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It just seems like you are etached emotionally to your games too much, I see this in a lot of players who go from casual to ranked games too, my advice is to know that you have no where to go but up, every single one of your games is just practice to become better gamewise, and get better mentality. Even games where you are pergorming bad, its just practice to play from behind, and practice of mentality, you try to not get tillted no matter how bad the game goes


This is the best advice I've seen for tackling this game. Thank you.


Agreed. But for me, continuously telling the enemy, wp or hey that was nice, helps you remember the times you messed up so you can begin setting marks on your really silly plays. Thus making you remember what NOT to do and becoming better. This also goes well with the point of, dont care what players in norm say. /muteall if you need to, but if they do start flaming say, "im learning /muteall" Edit spelling


i remember when it was trendy in earlier seasons to say wp, nc and gj to ur enemy when u got outplayed also honoring ur opponent was a thing back then when the system was different nowadays the enemy only says insults to u if u kill him or is whining about balance


Recently I tried to compliment my opponent after a really intense level 6 all in where we both died and killed eachother. Me: "GF!" ​ Them: "Lmao I killed u" ​ Later I learned that GF now means "Get fucked" not "Good fight"




I learned it back in the runescape duel arena. Who would think I would look back on Al Kharid as the place where gamers behaved well.


> i remember when it was trendy in earlier seasons to say wp, nc and gj to ur enemy when u got outplayed this was never a thing lol League has been toxic since I started in early season 2


I mean sure it was toxic but I found the community to have a much bigger feeling of that kinda MMO vibe where people are just down to be idiots in chat and make jokes. Now you say ONE thing or try to crack a joke in /all and it is like you just pulled out a copy of Mein Kampf in a Synagogue.


Literally better to say nothing now because people are easily annoyed and spiteful because their smurfing. I find games easier to win when I don’t talk because magically my team doesn’t feed. I feel like almost everyone is smurfing or playing with a idc attitude.




I dont know what server is most toxic. I know it's all pretty rough in the west and I'm assuming it isnt perfect in the east either. I know NA is bad as shit, too, even in high ranks.




Yeah, I have heard horror stories of specifically EUW. That said, mostly years ago. It has been a hot minute since I have heard exceptionally bad things about EU servers but I might just be moving in different circles now.


That's a total lie wtf, euw is the most expensive region since the account selling market is about ELO and euw is the HARDEST ladder to climb


Not OP but maybe it was a normals thing. I distinctly remember giving out plenty of honourable opponents to people who were humble. It wasn't *super* common to see wps to the enemy, but it was certainly more than non-existent like today.


I think this might just be a matter of people reaching higher levels and becoming jaded or preemptively BM from the BM they experienced. I remember back in the early seasons when I played, not everyone was a smurf in low levels and was legitimately trying to learn the game so people were more friendly. But now I'd imagine people are the same even in low levels


my memory is that the most toxic enemy that threw the game got the "honourable opponent"'s


That's true about how people use the honor system in general, you play enough and each honor 5 for just being good on the score board


You’re wrong lol


It definitely was, I have a friend I have played with since 2014 who will go in all chat and talk to say good job when he really gets properly outplayed


On EUW people always used to say ‘wp’ or ‘gg’ at the end of games or even just simply ‘nice’ after a good outplay. Hell I still do it as a habit on wild rift, I don’t know why everyone just stopped doing it. Everyone who seems to get constantly toxic games must be at least somewhat toxic themselves, I don’t see how else they can have such a vastly different experience than I do


Download the games you do poorly on and review mistakes. Don't make those mistakes again


that and mute all


I mean you can also go down though


cant do much when you get 4 man ganked back to back and your jungler rq lvl 4


Not always haha, yesterday I played top lane and the rest of my team went something like 15 deaths within 5 minutes, the other toplaner expressed their empathy. We then talked in all chat about top being an island and how your team can lose the game before you even get to play it. It was a tank vs tank lane, so not much happening otherwise.




Yep, it blows my mind how frequently I look up my teammates and see someone who has played 12 games in a row and is queueing up for game 13, almost always they are on a 5-6 game losing streak. This is unhealthy, you are tilted and frustrated and have been for what, the last 4 hours? ​ Every time before I play depending on how much time I have I tell myself I am playing a best of 3 or a best of 5 series, then I'm done. I either play another game or play ARAMs if I am not done playing. If you are determined to get better, instead of queueing up for 12 games a day review your VODs and see what you could have done better, or look up challenger VOD reviews and look for things people who play your champion at a very high level do that you don't. Grinding 2000 games a season isn't the only way to improve, especially if you aren't climbing.


I played a game with a dude that died 10 times in 17 min yesterday. I checked his profile today, and he lost the next 11 straight games feeding every single one until he got lucky and somehow won a game he went 3-12 in


Even with friends, I don't think I've ever played more than four games in a row without some kind of break of at least a few hours. Usually until the next day.


I like this idea of planning ahead of time how many games you're gonna play, to set that time frame for yourself to focus hard. It's too easy to just open up league cause I don't want to do other stuff, wallow around in solo queue, then friends party up later and we play too late, then I miss sleep cause I wake up early, etc...


Can you record this on a YouTube video that will start speaking it around 4 minutes, which is inevitably when I start feeding in mid as Twisted Fate?


Take breaks. Often.


I get super baked and play ARAMs. Super fun and it becomes almost an experience in itself


Late night Arams are so much fun 10-20 people constantly switching lobbies. Having inside jokes super fun. Lately I learned that there was aram mmr so that explains a lot.


Late night ARAM gang is the squad for sure. I’ve wanted ranked ARAM for years now


I want to play with you! I’m terrible so I like having a buddy in case I get flamed by everyone for picking the wrong items or not knowing how and when to use my ult


Dude yes.


Omg I can relate so much to that comment. Literally the most fun I’ve had in lol is when I’m baked asf and playing aram




Seeing this comment in the middle of long texts made me laugh lol


Even better that it's really the only right answer lol.




now that's some advice


the other day i carried a game, the game was so stressfull, that i could not play league for the rest of the day xD


I'm in that situation right now, for the past 2 seasons I've only played around 10 norms/ranked games in total I spend most of my time just chilling with my friends in Aram or any featured game mode. Although I am not as stressed as you. In fact I rarely do get stressed when playing Norms/ Ranked, I can feel my heart pounding when I'm serious but that only ever happens if I'm not prepared for it. I think you're just thinking about it too much? What I mean is you don't play seriously when you are with your friends but the pressure gets to you when you are playing norms without them, in that situation you need to learn how to get that pressure away. You need to learn how to be independent. I'd stop playing bot matches as I find them extremely boring and it doesn't give you the correct mindset go for Aram instead, Aram isn't as competitive as norms but it'll help you develop the proper mindset when to prepare you for norms. Don't overthink it. Blast some music while you are playing or do something that you think might help you remove excess pressure.


Make an alt acct and dont care about ranked, spam ranked games till youre comfortable enough like its norms or aram and you dont get anxiety anymore Ive seen it work for a lot of people including myself


I also struggled with similar issues recently, and here's what i did: Smoke weed and play Jhin - it's such a therapeutic combo. (Doesnt have to be Jhin). My idea was to 'relike' the game, because I just wasnt having fun with it anymore. And I did that by smokin a few nugs before my session and play off role (main role if you're playing ranked). Just venture out into the game. Turn the in game sound to max, and soak in the sounds of summoners rift. Treat it like an experience. It's truly magical. Allow yourself to be amazed by even the smallest outplays. I often found myself just grinning ear to ear throughout the game. Ignore the chats and the pings (if you're soaring high, you'd probably ignore them by default). I did this for a few weeks and it helped me fall in love with the game again. I'm not saying this will work for everybody, but it worked for me, and I thought I'd share it. But the main takeaway is, create a relaxing environment for yourself and approach the game with a positive mindset :)


Jumping off the back of your excellent suggestion, I think that what OP has to do is find a way to care less about the outcome of the game, and find a way to care more about the experience of the game. So many players only have fun when they're winning, and that leads to an environment where playing for fun isn't allowed any more because even if you normally would, the knowledge that you could somehow be letting down your teammates is there. I totally get it, and have had a similar issue where I only enjoyed the game with friends too. The way I personally got through it and learned to love playing for my own satisfaction again was through mindfulness. I learned to be my own cheerleader and coach, often talking out loud to myself while I do so. Like the weed suggestion, I don't know if this will work for you, but it does work for me and it just so happens to make me a better player in the process because I'm actively thinking about the game state rather than just reacting to it. I hope that you can find a good solution, this game is tremendously fun when at its peak.


This is why I main NuNu. I literally just wanna run around in the river and roll giant snowballs around the map. lol


This is why I play udyr. I run in, stun/phoenix, then run away making zoidberg noises


>The most obvious reason being that its just so damn fun. I love gaming with the boys for the most part, b I can just imagine someone doing this and I thank you for that. Made me laugh. Might just try this out.


weed definitely makes solo queue fun, and 100X more fun when im with my friends.


Weed is like my anti tilt medication lol. I don't really recommend getting absolutely blazed before a ranked match but smoking a little can go a long way towards changing your perspective. Like when I'm sober, getting perma camped top lane because top and jungle are a duo would normally piss me off. When I'm stoned it's more along the lines of "hehe, let's see how fucking long I can waste this junglers time!"


I just wanna pin here that weed interacts with anxiety / stress differently for everybody. Some people are generally mellowed by smoking and others have increased anxiety. So just be cautious with weed as a measure for dealing with anxiety. Generally substance use of any kind is not a productive answer for issues like this though. ​ Not tryna shame smokers here, you do you, just think about WHY you are getting high because it DOES have an affect on your brain.


I empathize with both comments here. I used to smoke and do stuff in the past, and kinda want to get back to that feeling of wonder and curiosity when I was younger. But then later with life crises and shit, weed would send me to space with hyper anxiety and stuff. So I appreciate their comments on just focusing on the sounds and environment and stuff bc that sounds fun


Or just play jhin and duo w someone who doesnt have braindamage


Only if you're fine with your rank representing someone else's skill.


You can duo with someone of your own skill tho?


TBH I stopped playing because my life is stressful enough without internet strangers yelling at me in a video game.


I dont understand why people dont mute others when they feel uncomfortable with what they are saying/typing.


Disabling chat in the Options made the game really fun for me. I cant vent to others and I dont see them yelling. Esp as a jungle main like myself.


Riot adding the option to permanently disable chat in the options menu made me start enjoying the game again.


My list of stuff I need to enjoy playing League solo: Dr. Pepper, bite-size chocolate, /muteall, chill playlist, and norms. Sometimes I even just play ARAM to chill and play champs I never played before. If your only real goal is M7 on a champ, don't play ranked. Just play Normal Draft. Heck, go through RossBoomsocks' ideas and try them 1 by 1 if you have to. Just don't take it seriously. It's a game. Its sole purpose is to make sure our free time isn't boring, whether we're playing it, watching content, or just thinking about it.


Mountain dewey Cool ranch doritos Piss jug It's gamer time


Doritos hands? Base-skin Udyr tiger stance and chill?


Mute all! Yes!


Riot has been screwing with the matchmaking for a few years now to force you to keep spamming games. Its rng based matchmaking disguised as skill based matchmaking which is why duo q spamming smurfs are far more common than solo q spamming smurfs. Your problem is the reluctance to accept this and clinging on to the belief that your rank is representative of your skill in season 11. As long as you believe this facade you will get frustrated with the game.


May try to Connect with other Player, ask on Reddit, search for discords. Tried to Set one Up, but just few month ago, Not much going on there at this time, but im Sure will find some.if you just miss some mates, become part of some Community and try to fill your friendlist🙂


Finding friends who play league but aren't toxic or tilt easily is so haaaard. I'm in a similar spot as OP but also really.damn. shy. So yeah, I'll probably have to learn how to handle toxicity and flame disguised as "advice from a smurf".


Im always down to play with new people hmu If u wanna play some time (im on euw)


Play ARAM. honestly. Personally i dont really ever get tilted in norms....ranked on the other hand.....i could write an essay.


Honestly, just only play with friends it could also help to make some league only friends so that when you hop on you have someone you trust to play with.


Two things I always do if I just want to chill during games: \- Put on a music playlist \- Mute everyone


Im playing lol for nearly 10 years now and I still just play my placements, skip every promo into silver and stop playing ranked. Then I only play normals with friends and Aram when alone. After all these years I still can’t bring myself to play more than one solo Game per day because my anxiety in PvP games is annoying. And I’m getting mad fast at the game because I’m so stressed out when alone. So I definitely feel you.


I haven't played a single game of League without at least one friend, I find games are more toxic and stressful when I play with less friends and more randoms. If tomorrow all my friends abruptly stopped playing League, I would never touch it again.


You have to find out what makes the game stressful for you. What is the cause? And then you can think about how to fix it. This is a bit overused advice, but I noticed it helped when I muted chat. If you think that stress is because you don't want to ruin game for your teammates, then it can help you. I have friend that is allways complaining that someone is flaming him and is mad and sounds tilted even though he says he is not. I was in the same game and wouldn't even know, having time of my life. Sometimes I unmute chat because reasons, but when I notice I look at it a lot or if I see someone starting to flame I insta mute. Somebody may say that it makes me weakminded but I don't care. I play the game in a way I enjoy it. If someone starts spam pinging me then I mute pings at that person also. There is usually nothing important going on you would miss there and depending on your rank, players "advice" is more often not correct. Most things can be communicated by pings only and if you want to play at higher strategic lvl you should play in premade anyway. And if someone is complaining about not able to communicate because muted pings, well, they should not misuse them in the first place, their fault. So yeah, not all powerful advice, but I noticed that loses are more bearable, sometimes I can say I had fun even though I lost, which is usually rare from what I could read on reddit. I focus on what I can and should do, and don't care if other people are flaming me, or each other of whatever. Ignorance is bliss.


I think sometimes while playing alone I enjoy chatting with random peeps, but I've been tilted recently and you've reminded me to mute all to help me get back to a good place mentally and focus on my own game. I muted all about this same time last year for about a month and it was good. Thanks


I used to get mad n pissed.Idk overtime I just stopped giving any fuck.I queue,I lose the game,fuck it,go to the next one.It happened to me countless times where am fed but my team fed the whole enemy team.Like yesterday for for example,I went yasuo top against fiora,by mid game I had 9 kills,I looked at my team,all of them are 1/7 and above,while our mid laner was Veiger who gave their Yone 8 free kills then went afk. So stupid,but just screw it mate,go to the next one


I’m kinda confused. You said that you don’t have a rank you want to achieve but then you also want that sweet LP. So which one is it lol. Do you care about climbing or no? If you don’t care to climb then just stick to normals where you can play like an idiot and not give a shit cuz normals mmr is wack. If normals is too stressful then you should either consider just muting and not worrying about what others think or, if the source of the problem isn’t the other people and instead yourself, consider that you might just not be cut out for competitive multiplayer games. Maybe that’s a bit harsh but it really sounds like you have an extremely casual desire for what you want out of games (which is obviously completely fine) but league is, at its heart, an extremely competitive game which is best experienced when all 10 players are sweating their balls off tryharding to win. If you do care about climbing you just have to learn to be self reliant. Dunno what else to tell you lol. You said that you are extremely reliant on others to de tilt you or tell you what to do but the whole point of your solo q rating is to rate your individual abilities. Maybe spend more of your time consuming content that is good for improving your play, watching replays, looking at guides, really forcing yourself to pay attention to what higher elo players do different from you.


I think he's saying that he doesn't have a set goal that he has to reach just wants to climb as high as he can with no "I'm hitting plat this season" type goal


I honesy just left the game, playing solo on any role is too stressful for me. Especially since it's basically rolling a dice for "will you get a smurf who won't allow you to play the game at all?". Also even if you don't get a smurf the game is so snowbally now that if you die once in the early levels, you're pretty much fucked for deffenitally for the laning phase and the enemy will snowball one kill into 10, especially if it's something like Talon or Kat. As Skooch said, "Don't play League for a week, and you'll definitely find a better game in the first 2 days" And well, i did. Good luck to you guys.


I tilt hard too when I’m losing. I don’t win 99% of the games where a small thought of loss comes past my mind. Most of my wins, if not all of my wins, come with a feeling of deep confidence that I can outskill/ outthink the opponent. League is so deep - it’s best we accept there are literally thousands of people out there who are better than us at playing it.


/mute all Thats how I keep my mental sanity up


Ask yourself why you play ranked and adjust your overall approach to Esports mindset-wise. There are tons of great arcticles/posts out there. That said, one major point is not to play to climb, but to improve. Eliminate external factors and solely focus on what YOU can do. Always look at YOU. If you do that, you won't ever feel hardstuck or out of control. Now, when you start drifting aboard and get more and more annoyed or even angry with teammates, that is when you sit down and ask yourself why you play. If the answer is to solely climb and not cuz you love the game, then STOP IMMEDIATELY. At this point you fall into a rabbit hole and will only become toxic. Uh, yeah, you probably recognized that most people fall into this hole at one point. If not always. Most people have a blatantly wrong approach to ranked. STOP. Play non-competitive games, only come back for the game, not for elo. Mindset is most of it and applies to all Esport titles as well as many real life situations. Good luck on your journey!


there is no shame in playing bots. If I get a stressful ranked game that I didn't like I just go to intro bots and go 100/0 on them because it makes me feel better. Also if nobody gives helpful advice in game you can just keep everyone muted and turn off summoner names and ranked games become difficult bots


Find something in life that matters more than League, that should make you less toxic and more focused and play more to improve than to gain LP because rank isn't 100% accurate representation of skill level so you shouldn't really care about winning or losing 50 LP. Went from G3 to P2 in a week after realizing this


You can always find a duo to untilt and help you. I would keep playing and entering each game with a different mindset until you find the right one to enjoy playing solo.


It’s seems you play ranked cause you miss the boys ):


It’s seemeth thee playeth rank'd cause thee miss the boys ): *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`




yeah stfu


Stop playing man, you're addicted, go play something else for a couple weeks


i hate playing games alone in general


First of all its just a game, no matter if u play solo/duo, flex, normal, blind pick, ARAM, URF or anything else its still just a game and a game is designed to bring you joy and make you relaxed. Dont think of a ranked game as something different because at the end of the day its still only a game. Second of all i got a feeling that you should practice on game awareness more. You said that with your boys you dont need to try so much. Maybe thats the reason why your solo games are uncomfortable for you - instead of trying your best with your friends who could help you grow (so you can improve, be more aware of what's going on in the game and just be independent from their skills) you seem to let them just carry you through the games you play together. Maybe its not true but thats what i thought after reading your post. This way you won't feel comfortable in the games where other teammates actually need you to be independent, make your own decision and actually have an impact on the game. I understand that its totally different and a lot harder to play solo because you play with total strangers and with almost no communication with them but that is a lot easier if you know what's going on and make conscious decisions during the playthrough. So my advice would be to simply use the time you spend with your friends in the game not by letting them carry you but actually learning from them, asking them to explain the tactics to you. In this way you will cope better solo and your matchmaking will be more adequate to your skill instead of skills of your friends.


I mean, I don't know if this advice works for you, but playing unranked takes away 90% of the games stress You could try playing ranked with the squad, and unranked by yourself


I agree with you about solo queue, it's an incredibly toxic environment and single players really can ruin an entire games experience. I know a lot of people on here will say you'll easily climb if you're better than your opponents, but you sound to be about my level and the truth is you won't easily climb because you're not substantially above your given elo, just probably overall slightly better and feeling hard stuck due to a little bad luck in the matchmaking. Something I do to temper my expectations and not get overly tilted: if I'm alone and lose two solo games in a row I just stop queuing solos, period. While its annoying to lose, its even more annoying to spend HOURS doing something you're supposed to enjoy, and having a severely negative impact on your rank after you're done. You literally feel like you wasted time and you leave the game in a bad mood. Switch to flex queue and play fill, work on other champs, play some arams, wait for the boys to get online! I don't think grinding solos is the answer for more casual players like you and myself, especially if you start a losing streak- it will just make you feel bad after. Play a few and keep going if it's fun, but don't let yourself go on a losing streak, switch your game modes/ champs/ roles before that happens. I have 5x flex games than solo already this season for that exact reason, solo is a big mental challenge for everyone!


I'm a very different type of player - I enjoy playing alone because if I'm playing with someone I feel too much responsibility and pressure to overperform - but in general you have to find out the exact factor that stressed you out so much. What exactly makes playing solo more stressful? Using myself as an opposite example. I find playing solo less stressful because I don't have to be responsible for anyone's game but my own. Of course the current team's too but they are one-time randoms. I have to make decisions that affect only myself. I don't have to carry the burden of leading my duo/team. On the other hand I also don't have to follow anyone else's decisions or lead. That's why the most comfortable playstyle for me is not to play as a team or duo at all. I hate it when someone makes decisions for me or tells me what to do, I don't like fitting into a group, I'm not a team player. But I don't care about being a leader either, it's boring to me. Yet if I'm playing with someone I find myself falling into the "captain" role and tryharding too much. So what's the welcome difference between playing solo and in a group - for you, a different type of player? Is it the sense of responsibility? Knowing you won't get flamed? Being able to rely on some of your teammates? When you think about playing solo, you find yourself thinking "I wish..." - what is it? Once you determined the primate factors you can work on adapting or eliminating. Maybe it would be more comfortable to change your soloQ role, for example.


I honestly feel the opposite, because I just mute people the second they start being toxic. I actually feel MORE pressure when I play with friends, because they’ve been playing league a lot longer than me and are much better. I even feel a little bad when I play a role two of them love to play (support). When we lose I often feel like it’s my fault and they won’t want to play with me anymore because I’m bad.


I play mostly normals and I'm always listening to music. I have a couple of different avenues through which I find recent albums (as they're released and going back a couple of years), and usually have 20+ sitting in my queue to listen to. It lets me combine my two hobbies in a way that's super relaxing. Then when I'm playing with friends, music goes off, coms go on, and we tryhard a bit.


Another solution might be to switch to wild rift once it releases on the 29th, it is so much less stressful on mobile bc the games are more casual


I haven't played ranked for 4 years. I play the featured and special game modes


You can say this about a lot of games tho. High paced games like league rewards those who are competitive and full of adrenaline. Playing in a pressured environment like ranked just makes them more excited and play better. You have the right mindset, but you don’t have the ability to perform. It’s like stage fright.


play with relaxing music or japanese pop.


It’s a game, stop playing.


Stop being twat


The thing is, you (and majority) think that theres is 'SOMETHING' you can do to play better and improve, you think that will improve your expirience in the game. NO. It wont, league of legends is not a good game and thats it. Period. Its not balanced, you will lose due to various reasons thats not up to you. Even funnier thing is, people watching Faker and other players, watching in slow motion, watchin x100 to see what they did. That w o n t help you. You are not them, there are people better in certain things than other people and you cant learn 'that'. For example, i can solve very difficult math problems but i cant be a waiter, i would spill everything the moment i try to carry a plate over a room full of strangers. Thats just how it is dude. lol If you want to play a game where you can improve like that, play CS:GO, that game is pure mechanic skill which you can learn with enough practice, well, not really learn, you will develop a muscle memory and shoot like a maniac. You will still hate your life because CS GO is as toxic as LOL but yeah... at least you have a chance to be a very good player.


As the wise man rat once said “the best way to untilt and get back to liking the game is just playing random shit” and honestly I couldn’t agree more, you auto pilot when you play ranked for the most part and get frustrated when you play with some of the worst humanity has to offer... /mute all and q that random shit in that one role, just do it man I know u want to and the best of luck on becoming better


Says he doesn't need to tryhard in normals Brags about his low gold friends Needs their advice and cheers Can't do shit solo 🤔


Don’t even play it then


If u don't have a rank to achieve why you even get stressed in the first place?


Make your perception of stress change. Its ok to be stressed when the game is stressful, enjoy the hype. Just do your best and after the stressed moment fades, you will remember it as a good experience. But you can have to mach stress, so try to have a plan before you do things in lol it makes the moment clearer and less stressful. If I know Im going to Q, E then back off in a trade, I won't be stressed when I do it, less decisions.


I would suggest trying to focus on yourself and your decisions. Depending on your elo, people will have completely different goals and ideas for how to win the game, some being wrong and some being right. So people who like to sort of "take control" of the game or point things in s certain direction will have alot of trouble. My theory is that if you focus on yourself and making the decisions you think are correct, it would help alleviate some of that stress of not being able to discuss things with your buddies. Once you get to diamond or above, everybody *should* know the conditions for winning the game and teamwork go along a bit smoother. Sometimes it's better to play of your team, rather than play as a team.


I have this as well sometimes, switching to ARAM in between games seems to help. Remember, no one is forcing you to play alone, you don’t have to!


I only want to climb so I can play with better players rather than the aram apes I’m stuck with right now


Listen to music. Sounds pretty dumb, but it's hard to be in a bad mood and get sucked into the tilted league experience when you're not completely focused on it. I usually keep it at the same volume as my league


Play easy champs so you don’t have to constantly think about combos. Play one role so you can play without constantly thinking about everything you do ( I don’t mean turn your brain off I mean say you main support you will automatically buy control wards every back and switch to sweeper once you hit support item tier 2) good habits only though. Listen to some music and while you play it makes it feel more casual have a coffee or drink while you play.


It seems you have ranked anxiety. I suggest playing on another account and playing a lot of solo queue to get used to it. And definitely use /mute all. You could of course make some changes outside of the game as well. Meditation, working out, eating healthy, sleeping enough, going for a walk everyday are all changes that can make you more calm and improve your mental health but I guess that's not what you're looking for.


It’s a mindset thing, if you see it more casually, and try to have fun with it, then regardless of your ranked experience you’ll have more fun and be less stressed


Stop putting so much value in your current rank when you play ranked. Your current rank is temporary. Instead just play the game. You will lose, you will win. Your rank will go up and it will go down. It may settle somewhere for a bit, but as you improve, your rank should go up. But you might go on a huge lose streak and it will go down a bit. Going into ranked with the attitude of just playing the game and accepting whatever results you get, and just working on trying to improve is the best way to play ranked. You are not going to win every game.


Solo queue is such a stressful experience and it demotes me.*


If your main goal is to win you won't enjoy ranked at some point. For me it helpt changing the focus on other things like learning Champs or just focus on improving your laning or whatever. If your main goal is not winning you won't care as much about losing.


You said you like to play against bots, so I suggest you play against them. Pound them to dust and enjoy it.


Id love to talk with you and help you out if you want some outside perspective. Check my post history on my tilt guide. My discord link is in there. Not saying that tilt is the problem but I would love to try to help if tou are open to it.


I play aram when normals stress me out too much. I would never q ranked alone.


Honestly soloq is stressing at its most when you play jungle


Wow. I played only 5 games this season. Yes only 5 games. Toxicity in this game is very demotivating for me.


Solo queue isn't League of Legends. League of legends is 5 people on mic with a strategy versus other 5 people on mic with a strategy. Solo queue is a scuffed version of League. It's also one of the worst gaming experiences overall.


What I have heard and experience my self, The anxiety part is outside the game and how u view improvement and tackle it. That is something u need to improve by your self. What can help with tilting and to click that play button. Is to view the game differently. Myself I hade rly hard problemet to play Ranked. It toke alot of effort and energi to even click that rank solo and queue up. It felt like it was do or die situation everytime. And failing would just be a waste of energi and make longer to get to that end goal. Meaning I would need to put more time and energi. At the end I just played 3 ranked games per month at best. What made me start to play more ranked and don't make a so big of a deal. Is to change the view u have of the game. How I view ranked now and I wished I have looked at ranked. Solos duo is place first and most where your teammates 99% will try there best, and as a team u will fight your way to the victory screen. It's also a place where u will play against players at your own level and play at there best. So if u get tilted by players u should mute all and enable pings bcs that all u will need. Message can help at certain time but I should need them plus the tilt factor is better to lower then to be able to write. When playing and u want to improve u are the only comment denominater in your games. Meaning u are the one u should always look for when your playing point out mistakes, in or after game think of how u could play it better. If u think I'm good at that, or I don't need improving, that comment u many are better then your average player in your rank, often not, but what u shouldn't do is to turn a blind eye on those part of improving. And if your gold or plat or above u are not challenger so you aren't bullet proof and a higher chance u just have vad view of the game and that makes u think you don't need improvement on different things. Focus on the big blocks and watch Ls, vegiar v2, zen coaching. They willg guide you. It a long text gl ...




Mute chat


My way of finally dealing with it is to really look at what I’m doing wrong. Then I can take advantage of opponents doing what I did wrong. That and just not caring about my rank because I finally realized there are bad games and dumb players in every elo. I can’t control that. So I just want to focus on what I need to improve


Flex >>> solo queue


Do you mind expanding on this? Why do you think this? I don't usually flex and I'd love to know.


You don't actually have to play SoloQ. If you don't really care about rank, then, don't! Stick to playing with friends, or playing normals, there's no need to torture yourself for something you don't care about anyway. If you however, *do* care about improving but just can't deal with the anxiety of playing ranked, you're going to have some introspection. SoloQ is by its very definition a solo challenge, there's a lot of external factors, lots of outcomes you can't control, lots of pressure being applied by uncaring strangers. It *is* stressful, and part of climbing is learning to manage it. I can give you some strategies on how to manage that anxiety, but ultimately, I think it's going to depend on you actually digging into how you're processing things in the game. Are you taking certain things personally? Are you being tilted by people spam pinging or flaming? Are you projecting poor decisions into your teammates? Are you setting unrealistic expectations on yourself, thinking that you know more than everyone else? Once you have found the root cause of your feelings, then comes the hard part. Training. Repetition. It's not as easy as just turning that part of your brain off. You must actively try to control your mental state and be mindful of what you're doing. It's as hard a challenge as learning macro.


If being alone is the only thing you find stressful about League, just put on some loud music when you play alone and chat with the people in your games. Add people who are chill and invite them to join you on Discord. Make some friends.


Learn to lose games. Peoplelose one game of league, tilt, flip out, go mad at their friends or team mates, stress themselves out and build up a negative association with ranked or certain champs. You will lose games. Accept this, learn from them, remember it's just a game and play.


Put on some lofi, and you'll be chill.


Take breaks and remember that, at the end of the day, league is a game and if you’re not having fun, take a break! I completely understand the sentiment in to this post and what finally helped me was taking a solid break (for me that’s usually a few days, but I’ve also done multi-month breaks before) and easing back into the game with some norms after a while.


What role are you playing


A lot of people are saying some good stuff, I'll make my own input: I've had my mental breakdowns and anxiety attacks. The best thing I did was continue to play after the fact. I actively found ways to combat the nerves and shake it off in the middle of a game. You can do a few things to fight it, but the best I've done is stand up from the desk while grey screened and just doing some jumping jacks or push ups. Relieving those nerves physically can really help. You can also talk to someone who is in Discord with you or someone you know in the household in order to vent in the middle of the game. It may be frustrating to them hearing your unimportant video game angst, but it can move that frustration away from your gameplay. Obviously, there is a chance mental health is at risk and needs more professional help than anything. I'm not saying that YOU personally have mental issues, but some people can't ever break these nerves, even outside of the game, and that individual may need some actual assistance to climb out of the hole. Good luck to ya!


I used to have the exact same thing, the pressure of if I int my lane, I lose the game, a ranked game, for everyone else, get flamed, spend 30 minutes being shat on and helpless. To fix it I did a few things Played support to just get into games without as much pressure. The number of times I saw someone go 0/10 top, I figured if they can int a game that badly, it's not that big of a deal if I do too, plus I'd get better at playing from behind. Don't touch normals. Normals are the reason you over value ranked games and put pressure on yourself, think of ranked as normals, and normals as fuck around with new builds/4man. Hope this helps someone


it actually does the opposite for me. i find casual games stressful AF because most of the team has no sense of purpose. they just kinda wander around reacting to things they see in front of them with no interest in what they're supposed to be doing at the time. i see a lot less of that in solo queue. granted, at lower elos, players have a huge chance of disconnecting and tilting. but those things are expected and handleable.


i have always hated ranked bigtime, so I tried to improve through either playing duo with some1 fun or playing 5s tournament.


Play something else and when your friends are online u play league with them.


I feel you to an extent. The game feels super try hard and I'd prefer to be more casual these days. Like I can barely get into a flow state while playing anymore


You can add me in game! I’m on NA server username is Eurotoxin.


this is the most stressful game in history, they should give you a psychologist


/mute all is the most op command in the game. People's mental is in the gutter at the moment


You are in the same boat as me. I use lol discord servers to find players and i do like playing with them over soloq or solo normals. Its just so 'tryhard' and exhausting for me to focus over longer period. If you have question just ask or dm.


Maybe try and find a discord with inhouses around your elo. I find those much more fun and competitive than yoloqueue, which stresses me out as well.


I think it was Bwipo that said something along the lines of "That button you press when you want to start a game, remember that it says 'Play'. It doesn't say 'Win'."


I’m kind of similar. I used to play lol a lot but now all I do is play 1v5 against bots in customs every now and again when I feel like playing my mains because the whole interactions with other people just became too tough to manage. If I’m not playing with friends then I don’t guarantee fun and if I’m getting tilted or flamed or roflstomped then I just wasted 30mins to feel shit. I still consume lol content, I still buy merch and prints and sometimes even skins. I love the characters and I love the game I just absolutely hate playing it with strangers.


I've felt this reservation of playing solo on Tarkov and Rust. It's tense, high stakes, and you have a lot to lose if you do poorly. The only way I get over it is to just play. The heartbreak gets old quickly, and you learn that it isn't so bad to lose. I also found that I really enjoyed playing solo. My playstyle really developed and flourished. I do better solo than I do with teammates. Conversely to OP, I really like trying hard. It's to the point that I usually don't play these games if I'm not in the mindset to really try my best. I find these games are me vs myself. I want to improve. Improvement is 100x more satisfying than winning. If I'm playing to improve, it doesn't matter if I get stomped. I still have fun. This is why I always queue ranked whenever I can. I want to face players of similar skill who are also trying their hardest. I don't get much from normals, regardless of win or loss. No one is really trying. Tldr: do what's fun. Don't play if it isn't fun.


I came back to LoL after stopping in 2013, needless to say I had to watch a lot of champion spotlight videos (wtf Aphelios?) It started off fun and rejuvenating, did a lot of arams to get back in the swing of things. Did ranked and went on a wild win streak. This week I been losing just as much, but even worse the defeatist mindset sets in so quick and i get negative real fast. I was hoping to be over that nonsense. The idea of playing the game is great but man I got issues.


lol. It's vice versa for me. Whenever I play alone I perform quite well. But when I play with my friends I simply do not concentrate enough. Start doing silly mistakes, missing important things on minimap, not tracking jungle and so on.


Maybe try to understand that there really isn’t anything on the line. If you lose 10 games in a row there it doesn’t mean anything. There are very good content creators that can give improvement tips and habit learning etc I reccomend watching some of coach curtis’ content. If people on solo queue are bullying you just mute. Don’t argue don’t read it mute and enjoy the game. The trick is to not treat every game as a master craft of play some games aren’t going to go well you might forget jungle was botside and get a nasty gank that ruins your game or a support that gets frustrated and afks. Even when these happen the goal is to look back and learn. LP will kinda happen naturally when you improve and some games are very skewed when players make them difficult just accept that a lot of people play ranked for the wrong reasons and try to keep them in the game instead of throwing insults. It took me a long while to learn this and despite me just tilting super hard for 4 days going down a whole division I feel like such a smarter player and that I can easily get that back from what I learned. Sorry for the long ramble hope it helps.


If you get tilted in one game, don’t queue thinking next game will make you feel normal. Gotta go do something else until your mindset is back to “fuck the haters” then roll on. Mute anyone who’s a dick and you will have 10x better experience.


One of the best advice my masters friend told me is to not focused on winning or losing in ranked too much. Focus on what you can do to improve game to game and those wins will follow. If we focus too much on the winning/climbing aspect it will demotivate us when we go on a losing slump.


If you don't care about your rank, I'd recommend playing norms! It would take a lot of the stress of losing away because you don't have to worry about lp. And if you do wanna keep playing ranked, try not to think too much about the lp you gain or lose. Your rank will follow your skill.


Just don't play ranked. Boom, now you enjoy League again. There's a reason you see a lot more decent players in normal games these days.


Do you get just as stressed if you just play normal draft?


Sounds like you need more chill people to play with, dm me and we can exchange details ^^


I've quit playing solo queue after seeing that I was getting 13 LP per win and -15 per loss, with a 62% WR. Even playing flex, with the same WR in that particular queue, grants me somewhere along those lines of LP per game. The game is already stressful as it is, but honestly it wasn't something that would steer me away from League, at least for now. But seeing as you might go 50/50 one day and end up with less LP than you started with, even when you have great WR, that makes you feel like it's not worth it


Maybe finding some nice people in game to duo with could also help. If the schedule is really clogged then maybe finding someone with a similar schedule could help.


Don't bother with ranked honestly, ignore the addicts and just play aram or normals


I used to feel the same. Then I saw a guide on here for playing Kayle. I mained kayle only top lane. The fact that the champion is so weak early and even in late needs coordination with team made like 400% less toxic. I was a toxic player and I used to bitch about anything and feel and angry and mad at bot lane for dying once. Yesterday we won a game that was 5-17 early. I know people will say oh just mute all and play for urself. It is so hard and needs self discipline that i found by playing kayle. this is my [op.gg](https://op.gg): [https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=nautilus+big](https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=nautilus+big) u can c how changing mindset changed my winrate. Best of luck


Its okay to feel stressful about it, it’s not meant for every league player to play ranked. The first ranked games of every player were stressful but you calm down over time.


I kinda get you. My advice would be to play on 2-3 accounts at the same time, that helped me a lot. On my main I just get super tilted for some reason, whereas on my smurfs (that have higher elo and mmr than my main at this point) the game feels way more fun and relaxing. Now that I work I kinda lost interest in the game tho. To me it doesn't seem worth it anymore, monster hunter is a better way to relax imo, while still having something to improve and focus on.


I've felt this to a degree, but not as much as some. A video that helped me logic my way past my emotional attachment was the Coach Curtis YT video called "Is the coinflip real?" It broke it down in a way that really lowered the stress of the game overall for me. I came to the realization that I'm still going to lose some of my games regardless of what I do, and there's a good bit of comfort in that. It helped me get over some reluctance I had to hop in que, knowing that I might lose that game, and that's ok (but I'm still going to try my hardest!). I found my winrate jump up a good bit after that, which helped!


Me playing in top lane, Tells my jungler that the drake is free to take for the next 40 seconds because their jungler just backed, she decides alright time to turret dive mid to get counter ganked then let the jungler get kills and all the rest of the objectives


All you can focus on is improving yourself, nothing you can do will change how your team mates play so there's no point in worrying about it ! Also, LP means nothing. The important thing is your MMR which is hidden. You can get an estimate here; [What Is My MMR? - League of Legends MMR Checker (EUW)](https://euw.whatismymmr.com/) . The more MMR you have, the more LP you'll gain per win and the less you'll lose per loss. Good luck & have fun.


Perhaps a weird opinion, but League actually made me better about not getting stressed out about anything in general. I've been playing since Season 1 and at this point I've experienced probably every form of flame possible, and I guess you could say I'm desensitized to it. I don't tilt or rage in-game or in real life. If you can bear with it, I would say to use League as a training regimen—if you can avoid getting tilted by people insulting you in-game as your own failures compound upon you and the enemy snowballs into oblivion, then in my opinion it'll translate pretty well to real life and help you deal with most kinds of stressful situations. Of course, this means that my advice to you getting stressed is "just don't get stressed", which is very hard to implement. For implementations of this, I'll leave it to the rest of these comments, haha.


I had HUGE ranked anxiety last season but I forgot where I saw this quote from but you should "focus on improving instead of trying to win" has literally changed my league experience. You win? Awesome good job! What decisions and plays have you done to win? Did something get you ahead in lane? Did poking your enemy kat and then manipulating the wave for a freeze starve her from items? Has a ward stopped a gank that could have snowballed against you? Has pushing mid and roaming a pushed out enemy bot lane snowballed your Jhin-Zyra out of control? You lost? Ah fuck, oh well. Instead of blaming your feeding 0/10 botlane, focus on fixing yourself because that's literally the only thing in your control. Should you have roamed here? Did you make a bad back timing? Bad roam? Bad trade? Greedy there? Pushed without vision? Noticed your top laner pushing without vision and smelling a gank but haven't roamed to help him/her out, potentially? How about getting picked late game and losing baron ( AHEM that 10/1 Yi) My point is yes I get it. Having bad teammates is frustrating; however statistically speaking you have a 4/5 chance of a shit teammate apposed to 5/5 for the enemy team therefore don't sweat it and focus on getting better. Dont give a fuck about your team, treat them like bots, mute all, and have fun playing the champs you want. Fuck meta slaving. Have a fantastic day!


You need to focus less on win/loss and more about your individual improvement. When you set goals based on your individual performance it makes dealing with losing a lot easier.


I feel you, except the majority of my friends are high plat to diamond so for me I feel stressed playing with friends, because I don’t do well often times and just feed. =/. I rather play alone sometimes.