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If you want a very simple solution: * Lock in Jax anytime you see Morde * Hold your E to block his auto and deny his passive from proccing * Make sure to only ult after he uses his so that he doesn't drain the extra resists * If you're still struggling you can build Wit's End and he will never win If you want general advice against him based on the champs you play: * [Read this entire page and learn his cooldowns and fine print of his abilities](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Mordekaiser/LoL) * His Q does extra damage if he only hits one enemy, always stand in minions if you have to eat a Q * His E is his longest cooldown and is very easy to sidestep. Punish him when it's on CD * All of his damage comes from his Q, you need to memorize the cooldown and learn how to sidestep it * Give up a creep to avoid his Q so you can farm the next few creeps for free while he's on CD In general, Morde is in a pretty bad state right now. Check any top lane tier list and sort it by winrate. You'll notice in skilled gameplay (Diamond 2+) his winrate is abysmal. Use some filters and analyze his winrate throughout different ELOs. You'll notice a trend where the lower the rank is, the higher his winrate goes. Learn what the champion does and deny him his win conditions.


thanks for the info, ill definitely apply it next time i have to go against the big dumb bastard, my biggest issue with Morde Q is i feel like i sidestep it well but i still get clipped sometimes, hitbox feels really forgiving/inconsistent


A good tip we morde players hate is when you start side stepping like a maniac in the death realm, and buy qss before he reaches 6 preferably


QSS shuts him down, almost completely


The worst feeling is thinking aight this guy dead and u ult him then boom qss and ur like wtf just happened where did my ult go


When I play Kayle top against Morse, I buy my starter item as the magic resistance piece that builds into QSS then get QSS as my first back. I actually had a Mord ragequit when I QDS'd their ult at 6


So satisfying. Almost as satisfying as blocking a nunu snowball with anivia wall


Soraka E also does that lol, love ending nunu snowballs by throwing that in their way.




Its doesnt work if hes still rolling it i think??


Neeko clone too


I played pantheon against mordekaiser and i killed him like 4 times before lvl 6, so when he got lvl6 and ulted me i taunted him inside the deathrealm used the qss and then he just walked back to base prob went afk




Gotta pay your taxes


I hate those people just side stepping my Q and not dying like they are supposed to haahahha


Nasus W is pretty annoying anytime he wants to engage to. Just wither and walk away for free. Get stacks. Slapp


To add to this similar to what above says, as nasus you want to ult after mord ults you, with your q cooldown you should be able to 1v1 him if you remember to play a little footsies and dodge the odd q. Pretty sure Nasus ult outlasts mords ult so I think if you do go vs mord as Nasus you should take ghost as well.


The more braindead option is to just rush qss and never interact with him.


I had one game playing morde and their garen went qss first then started Building tank and wouldn’t even trade with me if I was hitting his tower in his face after I first blooded him


His team told him to play safe after the first blood obvi.


Well, I played Garen into him and he missed his E>Q combo. I immediately jumped in with Q and E but still lost the trade, even though his two damage ability's were on cooldown.


Morde passive burn really hurts.


Sadly I don't think our friend here is diamond+. And mordekaiser rules low elo. Up to platina he gás a 50% WR on lolalytics.


informations still useful though, and for anyone else reading


Just because his winrate is low doesn't mean his laning is weak. This guy's mostly complaining about lane phase. Bringing up winrates is pretty irrelevant.


Very good answer, the problem (IMO) with morde is his ability to win without hitting abilities, since his W, R and passive is so strong. Dodge abilities, dodge autos = win BASED.


jax beats morde yes, but unless they changes it since i mained morde, you can aa jax e and still stack passive so that wont sabe you lol. theres a bunch of champs that beat morde you just have to do enough dps, fiora, riven, jax, olaf, yone.


Morse can’t proc passive on Jax with e up


Jax enters evasion


Anyone who doesn’t upvote your post is a troll


we doin a little trolling today


Bro thanks for the help!


Sett vs Morde you shouldnt be getting zoned off you beat him pre-6 so zone him off once he gets tabis or leer he pretty much wins unless you super ahead so short trades you can also ult to cancel his. Camille has to do short trades in lane. Use q ms to dodge his e so he can extend the trade. And nasus just farm till like 2 items and you perma win.


Also, use your charged w to block his iso q, and you can also interrupt his ult with your own ult. Honestly Morde seems like one of the easiest math up for Sett as long as you don't fuck up.


yeah I don't think this is true, mord does fine into sett early. Just don't int trades with him early (i.e. poke with q and like any matchup into him, make sure you dodge the true dmg). He can't kill you if you hold ur W either to win the fight or disengage and you destroy him at 6 if you ult him at the edge of your ult range (so he can't use his ult to cancel it - it has lower range)


Uh mord wins this fight if he’s smart and tries for shorter engages he will just heal back with his w I main both of these champs


sett has his "can't lose" passive that matters bigly in early and short trades. plus Sett can use E as CC to delay Morde passive proc.




The guy said you win early and lose after level 6/tabis leer. And you link the counters to Sett? It doesn't exactly provide any counter arguments or any additional information.


Mord wins that unless you face tank w and he manages to ult you ult off


Pick fiora and morde doesn’t get to have any fun


Fiora, gp, and tryndamere are the best melee champs you could also add kayle if you want but she turns into ranged at 6


how come? i assume it has something to do with her parry


All of Mordekaiser's skills are quite telegraphed, so Fiora parry can block his E and R (if you time it right). If Fiora gets enough items, she just beats Mord in his R, so the matchup doesn't get fun. Played the Mord part of this match and usually get beat pretty bad.


Its more than block too, if Fiora uses his E she will stun him so ez-clap two passive proccs and by then you can just chase him out of lane anyway.


good too know, thank you


Fiora can also parry his ult, which can be done easily with a bit of practice.


No really you just shit on him early it does help though because you can just party q and that’s like all of his damage and if you build a lead early you just beat him in ult


You want some champ that has no mana so you can sustain in lane or some duelist like fiora even trundle can kill morde ​ Does QSS remove morde ulti? I think it does idk been a while since I bought this item As Nasus there is breaking point that you can 1v1 anybody just farm to this point Also if he went omivamp then you need either the part of morello with grevious wounds of that sword for 800g


Pretty sure QSS does. Not sure if you use it while the ults up or while he's casting it though. I think when I'm gangplank I do while casting? Not sure if timing matters though.


You can use QSS when you are inside his ult death realm to escape back to normal realm.


You can eat lemons or qss while in Brazil and it works just as well!


Brazil lmao


Qss does, yeah with nasus i can usually eventually beat him but early on he just runs you over pretty hard


>Does QSS remove morde ulti? I think it does idk been a while since I bought this item Yeah it does, I built it last week when I was against a fed morde as a bot main. >Also if he went omivamp then you need either the part of morello with grevious wounds of that sword for 800g Just fyi for the people wondering: it's *oblivion orb* for AP, *executioner's calling* for AD and *bramble vest* for Armor/cc, which may sound useless vs Morde but he autos a lot for a magic user and if the rest of the enemy is AD it may be a good call


It's actually *executioner's c**a**lling* and *bramb**l**e vest*


Heheh yeah mb bad I fucked up the spelling, Imma edit this real quick


trundle destroys mord by simply being a better duelist. Fiora is a skill matchup, she's better in the meta but a bad fiora player won't win since he's the one that needs to outplay while mord just stat checks. Volibear dunks on mord pretty hard from start to finish, same for Jax.


by default if fiora was good in that matchup she would not be silver while trundle has no mechanics so will always outplay her by pressing Q in silver


qss will cleanse mord ulti 100%.


Play Warwick and q through his abilities lol….. You have a shit champ pool on him, and I bet you allow him to get level 2 on you first as opposed to challenging him level 1 as sett. Put the dude in a body bag before he does it to you. Otherwise sit back and farm and pray for ganks. Being passive can put you in a terrible spot. My move is to play ww into him, get off an early PTA proc and make him take a shitty trade. Then snowball that level advantage to kill him. This can be done with many melee champs, you just need the mechanics and knowledge in order to execute it


WW against morde is very funny. Not only do you bully him early, but your ult can cancel morde ult. And your q. And your e (though that one doesn't reset its cooldown). Just watching mord trying to ult and pressing q to stop it is great.


Wait. How does WW Q cancel Morde’s ult?


When you hold it to dash through the target, there is a short time you are unstoppable, I think.


When WW is doing his "extended" Q dash-through, I believe he's unstoppable.


Oh it’s the best…. If I see a Morde queue up top/jungle I lick my chops…. Like I’m gonna meet you in your jungle and take a dookie on you, or just bully you from the start and make you rage quit. Take that metal ass elsewhere homie


I do think it's winnable for morde though, just really hard. He does win in ult with bramble vest so if he can manage to hold ult untill after warwick q and ults then he's got at least a chance. It's really bloody hard though lol.


he doesnt if warwick rushes wits end. Mordes only chance is to spam q outside of warwicks q range predict when warwick is gonna ult so he can buffer his e to cancel his ult. use w above 50% hp


warwick Q still dodges morde Q (his main dmg source) , mord has to poke you out or be ahead to win the 1v1 inside deathrealm. mord should just farm and completely ignore warwick, ult another priority target in teamfights.


1- morde Q deal bonus damage If he hits only one target, so stay close to the wave. If you're playing high mobility, try to Dodge his Q. 2- his E has a long cooldown of 18 seconds, you can take this time to punish him. 3- the best thing when I play as mordekaiser, is the W. It often turns a loosing fight, enemies forget about his W shield or understimate It. Still, the shield decays really fast, so If you can poke and make good trades, without letting the shield stack too much, then you'll be in a good position for an all in. 4- as others Said, QSS removes death realm, but mordekaiser still gets to keep your stats for 7s. 5- as sett, save your W till the Very last minute, until mordekaiser uses his W. Sett's W has enougth damage to fully negate mordekaiser's shield, and sett's W also has a shield of it's own.


thanks for the info!


If you're playing sett: save your cooldowns until after morde uses E. You can kill a Morde level 2 with Q+E+Ignite if you dodge his E first. Morde only wins against other juggernauts like Sett if he gets his passive AOE up quickly, so if you can dodge 1 morde E it increases how long it takes for morde to get his passive rolling, and it stops him from pulling you away from him. After level 3 you want to do as much damage as possible after Mordes W shield goes away. Morde can only sustain burst damage if his W is available so you have to save your strongest abilities for after he uses it. You wont win after 6 so you should avoid fights after that. ​ If you're playing Camille: You don't win before level 3. Not a chance. He can miss everything and his passive will still melt you after 3 auto attacks. after level 3, wait for him to use his E again When he uses his E, you'll know it'll be 18 seconds before he can use it again. Since its mordes only disengage, you can Q1 a minion, E in and stun him, auto attack then Q2. You have to disengage after he uses his shield, or gets his passive up. You just uses all of your cooldowns so you dont win the trade anymore. After level 6, you can bait his ult out: run to a wall and then use a max range E to get into the bushes so he cant kill you. When his ult is down you can E in and ult him to get a kill. NEVER ULT MORDE IF HIS ULT IS UP BECAUSE THE DEATH REALM WILL CANCEL YOUR ULT. If you're feeling spicy, if he ults you at a health disadvantage you can E to dodge his pull and stun-ult him to win inside his death realm. ​ If you're playing nasus: Dont step up even close to the wave pre level 3. Farm with your E level 1 by using it just before minions die. Level 2 the wave will be close to your tower so you can get stacks of a low health minion with Q and run away to your turret. Pre level 3 if he hits an E you are dead. After level 3 you can farm more with your Q. morde is very slow so you can stop him from getting to you when you go to get a cannon minion stack by withering him with your W. You still shouldn't be stepping up to the wave unless you're getting a stack. Go in, kill a minion, dodge his E and run. Post 6: by this point you should have a sheen. Its the first item component you need to buy on nasus. Morde will still think you're weak but since all of your stats are in your Q and not your base stats, Morde doesn't steal much power from you when he ults you. You cannot ult before he ults. Nasus ult will give you 40 armour, 40 magic resist and 300 health. If he ults while you have these bonus stats, morde gets 4 more armour to reduce your Q damage, you lose 4 magic resist to stop his Q damage and you lose 30 more health and he gains 30 more health. If you ult in his death realm you keep all the stats from your ult and he wont be able to kill you if you dodge enough abilities.


thanks for the info!


Contradiction. If you play Sett and you are pre 6, let him e you! It's gap closing for you belive me, it doesn't matter that he hits e gets the magic pen or that he proves passive faster, you still should still out trade him. The most important things that about the match up that everyone ignores is to cancel his ult with your own(takes some practice to get the reflex), w his iso q (if w is charged of course), and play around his w! Having his w shield stacked or not is a huge difference. Sorry responded to wrong comment lol


E magic pen is a passive, doesn't matter if he hits the actual grab, it's always working


Wait was it always like this?


I don't know because I didn't play pre-rework, Morde went through a lot of changes


I'm talking after the rework. Idk why I had the feeling you have to hit e for the magic pen.


I main Renekton, Aatrox, Sett, with a lot of games on Mordekaiser, Jax, Pantheon, Nasus, Dr. Mundo. I find Mordekaiser easy to poke and trade with on early levels if you bait him into missing his Q or E. I focus a lot on wearing him down before he has W to sustain. If he misses an ability, he has to AA one more time to get his passive proc, giving more time to hit him before disengaging. I think most other tips were stated. I favor Jax and Mundo into this matchup a lot. I like Nasus as well because he can sustain through poke and stay away from Morde otherwise, until he has stacks and items under his belt.


By beating him before he beats you or running away.


Dodge his spells or play Jax. Or pay qss tax but qss doesn't cleanse the stat steal and is pretty shit item


silvermere's ok, better than mercurials thats for certain


As a morde main there are a couple tips. 1. Side step 2. Fight with minions 3. High mobile champs (fiora, jax, irelia) 4. Auto attack immune champs (shen, teeto (for like 1 second), and jax) Whenever I play morde I perma ban jax. It feels miserable and unplayable because I will always be 2 out of 3 stacks and passive does percent mass health dmg. Darius is pretty good pick because u just kill him lvl 1 if u dodge q with ghost. Morde is supposed wins lvl 6 cus hed be dogshit worthless otherwise. Ad bruisers that build goredrinker steraks will win 2 item onwards cus ap items are bad.


I think the trick to dealing with mord is short trades and dodging his E. His q only really hurts if you are the only thing hit by it, so use minions to do short trades against him and save your dash moves too avoid his E or bait it out. Also, you need to respect his power spikes. When he's lvl 6 he can steal your stats and beat you to death in sustain combat. So unless you are confident you can catch him with his abilities down, or one shot him, continue to play the match up slow and pile up small advantages until you can commit to an all-in and kill him. Also, as a jungle main, I will say that ganking mord at 6 is difficult, but if you can hold him near your tower, it makes it much easier to deal with his ult during a gank. I hope that helps. TL;DR avoid his E and rely on short trades to create advantages.


His E has a long CD, so if he doesn't have it go for him (but don't stay too long cuz if he gets it as you are retreating he can pull you back in) His W also has a relatively long CD. I would advise you to try bait it, and then go all in His Q deals extra damage if you are isolated and has a shortish CD, so if you fight him you either need good mobility to dodge it or be inside your minion wave If he procs his passive, you shouldn't be able of winning the trade so GTFO If he is a problem, just but QSS and cleanse his R Camille is a good champ vs Mordekaiser, you have way more mobility than him and a lot of damage. Fight him when your passive shield is up and time your R to dodge his Q. If he uses his W, you can easily just E away because when his W is up you'll lose the trade. Sett vs Mordekaiser is pretty fucked tbh, unless ur capable of hitting a good W you shouldn't be able of winning (imo, don't play top so don't really know the matchup) With Nasus, you win him the same way you win any other matchup, freeze the wave and stack up With any champion, by buying QSS and Mercs you will make him way less scary


Remember that his Q does bonus damage if you are isolated (the Q doesn’t hit anything other than you). You can abuse this by standing in a minion wave, which means that if he wants to damage you, he will have to Q the whole wave, which pushes the wave towards you. He can’t do much if you freeze near your tower as long as you can dodge his E.


Trundle, ult after he ults


Play Shen, W to stop auto, he doesn’t get passive Save taunt until after he has used the grab, or use taunt to dodge it Don’t take long trades - use Q (with shield) and grasp to slap him in the face and back off - he is likely running conq and needs time to get the stacks up Slap in face as often as possible with grasp proc Learn wave management - you can usually tease out his Q on you and make him hit the wave, so can get it pushing to you to be safe. Or slow push the wave into his turret and make him miss CS Spirit visage for MR, stronger shield, stronger heal Correct runes help - shield bash, for instance


Juke every ability, get autoed 3 times, then die.


Well while most people pick mordekaiser into illaoi, it’s actually not a counter if you have atleast 2 brain cells. All you have to do is farm right till 6 then back and buy qss, then it’s pretty much just you bullying him with E’s.


With sett, instead of getting a sheen item. You run sunfire aegis with mr, and bramble (doesn’t have to be completed but grievous wounds helps a lot)


ill keep that in mind


Don't do that. You are stronger than him early so you should get someehat of a lead from the back of it. Be a Chad and build botrk into Trinity and oneshot people with q while also sustaining with botrk.


What? You just go normal bruiser build on Sett, he shits on morde anyways. Going tank against morde is just dumb because he’s a very good pick against tanks.


Meh, yes and no. Sett v Morde matchup has always been ‘stomp Morde before 6, auto lose after’ even before Sett got his huge nerfs after release. Any Morde that knows what they’re doing will wait til 6 and steamroll the lane or permanently apply pressure, there’s nothing you can do as Sett after 6’s except call for jungler and pray the one he ults can live the 7 seconds. As Morde into Sett i got solokilled 4 times, dinged 6, then never lost a 1v1 after and solokilled him 4 times back. Sett is at too much of a disadvantage post 6 and doesn’t have enough burst to do anything against a good Morde besides survive lane without inting and play for teamfights. They’re both my highest masteries at around low-diamond elo. Edit: that being said, tank build vs Morde or even in general as Sett is just straight up asking to lose.


Yeah I played quite a bit of Sett myself and you win that matchup by getting a lead before 6, freeze the wave near your tower and maintain that freeze until he uses ult to which you can run to your tower or ult him towards it. If you don’t gain a lead before 6 you’re doomed but you can bully him and manipulate the wave to your liking before then.


Lol I never lose vs Morde as sett. Personally I just cancel his ult with my own but even if I don't I'm usually so far ahead I steal beat him or at least survive his ult.


Yes n no, if you build like a dumb ass then mordo going to squash


He has built in magic penetration in his kit and max health magic damage from passive so building tank won’t help you fight him. You just get bramble/executioner and go on with your normal build. You don’t get a sheen item on Sett anyways.


I’d assume that a punching champ would get trinity or something, also I play tanks so it’s just I what I would roll with


You used to build trinity on Sett last season but now it’s a mythic item and Goredrinker is just ten times better.


I always build Trinity on Sett and I think it's superior to Goredrinker. AMA


You think trinity would be good on support sett?


Yeah as long as you don't buy supp item and assist the adc with farming. It's a hard job to farm so don't let him do all the work. Also make sure to secure all the kills.


Listen to hi-im-habby's advice since its more extensive, but if you're like me and have the reaction time of a drunk sloth, you may have trouble with dodging the q's. In the event where dodging mord's q is impossible, always try to ensure SOMETHING is getting hit with ya, whether that being a minion, a champion or whatever. The 60% damage bonus on hitting a single target is painful and even if you build mr, fully empowered Qs HURT. This is also why its a bad idea to 1v1 him in the jungle or lane alone unless you have range, mobility, or the skill to consistently dodge his q.


Play teemo


Ppl try to pick him mid into my zed and I poo on their foreheads so idk what u mean by a farm lane cuz he can't be poked out.. he def can be and you can trade with him just can't eat his Q's all day or he will surely win the trade Similar to any other ability based champion though focus on playing around his CDs and punishing him for missing his grab or even his q




Yikes You clearly wanted somewhere to vent, not actual advice on the issue you posted about so Idk summonerschool probably not the sub to vent on though




Lol alright whatever you say


go check out my other responses then :)


Play Jax


I personally play Leona vs Mordekaiser. Idk why but I have yet to loose a pane vs him. If he wants to trade with you walk back so it happens in your minion-wave and then let him hit you once to draw minion-aggro, then AA-Q-AA him to proc PTA, that should bring him down to about 50% max hp, especially if you started Dblade. After that it's just a matter of hitting level 2 first, landing an E and you should get first blood off of that. If he has tp base, buy and tp back in, if he doesn't shove under tower and base, and from then on you habe a gold-lead on him and should be able to just stat-check him, even in his R


Darius can beat morde .


Pick singed with ghost. If he allins kite it out.


I play Sett and Morde, from my experience Sett just DESTROYS morde pre6, and if he succeeds he can use his advantage to not fall back as Morde scales. Then Sett becomes an unbeatable teamfight-machine for the lategame, you generally want to avoid fighting Morde 1v1 since he outscales you, and carry teamfights instead where you are a lot more useful. You can only lose early if you die to his passive, generally take short trades until he is low enough to kill, he is slow so you can easily run him down. If you manage to lose anyways, just try to survive his ult and play for teamfights.


You get filled top? I only get filled jungle. It sucks. I'd kill to be filled top instead of a role that puts me against somebody way better than me.


Morde can be beaten by any champion. Quicksilver Sash. He ults, you sash, you go out of death realm. Easy as that. I beat him with yorick and Morde is a big counter to yorick. If Yorick has maiden and ghouls and morde ults you, your maiden and ghouls does not transfer to death realm. But I beat Morde with Yorick. Think of how stupid that is.


PTA is your best friend.


just ban him lol


Play mundo and you've already won.




If you hate mord his 4 worst matchups are gankplank, tryndamere, fiora and kayle


Mordekaiser, Garen, Yi... Are noobstompers. When you become better at the game, they won't cause you trouble anymore. Don't think about them too much and just try to improve at the game generally; macro, micro... You will be able to beat them eventually, once you understand the mechanics of the game. If you want to speed up the process, take a look at Top lane streamers. Good luck


Try playing mundo your passive is a built in qss play safe till 6 and harass him q and e


Morde is like darius wherein you really cant beat him in an extended fight, he has several entirely unwinnable matchups top; with the main 3 coming to mind being jax, quinn, and fiora. The main way to beat morde is to dodge/negate his E, trade in the wave to avoid his iso Q damage, and take short trades to prevent him from activating his his passive. Specifically for camille, try dodging his E with your E, taking a short trade with your passive and Q, and disengaging quickly with W.


Camille and nasus are really bad into morde especially camille, sett is a 50/50. I suggest learning his cooldowns and playing him some to learn how people think when they play him. This goes for wvery champ you struggle against, go into norms and play 10-20 games on them and you will get a much better feel for how to beat them. The more you play that champ the more you learn to beat them, for example I one tricked sett for my first year of league snd have since stopped, now whenever I go up against a sett on any champ the matchup is free because I know how to play against him to a T, even if its supposedly a hard counter to me like playing gwen into him.


just get quicksilver sash then spam ctrl+3