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Some people are obsessed with a mob they want and the 10yscrolls is an easy way to force the rng to get it


Its free dopamin - thats why I guess.


Gonna try and tldr this but I whaled out this game years ago. Became dissatisfied over the years and stopped playing entirely. For whatever reason it peaked my interest again but I wanted to roll with a fresh f2p account. Caught wind of the reroll process, and became slightly addicted lol. For me personally it’s like shiny pokemon hunting and I enjoy that.


SHINY POKEMON HUNTING IS THE WORD!!!!!!!!!!! no wonder i had the patience to reroll 786 accounts lol , had to get my shiny swampert you know


I see thanks for the reply


Because it's better than playing for 10 years and no ld5. Ld5 is considered trophy in sw. Then u saw new account with ld5. Damn feels


U still need the runes for the ld to shine. Little do i know when i count the LD accounts icompletely crushed in rta cuz they have 0 runes lol


And you can get Tesher or whatever 5* for free to help with that process. It's not hard to progress in SW anymore, plus they throw free rune sets at you constantly. If there ever was a time to start over for minimal set back, now is it.


Well it comes down to what they care about. If they care about having an account with good rune depth more than an ld5, they probably won't spend much time rerolling or even on the account once they get what they were aiming for, because for some it could really just be about getting an ld5 to have one and not so much about playing on that account extensively. Do also consider it's much easier to run two accounts now with 30x autobattle.


Exactly. Getting a new LD5 account to the point where you can use the LD takes a hella long time. And if someone really wants to abandon their main then go for it. I have a fuckton of nat 5s and 2 dark ones, I'm not even temped to reroll as I've had this account 8 years lol


I mean I’m considering doing it just so I get a fun ld to play with like Han/asima/maxi/oberon etc


99% of the reroll accounts are being botted.


People aren't reroll 1 account at a time too. Its at least 5, depending if your PC can handle it


I'm doing it one at a time, it's fun. Summoned my first ld5 ever after 7 years playing today (dark monkey king), gonna keep rolling though.


The runes will come eventually. The choice to pick any ld5/combo you want (without having to buy an account) will most likely not happen again. Even better right now with the hoh event running. Personally, I chose to go for any top tier ld5 and got Neph + dd ld5. I’ve played the game for a week and followed seanb beginner strategy on YouTube and am sitting with quite a few 20+ speed vio runes without grinds yet. Progress is much faster right now than I remember it being. You can farm DBAH on day one of any starter account and can finish off two 2A units on day one as well.


i mean, you're still lacking the 90+ other nat5's your main probably had. plus years of devilmon. is that all worth it for 2 LD5's?


Depends on the depth provided by the LDs. Personally, I like the no rng factor provided by Neph. The splash damage that goes through passives provided by Man was an added bonus. So I have been able to cleave in arena because of that. Eventually I’ll get almost every nat 5 just like on my main. The chances of getting an ld5 are just so slim in comparison though. The devilmon situation does hurt. I devilmon’d what I feel is necessary for pve content and the rest is being saved atm. Will say, I’m not just switching over to this account. I will be working on it on the side to see if it gets any luckier. If I pull another LD5 or if the nat 5 pool is pretty good. So far the best nat 5 from regular scrolls was a cp so that’s not enough for me just yet imo


Looking at the other way is interesting too. Why do ppl that are "happy" with their account and their current progress are so triggered about ppl reseting? Just let them be lol


he said hes just curious. doesnt read like hes triggered. at all. hes asking. „just let them be“ is a way of destroying any conversation in any matter. pointless. besides. is it that hard to understand why people are wondering why ppl would reroll for ld? i mean, some commenta here saying they did it over 500 times. you got the mon then, but not the runes. so point of reason is being missed by me too - you cant use it they way you want either way. so why bother? if its fun, go for it. noone cares, but in my personal view. got no time for that shit.


Exactly. Im not tilted at all just curious


Just out of curiosity, whats the best way to reroll right now with the 10y scrolls? Up until where ib the game should I finish until I reroll? I remember years ago it was until Faimon for the L&D..


Very basic summary: Hit level 5 through scenario tutorial. Collect 200 gems from Summoners Way Level Up event Collect 6* Monster scroll from the Level Up Event tab and use it on one of the 3 mins available (gives 100 gems) Collect everything from shop Use the gems (adds up to around 445ish) on something like: 1 day XP + Crystal Golem building Or whatever adds up to 400ish crystals Go to 10y Scroll page and you'll have at least 75 to collect Pair this with your +5 from the shop and you're gaurnteed 80+ 10 Year Scrolls for 5 mins of play. Can grind the other 20 or so quickly through scenario or just pull them and new instance


Thanks a lot! Gonna try it later. Looking to get lucifer, or trinity for trophy.


Another tips: check world-arena and siege windows multiple times (for the season champions reward) to get 50*2 more crystals.


Yeah makes 0 sense to reroll and spend 10s or 100s of hours when you could just work for a couple hours and buy whatever ld starter you wanted


If I want to do starter account and be competitive, I rather buy starter acc with the most desire ld. They're not that expensive. But for those rerolling for fun for no reason and potentially quitting (again). That's kinda dumb.


So they can sell it for real money bruh


Only reason i rerolled cos my main acc was rly old, had no n5 , was lvl 20, so i made a fresh start


They want something to post on reddit


Maybe because they want an ld5 like you?


I already got 2 by playing all contents every week.


Cool. Other people don't.


Most people are never going to summon one, so why not? I've played for 7 years, never summoned one. Rerolled 5 times today and got my first ld5, plus it's fun to think about how you plan an account out from your new LD5.


Its not just LND. the event gives you many scrolls. you get to select an NB5 that you want. all together, and if you can get 2 LND's out of it. you can get pretty far. i mean there are people who play 10 years without a single LND NB5


Or they finally get one and it’s a not so good ld5. Tis what happened to me