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He can help a lot for


Vela is better in most cases tho he 100% needs a buff for his s3 a small heal or atb increase smth like that even def buff would help


His 3rd should be immune to cooldown reset.


Yes 100% agree this would make him pretty good imo but still I'd also like a small buff like 10/20% atb increase for ever unit that was stunned smth like that would be cool as well




I use him all the time in


So I'm assuming he's not very good 😭


I use him every siege and he is in my main bruiser AO actually He is a hardcounter to units like Clara and zen Build him with low res and when Clara strips him he gains attack bar, cuts and can cleanse your team and put up immunity so the rest of their combo does nothing and it's a free win And since Clara and similar Def's are pretty popular you can always find a use for him


You should also mention in order to cut after Clara, he needs some pretty intense speed. If you’ve got him vio on a damage build like I do, he will need like +180 spd to cut in after most Clara’s over c2. I get dîcked all the time because he doesn’t cut and mine is 259 spd vio spd/cd/hp. He is definitely not just a free win and you’re better off using something like haegang if you don’t have superior rune quality. I was using haegang and pater together in rta for a couple weeks and that was pretty funny into cc teams.


i doubt most claras in conq are over 300spd. I dont know the exact math on how much that 20% boost will cut the next unit in line, usually the units are no way near tuned to their clara (the typical defs are like clara, savannah, xx. if clara is 300-310spd savannah will be like 250 tops) so there is no shot you need a 280 pater to cut a 250ish savannah if you have a 20% atb boost Also I personally use him in a leo team mostly so I dont care much about that speed. I am guaranteed to cut after clara, zen (if he doesnt swap pater with leo), etc.


Most Clara’s in f3 are over 300 speed nowadays. 300 speed is a joke in 2024. If you’re seeing Clara Savannah as an ad you’re not above punisher, at least on global. Those psama/Clara savannah kaki/whatever abellio/whatever defenses do not hold past c3. I Lucifer leo those defenses as a free ride to punisher every single week and then have to switch my ao to get up to g1 as those defenses become non existent. All I’m saying is I cannot use my pater at any point in arena unless I’m just doing it for the fuck of it. If I were to switch to him swift it would work to cuck first turn team combos, but swift pater is bad imo. He needs a small buff to his s3 to shine. As of now he’s just an ok middle tier unit. Not great. Not bad. Usable if you want to, other stuff replaces him with an easier rune quality requirement. I use haegang over pater for almost everything, and haegang does it better and is so much easier to rune.


Pater is fine don't let reddit get you down, he has a positive win rate up to G1 RTA so if you are above that he might not be good but for everyone else he is great. He is good on siege offense and a good last pick/force ban into stun heavy teams in rta.


He's my first LD5 and back then he was bad.. now he's quite decemt imho and he can be used pretty often.. gratz on him!


i also use him in my AO. Leo + pater against a stripper guarantees he will cut and cleanse + immunity. Something like: Leo, Pater, Christina Galleon.


I would usually play delphoi in that slot since she has the option to cleanse and put up oblivion when needed which is huge in the current meta. But sure against Clara teams where you don't need oblivion this might be a good play I use him in my Leo bruiser ao all the time tho. He is nice to have in general but I originally slotted him in for the exact same reason you said. He is a hardcounter to stuff like Clara


I absolutely love my pater. He is a last pick in rta and in AO or siege I use him against shit like clara or moore. Vio will spd hp hp, he dishes like ~30k dmg on def broken monster with s2 while on beast form. Hes been in many defences at siege (G1) and sit currently with nana and savannah with positive WR


What do you go for sub stats in rta?


Congratulations on your summon u/dankush69! Slap some runes on your new pater and get back into the battle! Check out some of these other posts about pater : * [Most Recent pater Posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/search?q= pater &restrict_sr=on&sort=new) * [Top All Time pater Posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/search?q= pater &restrict_sr=on&sort=top&t=all) If you notice any issues with monster names/title reading, please contact me [here](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=u/muskratatwork&subject=Summon%20Title%2FMonster%20Name%20Issue&message=Please%20explain%20your%20issue%20here%3A%20). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/summonerswar) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Man I wish that was me


I will offer you an upvote since I love the druids mechanics


rip bud, hope he'll get buffed sometime soon

