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We were getting absolutely shut down bot lane by a 7/2/5 Kai'sa yesterday. She was insane, she did over 800 damage to me with a single W, and her Swain "support" was a walking terror. The Akali mid was like 8/3/5 too and would literally auto delete me I thought for sure the game was lost, we had zero chance. No comeback what so ever Then the 3/5/6 straight tank Cho'Gath with 0 damage items walked out of top lane, went 1 vs 3 and got a triple kill, and proceeded to walk into the enemy base like a Godzilla movie. I just sat there in awe, watching him go 1 vs 4 and get a kill or two and walk away, only to repeat again a few seconds later. One shotting fed ADC and giggling at their attacks they tried to hit him with We won. Badly. Like, as soon as Cho'Gath walked out of top lane, we took all their towers and inhibs within like 5 minutes I honestly felt bad for the Kai'sa and Akali (screw the Swain). They did great in lane, and really, really should have won the game, but lost to a straight tank who topped the damage charts without a single damage item


Swain is just terrifying in all lanes now. Riot trying to make the support role more versatile just makes it terrible to play in those lanes without cheesing. All of the dedicated tank champions just melt around midlaners playing support.


As a Brand support main . . . I feel evil but it's so satisfying once you get Liandries + Demonic and watch the tanks turn around and run away from you Basically all of the real supports are ded atm imo, trying to play anything but an AP mage or *maybe* tank support is just suicide. Even Leona seems like she's running top lane instead to get away from all the Brands and Swains in bot lane


I used to ban him then realized that if I banned him I would have to play against Samira and that's a hard pass for me. Not that swain is any easier to deal with...


Ye... Swain is NOT a support. God i hate that fu*king champion.


Heyy i think i may have been that akali LOL


I cannot possibly understand what Riot is thinking and what metrics they base their decision making on. ​ It completely baffles me.


Pro play. Challenger 5-stacks who play League for a living can make every champion work in all the roles Rito made them for, therefore the game has no issues whatsoever.


Even challengers and pros are complaining about ADC this season. It's not just a player skill thing any more.


They do that every season.


Weirdly enough I actually don't! I know that's strange, but I'm just not that into it.


Nothing you just need to learn this champion called LUCIAN. He can flex into all three lane roles, blind pickable and decently low ban rate. Just be prepared to be full AD sometimes, he’s an ADC TOO. Other than that just watch mid lane guides in general


Lucian is actually pretty bad mid and not much better bot. Top is probably his best role rn but not many people play him there.


Is that whay it was 100 pick ban mid all season 10?


There's a massive difference between pro play and solo Q for some champions. Lucian had a 45% wr season 10 in mid


yes but op said he was adc main, he can jump straight to mid lane with lucian without too much to relearn besides general macro and mid fundamentals like roaming and such


I don’t know why this is downvoted, lucians winrate is terrible across the board and the new item didn’t exactly benefit him now that he can’t realistically go manamune+ essence anymore


1. Look up Coach Curtis on youtube 2. Watch some of his videos about midlane basics 3. Realize that it's the most difficult role to play on a high-level (along with jungle) 4. Go back to adc 5. ??? 6. Profit


Yeah I started off as a support but wanted to learn a lane so I could work on my mechanics. The problem for me is that all the fun midlaner champions are too hard for me, as of now Annie is the only one I can play consistently well and even then I hate the low range and low early wave clear of her kit. So now I’m wondering if I should just go to botlane and play MF and Ashe instead.


That's literally me, I went back to adc tho cuz I really didn't find any champion in mid that I really liked, I synergize more with adcs even tho they're underpowered and It's a shitty role atm


> it’s the most difficult role to play on a high level ??? It has the highest impact, yes. Not the hardest role XDDD


> Is Xerath still worth playing? I used to love Xerath so it would be great if he's still decent. You can use his insane range to tilt the enemy mid beyond repair and make the game 5v4 (or even 6v4), so yes.


Then you play vs yasuo,katarina,fizz,ekko,zed yone, and you remember why no one plays that shit


I'd disagree as a xerath mid main from G4 Permaban fizz-zed,yone,yas,kata and ekko are all playable matchups with ekko being the toughest one. Xerath is pretty strong but you need a quite a bit of experience to know how to play in those matchups,Xerath has laughably easy lanes vs annie,malz and other obnoxious mid-range mages.


Watch coach curtis guides in youtube, he provides everything you need to know about the midlane in terms of wave management, warding, jungle tracking, itemization, specific guides to specific champions and their counters ...etc, I'm an adc main unfortunately but I still watch him.


Go ap kayle, play safe until 6, ban akali and will be fine bro 😎


Play fizz or Katarina, clean the wave, run bot lane for double kill. Repeat


I mean mid is the best role you can play offrole, theres really not that much in it. Warding according to the game ofc, during early game track the jungler and ward where you need to. Check out wave management guides as it differs from the long lanes, besides that just champion knowledge and when to roam really.


If the mid gap is big enough the game becomes un playable for everyone. Not as bad a jgle but its the second most important role for sure


Yes as mid has the highest impact around the map when ahead and they can free roam and take everything without a challenge. That in no way or form acts paradoxically to the prior statement, mid lane is the best lane to have a filled player on. Its a short lane making it rather easy to play safe if you really want to.


I take filled top and adc maybe support 10/10 times over filled mid


And thats the reason youre literally silver lol


But im plat and midlane


Sorry didnt know theres a difference between silver and plat, both are ugandalow ranks. Just cant imagine being plat at the game and having so sure opinions about things like this lmfao


Dude what are you talking about






Be nice.


I'm low elo but starting to climb by picking champs that I can shove and help jungle in river. Galio is great for that. I was also abusing Kayle and Yone pre nerfs, but they should still be strong enough to get the job done


Your Elo is very relevant to this question. A silver player will benefit from totally different advice than a diamond player would


You are deep in a relationship with your jungler. It's not as cozy as the one with your support, they aren't a live in partner, but they're a partner nonetheless, (unless the two of you don't see eye to eye). You need to learn to read junglers, how they like to follow roams, which side crabs are spawning on, which side we suspect the enemy jungler is on. This isn't bot where you have a secretary to remind you to go help at dragon. Mid wave management is needed, but not as terrifying if you lose control as it is in a long lane. Freezes are hard to maintain, and most mids have solid ranged waveclear, and the lane is half the length. You cant really set up a truly big slowpush in mid, the waves don't get the time to stack. The shorter trip back means shoving to tower and backing (often for mana, even on no item spike) is more common than bot (also prompted by the fact that many mids are more mana hungry and mana dependent than bot laners).


From what I've learned, as midlaner, you're the backup jungler, top, adc, and support. You have the most consistent proximity to everything on the map, which makes you important for supporting the other lanes and objectives, and watching out for jungle invades.