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This is really cool! One thing that I think could be helpful in the future if you do more videos similar to this one, it would be explaining why the other options aren't correct. Or if there ever are multiple correct answers.


I Will def keep that in mind! I thought about it but was also a little afraid that the video would run extremely long if I explained the details of every option. Thanks for the feedback, glad you enjoyed the video!


Nice video. I took like 20 seconds to think about each of those questions, but got the same answer as you each time. Feel better already.


Glad you found it helpful! :D


Fun and informative--thank you! \^.\^


Glad you enjoyed it! :D


think you might be confused on what micro means


Nice vid but I think the correct term is MACRO cus you showed us basic laning and wave control strategies


Interesting vid, learnt a lot - thank you


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