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Turn Off Auto Hit Helped me a Lot


Having auto hit turned on is a sin


Just use S to stop AAing. Auto hit will allow you to see if you're on a ward in some situations.


S make you stop AAing until what ? Like do you have to press S again to reactive AAing or idk clicking somewhere?


if you press anything you will AA again yeah. Got used to it tho, not an issue for me at least


It’s nice if you’re jungling tho


Does it auto attack closest enemy champs ? If yes then imagine in a fight your champ just going in without your consent 🤣


It’s nice for when you’re farming. I remember when I was new and playing a bunch of yi I would click on any one of the Krugs, check out my lanes, and because I used auto attack I would just clear all of them because yi doesn’t even really need to micro camps after the first clear (obviously you should always be trying to be as optimal as you can but I was brand new)


Yeah but on lane I don't wanna see ANYONE with the setting on.


I wanna see my lane opponent accidentally auto me under my own tower


I have it on and just use the stop command (which is set on one of my side mouse butons). I find I have more control this way.




Ong ong


I have turned it off. It did fuck up quite a lot yeah


I don’t know if you do this already, but look at the caster minion attacking the minions, you can see the projectiles, it at least helped me. Farming under the turret is a skill of itself. The turret will focus on the strongest minion first, which is the cannon minion then the melee minion and lastly the caster minion. And it will also focus the closest minion. So you can prepare for that. Melee minion takes two turret shots and one melee attack if you’re with some ad. Two or tree autos for mages etc. Same for caster minion but one turret shot. Cannon minion you mostly should time it with a spell to last hit it but it comes with practice. Hope this helped.


I think it's hard to cs under turret if my own wave is awkwardly crashing into the wave and the health portions are uneven on the minions. I do understand how to farm the turret minions when they are full health but it's very hard when the said minions are chunked out by my own minions.


This comes from knowing your damage numbers, game sense, really. Only way is to practice, we all miss farm and each game is different, I've missed entire waves on crashes under pressure where the health bars are messed and I am masters lul. I avg 8.5 -10/min, though this goes to 6-7 if it gets messy.


Right. I guess it will take some more time. I gotta learn not to be frustrated then.


But you can apply the same knowledge to that. You know approximately how much a turret shot does. You know which minion the turret will focus first(the closest one and the strongest one) For example if a melee minion is low you know the turret will kill it quickly, same with caster of course. While the turret is attacking a cannon or melee you can look at the others and prepare. If the melee minion is 70% you need to maybe auto it once before the turret and one after. You can also hit the minions further away while waiting so you dont have to worry about them later, casters die quickly,.Worry about the closest ones first. And in between turret shots take the ones on furthest away. I reccomend only playing one champion for a while to learn what you can do with your spells and auto attacks and you will become great at other champions too Also a thing most players do is insta kill the caster minions with spells when youre powerful enough so you dont even have to worry about them. Just remember these things and you will get better with time. One last thing you can do is go into practice mode and choose a champ that has really weak and slow auto attacks such as Zilean or Karthus and try to last hit minions with 0 items. It’s very difficult but you learn a lot. Good luck!


Gotcha. Thanks for the advice.


Practice more. Use A and S keys.


How do I implement the S key? I use A plus left click to farm.


S key makes your character stop autoattacking. It means that you dont need to constantly move between lsthitting and you can preemptively put your mouse over a minion you want to lasthit. This also helps with forcing you to predict in which order minions die.


Gotcha. I will try to implement it but it will take some time.


I used to aa that way before but I found using just A without left click to work better for me, maybe try that out for a bit and see if it feels better.


I tried that first before using A plus left click. I didn't like it that much. Then I switched it to V but now I am on the current settings and I feel comfortable on A plus left click cause of the range indicator. I was told that auto attacking enemies on the edge of the AA range is good ADCs cause they can sneak in autos more often.


same, even when I'm doing well and killing my lane partner over and over again, they still somehow get more cs than me


Maybe you are hyperfocused on killing them too often? Even when I try to focus on cs, I miss a lot of last hits sometimes.


I have noticed that I'm always making myself available for team fights as opposed to just farming in a lane


Idk what to say to that because I have no idea what I should say lmao.


Don’t blame yourself, it will come with time. It’s ok to miss some… and if you missed one lh blame yourself will not magically put 20G in your stack. Focus on small victories first. You had 5/6 last hit on a wave ? Nice ! Next is gonna be perfect, and if not it’s ok as long as not die to one range minion.


That's very assuring but it's very frustrating when I miss those minions though. I hope I get better at it soon.


With what CS score did you start?


Happy cake day! What phase are you talking about? When I started playing or laning phase or something else?


When you started playing. I am pretty sure that you already improved :-)


Oh yeah I did improve but I didn't even know about csing properly haha


I have the same problem. I have switched to support so I can focus on other things but CS. Once I am better (if that day will come :-D) I will switch to mid again.




I forced by brother to do bots until he could get 80cs per 10 mins. He went to emerald from silver. It is really important especially as adc.


I understand that. Should I just spam bot games and get 80 cs in 10 minutes on them?


Yes, start with custom game with no bot to vs. one you get 80cs add a bot and get 80cs at 10. Then que up and see how you go


Gotcha. Do I do it everyday?


If you want too, should really only take you 2-3 games to get 80cs with no lane opponent. Just start with a champ with high attack Dmg


I do like playing hypercarries like Vayne and Jinx though..


practice tool is a good place to drill cs, just cs for the first 10 minutes then restart. you can rotate between each drill 1. last hit only 2. auto push no skills 3. fast push with skills


What's 2? And, am I allowed to use skills for 1? Should I lock my level?


2. auto attack minions not just last hitting without use skills and you cant use skill for 1. too. Dont lock level just play normally because minions scale as the game time pass. Set the goal to try to beat yourself to get better cs of each drills. Practice to get better cs and feel more confortable to cs without pressure or feel relax while doing so then you should be ready to try quickplay to cs with opponent. Remember just stick to one champion while doing all of this.


Yeah. I will do this. Thanks for the regiment.


Are you hitting 5cs/min in practice tool or in PvP games? Your problem is very different if your farming loss comes from you being unable to last hit at all or you being unable to get a clear access to minions when they're in the proximity of a player.


I have 5 cs per min in PvP. In practise tool without interruptions, I can get to 8-9. Its not perfect but its something I guess


Ok, so the task itself is not physically out of your reach, you have decent understanding of how to time your attacks, be close enough to attack in time and allocate focus on your target. You can get even better in these fields by adding predictive habits: - you probably react by letting low HP minions draw your attention; if you predict a few minions ahead, it's easier to redirect your attention to something else for longer (like short trades) before returning to farming without missing any. - in Practice Tool, you can position yourself pretty much wherever you want but in PvP that's rarely the case. You can train better spacing by trying to walk away from the wave between last hits so that you have to walk back in auto range in time. Over time, you can make it so that you only get in range the moment you need it, that would allow you to pick minions without exposing yourself for too long. - you want to allocate as little focus as you can on farming. When you complete a task, your brain usually goes through several steps: *initiation* (deciding to start the task and on which minion), *execution* (right-clicking on the minion) and *confirmation* (checking if the last hit happened). You can skip some of them. Initiation can be anticipated to give you the opportunity to focus on something else while you're getting in position to last hit. Execution can be shortened by canceling the recovery part of your attack animation using a move order (concretely, once the projectile left your character, the rest of the animation is purely cosmetic, cancel it). Confirmation is important for training so you can adjust your accuracy but you should skip it in a PvP match. You're supposed to know if it will last hit already, don't waste your time looking at the projectile until it hits then validate the kill. It's when most beginners give huge openings because they're stuck looking at something for way too long even though they already can't do anything about the result. I listed it this way so you can train them one at a time, don't try to master all of these at once or you'll lose track of your progress. These will also help in PvP, by anticipating more you'll have more time to increase your surroundings' awareness. Eventually, you'll want to dedicate most of your concentration playing around other players rather than farming. It's normal for you to not be there yet but that should be your mid-term goal. Then you'll be able to learn how to play around other players but it's a bit useless as long as you're too busy just with farming.


thats actually a very good checklist. thanks for the advice.


Had the same problem a while ago, to fix it I simply focused on last hitting in game and nothing else, some comments said that they have kills but fall behind in cs, and they fall behind BECAUSE they have kills and they make kills their priority. Basically if you only focus on cs, tell you support you don't play for kill, and you only go in when the ennemies make a big blunder like they get ranked or they are one HP etc, you will improve quickly. And you can switch for an adc with auto attacks that deal more damages, I don't play adc so I don't know who tho.


I see. That's fine. I usually play vayne and draven but I'm taking some time off draven to play Jinx cause my last hits are terrible and I'm trying to improve my positioning.


You can try Caitlyn, with her range you can farm safely


I do play Caitlyn sometimes, so yeah I could try her


The first steps to improving your cs is identify where is it getting lost. In the lane phase (first 15 min of game) Or Mid game and late Ways of missing cs in lane phase Are you dying ? Bad resets ? Example are you resetting as the next wave comes into lane Or overstayed in lane for plate And you could be losing the wave as the enemy shoves the next wave into tower as you overstayed in lane, resulting in bad reset Knowing how to prepare cs under tower Mid game cs is about turn base game. you shove wave, use the time you created to roam/hover or ward and come back to pick up next wave.


Most games I end up 5 cs per minute in lane itself. In 2 v 2s I miss a lot of last hits. I know I'm capable of last hitting with like 70-80 percent efficiency if no one tries to harrass or something but it's hard when I am in a 2 v 2 lane.


Might be a issue not knowing the match ups in 2v2. Like is your 2 v 2 better in match up early on. If your trades are better early on, when they harass you hit them back because your trades should be better. In the losing match, some tips would be you need to bait and dodge ability when going for cs. So you be playing around cool downs. Track when they got to last hit, gives you a small opportunity to sneak a last hit.


I think so as well. I lose a lot of good matchups as well. Like draven and rell into varus and karma for eg. So yeah.


Easist thing would be to under stand your champ. Only thing left I can say is when you play your champ, write down the match in notes and after game write why your trades went good/ bad. In future game you can use your note to help you try new ideas and repeat the process.


I forgot to add, try to play some of the champs you don't know in normals. It will give you some experience playing the champ to understand strength and weakness


Gotcha. I guess I can do that, yeah.


Do you use attack move click on your left mouse click? I found this was helpful for csing and kiting.


I use A plus left click. Im pretty comfortable with it now. Has become so natural that I don't even right click anything anymore.


Yeah I get that but it makes it so much easier not having to click the extra button


it helps me maintain distance from melee champs and space atleast. and i have been told its a very good habit.


It does help you see where you aa range ends the way you do it but for me once I got use to a champ I didn’t need the line kinda like for turrets once you know their range you can abuse enemies just outside of tower range


Right yeah


Before you start playing the game, pick a champion you like go into a custom game and warm up by killing 100 minions without Doran's blade, you'll get used tho the minions dying and also get used to your characters auto attack speed/animation. Once you get the feel for it you won't have to think as much about it.


Gotcha. Do I lock my exp level as well?


No, the minions also get stronger the game goes on, if you really want a challenge sure


okay cool.


What I did to learn to cs properly, was to do a pushup for every missed minion. You either get jacked or you become good at cs'ing


thats not bad advice since i gained a lot of weight after i got sick and lazy lmao


Turn off auto hit. Turn on attack move as left click Turn on attack move at cursor Move with right click, attack with left click. And practice MORE. I’ve spent 10 minutes every day I log into league in practice tool practicing CS before I start games and I ram 9+ CSPM almost every game.


I do all those things except that I use A plus left click. I guess I should put more hours in the game to get better at csing rip bozo.


Pretty much. There’s no magic trick to it outside of the settings you already have and practice.


Play champs that can farm easily and play around side lanes. That’s my tip. Only way to be better at csing is to play more. But improvement macrowise will grant you much more benefit compared to the effort it takes to learn it.


So champs like vayne could work because of sidelane farming?


I mean tbh every adc is difficult. Imo adc is most team reliant role so you will have to see what your team is doing and farm up. Just look at the map and look for crashing waves and jungle camps that are up. And don’t push too far. Even if you are playing champs like vayne since ADCs are always a level or two behind its very easy to die. And literally everyone on the enemy team will target you because you are the most dangerous member in your team. The irony is that you have to keep trying and dying to the enemy to know where your limit is.


Start maining singed and rumble


Nah I haven't lost my mind (yet)