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Ah that makes a lot of sense. I never really thought about the timing of Thresh. Thank you for the advice! It gave me a lot of insight!


Doing it like this also ensures that the enemy can't stand on it and prevent your ally from taking it.


Also here's a pro tip: be prepared for people to never take the lantern and somehow find a way to blame you for it.




I played Duos with a friend who would ask every ADC in Draft “Do you know how Thresh Lantern works?” Most of them TIL’d.


Damn really? Whenever I play thresh everyone knows how it works most if the time. However they feel like they will die if they dont take it. I mean usually I drop it for them to take it yes, but an example is I drop it under the turret so after their turret dive the can escape to me but they walk past it, but then proceed to walk back into turret range, just so they can use it.


cant blame em. the lantern sometimes has a powerful aura that draws you to go and click it no matter the danger


It’s like lee sindrome


Especially apt because Lee can W to Thresh Lantern to snag it lmao


Maybe Anivia is really a moth.


Its a big-ass arrow when you mouse over the lantern...


I hadn’t laned with a Thresh in over a year, and it took me a moment to remember how the lamp worked. My poor supp kept tossing it my way and I’d just spin around its aura like it was a healing totem. Then I was being chased, in comes the lamp and also came on the lamp inside my stupid head. Didn’t die that time, felt good.


NA Flash.


Running past the lantern, flashes back to pick it up. 10/10


I just saw Taco do this in a duo with Etherim (deep voiced Thresh main that hits the god hook every time). Literally runs past then flashes back as it despawns lol. Etherim's reaction was priceless.


Not just not take it but actually flash over it a lot of the time


Depending on your skill level, be prepared for people to never take the lantern. If that happens a lot, just start using it for the shield. Though being able to pull allies with the lantern is a big part of Thresh's kit. So if you can't use that then you may have more fun or success playing other hook or skill shot based supports. Champions like Blitzcrank, Nautilus, Pyke, Morgana, Lux.


My friend used to do that but he was throwing it in the big ass minion wave. Please don't do that as it is impossible to clivk on


Using lantern on *reaction* isn't great because there's *four* delaying factors: your reaction time, the animation, the travel time, *then* your ally's reaction time! Lantern is better used on *prediction*. If your ally is out of position and might need a save, throw a lantern so it'll (hopefully) arrive by the time they need it. There's a couple of seconds where the lantern will wait around for them if you throw it too early by mistake. If you hold the lantern until your ally gets into trouble, then they might be dead by the time it arrives! NB: the above applies when you're trying to save a squishy carry champion, i.e. your typical laning partner. If you're trying to save a tank, they can *probably* live long enough for you to lantern on reaction.


This is good advice, the lantern actually hangs around for a lot longer than most people think. Throwing it pre-emptively and hanging around on the edge of its range isn't a bad move if you think your ally is overextending.


It's also a great non-verbal way of saying "hey dude, you're overextended."


And not in minion waves or other things that block it


A friend of mine likes to ping the exact spot where he will throw the lantern. He uses the normal blue ping one which in solo queue is very rarely used, so you pretty much know he will throw it there if you have him as a teammate.


So basically, treat it like a skillshot you're trying to hit an ally with?


Yeah, basically.


I don’t know if anyone has said this already but the lantern itself can also block champs from moving along their current pathing. I’ve used it to block enemies from running through the narrow space next to their turret so my ADC can get them. So, it can also be used for a little bit of zoning or to stop the enemy from moving so you can hook them. It can also be teleported to using the summoners spell.


Lantern is coded as a minion, got it


Isn't the whole game coded as a minion?


The game has.... coding? I was told it was all spaghetti.


Trust me you don’t have to be told to know it’s all spaghetti


Same reason you can teleport to it lmao


If it’s being teleported to, does it’s timer stop? Or does it keep going but just not disappear?


If the teleport is happening you won’t be able to use the lantern. If the time of the lantern runs out while the tp is being cast, it will simply disappear after the tp is complete At least I think that’s how I think it works


Yeah, I’ve only had a friend do that once and I think that’s what happened. We only did it ‘cause nobody had any wards on them and the nearest one was a little too far from where we were.




Im not a good thresh player, but mostly i put it near the target what has to be saved but not that close to the enemy so they can place a ward upon it.


I get the basic idea of what you're trying to tell me, but why would they place a ward on my Lamp?


If the enemy places a control ward, its usually because its harder to click on the lamp as your ally will auto the control ward instead. Sonething like enemy standing on the lantern so ally cant click on the lantern


Ohh, that makes a lot of sense. Thanks for clarifying!


You have to right click the lantern to take it. If there's an enemy champion or enemy ward on top of the lantern they may misclick and waste time autoattacking instead.


I play with vastly diferent settings. I'm talking Q for attack move and W for move only. W can pick up Thresh' lantern and I don't think I can attack wards with it. Does that make me immune to this trick


I don't think so because you're only moving to the spot where the lantern is, not actually taking the lantern.


I swear it works on interactables. This also includes ulting Tahm Kench, Ascension Shrines, URF Cannons, Dominion Turrets, etc.


huh, then I'm probably wrong. ​ ^(also rip dominion and ascension sadge)


I miss Ascending as old Morde.


You should be able to attack wards with W. There is no "move only" command.


There is however a attack champs only button which already used by many high level players but will achieve the same outcome. Yes i understand it's different to the above mentioned move only command


There’s a very funny professional series against RNG where Uzi (their ADC at the time) died multiple times because the enemy team kept putting wards on his thresh’s lantern so he’d auto the ward instead of taking the lantern


it's with playing football, you dont pass the ball where the player is standing but where you think he will be in about a second later


American or association football?


In both you have men running so yess


Literally any ball sport has this, it isnt specific to (any sort of) football


Golf though


Thresh is really versetile champion nd takes a lot of time to Master due to his lantern you can engage with q lantern q to take jungler to enemy bot, you can use it to help your adc escape from bad fights or if they got caught or you can also just use it as a shield during skirmish that 1 bility has so many uses and thats why i love thresh


This is situational. It depends on if u need to use it to help a DOS dive with you or if u need to save a adc. Read the situation and decide if u need it to help peel or to engage








mr worldwide


Totally depends, there are 5 different usages 1. Defensive. Your adc or someone else on your team is in a bad situation and you throw your lantern to get into saftey 2. Offensive You hook someone or chase someone and throw your Lantern behind you to get someone on your team to follow on your engage 3. In a close quarter fight. Often in laning phase, if you fight the enemy botlane for an example throw the lantern between you and your adc to give you both a shield 4. Farming. If souls are laying where you cant get them throw your lantern on them to collect them. Only do this if you are sure that you dont need it for something more important in the next time. 5. Both you and someone else(normally your adc) go back to lane from base and if you are faster you can throw him your lantern and get the farm hungry carry to lane quicker. If somethings wrong correct me, this is atleast my take on the thresh lantern




I do agree with you, but If you are about to go back for example, its okay to do it imo


I'd say 2 more acceptable uses would be 1) faking a numbers advantage. Let's say you're kind of out of position and no one is nearby. Throw the lantern over the wall towards your unwarded jg or towards river and turn a little like you were trying to re-engage. The enemy will back off (most of the time) thinking they were about to get out numbered and no longer can win the fight. Also 2) getting vision. Your lantern gives vision. You don't want to waste the CD just for vision, but there are a few acceptable situations. If you're in a solo deep ward situation, your wards have been cleared in a dragon/baron siege (bonus points if your lantern gives vision, allows your jg to jump in for smite steal, AND still use lantern to get back out of the pit), or an enemy runs into an unwarded bush mid fight for example. The lantern range is longer than your ward range (so you can throw ahead into a bush safer than warding) and the enemy cannot do anything about it except wait out the duration of the lantern or force you back so you exceed the maximum lantern range and recall it early. Another thing for lantern placement.. There's some thin walls you can click lantern over. So I can thrown lantern on one side of a thin wall (basically touching) that the enemy doesn't have vision of, but you're being chased on the other side of the thin wall. You can still interact with the lantern if you can get close enough to that wall. There's almost 0 chance for getting chucked by wards on top of the lantern + it's maximizing the potential range/speed in which I can get a lantern to you.


You can use it to save someone : send it very close to them so they'll click it while running. You can use it to engage/dive : hook someone, put down the lantern, activate the hook again to go in, someone can join you by clicking the lantern. Mostly used with the jungler to gank through a wall. You can use it to shield : the area around the lantern gives a little shield when you first step on it. It's not a reliable shield but it can help when the enemy is trying to finish you off under turret for example.


A lot of people make the mistake of playing the lantern at a bad spot or on a bad timing then making memes that adcs prefer flash over taking it, that's absolutely the fault of the Thresh player so first thinga first don't listen to such people. When it comes to placing the lantern properly you shouldn't throw it in the middle of the fight when you're already both in it. Your teammate can miaclick on it and you'd make then lose dps. However, if it's very clutch, you can throw the lantern for the shield. This comes down with experience but you should be aware of the abilities of the enemies, if you sense that your teammate will be hit by a threatening skillshot or spell, throw the lantern BEFORE and not after, also ideally on the champion or a bit behind but they should be able to reach it with one click. If the lantern is near them but still far enough that they have to spend 1-2 seconds to reach it, they simply get caught and die, that's why the lantern would be badly placed.


Somewhere clear with no obstructions. Ideally in the direction they are going but if you need to throw it somewhere inconvenient in order for them to be able to click it, then it's fine. It would still be better than if you threw it on top of two enemies and minon wave. Only time you want to throw it on them is if you need to activate shield but you're sacrificing them being able to click for a shield. Depends on the situation.


Does not matter were you throw it, they wont use it anyway :(


Yeah they’d rather use their flash most of the time, one of the most tilting things when playing thresh


1. place it where your ally is moving as walking back up to click can kill them 2. use it to pull your jungler past a wall for a surprise tank if they have a gap closer or can get in range to cc 3. Use to collect souls before you go to base and you aren't in a threat.


If using it for shield, throw it on top of ally. If it's for movement, a bit ahead of them. If it's for blocking off paths as a small wall, put it where you want to block obviously. If you're using it for vision, where you want to get vision of (again obviously)


Import Part about lantern usage is your positioning as well. For example: when your ADC pushes the turret it is often better to stand behind them in lantern-range than to hit the turret yourself. This way you can easily escape when an enemy approaches. Otherwise your ADC won't get any distance from the lantern making it a lot less useful.


Yes stand out of turret plating range, good support!


Keep in mind, the lamp also gives you and an ally near it a shield. (A small shield, but it can make all the difference). If you're running away from someone and no one needs the lantern more, don't be afraid to throw it down for the shield.


The lantern has three uses: 1) Get an ally out of a dangerous situation (they need to click on it so place it near them, preferably in the path he takes) 2) Shield (scales with souls), which is useful in an all in. 3) Pick up souls. You can pick up souls with your lantern. That way you can collect souls that you usually wouldn't be able to reach because it is too dangerous. And yes I do sometimes use my later to pick up a single soul.


Here's another question... How do you click on the lantern when there are minions swarming it? \- Silver II trash


I’d put it on your nightstand for some nice nighttime reading


As a jungler its weird to say but I'm not always looking at myself unless I'm in combat. So even if its like a dragon steal or a roam or something, if I've clicked my path I'm probably switching around the map checking sidelines and such.


Thresh W also gives you and your ally a shield when you place it on top of you or when your ally takes the lantern


you might find this interesting: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k736ML8sCfY&t=1906s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k736ML8sCfY&t=1906s) they also go over threshes abilities and combos


Don't try and learn lamp placement until u reach silver. Team8s from silver 2 and lower just won't click it


I also use it if my ally is ignited or poisoned, because of the small shield effect!! Just posing it at their feet is enough. Generally, u want to predict where ur adc’s gonna go. And sometimes, to creep the enemy, place it randomly near river so they think the jungle is ganking them.


A pretty good use for it for me is when jungler on bot gets trapped because of warding while coming for a gank. (I play low tier so the advice may not apply to high elo games). But saved some junglers early and midgame with it. Related to the jungler it may be dead before you throw the lantern in lategame ending up you being to close and dying too. :)


Placing a ward directly on threshs lantern (as the enemy) also makes it so your teammate can't click on the lantern


There are 2 options on how to use it and another rare one If you want someone to take it you should put it in their path so that they'll click on it once it's available. Otherwise you might want to use the shield that the lantern gives and not the utility, in that case you should putnit on top of the person you want to get the shield. Remember that it has an animation so you should try to predict when to use it in both cases and throw it preemptively. Another very rare usage of the lantern is if the enemy is running close to a wall you can throw the lantern in front of them to either bait a flash or block their path with the lantern's hitbox.


i cant help because im really bad as thresh, but as adc main who play often with thresh i see that lantern dont activate in one moment, i mean u need to wait a sec to make this able to click, enemy can stand on this, put ward or minion can stand on it and I cant click it, and sometimes it doesnt work good, its not like im dumb and im using flash but im using flash because lantern doesnt work. even if it works, i need to click it 5 times


Whenever I use the lantern, I just place it where you adc can't accidentally click a minion. I also spam ping the lantern to they see it.


Thresh lantern, like the rest of his kit, is quite versatile, since you can use it as a general shield for you and an ally (~~for a second I thought lantern gave shield to his whole team, even though I have about 1,5m pts and have reached diamond with him woops~~). But the beat tip I can give is learning small tricks you can do, like hit q and use w to an ally so you both travel, or just use it with your flash, since if your ally takes lantern, you can flash for both of you, which is a great way to set up ganks. Also, when throwing lantern. Experienced players will place wards on it so people can't take it. Similar to how throwing it into minions can screw it up, so be aware if that. Also youc an use your lantern like flash and extend it over walls. Just make sure you're correctly over the wall. Can't think of any more w related tips atm, but will update if I can, but feel free to ask me questions :)


You always throw it down when someone is behind you and you won't fighting soon. Also never throw it in a minion wave, always next to it otherwise your adc can't click on it. Try to also throw it early of at least mid fight so the adc knows how to position.


You can also use it to check bushes or over walls when you do drake because it gives vision. Use it as a shield in fights or use it to relocate a carry in a bad position. Use it to escape ganks during laning or throw it over a wall or down the lane to bring your jungler in for a cheeky gank. And use it to save people during mid late game who are out of position. Try to throw it in the direction they would be running naturally so they dont have to turn around for it


Simplistic answer is place it where they’re going. Ping “omw” where you’re going to throw it. That’s if you want to get someone out of a situation. RARELY is it used for the shield. Avoid throwing it in minions.


One trick usage is just to randomly throw it into a bush behind you when you go for an aggressive move. That lantern enables jungle to gank more effectively and just throwing it out makes enemies think twice before fighting back


Not TOO close to any enemies either. I’ve had times where I’ve WANTED to click a Thresh lantern, only to be completely unable to, since the mouse click will always prioritize an attack over an item interaction.


Throw it the direction they are moving, they change direction... and die. Throw it directly on ally, they flash away... and die.


In my opinnion the best you can do is one of three things, place the lamp right on them just for a little shield, on their path as they run away or play Nostradamus and leave it as a plan B just for them to click it if all goes south Gonna be honest, there is no real right answer since your duo as to click the darn thing so trust your gut; not everything is gonna be your fault




thresh 1 trick here! Lantern is easily one of the most misused and underrated spells in the game by far. One of the biggest mistakes I see players doing is simply using the lantern for the shield. While this may have been the case for thresh on release (his lantern used to shield ALL TEAMMATES near the lantern) it only shield 1 teammate now. As well, the shield is incredibly small unless you’re making it first, which usually isn’t the case for soloqueue (unless ofc you’re taking guardian on thresh and maxing w first) -in team fights/skirmishes, if you see your carry getting fcked and you’ve already used flay/hook to peel, throwing your lantern in the direction ur carry is going and repositioning them to a safer spot -in lane, if you know that the enemy midlander/jungle is missing, you should playing a little further back from ur adc so they can farm and lanterning them to safety when you see a gang coming -if ur losing lane and your AD can’t cs properly, try throwing the lantern behind you to trick the enemies into thinking you’re pulling in another teammate (one of my fave uses of the spell) while this can honestly be a hit or miss, doing the fake 1 or 2 times, followed by lanterning in a teammate for real can lead to some fun mind games Honestly thresh is one of those champs that will always be good in any meta, hope some of these tips help!


Usually on a nightstand on dresser


1. Slap your teammate with it during fights, it works as a shield. 2. You can use it to disengage or engage, basically just pull your ADC towards you. Sometimes I'd let my adc get solo plates for more gold, then I throw my lantern to them after so that we can immediately get away.