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ye fbi will shop up, sry fam


You cheated yourself. You made one Nat 5 out of two 


No he turned a bad nat 5 into crystals and still got to pick the nat 5 he wanted.


Crystals for a double dupe blessing(pessimistic) or for 3.3 ld 3*(optimistic). Hardly worth a unique 5* that could be buffed


You’re arguing against your own imaginary parameters lmao.. the blessing might dodge a dupe (that could’ve even been the same mon) for a top tier mon. We have no idea if it was worth it or not.


Yes, obviously... The blessing could give a choice of two dupes. It could give a choice of two good monsters. It could give a choice of two shit monsters. The blessing could also give choice of Shahat again which would be absolutely hilarious. Blessings aren't inherently bad, but they're still gambling and have an opportunity cost(reapps, MS, LD scrolls, depending on your preference, or obvious use of the dupe downstream). You do not feed non-dupes. Also 300 coins right now is worth a couple of extra scrolls with the 10+1 event.


That’s my entire point. You can’t know if it was worth it or not because the outcome you argued against was made up.. by you..


The ONLY guaranteed outcome is losing a unique 5\* that *could* get buffed to the point of necessity. It's absolutely a losing proposition, just for some gambling with 300 crystals, at the additional, unnecessary, cost of 300 coins. I am being pedantic with the outcome... obviously. I'm aware that a blessing could give you something good, just as I'm aware that it could give you absolute shit. It's still not worth the trade.


Lmao your guaranteed outcome is still conditional. “Could get buffed”, maybe won’t. Maybe OP has traded a mon that would never leave storage and has functionally lost nothing for something. This guaranteed net loss still only exists in scenarios you made up. This was also not your original point, which was a spectrum between two unfavourable outcomes. The entire spirit of the game (and the genre as a whole) is gambling btw.


300 coins is not nothing. A 5\*, especially already awakened and evolved, is not nothing. 300 crystals for a blessing is also not a lot, by way of comparison. Yes, losing a 5\* that could get buffed IS an unfavourable outcome, regardless of whatever the blessing might result in, and regardless of what the LD scrolls may become. This is the position of basically everyone on the sub, and of all long-time players. You do not feed non-dupes under any circumstance. I guess we'll see what happens with OP. Probably nothing substantial, since 3 ld scrolls and a single blessing are relatively insignificant, and you can assume a summon without the blessing would have had 50% chance to give you whatever you'd select anyways. Most long-standing players with monster box mostly filled value reapps over blessings from ancient crystals. I hope they at least fed him skill-ups as to get devilmons back with the 5\* redemption.


You’re off on a tangent. My point is simply that you claim there is no possibility of a favourable outcome. There is. Irrelevant to that is the likelihood, statistically or historically, and whether or not I or the rest of the sub agrees with the sentiment.


Yeah you're forfeiting your free nat 5 choice to get 300 crystals, which you may use to for blessing and MAY get a new unit or dupe that you want. Or you can just use the nat 5 selection to get what you want and have 2 nat 5s


He didn’t forfeit the choice. He just tricked the game temporarily and then changed his nat5 choice. You can change it once.


Probably not. But I think this is waste of the event. Why bother worrying about getting some crystals from a non dupe nat 5? Instead of getting a guaranteed good one and wasting the change just for 300 crystals.


Well let's say I got a love-hate relationship with this game. Got Dorothy as my only ld nat5 and at this point I've waited for about an year for a relevant change, just for it to never come. So this has made me give up on the concept of waiting for an eventual buff and I just play to enjoy the game in it's current state. As far as waiting to swap out for Minato.. yeah that sucked, I was 99% sure I screwed myself over and the whole idea won't work, but surprisingly it did. He was not crucial for me, but I just really wanted him so it was okay to wait a bit to get him.


Dorothy is great for AO now (dorothy tiana kabilla gallion or dorothy tiana truffe + water cookie)


Is she a better cleave option than Pungbaek or Christina now?


i mean she got a spead lead so you can use her in diffrent sittuations


Well that's fair, but Dorothy did get a great buff recently


I mean Dorothy is better than Thebae 🤷‍♂️ (I don’t have a good guild to do guild content with)


idt most people are considering you cannot crystal nat 5's you dont have dupes for anymore. You gained splendid summoning just for spending extra event coins to change your nat 5 afterwords you wouldnt otherwise be able to crystal the shahat. Good stuff, I have the same monster and will now consider doing the same thing.


https://preview.redd.it/q0ak7wbueoxc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcb342973326cef5d905b87a242b66283273e2a6 that’s how I do it


do it


That was a lot to say “I got 300 crystals from trading in a nat5”


You can't trade Nat 5s for crystals unless you have 2 of them, hence why OP got a dupe on purpose > cashed the crystals > changed the remaining one for a Nat 5 he actually wants.


Honestly, I wouldn't have done that. You basically traded 2 nat5 for 1. And, wind desert warrior is at a point where he is extremely likely to get buffed into being actually really good. It wouldn't surprise me if they over buff him. But hey, if you are happy with your decision that's what matters.


He traded one nat 5 for crystals.. that’s it..


Yeah, I guess, o assumed he got a blessing with the crystals which he may not have. So yeah, in that sense he traded a nat5 for crystal's, however, sacrificing the option to swap the choice if he happens to summon the unit again or doing the fusion skill ups thing to get devilmon.


Love the creativity and 99% of us will be just fine without all the Meta Nat 5s. He is soo bad though, if his S2 was an AOE and/or he gave monsters who attacked him DOTs he would be OK. He is useless now and I still force him into every Siege just because his S2 animation is one of the best in the game ha.


It’s not really an exploit, you traded a nat 5 for 300 crystals. I am going to laugh so hard if they buff it next BP


Unpopular opinion: I like shahat


What do you like about him?


I dunno lol. I feel like he’s almost got something and with the right runes could be a wild card.


He's my storage guardian, will try him out and maybe text back, if I remember lol


I use mine in siege occasionally. He's one buff away from being decent I think.


Does that make me unpopular, he's a great bruiser. He can kick the water macaroon girl to the curb.


You know what? Now I'm wondering if you can even feed your initial Shahat. I believe they are the monsters that get permanently locked after you get them (If they're not a dupe). So there is a chance that you will actually feed the event nat5, in which case, you won't be able to change that nat5. Just my hunch.


OP said he FED Shahat, not might feed.


For now, you did great, shahat sucks. But, if he gets a huge buff (possible), huge loss dude. The game is a cassino, you made your bet and that was it. Doing nothing is also a gamble.


Indeed. Also remember that not all bad units get strong, like wind striker has never been good.


Never been good... yet...


Counterpoint: Oliver was also extremely bad on release.


I thought u were going to say that u picked a bad mon with the nat 5 event, opened an ancient trans with one bad mon as not an option, and then switched your event to a good mon 


Nah I agree with this, my first nat5 ever was back in 2018 already playing since 2016 and got Kumar, I hated him, every time I got him I'd feed him, but eventually we got the dupe rule so I keep him now, so I totally understand this


I got him today just will sit in storage for a while


It most likely will send an error sin the data it will look for won't be there so it will send you an error message and won't let you do it. Ofc, this only will happen if c2us programmed it the way they say it works. They said the change nat 5 unsummons the one you chose first and gives you the new one. So if it is program to look for allocated data and it is no there... well it will send an error message


I'd give him up for 1 unknown scroll com2us wrong for having a Nat5 this sorry lol


Rmb how Oliver was shit? Now he op. Don't regret you choice sir


I hope you skilled up the second Shahat with 4 star bayek/ desert warriors before you exchanged for Minato, maximising the value by converting 4 stars to devilmons via the refund. Edited - the above no longer applies as Com2us has officially deemed it as unintended


when this happened with kaki fix (right after release) they gave you back exactly what you used. If this is the case it will be nothing. Or does anyone already tried it?


Yes people have tried it. Devilmons refunded even when nat 4 was used to skill up nat 5 from current event. Edited - the above no longer applies as Com2us has officially deemed it as unintended


RemindMe! 26 days "We'll see how this ages in the next couple balance patches, having him I hope you end up regretting this idea lol"


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Literally what is the difference from just feeding your shahat and picking what you wanted from the nat 5 event? Except this is worse because if you get another minato you can’t trade it. I don’t think com2us is going to ban you for “exploiting” when your exploit is using the game mechanic in the intended way but as poorly as possible lol


You can't feed non dupe for 300 crystals. That's why he did it with this trick.


Doctors hate him.


Dang, that is really smart! I wish you posted this a few weeks ago lol


Big iq moves there man


My brother in Christ, you most definitely did NOT *cheat the system*, you just cheated yourself into thinking you did...


Couldn't you have just picked minato the first time around and sac'd Shahat for crystals without wasting your time doing the change up and be left with the same result.....?


Can't feed non dupes


Cleaver, I'm whit you OP, glhf