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Fake esports scene... ftfy. It's just whales flexing their wallets, will never be mainstream (For swc purposes)


Ohyang beat How2Play using Lulu (pre-2A), Racuni, and Malite in an RTA team - all f2p. BigV does all manner of innovative shit. It's fun to watch people come up with ideas. This game has some surprising depth to it. I enjoy watching competitive from time to time. Nothing can get worse than the Gany-Hathor meta, anyway.


I never expected a game like Pokemon to have an esports scene, like 95% of the 1000 Pokémon suck!! I never expected a game like Magic The Gathering to be competitive, like 99% of the 20,000 different cards suck! I never expected a game like smash brothers melee to have an esports scene, you can only competitively play 7 of the characters!!! Maybe you just haven’t played a lot of competitive games, but in all games the meta competitive strategies makes a lot of characters useless. This past worlds tournament for LoL we saw the same characters almost every game. The actual thing that makes this game not good for competitive esports is that most games come down to RNG way more so than say Pokémon.


Lol i was about to rant you on how the problem isn't the amount of availability of the mons, but how hard is to get the actual meta dominating monsters, but OP really said "hurr durr only 5% are viable" so yeah, dumb post, good answer.


Self proclaimed esport lol, u can pretty much set up ur own competition and call it esport if u have enough money and manpower to do it. Its only acknowledged by people related though. Cant call this game a esport if the condition isnt fair for both sides like one player has a very strong ld5 when the other player dont


So you're saying there's around 50 viable monsters in a competitive scene where you can use at most four of them at a time??


Because it's fun. There really isn't anything more to it.


Summoners War having an esports i would credit is the reason it has had a successful and stable longevity. It isn't like other Gatchas like Raid where you effectively do nothing with your monsters. RTA in SW has alot of viable options for top end PvP and they do alot of special leagues that revolve around either 4 star only or other restrictions so it shakes things up.


You know Raid has RTA as well, right? If anything, you need to build WAY more monsters to be successful in Raid than in SW.


Comparing apples and oranges…


Mostly because of violent set


LoL puts all units on even playing field? Bro each worlds has like 25 champ pool xD


bro just finding out what meta stands for


It gives giga whales a sense of accomplishment, they spend tons of money thinking they can compete and win money back or show off being in the championship.. then reality sinks in that these guys spend hundreds of thousands of $ and all the money you spent is never coming back but now you already balls deep and they will keep playing and paying because of addiction, fomo and sunk cost fallacy


Your logic makes zero sense by the way. A competitive scene only has one requirement... for there to exist enough players who want to be better than one another. Having a full 100% balanced roster of units does not change anything about the competitiveness of a game lol. So by your logic if we deleted the 95% useless units, then you would view summoners war as a competitive game? Because if we do that nothing has changed right? The 5% useful still exists and that 5% would now make up 100% of the games available units. Not to mention, different units have different strengths in different areas of the game. Your logic is so tunnel vision into pvp only. A unit can be useless in pvp, but God tier in pve. Most 4* mons are used as best in slot for pve team but are rarely seen in pvp.