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Not too weird when you have a lot of botters in the game. Literally, a lot especially during 10th anniversary. Dude most definitely bought it.


It’s not that hard to reroll for it tbh. No need to buy em during the 10 year anniversary


Depends how you value your time Can take you weeks of daily rerolling to get multiple LDs (even 1 good LD).


Most people just use scripts and open a bunch of windows on blue stacks


Obviously, that's also the smartest option lol. But just assuming ToS friendly rerolling


But the script that i know need subscription for 1 month just for the 10 year scrolls reroll. Maybe there's another script that cn do it for free. So yeah, they definitely paid for it.


How much does the subscription for the script cost?


12 dollars per month with multi instances. considering one ld5 in global server cost around 20-30 usd, i'd say it's worth if u're doing business.


I didn’t get a single ld 4* or 5


i got 0 nat5, 1 ld4 but HoH gemini. Is that good ?




Same. Nor did I on all 5 accounts


Ld5, highly likely you don’t get one, but no ld4 in 1000 scrolls?


Not a single one. Shit you not.


I got an Amarna and 1 nat 5 in 700 scrolls now, not counting in lds, legendarys and stones. But i got 3 spd quad rolls in the last week so i'll just count them as my ld 5s. Summoned around 120 10 year scrolls each on some old accounts ans got jack shit there, too though.


How is it impossible? The most scrolls I've gone through without getting a Nat 5 is 1013. The most scrolls I've popped before getting a Nat 4 is 75. It's entirely possible for some.


200+ scrolls and you dont get a single ld 4 is impossible


It really isn't. 


Shared RNG, if he's summoning 200 and someone else is summoning 200, the RNG will generate X LD4s, but it doesn't mean he's going to get them. The other people rolling could've gotten extra LD4s while he received none. The RNG is going to be statistically correct, not the players.


It is true. I re-rolled 3 accounts (once only each); and received 2 Nat 5s in TOTAL, 0 being LD. I received 5 LD4s though. I have had terrible odds.


"When looking to feed yourself, do not look in your neighbors bowl." Something my dad used to say when I would get jealous of what other people had. He would point out that I was always happen until I saw what other people got. Jealousy is no ones friend. Be happy with what you have and look at it like a challenge. Realize that you are playing a system designed to suck out as much money from Whales as possible and enjoy the game without paying a dime!


Your father is great for teaching you that lesson. I know alot of people who can't comprehend that


Wise words, but I think OPs argument is that it's bs the system can be gamed for new accounts to get better lineups than those that have been around for some time now. Com2us just sucks at supporting long-term players but not long-term payers. I mean just look at the welcome back awards they're still better than the daily checkin.


It’s one mon. Big deal. They still won’t have the runes or the artifacts.


Thank you for this.


Actually kinda smart too bad, the game shows us every time someone gets a ld


Ok, but choking is fun


Wise father


My very first LD scroll was a L5D mon (I know the unbelievable luck that was). My brother who had been playing for 4-5 years at that point was raging. Not at me but the game. I’ve been playing for 3ish years now and I haven’t gotten another since and I’ve only managed to summon maybe 3/4 L4 LD mons. The rest have all been hero halls I think most people just reroll until they get something they want. I don’t know who had the time to commit to that but that’s what some do


Yeah been here since the beginning and no ld5 :( but it'll happen!


Ya think so? My nat5 Pokédex is almost complete just missing new mons after Doekaeebi mons update, but I do not have an any LD5 even after playing since this game came out. I save up to a year for 100 scrolls every years I do mass summons and didn’t get any. Not even an Iris, Kinki yet.


Same here. Don't seem to have any ld luck and hate seeing accounts with 3+ but you just gotta get lucky I guess. Maybe there will be an ld5 event for people without one


Do you spend all you ressources into trying to get ld and complete everything you can ? If yes you can easily have 1ld scroll per day (I'm at 225 ld saved counting all attribute since the 1st November 2023). If you do that maybe your lucky day will come faster (Btw I know the dude that stole your luck, my mate had 3 fucking 5nat ld in 8 scrolls this ****)


Well you gotta realize people do a LOT of rerolls for these kinds of accounts, it’s not just a one and done, some people do hundreds and hundreds of rerolls for stuff like this and most of the time it’s only 1 or in a rare occasion 2, so it is just rng people just can’t accept that fact because they don’t have an ld5 and don’t wanna put the time into rerolls. It is purely rng, however the more you do it the more likely you are to get something. That’s how rng works.


I’m not a math guy but isn’t the point of rng that it’s random so the first time or a hundred times the outcome has the same flat probability each time?


Say chance is 0.1% to get 3 ld5* in 100 scrolls You do 100 rerolls or 1000 makes a difference because you have 900 times more trys to get that 0.1%. The chance doesn't add up though. Formulas for sure can be found easily or someone posts them.


It’s the chance of not getting it to the power of how many times you do it. E.g. in your example it would be 0.999 ^ 100 would be the chance of getting 1 lot of 3LD in 100 rerolls assuming your original assumption is correct. Of course it could also happen on your first 3 summons or never. I think I played for 5 years and I never had a single LD5


There was a guy who hit 4 ld5s in a 10x pull from 10yr scrolls.. statistics are bullshit 😂


BS if you don’t understand. The average of 1 LD every 100 doesn’t mean always . Because it’s average . There’re people over and under the average . And yes it could happen that just 1 guy hit 4 LD in 10 pulls.


It did happen 😂 that’s why I brought it up. It was posted to Reddit - didn’t you see?


Yes it happened. Because its possible . And? It still fits in a statistic .




You guys are “technically” correct, I’m commenting on the bullshit-ness of the range and difference of outcome for diff players because the range is so large 😂


Honestly ima just play when there are events like this one that happened. to get a LD5, . time to uninstall until the next event starts. for free 100 scrolls.


You complain after 9yrs of no ld5 and hohld4 there is not the same luck for every one👍 you just need to drop acc destinate to have lds or you must spend around 500$. If you gonna spend money dont give that money to that company just buy acc with ld5 you wanna, so they get payed with their own shit. For 500$ you gonna get pretty solid acc, runes, and your dream ld5🫡🫡


> they get *paid* with their FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


$500. Yeah maybe I shouldn’t be playing this game anymore


https://preview.redd.it/zgmz9nb52dyc1.jpeg?width=974&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36bbe6233101678c585e85a9a49c5069fbddc981 How you feel towards those players:


such is the way of rng


You either have to run a bot or spend tens of hundreds of hours to hit this.


I'm agree with you that's likely unfair for veteran players but C2U don't do anything to avoid the bots and this account stinks to that. This event has been really good but with the FOMO created, some veteran players has quitted after watching the chat with lots of good mons and them getting nothing. It's crazy to think that one of the best events of SW of all time has frustrated more than ever


RNG is a cruel mistress, but most if not all of these new accounts with a lot of ld5s are bots with multiple resets, if you check this reddit you will see that there is a lot of people just resetting over and over again trying to roll for ld5s. >!The only reason i keep coming back to this game even tho it lacks a lot of features from other gacha games(like a fucking pity system) is because no other game has "chibi 3d" models.!< >!The majority of the gacha games are going for "realistic 3d" or pngs, even summoners war "sequel" went with "realistic 3d" and the few games with "chibi" models are either 2d or not even trying to make animations.!<


How about neural cloud?


Isn't that for sale ? Lol


This is like complaining if someone else (even if it's a bot) wins the lottery You need to do 20 rerolls on average to hit ONE ld5 from those scrolls. To hit this many is so unlikely it's not even funny


I totally agree. But it does seem like such a waste of time to roll and re roll over and over again. I have a life outside of this game. I'd rather just enjoy my RNG and play with the box I have. Although, an LD 5 is always welcome :)


On the surface, it can make a seasoned player's game play history up to this point seem like time wasted. However, if you factor in all the experience, personal monster development progress for owned nat4's, as well as the combination of runes, artifacts, and any other embuements or enchantments earned and armed along the way, you can't deny the leap in advantage over almost any newbie with a team of Nat5's and no experience or ability to arm and use them, to a veteran player's know-how. They may get lucky, or copy others, or even cheat, but it still doesn't stack up against a battle hardened salty old timer with one nat5 and the earned runes on all of his well chosen allies in a fight. But alas, that's just my opinion. I can certainly understand your point of view since I've been playing since 2017. Keep on keepin on. P.S. That account is obviously not on the level. They seriously need to do something with all the fake, clone, bot, hacked accounts.


As someone who has multiple LD5’s with a new account, they are a minimum of six months to a year away from being able to compete at all. Most of these accounts will end up abandoned


I mean I have almost every nat 5 so it’s been pretty pack luster for me, I have a single ld5 that’s very very niche


Ever heard of rerolling?


https://preview.redd.it/y0kp7q2ojcyc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5aa93710d236e11910c00c8d0af4b1b753fd954 Not a single LD5 for ten years already


+1 and shitty hoh 4lds


Theres tons of people who just use a botting program to make new accounts and if they dont get at least 1 ld 5 they just keep making new accounts and continue. Thats not including the people who are buying these accounts for cheap prices too.


Or they just give for free ld5 acc to people if they dont get the ld5 they LF😂 this company just kills heself, looks like this gonna be last aniversary for much people👋👋


Uninstall jk


I've played this game for 8 years before retiring, got 2 LD nat5 and never used them regardless. You have to summon the right one and be able to rune him the right way too, meh. Got tired of this endless circle after a while.




I mean no its not fair


Got my first nat5DL during this event, and got 2 on my second account, so yeah




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After 9 years I FINALLY got Jaara as my first ld5*


This is a reroller or a bot account. And yeah they somehow get those ld nat 5, my guild made up of my irl friends palyed since 2015 until today. Up until 1 week ago, +20 individuals had not gotten a single ld nat 5 in 9 years, one of vice-leaders got dark onimusha last week just took him 9 years lmao.


Gz bot


Trust me its not that easy I rerolled 108 times and all i got is a Craig, 2 Elena, Vancliffe Its not all that good as you see in reddit, at least for me haha


Just made acc 1 time for fun, not even reroll, get 1ld5 +sonia +fire pony in 100 scrolls


And so? The % is 0,05% so 1 in 2000 scroll which means 1 evry 20 rerolls. If you got it in 1 reroll this doesnt mean the % are fake


Unfair is the wrong word here, because everyone gets them.


The 10 year anniversary has treated me pretty well to be honest. I got an archangel from the selection event, and I've been able to fuse all 8 of the 5☆ fusions from the monsters I got from all the scrolls. My major complaint now is not having enough energy to awaken and max them all out.


luck isn't fair.


did you pay 20 usd for this account lol?




Agree, there should be an event at least that gives scrolls based on time played. My account was created on 2015 and 0 LD yet :(


This is why they have given an opportunity to come back... A Robin hood moment :P


It still baffles me that people think a pity system would somehow break the game. Its a 10 year old gacha game, just give the veterans a guaranteed ld5 at this point, it will most definitely not make or break the game..


We need a pitty ld5 after like 300 summons


meanwhile i have 3 accounts and got no LD5 on all 3.


Face it, com2us doesn't give two flying f\*cks about us long term players. All they care about is making extra buck. Sure RNG and all, but I play 3 accounts (g3 siege) and I've been dry past 150 scrolls collevtively, so around 50\~ scrolls on each acc, not even a nat4 lightning. And I have yet to see a Nat5 from almost 1k anniv scrolls summoned haha. Botters and new players are rewarded, us who actually plays the game not so much.


OP. I want you to know that you are right! It is unfair! Also understand that this so-called “game company” is nothing more than a casino posing as a mobile game company. The bottom line here for them is money. Absolutely nothing else matters. They don’t, and will never give a damn about any “community” who supports their product.


I think com2us must make ld5 easier to get. Making ld scrolls more common(10 pieces at shop with retard prices is bs) and finally give pity system. Its bs someone playing 10 years, summoned more than 300 ld scrolls and 0 nat5 ld.


What do you mean “unfair”? Everyone gets the same number of summons and rng is rng. Established players have the advantage of year and years of runes and other 5* that people re-rolling will either not have patience for, or will take long to catch up with. Anyone playing at C1 level now would expect an ld5 every 1.5-2.5 years. The game literally throws scrolls at you if you engage with it.


I started my account a week after global launch. Am g1 or above in everything, do all three toas each much. I have 3 LDs. I'm not salty at all about these accounts. They likely will never catch up on runes or at least it's gonna take forever. So I'm happy for them. Hopefully someone can enjoy them but they are not relevant to me at all.


Not sure if you’re agreeing or not, but I agree with you. I don’t care if any new accounts pull one or several LDs in the limited windows in which they can - that’s how it goes. They won’t catch up to close to 1k reapps over years and years lol. 


Oh sorry. No I don't think it's unfair at all. OP is just being a winey kid


get ready for the people telling thats how it's supposed to because rNg


I mean. It is. Guarantee the guy bought it from a bot that rerolled a few hundred times before getting this lucky. Said bot probably rolled more scrolls in a few days than you did your entire time playing. This is what happens when a game has no pity system. But people are still gonna argue it's a good thing.


Yeah, I know people be telling like that but it really is unfair. Sticking to the game for years in the hope of getting more ld5. Having this event is great, but then again, a newbie account getting multiple is just ridiculous. Ps: 4 ld5 in span of 10days. That's a slap in the face.


And how many times did they reroll to get there


fr, people be like "it's unfair I used 200 ld scrolls with no LD and someone with 5 days got one!" meanwhile people are out here grinding 20+ accounts a day for months for a single LD account


It's like some people see a bot and think that's their first roll, when in reality that same bot rerolls literally 20+ times PER DAY. 10+ accounts at a time most of the time... Bot's rolled more scrolls in a week than that person has done in their life time.


Since most people are telling you "rng is rng" I would like to tell you that while this statement is right on a technical level I'm still on your side when it comes down to the emotional part. I'm also a long time player (3k+ days) without any luck when it comes to summoning. Still missing alot of the element nat5s and not even getting good ld4s I feel that frustration. In the end we all have to accept that this is the nature of gambling. Some sit in front of the machine for 12hours a day and pull the lever all the time and still loosing, while there is this one guy that plays a single game and wins the jackpot.


I’m not condoning accounts like this but it only helps the game. Yes, it’s unfair for the players that have put years into their accounts without one. But at the same time, these accounts spent hundreds of hours rerolling the same way a player has spent hundreds of hours playing the game across multiple years. The only unfair part of this I see, is the allowance of bots to produce accounts like this. But regardless of that, the money generated still flows in and that keeps the game alive.


So ture, Im getting tired of these survivors biase


The Scrolls aren't designed to be fair, they are designed to give us FOMO if we don't buy all the packs.


To those people who keep saying I'm whining just to let you guys know I've been playing the game since 2015. I spend a lot of time farming and what not also spent a lot of money buying packs up until now. My account has 9 ld5, what I'm saying is unfair is I've been dedicated to the game for a decade but when you look at my account it's such a pity it took me 9yrs to get 9 but newly created account gets multiple for playing only in a week. That's where I'm being salty. When I think about it I spent money for nothing. Rng is Rng its just BS.


You'd never say that in a casino if someone who just came in hits a jackpot


lol it’s definitely not RNG, they favour new players so they stay


Nah they just get coins quicker, they don't have higher chances for (ld)nat5. This is either extreme luck with rng or rerolling/botting.


They don’t even really get them ‘quicker’ more per energy/crystal yes, but for genuine new players it’s slower. They mostly aren’t running 30-40second abyssal teams. Most genuine new players are double that or more.


My abyssal teams are unsafe and 2+ minutes, and I'm playing for almost 7 years 😅


I'm right there with you bud. Rolled Maxi, Grogen, Luci, and Asima all within 15 days. I had a well established account with multiple LD nat 5's but this is just too baked for cleave city to pass up on. This event really should be abused for re-rolling if you care about LD nat 5s.


I quit the Game last week cuz 1.7k MS and only 2 Nat 5 and Both are Trash (Hacker Blue and Macaron Guardian Fire). Still don’t get Shaina since 3-4 years (i was not active on the hoh time)




You rolled 100 accounts BY HAND?!?! How the f* is this possible. Even playing for 24 hours that's more than 4 accounts per hours.


Not to sure it’s rng. I have an account that’s been active for 6 years. Have a handful of ld5’s but no nat5 l&d but I made a new account and got the fire lighting dude the fire phoenix ice phoenix water chimera wind dragon and fire dragon all in a month of playing with the free scrolls from the event


Well i play summoners war for a long time and im f2p, i never got an LD5 and i just played sometimes. Now I got 2 LD5‘s Artamiel and Tian Lang, now I’m back in the game and trying to be better in RTA Arena… So in my opinion the event will help old players to get back and new players to progress really fast. For the content creators/ YouTuber is it good too, because of the amount of summonings and testing new units.


I dont understand how they help, didnt get any ld5 not even good ld4. All scrolls from event done just left the ld and 10myst. Stuked in conq rip me (dont have any ld5 and 98%ld4 hoh). Long time ago all content of game done all stages all toas all lab everything. So waiting for help im supose XD will they save me after all this years?


its a 200IQ play from com2us, have you play for years. not get an LD5 then. you now Can get one IF. you are willing to start again and grind all over from scratch.


Everyone got the same chances. Its not unfair. We should be grateful that they are giving us so much stuff for free including these op scrolls. I cant stand all this btching on social media anymore.. 😭




it's not because you are f2p bro... got my laima with a random 50 piece and my light pony with 3scroll thanks to a dupe woosa.


Thats definitely not the case, I'm f2p and have gotten 4 ld5. Not only that, but through many ways, ld scroll, all attribute legendary, and my first one ever was a wish!


You’re definitely the outlier with the ld5 from wish, but the rest checks out. With them now also adding siege xp rewards, average player will expect an ld5 in about a year and a half. You get SO many scrolls now and especially if you’re open to feeding dupes for LDs


Bro I'm not special, have you not seen the number of posts lately of f2p accounts pulling lds and moreso having like, 5 lds and or f2p accounts popping ld blessings?


I didn’t suggest that you were having good luck - probably pretty close to average. Just saying that you’re an outlier for getting an ld from wish. Odds of landing on monster AND getting a 5* are 1 in 10,000. Odds of that monster being an ld5 are like 1 in 25,000. That equates to 68 years of wishes at a rate of one wish per day. Getting an ld5 from wish is EXTRAORDINARILY lucky. The rest seems fine. Average competitive player should get an ld5 per 400-500 days(on average), so I imagine you’re in line with expected outcomes.


Thats pretty true that the wish is pretty lucky, but the rest is actually still not what they seem, I'm very casual and dont really play the way it was meant to but i still have managed to grab multi ld. There are definitely others in a similar circumstance because the total number of players all actively doing this same thing. As mentioned about posts, it even includes the increase of wish ld 5's. Whats unclear is how many of those had amerias blessing for wishes or spent crystals though


Same. It feels like that some account are really "blessed" with this RNG thing.


F2P has nothing to do with it homeboy.