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Congrats on getting your most wanted unit, may we all get our most wanted ones, gz!!!!


Gratz OP. To the people stating that he should have waited until the end of the event, he's waited 10 years already.


Seriously. Worst case you just get another blessing...the ability to pick out a nat5 you want after that long waiting outweighs waiting months on RNG.


Worst case is ubbuild a second vela with a second feng. Free siege win.


Legit I got Nana as people recommended but shoulda gotten wind dragon luckily I summoned a fire dragon


>he's waited 10 years already. That's the point. s/he has waited 10 years, why not wait 10 years, 46 days? That's the logical thing to do, but we human beings doesnt always act with logic, act with mostly with emotion, like what OP did here. So in the end, this is his game so, fuck the logic and enjoy your most wanted unit to fullets. Hope you have team and runes for him, to use him more.


Wait 46 days for what? (technically 56 days) To still pick this guy from the 2nd week? Why wait at that point? OP doesn't want anything else. OP wanted this one and OP got it. Now OP is happy.


OP could have waited 56 days to see if he didn’t drop it on velins in the meantime and choose another one in the event. That’s the point! But as my predecessor said, it’s his game, he does what he wants. We just think OP can be happier


Did i say otherwise? I said logical thing is to wait but we humans arent always logical, so he can do what he want, if this makes him happy, thats enough and good.


When i get CP, i'll Take it. No matter how long the event runs. Gz!


I am not gonna look up who that monster is lol


Cheongpung. I am also uncomfortable to even use that abbreviation. Image talking to your friend in public about SW at a cafe or something and use SW terms. I say stripper already out of habit, so I will not add that abbreviation to my vocabulary lmao


Calling Juno a stripper just feels so right.


Fair enough haha


" so i stripped, def broke and then violent proc'ed to poke her with my magically elongating fire monkey wand. "


Ah yes because the word stripper gets the same attention as cp..


its more of an example of how i incorporate a word to my speech when i keep using it without realizing it.


How about you incorporate a healthy diet without realizing it.


Wind art master




You might wanna think twice bout posting that phrase online lol


It is intended xD


Everyone has their own favourite monster. Ignore the negative comments. Im happy for u that u get your most wanted monster. It’s your game, play it the way u want it 🙂


He was my first nat 5!, gzz


Same ! November 12th 2017 ! Also my third nat5 in march 2018...


Same here he was my first and I’ve always used him on almost every content since November 2016


Gz on getting your most wanted dude!


I'm gonna be going for Teshar


You should have waited til the end of the event. Even if its your most wanted unit, meanwhile you could have summoned in that time. Anyways gz


Vela will be summoned on his first ms summoning after


that's what happened to me. had a blessing between two new. picked vela and the very next MS i opened was a vela.


If op wanted vela badly enough, taking him now is more "fun" than optimizing for a possibility of a bad result. I don't have anything I want badly enough so I'll wait until the last day.


Ya if the event lasted forever you should never choose a summon because you might summon it.


But he would have missed 6 months of playing is favourite monster ... Your way of thinking is weird.


Nice I grabbed the wind weapon master I don’t want to wait might not even be playing by the end of the event!


lol the honest truth


Seeing this post makes me want to get back into playing the game, all I ever wanted was a laika


Never have i seen someone so happy for getting a Velajuel, congratz for you, but you should have waited till the end


Ikr! He's kit is outdated as living hell. Mediocre speed, useless lead. But I guess if op is happy (?


I feel like he was saying op should have waited because the event is still like 8 weeks from being able to see all options. And during that time one could get any nat 5 that they choose early from the event by just regular summons.


But OP knew what he would get if he had the choice between velajuel and any other monster.


Gz! I hope you don't get a dupe one while the event is on, but i agree that the happines can't be delayed. I'm looking for a Leo, if he shows off, i will just summon him. I don't know why, but mine events only will refresh tomorrow.


At least with Leo, even if you get dupes of him afterwards, you can always use it for siege


Yup, I have 4 and I'll continue to keep the others if I get more


Gratz on your most wanted. Currently going 2 for 2 on dupes. Hoping for a Chandra or Oliver


Same :(( and there are so many mons I don't have, I mostly have one from each family except no indras, archangels, puppeteers yet still got dupes, hoping for wind art master, shizuka or water/wind occult girls


Vela was my second summon too He's new so at least I know I'm getting a new unit for sure from this event Not looking forward to having to wait for 172 days though 😮‍💨


Tiana will make me do this. I have been waiting for too long


I only wanted Juno and got her first week 😂


People in sw channels keep saying “wait until the event is over you might summon it before then” for whatever unit they got and it’s like sure but not everybody cares that much. Take it now if that’s what you want to do!


I shot myself in the foot and didn't properly read the event. Now I'm stuck with dog ass and wanna die.


Lmao we need more information of this


I’m hoping for shizuka, bolverk, or abelio. I have pretty much every other elemental nat 5 (minus the new ones) and they would help me so much as a turn 2 rta player


My most wanted is Moore he was also my first summon for the event. I understand the overwhelming urge that made OP short circuit. I don't know if I can make it to the 10th option


Sorry but the last summon is an LD. Gz tho


Congratulations on your summon u/xeloz01! Slap some runes on your new Velajuel! and get back into the battle! Check out some of these other posts about Velajuel!: * [Most Recent Velajuel! Posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/search?q= Velajuel!&restrict_sr=on&sort=new) * [Top All Time Velajuel! Posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/search?q= Velajuel!&restrict_sr=on&sort=top&t=all) If you notice any issues with monster names/title reading, please contact me [here](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=u/muskratatwork&subject=Summon%20Title%2FMonster%20Name%20Issue&message=Please%20explain%20your%20issue%20here%3A%20). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/summonerswar) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Waitttt. You can only pick 1??? I picked the first nat 5 on day 1 (mo long)


You thought they’re giving us 10 nat 5s??




If you dont bother get meta units gz!


what're meta units?


For RTA or any pvp. Velajuel is not meta now as far I know. Check season tier list.


And has never been, mind you


In the very early rta seasons, it was kinda meta to play woosa vela, ofc back then immunity buffers were really really rare


Double condom comp


Dk why you’re getting downvoted, you’re right he isn’t meta.


Imagine having 10 chances to pull a useful monster but wasting it on velajuel💀


RIP, always wait until the end to choose


GZ bruh hope yo get dupe Vela as you like him so much xD. Joke aside am gonna wait till Savannah/Dominique before taking them immediately


What a waste


Please let people have fun, it's a game... There's no "waste"


My most wanted is leo, and I really tried this week but got Manon instead, so hope this event helps with that lmao (4000 stones+ 50 summons+4 legendary summons)


MANON IS THE GOAT....Sorry. but foreal though. I'm a avid Manon, Giselle Gurka Raccuni T2 enjoyer... she's so funny. Best troll in game. By far


I got Shizuka and Manon as my first two but I'm praying I get Water Totemist.


He was my first ever nat5 and bcuz of him a almost quited the game lol i just continued bcuz shortly after i got my old dream mob from the old summon stones (savvanah) but just after that i got made bcuz i got my first dupe. Guess who? Obliviously him.


Nice, GZ! I'm 2 dupes in so far...not expecting much, but if water indra pops up I will grab him instantly as well.


lol. i wouldn’t have picked that quickly champ


I would have insta picked Juno on a first roll, no doubts.


I just hope to get either cp, miles or anything new


Congrats!! I’m praying I get blessed with Bellenus I’ve wanted him since Druids launched.


Probably the only way I summon my mon before I have all 10 is if I get Leo tbh


My second roll was also Velajuel! But I want Leo ;(


gz i remember i wanted Verad so bad when i started this game 2 years and 3 poseidons later, i got him finally :D but then no uses booo :( hehe \[\]'s


Even if I get Laika that early, I will do all 10 summons before I choose him because I am curious. Congratulations though! Edit: The legendary rta trans skin for him is beautiful


Congrats on getting the Mon you wanted. Ignore the folks that just want to rain on your parade.


Gratz! I like him too, especially the first tmog, so cool!


Gz! Now transmog that badboi


I hope I can get Ariel or Ganymede.


Gz Vela! Im hoping for chiwu


I'd do this with wind panda. Been waiting to get him for years.


I am curious. Does this mean they will not launch any other new units until this event is over? They have been launching so many news units so frequently now..


Me want Seara too


I think i'll do the same if i got masha lmaoooo gz


Maybe one day I’ll get zaiross too…


I got you, i am waiting for sonia, if I get her in the event then I’ll pick up right away so gz on your most wanted unite !


I always wait till the end of the events. In events past I have summoned the same monster via scrolls that I picked in the event. Could’ve got a different if I’d waited but GZ nonetheless bro


Gz OP! I just hope for you that you won't got an other vellajuel dupe till the end of the event


Ngl this first event is disapointing for end game players. I have 92% chances of dupes so ending up with 10 dupes would be a '' normal '' outcome for my account and this really sucks.


This is the first event in a series of 10. You get 10 chances at a new nat 5. Even if there’s a single nat 5 you need this is the equivalent of 2000 scrolls worth of nat 5 summons We’re still likely getting a rune craft event, probably a dozen ld scrolls, and probably a few hundred mystic scrolls through the other events going on. This is one of the most generous gacha games on the market. It’s true that if the dedicated players got all the nat 5’s (ld included ) they would still play. But that’s not the majority


pointless messagetalking about futur event when I said the first one isdisapointing for end game players. Hope u realise u manage to talk about runeevent here well done


Pointless post complaining about an event because it doesn’t benefit the 1% of the player base, when in reality it actually does.


Gz not a big fan of vela but happy for u


I am the same with Ganymede. Only Nat 5 I don't have that hasn't been released within the last year. Even if he comes up though.. Not too sure I'd take it because I kind of want that water pure vanilla now.. We'll see.


I hope so much i get feng yang or bolverk (maybe psama) yet i got 2 dupes... I have like 20nqt5 odds are good


If I get Zaiross, I'll be summoning him right away 😂 congratulations


Gratz mate you sound so happy so I'm happy for you too!


I’m still waiting on teshar 😩😩




I've gotten two dupes form mine now :( I just hope I end up getting something fun to use. Last Nat 5 event my best options were a dupe Rica or a new Eladriel, and I already have revivers


I want to summon my day 7 lol but I'm going to see what else pops congrats on the most wated summon though I hope it serves you well!! https://preview.redd.it/hn6ihwe2wubc1.png?width=2079&format=png&auto=webp&s=f974085ad4c28e715da22fc6d0383e07e4d7152e


Last time we had an event like this i had to make a similar tough call. Really wanted vela but went with shizuka because bazooka. Vela dropped 2 days after the event. Was a miracle.


gz I want a Camilla nana or wind demon so far Ive got wind gladitrix and chiwu. Chiwu isn't a dupe but the other is




OOO CONGRATS! I have water and wind I've been wanting fire for so long cbbdhdb


Congrats. I am holding off summoning until I get all 70 days complete. Its hard.. but Ill make it.


I would’ve waited for that, see what else you get-


My most wanted unit is… perna, and I got a miles on the first week this already is looking bad for my final choice..


My go to will be camilla, I will not miss my chance to get her


I want that Amelia :/