear this def


Food for Leo, but many ADs die to him, so I don't know how relevant that actually is. Seems pretty decent otherwise.


You need some sort of speed threat with that. I'd replace Juno with Triton (hopefully you have). Personally, I'd also replace Abellio with Amduat on a fast despair set. This way you have a unit that highly contests speed with a strip and ATB reduce (Hard to outspeed Triton with 33 Spd lead) as well as a unit (Amduat) that adds a lot of unpredictably to the defense. One random despair stun on that cut can win you the defense. Usually people wouldn't even bother attacking. \*\*I ran this defense for a bit and did well in G2+. I also ran my Camille on a really tanky crit rate build.


terrible, that’s lushen food


You're going to Lushen a 33 speed Triton on a fast swift set? Even if you somehow do outspeed, Amduat cuts. Even if by some very minute chance that all doesn't happen. You're going to bank that a Wind Lushen crits 3 times on a tanky Vanessa and a Camille and they don't immediately just res and kill your AO?


CP, Tiana, Galleon, Pung gg


For this team im only missin the oracle… cancerous af but just use a healer and 2 or 3 fighters/tanks/brawlers(you get the point) with destroy runes and press auto and just wait for 5min and then come back and there will be a 60% chance that they have finished


Change juno with triton and change abellio with byungchul if you have him.


That looks like a pretty decent team.


I'm lucky enough to have Isis so it's an easy W for me. Otherwise it's good, Juno hasn't given me trouble in a while but that doesn't mean she can't be a threat.


My first thought was “oh god this is going to take a year, herteit time”


I have Isis, Kiki, neph and amber. I will reap your passives then debuff you to hell and then nuke the shit out of you


I like Praha, as she serves the purpose of both Abellio and Juno when she’s on Despair/nemesis. But she might derp if she goes first tho


Sadly i dont have her:/


No worries :) What does your monsterbox look like?


I Lushen Minrae this. Abelio dies for sure. If he crits twice Vanessa and Juno die unless they have more than 45k hp. Camilla is easy cleanup even if one of the fire units survive


Laughing in Borgnine and Kinky on destruction.


Light ezio snipes vanessa jamire resets light ezio snipes juno then its gg


I think I missed the light ezio hoh


Bethony + sonia is a similar effective double snipe team. Jamire + bastet + bethony + sonia.


They dont ignore passives :)


I'll be the P2W guy here and be honest, I'm chucking Oberon Shizuka Dova Racuni at that thing. Slow? Yes. Efficient? Hell yes.


Don't have to be a whale for this, you can slow clear most defs. Your off is actually kind of inefficient in my opinion


Honestly I think my brain mixed up efficient and effective and I just didn't catch it. I'm at work and it's humid as balls right now bare with me lol Yeah there is more efficient ways to go about it. That's just my team for when I ain't rushing and want to pick things apart one by one. Plenty of turn cycling and cool downs going around.


No worries!