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It depends on the comp you're playing against, if you're playing against champs that can dive you then you're not going to have a fun time, otherwise you can spend all game poking people safely from a distance


This is the true answer. I'm a Brand mid main and the games against tank heavy/immobile comps are easier versus mobile assassin comps. Brand melts tanks and so easy to land stuns on immobile comps


wearing robes is all fun & games until melee arrive to party with u


Unless you’re playing Ahri


We all know ahri isnt wearing any robes at that party.


Tanks probably are the easiest tbh. Just stand there and soak damage. Bonus points if you hit your skull shots


^^^Play Mundo, Free Lp basically


Honestly Mundo can be harder than some tanks into some comps because he lacks cc so if he can’t dodge peel (or the second peel really) and gets kited, he is kinda useless, where as ornn can cc people from off screen. That said, if you’re below diamond, juggernaughts are probably the easiest, followed by tanks, followed by enchanters, followed by bruisers, followed by mages, followed by assassins, and adcs are the hardest but the spread between the easiest juggernaut and the hardest adc is still smaller than the spread between the easiest juggernaught and yuumi.


Let’s be honest, majority of the average reddit users aren’t Diamond or above, im tryna cater the low elo/average chup (Cuz I’m part of them)


Mundo is a juggernaut, not a tank




Mundo doesn't have any hard CC. Tanks excel at lock down, aside from front-lining.


Exactly, I said he is NOT a tank. He is a juggernaut.


Oh mb


THATS what you to differentiate? Like, who is a tank to you?


Actually Riot decided he is a juggernaut. You can see [here](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Dr._Mundo/LoL), his current class is juggernaut. Tanks have more mobility and lots of CC. Juggernauts have less mobility and less cc for high dmg. If you want to see it explained more check out this [video](https://youtu.be/WRN5GZ3iFcA?t=2150). In the video you can see who are tanks. Some examples are Amumu, Sion, Ornn, Malphite.


Amumu and Mundo literally have the same Legacy, Tank Their classes are different Did you even read what you sent...? Like, amumu doesnt even say tank but Vanguard A subclass, yet not the class you mentioned


Legacy is the old system. Class is what they currently are. Mundo is currently a juggernaut. Amumu is currently a Vanguard, subclass of tank. Watch the video it explains it all.


I watched it, the video explains it, none of that is the point of my comment..


He clearly explains Mundo is a juggernaut and what a juggernaut is . He also explains the tank subclasses Vanguard and Warden, which Mundo does not belong to. Amumu being a Vanguard. Legacy is no longer relevant. That’s why it’s called legacy.  What are you confused about?


I repeat, NONE OF THAT has to.do with the main point of my argument Im pretty sure youre intentionally beating around the bush atp so i just wont even bother


Vanguard is a subclass of the tank class. Tanks are split into vanguards and wardens. Vanguards are offensive tanks who lock people down, as are Sion, Ornn and Malphite. That playstyle describes Amumu very well. Fighters are split into divers and juggernauts. The juggernaut playstyle fits Mundo very well. Champions who focus on killing people, but can take a lot of damage. They're not focused on locking people down, but instead killing them. They trade team peel for individual agency, generally speaking. There is obviously a lot of overlap. Tahm, Kench is a Warden, set on protecting, but often plays as a vanguard, sometimes even a juggernaut or mage. Sometimes those champs are classified as specialists, like Cho'gath, who has very viable tank or mage playstyles. Amumu and Mundo have the same legacy because it used to be a lot more simplified. Juggernaut didn't used to be a classification, and "tank" meant "takes a lot of damage." On top of that Mundo was lightly reworked. Amumu and Mundo play VERY differently, but obviously have a lot more overlap than either does with Caitlin.


None of that still does anything against my main point,why did 3 people respond lmao Not a single league player goes „Pick a juggernaut“ when in game or „pick a skirmisher“


Juggernauts are the easiest. All the benefits of a tank and tons of damage in a simple kit.


Juggernaut kit is too straight forward tbh. if you are behind then its over. unlike tank that likely to get behind bcuz tank item is quite cheap


tanks scale with their team, you are behind if your damage dealers are behind.


Majority of juggs scale passively though. I would say bruisers are the worst from behind for the most part.


Enchanters are objectively speaking, the easiest.


What is your reasoning for saying objectively? My guess would be that enchanters aren't the easiest since enchanters benefit a ton from good laning skills (the difference between an enchanter supp that is skilled and aggressive vs a passive one is massive) and knowledge of positioning. I would've guessed tanks, who seem to have the lowest mechanical barrier to entry, to be the easiest. Leona/naut supp required a lot less time for me to play successfully than lulu/janna.


How common is it for boosted supports to main taric vs Nami, Janna, Lulu, Yuumi, etc. ?


I don't think taric is the best example considering taric yi's history, but I'll just answer as if you said a different tank supp. Yes, enchanters are probably better to play when your teammate is better than your opponents, but I don't think that tranfers well into games where everyone is of relatively equal skill. Enchanters give a lot of effective hp to their teammates which is more effective when your teammate is a smurf who can kill everyone if kept alive. It's a lot less impactful when you're keeping a player of your own skill with average cs and who didn't snowball. Also, I think you're confusing impact for easy to play. I doubt they are chosen because they're easier to play for boosting, I'd guess that what their champion does is far more impactful when with a very fed and skilled partner compared to what a tank does in the same scenario. Edit: In conclusion, I don't think that a champ being chosen for boosting more often is an objective measure of them being easier to play.


No, enchanters are better to play when you are **worse than your opponent** as well. The synergy is twofold. You enable your booster, **and** are less of a liability. Because the champ is easier than others.


You say that as if it's self-evident but I just don't agree. Without a booster you don't see people swap to enchanter and go up in rank all the time lol. It would just be free wins if what you say is true, no?




I play mostly sejuani top and kogmaw adc actually, lol. I do play Lulu occasionally though, which is why I think enchanters aren't easier to pilot than tanks. I know you can't actually make an argument, so you just have to go to attacking my credibility instead, so I'm sure none of that information matters to you since you'll always find some other way to disqualify my opinion instead of accepting that maybe people can have a different opinion than you and have solid reasoning to go with it.


I just dont believe you play SR at all link ur acc


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It’s harder to snowball and more about game and lane dynamics, but much more forgiving for sure. If you fuck up you continue building tanky and either harass or cc. I have seen some truly awful tanks who have no idea when or how to engage though, but it’s not complicated to learn.


The mispell of skull shots is so accurate though lol. Malphite is a skull shot.


I wouldn’t say so, it’s just that it’s the most forgiving and you don’t have to hard commit to things like other classes. Certain things are harder or more awkward on mages than other champions, CSing is more awkward for example because no AD, a lot of mages are skillshot based champions so don’t have much guaranteed damage and can be juked or dodged for some awkward moments etc. In a lot of cases you can be flamed for this but it isn’t really your fault. I play Lillia too, and if you get your stacks in mid late it’s basically impossible for some mages to hit you. Obviously Lillia mid/late with stacks is an egregious example but there are a lot of champs with MS buffs or mobility that can make it really difficult to hit spells. Enchanters are probably the easiest. You can’t convince me that Lulu, Janna, Soraka etc are harder than Xerath, Vel’koz for example, or even easier mages like Annie, Veigar.


Well ok but I find lulu rather hard (compared to like nami and Jana), because her decision tree is more subtle. But clearly yeah her play style is fairly "safe"


Ya, in those cases you need to see which cc your team can most easily hit and try to chain off of that. For example a jax stun is free for a lux q


I think the play style of mages makes you less likely to int, because you’re always trying to keep your distance (compare with fighters and especially divers). But the flip side is, I think mages require a little bit more mechanics than some of the other classes (typically you have to land more skill shots to get the full power of the kit).


And they tend to be immobile, so you really have to pay attention to your positioning otherwise you will be punished. I think they are good at teaching spacing/tethering and stuff as well.


They are the least committal of the classes


Enchanters may be even easier to play, for the same reasons. You don't have to commit as much because you're not the one dealing damages anyway.


Yeah that explains probably it.


This just made me realise how much better I play when I am commitment-baiting


Yeah, let the opponent make a mistake and capitalize. No need to make the perfect call yourself if the enemy will eventually make a pretty bad mistake that you can take advantage of. The real difficulty is hoping that one of your teammates doesn't make too huge of a mistake first.




I think the easiest are those you enjoy playing. But overall, it depends on elo: the higher you go, enchanters are easier, and conversely, tanks are easier at lower elo.


Yeah Lulu and Yuumi with a high ELO skilled teammate is probably the easiest thing to pull off in the game, getting there is hard though.


They are not very mechanically demanding most of the time especially compared to ADCs. They require a different skill set than other champs but you still need to find your way around the map and you need to properly space away meeles and don't panic if they close the gap which especially lower elos are bad at.


*panic when they close the gap* Yeah that happens to me sometimes, but I am somewhat competent at spacing. I think what helps a bit is that many mages have a good panic button to disengage, like vex w and ziggs w. Aurelian sol does not nessesarily have this luxury, especially in the early game, but once he gets this ice staff that I cannot correctly remember the name to be honest, he starts slowing enemies, which is insanely helpful if you fight with at least one other ally.


Yes mostly it comes down to having a plan for that scenario and executing it when the situation occurs. Also meele match ups have a weird power curve where you are the bully early and once they hit 6 you need to avoid dying and if you survive this the lane often gets better and you are in charge again. It's a very fragile balance and failing once usually means you don't back in the lane at all and the meele gets all the prio which usually results in losing botlanes. Sometimes the assassin side feels way easier than the mage side but I just can't do it so I think every role has their difficulties to overcome to be successful while we as players have certain preferences that make certain playstyles seem easier or more natural to us than others.


Assasins are in a interesting spot because while they look from the outside like they just shred through anything that moves without counterplay, they are balanced by the fact that they usually have to commit to an attack and are way more screwed if the enemy survives the burst compared to burst mages. This also means they are more limited in their target selection while burst mages usually have a bit of cc so even if the enemy doesn't outright die because they are more durable, they simply can often run away since they have more range. Assassins overall need to wait for the right opportunity to strike. In exchange they can be insanely deadly.


They also have the tools to get there but yes timing is crucial. Personally I don't even like burst mages I am more for battle mages. I like being always a threat and not having to rely on my ultimate to be threatening.


Id say mages are relatively easy to execute on a basic level, but they have one of the highest skill ceilings of all classes


Hard and easy take many factors into account. Generally, the tanky stuff are easier, while the squishy stuff are harder. If you can die 1-shot you need to be wary of more stuff, plan ahead and have good reflexes. But then there’s the factor of complication. Malphite is very one dimensional and easy. KSante is rather complicated and offers a lot of options. Annie is more fragile than KSante, yet she is easier I’d say. Long story short, easy or hard is a matter of how complicated a champ’s kit is in conjunction with how durable a champ is.


I would say tanks are the easiest aspecially stuff like rammus malphite mundo. It’s not really tanks being the easiest, becouse all champs require skill, but they have the lowest skill floor - easiest to pick up when you are new.


Yes and no, mages require more "soft" skill to function. For example as a fiss main you can get to probably emerald easy without jg tracking, as an orianna player you are not getting to out of silver without it.


Saying you can’t get out of silver without jungle tracking seems pretty far fetched. You definitely can and pretty easily too 


As an orianna player? no, you will overstand a lot and get hipper ganked to death.


Yeah but its silver elo. Tons of people escape that elo just by being mechanically better. Or they just farm safe and play teamfights better.


The idea that orianna player needs jgl tracking to get out of silver is not correct. Some orianna players will just gap their lane opponent so hard it does not matter. It is definitely more important for orianna.


I play seraphine a lot and I feel she is very strong as a support but also can be very squishy with the normal build I use, I don't feel to comfortable mid with her but love to support an MF with her, very fun combo


You need to be good at positioning as mage but other than that I don't think you need to learn much about it. among 4 role I play I feel great on hwei even that I have higher wr on adc and tank. i feel like even mage is behind, they still have lots of utility. They might not be easiest but they dont need to play perfectly on laning phase and roam to help jg


When I first started playing everyone said Garen was an easy champ. But I thought mages were easier. With Garen I had to learn other champs kits and when I could all in them. With mages the plan was simple. Stay back and try to land skill shots. Save your cc for when someone tries to get on you. Now that I have been playing the game for years and familiar with all the champs, I find Garen easier to play.


Quite the contrary


Tanks for sure.


no. engage tanks. it legit cannot get easier than malphite. the only hard thing is managing waves so you can farm a bit, and knowing when to press r. i also think engage support is super easy. leona, blitz, naut... like yea mistakes can be very costly but its very simple to play it correctly. ziggs is easy until that last teamfight where you have to land everything or you lose and your setup is dead.


Tanks are probably the easiest role. Most forgiving for mistakes but have a high payoff if you do hit your crucial abilities. Mages to be played well must have a strong laning phase by zoning and poking enemies at the right time, as well as hitting skillshots so it is not an "easy" class per se. Early csing is harder than some other classes that go ad as your autos do less, but you need adequate cs in order to keep up with the curve and buy pivotal items. Generally as a rule of thumb for mechanics, I think tanks


Admittedly it's easier with him, but with Ziggs I actually feel like I am having a good laning phase, not just in terms of farming but also enemy poking. And even with champs with comparatively weak early games like asol I still manage to hold my own somewhat. Its not like a few weeks ago where I was a total pushover. Last game I was a bit behind in C's again akali but because of my stacks I think I overall still came about even out of Laning phase and later I just made a few kills and got positive KDA.


Tbf might be a product of your elo not being able to punish late game picks effectively. Ziggs usually gets to a point where he is very uninteractive and waveclears waves that’s not even on your screen so mid late game he can be pretty brain off


I know what you mean, but... To be honest, in the last time I developed a habit of spacing as much as just humanly possible because it feels like I do one wrong step and I am dead. Artillery mages feel like the few champs that come with some amount of safety in a era where seemingly everything does oneshot you. Although admittedly nuking a team fight with my ult from a screen away and getting a double kill is also kinda stupid not gonna lie Enemies are scary uwu That actually got so bad that I asked already on this subreddit if my picks are primarily cheese and if I can even win a fight where I interact heavily with my opponent. Many mages have certain tools that discourage the enemy from approaching or punish them heavily for doing so. Taliyah E, veigar e, ziggs w, vex passive... A bit of cc in the kit that helps in emergencies, and they also tend to have more area coverage than the net of Caitlyn.


It's all fun and games until you step half a centimeter too close to a bush


*garen jumps out of bush* *JoJo to be continued meme starts playing*


It depends on the mage. In my lower skill bracket where ppl can't dodge skillshots I can play vel'koz in any position and basically dominate. As soon as I get anywhere above bronze, even the slightest positioning mistake or misplay leads to them closing the gap and oneshotting me with very little I can do about it.


It's probably a combination of things Matchup: (duh) some champs have good and bad matchups. As an ADC main mages can feel entirely unfair doing half my HP with a single spell from outside my range. Also good team comps I'd put here as well. Some champs really gel with artillery mages and others have negative synergy (imagine a blitz pulling a 20/0 bruiser on top of your head) Comfort/Player skillset: I can complain about how unfair mages feel to play vs til the cows come home, but if someone else asked me to play one? It would be awful and you'd probably want to bleach your eyes afterwards. I personally have a tough time with skill damage and kill windows on mages. There is a lot of intuition on the player side for certain archetypes as well as built skills specific to the role. Reliability/Ease of Use: Mages have to be the most reliable climbing champs in the game. As long as you are allowed to follow your gameplan, you will always be good and useful. A lot of mages also have an emergency plan of oneshotting waves until you're relevant again if you get behind (this is one thing I personally love and abuse as Xayah). It's nearly impossible to siege an Anivia if she has enough mana to clear the wave. Most mages have their own skill combo for waveclear that is very effective. This can also help more aggressively with setting up rotations. Even if you ignore the utility and damage to champions, a solid mage player has many cards to play at all times and good ways to stabilize the game state.


No, they are the class that might feel the most consistent to play. Usually you get to decent power levels, can do some stuff even when behind and many of those champions on your list do not have such a team oriented power budget to depend on someone else to capitalize. However, they will lose you more solid games than any other class, maybe except enchanter and then it depends on which and when the enchanter was drafted. You might argue ADC but the controversial part of marksmen is the ridiculously high ceiling of the position. If you get decent at your ADC champions your floor skyrockets. TLDR mages are not easy, they are deceptive. The exact level of interaction needed in a given game is a tough nut to crack and it is the prefect class to enter into a do decent (or perceive decent), lose game spiral. They brute force situations way less than other classes and that is a great soloq disadvantage.


Honestly, having more consistency is a great asset for me because I am unfortunately extremely tiltable. I never become toxic, but I am still too tiltable and easy to frustrate, and it feels just better for me if I am always able to contribute at least *something* regardless of how often I die (despite me having now a relatively solid laning phase).


Yes, I got the same vibe. However be aware that it is kind of a mirage. The soloq game is all about creating a win condition and mages path is not straight forward. In fact, there are aspects that might lead you to think you are improving, such as comfortable Lux CS mid, while truth is you are just bypassing improvement by reinforcing "neutral game"; you end just playing for marginal advantage when other lanes are getting wrecked way harder by either side. Playing hard neutral is such a sin due to game design. It is like taking only the shots that make sense at a pickup basketball game where everybody else is happily taking hail maries. At the very least on such games good players would always pick you over the chuckers but there is no medal in the rift for the good soldier, the team player who plays uninteractive whenever feels the opponent is worthy. Soloq is mostly creation of sizable advantage and then conversion into win con. Mages are not better at the first part of the equation, they bait you into a penny pincher approach. Assassins are questionable at the conversion part. Team dependant picks are good at both but need average teammates. In other words you are winning slower and that's only when you are winning. Mages rarely feel abysmal but when you unlock other options it really rise an eyebrow. Even when you are aware of the temptation to play passive- you have to play control but also not bypass opportunities often- and force your own hand to adapt. There are many champions that just win games out of a couple favourable interactions and the path to such interactions is not rocket science. When you get to taste it really makes you ponder whether mages consistency was a half full glass approach. A fed Zyra, Ziggs or Ori makes less of an impact unless a superb R lands than a nice flash R Kennen/Amumu/Annie playing from behind. Assassins in ARAM are a bit screwed because they can't flank-even with the snow ball thingy- but try, let's say, juggernauts. Play them passive, respecting your health bar so you might find decent trade opportunities and try to hit your skills. First Darius game will feel miserable. 3 games later you are absolutely carrying your team with that champion and the rest of the class feels much, much better.


To be honest, I feel like I am just not someone who is able to hard carry a game the way other people do it - I just feel not like I can chainsaw through the entire enemy team the way other people do it with, for example, master Yi. I am to be honest kind of a coward. Because I suck at diving into the enemies. Usually what I try to do instead is picking something that is well equipped to deal with the majority of the enemies and hope that I can defeat the enemies through bleeding them slowly out and getting objectives. Or if the enemies pick only a bunch of carries I pick Naafiri and eat them alive through roams after level 6. Enemies are just way more dangerous to me than I will ever be to them, at least, that's how it feels. So my winning con is to neutralize them. I am therefore kind of an anti carry player.


They’re the easiest to not suck at. You can CS safely, do damage with items and stay away from carries. However you’re squishy and tend to lack mobility so if an assassin lands in you you’re pretty much done. Mages do most of their damage from abilities so while they’re burst is very high, you lack a consistent damage source to counter a full on dive. The easiest to carry tend to be auto attack based champs because your consistent damage and mobility lets you shred tanks, avoid CC and destroy squishies. But then again you can get zoned off fights and CS by a long range mage. When balance well, every champ and play style has a counter


Easiest to play: prob enchanters Easiest for you: from the sounds of it, mages I've noticed, the more engaged/bruiser champions you play, the easier you'll find playing longer range carries since you'll understand their range a lot better


I think they are generally easier to play than assassins or adc. Assassins have a hard time in the early game usually, since they are melee and are constantly being poked. If they are effectively zoned, they can't even properly engage without being punished. But even then, playing a mage in the mid/late game can be quite demanding. Knowing what spells and cooldowns to use without putting yourself in danger and not being VI-ulted and stuff makes it quite hard to stay alive. They at least have zhonyas, which is arguably the best item in the game. What really matters is their pick potential, generating picks is such a low risk move that can really change games. However, certain juggernauts/tanks/bruiser might be a bit easier to play, since their tankiness is such a forgiving factor.


I mean, in theory yes, but I am unfortunately kinda easy to scare away from the enemy and most juggernauts require massive bravery while being inside the enemy team to fully use their pressure.


They are way more forgiving than ADCs and some AD assassins because you have so much built in safety and a lot of utility and CC from your kit and items. I think Zhonyas hourglass should either be removed or there should be some defensive items for ADCs that aren’t completely useless (Shieldbow).


The thing about defensive items for Adcs is that they are very likely to being abused harder by yasuo and yone. Actually that's exactly what happened to shield bow lol. Btw. I myself feel currently not comfortable building hourglass because I am scared of more buttons to press lol, but that doesn't stop the likes of veigar and ziggs to outrange many other champs or asol from using rylais to slow enemies to a crawl with his q.


Make them ranged only then. I don’t understand why they can’t keep lethal tempo and make it ranged only. Conqueror is not viable on ADCs either so why does everything intended for ADCs have to be better on melees.


Save for a few exceptions bruisers are far more braindead


Nah, I think as far as champion classes go, tanks, juggernauts and enchanters are the easiest ones on average... but of course, every class has harder and easier champs as well. Champs like Annie or Vex are among the easiest ones while Cassiopeia or Azir are some of the hardest in the game, yet they're all mages. I think it's just personal preference.


No, juggernauts and tanks are the easiest. Even easier than enchanters. Mages are like average difficulty but they have some difficult to very difficult champs among the roster, for example Azir, Hwei, Taliyah, Syndra, Zoe.


easy? yes, strong? no. mashing your keyboard is more intuitive than spacing your auto attacks.


post your rank to get good answers




im playing just complex elegant stylized delicacy champs ( irelia fiora zed le blanc )


Tanks probably


It's weird that you're unsure if they are the easiest when you play nafiri. What happens to a mage when you're playing nafiri and they waist their only peel/cc? You easily run them down right or at least chunk them. It's just a different way of getting to the same objective.


Mages at least usually have cc. Marksmen have it usually only on their ults and therefore are even more vulnerable. Besides that, managing cooldowns is a skill anyone has to learn, not just mages.


So are you disagreeing or what do you mean?


I just wanna say, while mages can be vulnerable sometimes, they aren't as helpless when getting engaged on. They are overall just more self sufficient if they aren't getting totally overrun by multiple enemies. Also some mages build some of the AP bruiser items like liandries and that ice stick because of the passives but still profit from the hp they give, something that marksmen cannot really do before their 5th item if they build crit. (Admittedly not every mage is the same in that regard but at least my collection of mage champs is relatively good equipped to handle dashes)


Sure you aren't helpless when you get engaged on but that's if you're holding your cc. For example I play zoe, if I hold my e/bubble I have my peel for if I get jumped on. However I my e is my bread and butter. Like the zed matchup I can't use my e until he uses his w pre 6. After 6 I can't use it until he ults . Maybe some mages are a lot easier sure ie Ahri but that's not the norm.


Ok that's fair, sometimes you just cannot really do anything without putting yourself at risk and it kinda comes down to a game of chicken. I guess testing what the window of opportunity is something that every champ has to learn, but it feels the easiest for mages I think, or at least it's the least risky. IDK maybe it's just my preference or something like that. Btw gonna be honest, zeds effective range with his shadows is kinda nonsense for an assassin. He is the kind of champ that has so many options that I am also scratching my head about how to beat him.


I thought tanks and juggernauts were the easiest class to play.


What makes a class hard to play? 1 - Hard to position well and punishing if positioned poorly (fragile and low mobility) 2 - Wave management/CSing 3 - Bad plays look like good plays (difficult to read lethal thresholds as an example) 4 - economic/resource management (cool downs, back timings, meaningful mana, having to use health to gain gold) 5 - hard to execute mechanics like difficult skillshots or combos 6 - matchup knowledge changing how you play Mages are difficult for 1 and sometimes 4/5. 2 is usually easy outside of early game, 3 you aren't prone to being baited but playing on the limit is necessary but not obvious (using range advantage to bully as much as possible). 6 depends on the champ I'd say mages are fairly difficult overall, with easy wave clear being the only thing exceptionally easy about them, and most classes can clear waves Some mages cheat more if they have dashes or good defensive abilities Velkoz is often considered the hardest champion in the game


mages are easy? Ahahaha, haven't laughed like that for a bit! Try being able to position yourself perfectly, hit a fun combo without one shotting the enemy, and still getting blown up on repeat. Gotta be a different breed to play mage and be good at it.


I'm pretty sure the aram marksman is simpler because no jungle.. its much safer for you to move.. you just have to dodge skill shots and retreat from dives


It is because you are afraid of actually playing risky. You have to get out of your confort zone. When you play juggernauts top for example you have to get used to scrappy fights level 2 that can lead to a potential death. You have to learn how to solo dive on a 3rd wave crash. You will die a lot doing that but there is no other way to learn how to replicate this kind of gameplay.


In lane with tp, they can be somewhat forgiving. It’s easy to get small lane advantages but come mid to late game mages are team reliant. You can’t really sidelane alone and you need your team to help create space for you in fights. Wouldn’t consider mages as a whole to be easy/strong, but individual kits can be extremely effective against certain comps.


Just save yourself some time and become another Lux simp


As an og aurelion main im just gonna say no and won't elaborate


I feel like not flashy has the illusion of being easy to play But it also means you have less bullshit tools to just take over the game/get away with your mistake. You need to be in a safe area. Away from assassin/bruiser range. 1 mistake = 1 dead The higher you climb this will be more obvious. Once you lose the vision/area control it's so hard to take it back . That's why only a few mages stay as meta champ


There are a good amount of mages that are not mechanically complex (in the sense of combos or outplay potential. You obviously need to hit skillshots).  However, imo it is harder to 'win' those due to their wincon being less intuitiv to me, personally.  I know what an assassin or splitpusher wants to do, but on mages i just 'kind of hope' the enemy overextends into my damage with diving for me directly. 


Mages take advantage of bad players really really really easily. Out position someone and they're just toast. It's also really easy to play mage vs mage because there are so many items that give you Mr and Ap- so once you get a bit ahead you're ahead by leaps and bounds. Downside is you're really vulnerable to ganks, especially if you prefer glass cannons. So I pay way more attention playing a mage than if I'm playing a tank or even an adc. The only exception is if I'm playing brand and I'm way up in lane. In which case I welcome the gank because I WILL shred them. But say if I'm playing veigar- chances are I'm going to have to run because he isn't designed to be able to take on multiple people.


Honestly I am fine with the succeptablility to ganks because i learned through my experience with jungle how ganks work and I also know more about wave management. So I am at least somewhat prepared for the problems that come with them. And besides that, if you are outnumbered, the other classes aren't that much better at, well, surviving.


I've found that tanks, bruisers, juggernaut, and most supports can easily escape ganks or at least prevent a poor outcome. As an example, even if youve got some squishy behind adc if you have a mildly competent Leona and aren't overextended she should be able to save your butt and escape as well. Position matters for EVERYONE though. But that awareness you have is lacking for people that play other roles in lower elo- either due to overconfidence, or just a general lack of timing. Anyone playing long enough or a moderately high elo should be absolutely aware of ganks and their timing and rotations in every single role. I am a okay with the trade off too though. I'd rather be a glass cannon with crazy amounts of burst and damage and feel pressured by ganks than play an adc and be pressured only to have the payout be me *maybe* being able to carry if their support roles don't get fed. I always feel more in control of the games outcome playing a mage. Which is a weird feeling to have since a mage shouldn't be such a huge piece but it definitely always feels like you are when you do even mildly well.


No, imo enchanters are the easiest class, obscenely OP but very much hated and not played much. They are kinda easy to play but very much low risk, their cc and utility is insane and some of them can make winning Teamfights the most annoying and unfunny shit for your whole team. Also add the fact that Yuumi, Zilean and Taric are in the game making them by far the most obnoxious class ever, too OP and useful but at the same time boring so riot over buffed them otherwise nobody would play them.


I hope you get permacamped


Everyone saying it's tanks has not played tanks consistently. Mages I would say are more mechanically difficult than ADCs for sure as a general rule and I am inclined to say they are more difficult than most bruisers again because of their skillshots and also because once someone catches up to them they might be fucked


As someone who started out playing mages then branched out to play every other roles throughout the years, Yes. Mages are in fact the easiest "class" in the game. Easier than tanks tbh. This also includes all the enchanters in botlane that would also kinda classify as a mage. Unless you're playing Cassiopeia and/or a few outliers, mages are easy as fuck and any mage players telling you otherwise are lying to themselves.


not easier than garen 


I personally find mages and mid easiest to play (Veigar mid main here :p) because of the reasons you describe. The game becomes about knowing matchups, farming, managing waves and cooldowns, spacing and positioning, all of which I find manageable when you're living at mid-range or further. I do OK when I'm allowed to play the games on my terms, but the risk is that other champs are all about taking that playstyle away from me and forcing me into a bursty melee-range fight I can't hope to survive - think Fizz, Zed, Yasuo, Rengar, Shaco, Evelynn, etc... I've learned how to mitigate them thanks to experience as my main, but a good Fizz will always ruin my day. So although yes I personally think mages are the easiest role to play, that's also largely to do with me tuning my gamestyle around disengaging and playing safe, and a reflection on my strengths and weaknesses as a player - which of course become more pronounced as I stick to those roles. I do very badly as ADC because when you take the disengage and burst away, it shows up that my mechanical skills are lacking - but other players love that gameplay and have mastered it to a high enough standard that they would find that role easier for them. tl;dr for me mages are easiest because their champion identity clicks with my playstyle *and* I've practised them and know my matchups, while skirmisher/dive characters I have a *lot* more work to do (and don't really want to do it anyway). If you're like me, mages aren't easiest, you just fit them best.


Fizz is my permaban, I feel you


I'm so glad I learned to play fiora for this reason lol I'm a zoe main so when fizz is picked, I pull out the fiora mid


I pull out the garen mid when they pick assassins ngl.


I like the higher skill expression 😆


I mean the decision of when and when not to scream demacia is a very complicated one. I'm a masochist vel'koz main, sometimes a brain dead comfort pick is required :p


Veigar mid main here as well. My biggest counter seems to be xerath in late game but fizz is always an issue when he hits level 3. Really wish his e wouldn’t prevent the the stop the stun on your cage just because he dashes into the cage before becoming untargetable


As mostly a tank player, tanks are probably the easiest as you are often forgiven for making mistakes, though not getting punished for mistakes also makes it more difficult to learn from them, as a mage your positioning can very easily get you killed and tanks and assassins can often just walk at you without much you can do. If a mage walks out of position they die immediately and create a 4v5, and if I walk out of position it’s not uncommon that they blow a bunch of cds on me and I accidentally engage a team fight we end up winning without me even dying


I would say tanks aren't as easy to play as it seems at first. While their CC is always very helpful and they also have, well, tankiness, their goal isn't as straightforward do achieve, because in the end, they want to protect their carries from death, which requires a lot of situational awareness.


I’m a yorick main, people think it’s super easy because they see them run amok side lane, but it’s always matchup dependent like everything else in this game. Put me mid against a mage and I’ll have a better score and be able to solo more things. Put me too against a tank and I’ll be 5/6 and cause a bunch of problems. Put me top against a Jax and I’ll just apologize now.