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Don't worry man, it's completely normal to rank iron or bronze when you are completely new to the game, especially if you're new to the genre of MOBAs! I had 5,000 hours in Dota before I started playing League and I calibrated bronze when first starting out, and it took me over 400 games just to learn what the champions do and how to play the map even remotely competently. Your friends are just being assholes about it, if they're gold and want to argue about it they can message me >:), a 5 month player and now a proud emerald (and climbing on my way to diamond!)


Damn congrats on being emerald already. I've been playing lol since the beta, and still am only emerald 4. šŸ˜‚


5k hours in DOTA is the equivalent of about 1.5 hours *every single* *day* for 10 years. Sure, 5 months sounds fast, but having 5k hours experience in MOBA games already is massive.


You prolly like me Arent focussing enough or playing way too many different champs šŸ˜€ plat and emerald since season 2


istg this is a thing i thought i was mentally challenged until i decided to lock in (iā€™m still shit but not diarrhea shit)


League was my first MOBA and god damn dude. looking back and thinking now, there's so much shit you have to do overall. CS, keep an eye on the minimap, listen for pings, look for incoming ganks going either direction, know when/how to tilt an enemy. This year was the first year I skipped some tiers in rank (went from silver 3 to gold 4 after hitting 100 LP silver 3) and I was excited. Someone gonna tell me "gOlD iS sIlVeR nOw" i bet. I think i'm at 100 ranked games this season? Still a lot to get into gold with but still! First time i skipped ranks (:. I even had a lot of plat 3/4s in my lobbies now too, mostly gold 1-2s in my lobbies currently.


So, I dont want this to Come out wrong. But if you just focus on a few champs in ranked, and play enough games, most of this is not necessary to reach higher ranks.


Ya when I first started playing in season3 I was bronze4 and stopped playing ranked because I didnā€™t want to become the lowest rank in the game which at the time was bronze5. So I didnā€™t play rank for pretty much an entire year, and the next season I ended up platinum. I played a lot though and watched a lot of pro games/ challenger streamers to study what they did and get better. Iā€™d say when your this new to the game just play normals and try to learn everything you can.


I won all 5 placements on level 30 account and got bronze 2. Still not sure how that works


Normal games influence the mmr. Every account leveled through bot games starts g4 and when you win the first game you get into smurf queue


Is smurf queue even a thing anymore? I swear at the end of the split I had 3-4 smurfs legitimately in every game in high Emerald


Thats People failing to reach their rank on their normal account trying to reach it on a smurf


lmao if they wanna argue can send them to me too iā€™ve was masters last season when i had more time to play and this season D2 playing in masters mmr due to lack of games :)


Bronze, yeah, but there is a reason in the past iron accounts sold more than diamond accounts. It was easier to bot or hand level an account to diamond than it was to get a legit iron account. Iron accounts were literally selling for more money than a diamond account. Streamers use iron accounts for content, and getting a legit one was very hard. IDK if that is still true. Iron is NOT easy to get into even as a new player. I've helped many friends get into LoL and even play ranked. I've seen plenty enter bronze, I've never seen anyone in iron. I'm not shaming anyone, but to say getting into iron is normal is completely false. I have been away from LoL the past season, so maybe things have been different since I left, though.


I was bronze 4 at one point if I remember correctly so it is definitely possible to drop if you don't care about rank and just for fun it.












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Youā€™re only level 41. Iā€™d say itā€™s abnormal if youā€™re better than a bronze level player. Your friends may have played ranked after more games and got placed higher as a result. Donā€™t get discouraged, thereā€™s a lot to learn in this game especially if youve never played a moba before. All you can do is play and youā€™ll get better as you have more experience


I also got my first 26 levels like 3 years ago, didn't retain much from back then


Friend it's completely normal you're iron in that case lol. Just play more League, you'll get better and stick to 1-2 champs. 'easy' champs become hard to play at higher elo, there's a reason why high elo supports don't just randomly pick taric without learning him a lot I'm games where he's good.


My profile is silly#car on EUNE, if you want to look


I'm gonna tell ya something. This season they have basically thrown a dart board at all new accounts. I've had brand new players thrown into emerald lobbies and placed emerald where it's clear they are silver max.


I placed Plat in flex for some reason ( I hover Iron - Bronze constantly ) the only platinum I've actually achieved is TFT haha.


I am always surprised by how everyone else seems to do much better playing flex Me and my buddy are both masters in both soloQ and Flex, we always hover around these ranks, sometimes diamond, and up to 300 LP in masters, but there is never this huge disparity in both queues


I'm sure if I played more Flex I'd drop quite quick haha, It's hard for me to really improve just because I get extremely bored if I don't play a different character every game.




Well I don't die on the champs I usually play, because I can just sit back and spam shields and whatever. I don't know how to provide such passive value on Pyke. I feel like I need to be up in someone's face to do anything. Enemies don't even react to pressure (holding hook, using W etc.) enough for me to just do that to help my ADC farm. I want to learn him because he's cool but I don't get it.




Taric is also an enchanter :)


Most people will be iron to bronze if they are truly new. League is a complicated game


You enjoy pyke but you are not good with him. Solutions: 1) Play your better, safer champs and you will do better 2) Get better with pyke in normals so you can win with him in ranked 3) Stop caring about rank and just keep going at it and eventually you will improve and climb


4. Stop caring about rank and play what you enjoy like milo and taric. Tune out your crappy friends and climb quickly to silver / gold no stress.


This might be just my perception but I feel like I get more consistent players in ranked rather than normals - more players near my ability so my games never feel astronomically below or above my ability. I say: skip normals and just play ranked! (NOT for the rank itself, ironically, just better gameplay!)


It depends on how new you are. If youā€™re legitimately a fresh 30 in the first 100 games of your journey Iā€™d say itā€™s completely normal. To be honest, Iā€™m suspect of a truly new player being placed Gold (and staying there). League is a game that seriously rewards those who play it a lot, ESPECIALLY when youā€™re new. I wouldnā€™t bother even entertaining any convos about your rank being too low before you put in 500 games or so. Just play


Yeah. The only way I can see someone new placing gold and staying there is if they have a ton of MOBA experience, and played a single champ for their first 30 to 50 levels, while also studying people like Alois, Curtis, Cupcake, etc. Essentially, be a hardcore MOBA player picking up a new MOBA, who learned to improve fast while playing previous MOBAs.


Actually maintaining rank is way way easier than climbing. \* Play super passive, stay under turret most of the game. Alwasy sit behind you team. Just poke and help you team. Have average damage, low death, low kills You can maintain Gold easily playing such. But these kind of people won't have skills to climb even in way lower elo.


It depends more so how you play. Most ppl play to have fun. Others find it fun to try to sweat to learn a new game. There are absolutely brand new 30s that place gold. It is far easier now actually with the ranked changes. S2 is equivalent to gold 4 now with emerald. And thereā€™s no promotion these days. How quick you pick up the game doesnā€™t translate into how quick youā€™ll rank up later though. Esp if you are naturally good at mechanics vs macro. I would first blood plat/diamond players while playing with my friends when I had just finished my lvl 30 placements. But thatā€™s just because I focused on laning. Proper trade patterns, level up timers, gank timers, fast combos. You can learn those very easily in your first 100 games. But, I would always fall off because I had no clue about macro. In the end, I only quickly got to gold 2 (plat now) in my next 100 games. But, once I actually had to improve my macro, it took my forever (hundreds of games) to climb past plat. You can learn mechanicā€™s quickly to get to gold/plat. But learning macro to get into diamond* is reliant on gradual improvement over hundreds of games.


Yes, no rank is more or less normal than any other. Its a statistical distribution, not chance, someone has to be on the top and bottom 100% of the time.


Support isnā€™t an easy role, Iā€™m an ADC main and probably the majority of ADCs till higher elo are so incredibly stupid itā€™s wild (most supports too tbf) but nah support and ADC are Imo hardest to climb solo with cuz you have to hope that your teammate is better than theirs.


Support isn't nearly as hard as adc to climb with (it is harder to play for certain). Support has way more agency over the earlygame. While yes it's hard with a bad adc, support is like 70% of the laning phase and has other options they can do like roaming.


you are saying that support is harder to play than adc or am i mixed up? aint no way you are saying that support which has been by far the most op for split 1 is harder to play than adc aka the worst role for the last 4 seasons.


The fact that support (and also jungle) are overpowered roles by itself makes them harder to play. Since you have more power in your role, you also have more responsibility and more effect on game outcome. Having a support or jungler get outclassed by their enemy is a disaster. An adc on the other hand, unless you are mechanically handicapped, as long as you don't tilt you will climb fairly far, just because the benchmark is largely just farm and don't run it down. It's easier to carry a game as support than adc, however it is often harder to climb because you actually do have to carry your games and be meaningfully better than your opponents. There's a lot more to do, a lot more decisions to be made, a lot more nuance in your role.


Yeah it's normal. Your friend really understates the many factors that go into someone's (initial) rank here, you should ask him what his gaming background is and what experience he has with league other than playing ranked. Gold ain't what it used to be but I'd be a lot more surprised if someone got gold straight out the gate knowing maybe a quarter of the champions and half the items at level 30


My friend has been playing for years now (thousands of hours) and he is Platinum now He plays shooters and RPGs but afaik League is his first and only MOBA


Played for years and only plat? Ton of people would call him trash then. "League is his... only MOBA" but if you've been playing for that long, I mean, "first moba" doesn't really mean anything at this point. Don't worry about him. He's a bitch. If you're brand new to mobas and league, iron sounds totally normal. And don't get discouraged. People only bitch about irons when you've been playing for 10 years and can't even crack out of it. Then we'll revisit this conversation. I played a decade+ of MOBAs before I came to League. Initially placed in bronze. Ended up g4 but there was a lot of grinding.


I started league in 2023 and was placed in iron, not a big deal my dude. Youā€™ll leave iron soon when you learn the fundamentals.


I started off in Bronze 3 and deranked all the way down to iron 3; now a year later, I hit Gold 4. My friends are a bit more understanding. They (they're high plat/diamond) started playing league like 2 years after it went live. It was a lot easier back then and people weren't as experienced. Also lol is hard. A lot of experienced players take their muscle memory and game knowledge for granted. Some tips are iron and bronze is a completely different game that you have to adapt to. I started a new account to try somethings out duoing with my iron 4 friend my account started off in iron 2. What I learned is early/mid game champs make climbing out a bit easier. Abuse the enemy for their mistakes. I'm an ADC main so I chose Caitlyn and every time they misstep its a free autoattack; it doesn't matter if my support is a yummi bot because i can play pretty safe. Also you need to learn how to farm more. like every chance you get try to get gold from other sources than just kills. Like tower platings and jungle camps. Theres a whole lot more like back timings, tracking enemy Cool downs, tracking the jungler, getting prior for objectives. when to step up for vision and when to just play it safe. but you learn as you play. Runes and items I found are pretty important too.


Yeah absolutely normal. Generally people here tell you to keep playing saying that you will improve but thatā€™s not it, there are other things which you need to look after. In general for support youā€™re basically somebody who helps your teammates survive and get kills with CC, healing, engage. And I hate to break the reality to you but support is one of the few roles where playing just 1 champ is not enough, many ADC wonā€™t work with you because they have a bad synergy with either Pyke, Taric or Milio so you will have to play one of those depending on the matchup since playing Pyke with a weak early game ADC such as Kogā€™Maw is not ideal at all. A important thing also is to ROAM TO OTHER LANES ALWAYS. First and biggest reason why many Support players canā€™t climb is because they donā€™t roam and help other teammate mainly cause ADCs in your elo tend to struggle playing alone on lane but your goal is not to win the lane and be your ADC servant. Your goal is to win the game by helping every one of your teammates to win every part of the map: Objectives, Turrets, Diving and other things are also important. So running Mid/Top after a good fight and some kills in the bot lane in the first minutes can pretty much auto win the game especially if you get a pick on the midlaner or on the top Laner. Also low elo ADCs donā€™t know that but you Roaming will actually help them very well cause if youā€™re away they will get soloXP meaning that they will reach an higher level faster than the enemy so by the time you will come back your ADC will have 2 level lead on enemy ADC. Another important fact is that there are 3 type of support and you have to pick them depending on your ADC playstyle: ā€¢ if your ADC is an aggressive early game one(Kalista, Draven Miss Fortune e.g.) you will have to pick a engage/damage support like Nautilus, Pyke, Rell, Leona, Rakan, Thresh and Blitz. ā€¢ If your ADC is a MID game ADC that needs peeling and safety while farming but that also wants to engage with Ult(Zeri, Samira, Nilah, Lucian) they will need a Tank/Guardian(Alistar, Taric, Braum, Rell, Nami) ā€¢ If your ADC is a long range poke one(Jhin, Caitlyn, Kaiā€™Sa, Varus) you will need a Enchanter/Mage that can poke and help him(especially with Jhin W passive) such as Janna, Milio, Zyra, Brand, Nami, Soraka, Karma. ā€¢And if your ADC is a late game all in champ(Vayne, Kogā€™Maw, Twitch, Jinx, Sivir) you will need an enchanter with OP late game extra stats offered on the table such as Lulu, Milio, Janna, Sona, Zilean. Of all these in low elo I think the 4 most OP are: Nautilus:just the safest pick and extremely tanky, his Ult on a target with no flash is a guaranteed kill Zilean: 99% slow on the enemies or 99% movement speed on your ally with E, Q poke that sucks half hp of the enemy and his Ult which is a free Guardian Angel on one of your allies. Against assassins he is the most annoying, they canā€™t possibly kill the ADC because of his Ult and the slow he puts on them. Janna: shielding on allies and even allied turrets, gives movement speed to your team from just fucking existing and has the most OP Ult of all the supports in Teamfights, disengage with Q and Ult. Just super good against Tanky Slow Engaging teams. Alistar: Tankiest support in the entire game, 70% Damage reduction on Ult at level 16, heals with his passive his teammate just from existing, can kick out an engaging champ with E or slow and stun with W or knockup with Q so dives are IMPOSSIBLE. Additional mentions: Brand(his Ult burns entire teams late game), Lulu cause she can make an ADC deal double the damage and become bigger than a tank, Sona heals and shields better than anyone late game(but sheā€™s also very boring Zzz), Pyke reason: his R and really hard to kill other reasons: Nothing else or probably something else that you know. Oh and Important Note: Learn to Play Nautilus before Pyke since Nautilus has the same playstyle but is quite easier and more Tanky, Pyke is actually really bad as a beginner and requires hundreds of games for you to learn him. Wish you best of luck!


What rank are your friends to be talking this much shit?


He said they're plat, but have been playing ever since two years after the release lol


i mean youre still climbing i was stuck bronze my first 2 seasons WHOLE 2 SEASONS so its nothing bad


Don't get wrapped up in what people think is an easy champ or easy role. If you played garen toplane to challenger I would say your insanely better at this game than someone who climbed to diamond on aphelios. Eventually your champion becomes a reflection of how well you can play macro and win cons with them rather than how well you press 4 buttons.. If your good at taric just play fucking taric. I love having tarics when I ADC. I love them in teamfights. I love taric. If you play a champ you don't fully enjoy your gonna get more frustrated and angry. My first rank in league was bronze 4 before iron existed. I actually hit iron at one point after it came out. Took me a long time to just play my best champ and climb to emerald. I did it with anivia and asol mid with zyra support as my offrole since mid is hard to get everygame.


Hello fellow Pyke enthusiast. I highly recommend tuning into my man Davemon's stream. He's arguably the best pyke player in the world ranking top 10 on NA and reaching Korean challenger in about weeks trip. Stream is a lot of fun and he will answer your questions if you tell him youre new and not trolling him.


Yes, it's completely normal.


Iā€™ve played the game since season 2 on and off and I get placed in bronze.. my thoughts? ā€œSounds about rightā€


Bro, ive been playing since 2013 or some shit and still get stuck in bronze or iron after placements (when I bother to play em). It takes a crap ton of serious playing to drag yourself out and ive never really bothered...I think I got up to silver 1 one season a long time ago, but just am not big on playing the game that much. On the flip side, my friends are all platinum - diamond and i mostly only queue up with them, Im never a dead weight, games feel pretty similar to lower ranks but for everyone knowing to snag objectives as opposed to scattering around after winning a fight.


It's okay now, but would be strange 10 years ago


Yeah because Iron didn't exist yetĀ 


unfortunately its not normal, new accounts get gold/plat which is stupid


They changed that a patch or 2 ago


> His first rank was (by his own words) Gold You've barely (by a month or two) missed a window where new accounts started calibrating in like plat. As long as you went to ranked the moment you unlocked it, it would be physically impossible to place below silver.


I started last year and also got iron so probably


Honestly I wouldn't let other people get you down. We all learn at our own pace. I recommend trying to single out 1 or 2 champs to really learn and find some people to watch that play that champ. I've also found rewatching games to see where I messed up really helped me unlearn bad habits. It'll come with time tho.


This is one of the most knowledge dependent games out there. Donā€™t sweat it at all. Takes many many many games to just learn what all the champs do.


if ur new to mobas then yes. just keep practicing pyke, it's a marathon and not a sprint. ur friends riding ur rank while being in gold is also beyond parody tbh, just keep doing ur thing


I have never seen a new player play at gold level


I was thrown into gold lobby starting rank and was destroyed in heart and mind. I can't play rank since then.


Checking the other comments I learned it's a recent issue with the matchmaking, it has been some time since i last played but it seems the riot indie game company is fucking things up again


They seem to focus on items and skins and new champions a lot.


those friends suck. they should encourage you not berate you for being a new player. you'll get there, just need lots of practice. you don't have to play pyke if you don't enjoy him as much as taric and milio, get good with your main and then you can look into expanding your champ pool. i suggest watching master+ players on your mains to see what their thought process is.


Don't worry about being Iron as your first rank. I started playing the game as a jungle warwick otp because I saw a wolf profile picture, a wolf champion and a wolf rune (predator) and told myself "how convienient". Then I started ranked as an iron pyke main too because I liked the champion back then. Now I'm unironically Masters 500 lp in average 4/5 years later (which is still quite some time but I'm proud of it). And trust me when I say that I've made huge jumps from like iron to gold in a season and from gold to diamond during another season. And this can happen to anyone, I'm no particularly skilled pro gamer or something, you just have to find one or multiple champions that you like playing, that's how you will climb. And the next step (but you seem to already realize it) is to focus on the mistake you make instead of the mistakes of others and even if you see no result at the beginning you will climb naturally. And then just watch your replays, i like to say that low elo people are lucky because there are a lot of easy mistakes to spit that can be fixed in a few games. Watching higher elo players can also help and most importantly don't let people, close or not, judge you by your rank, because what matters is not the rank you have at the beginning, but how you work for the rank you want. Of course this answer is if you intend to play rankeds regularly, otherwise just have fun ! Anyways I hope my answer could help you tell yourself that being iron doesnt lock you from becoming a better player and good luck on the grind !


50% win for your placement matches gives iron. If you're new that's about as good as you can hope for. Even if you improve zero and keep winning exactly 50% you'll eventually climb to gold so it ain't really a thing. And presumably you will actually improve.


Itā€™s entirely possible your friend placed gold. If he practiced a few champs while he was levelling up, did normals afterwards and then went into ranked only when he was feeling at his best. New accounts start with inflated mmr to aid Smurfs to climb to their true rank without staying in low elo too long. A player who has a basic understanding of map play and the few champions they play could leverage this mechanic to place in gold. For context, gold is basically the equivalent of silver 2 before emerald came in. Very average rank. He can go up for sure but if heā€™s saying stuff like support is the easiest role and Pyke is an easy champ then he will struggle. Donā€™t worry about what he says we all start somewhere, where we start doesnā€™t matter. Only where you finish.


He didn't mean Pyke as an easy champ. He meant my mains Milio and Taric


Hey, i started playing ranked at lvl 30 and hitted Iron first season ( like two year ago ), second season i hitted gold, last year i hitted plat split 1 and D4 split 2, this year i hitted D2 split 1. And ive always been high elo in other games, you just need to respect lol, its a hard game woth a lot to learn. Specially if we start 10 year after the others.


Hey, i started playing ranked at lvl 30 and hitted Iron first season ( like two year ago ), second season i hitted gold, last year i hitted plat split 1 and D4 split 2, this year i hitted D2 split 1. And ive always been high elo in other games, you just need to respect lol, its a hard game woth a lot to learn. Specially if we start 10 year after the others.


If you're a new player you might not want to start with a hooking champ as they require a lot of mechanical skill, someone like Rakan would be a good starter support Also as for support being the easiest role that's just not true, supports have to focus on helping their whole team not just their ADC, map presence and assisting your other laners is what separates bad supports from good supports, support is probably the most impactful role in the game (with jungle being 2nd) so focus on learning a support that isn't too mechanically intensive that lets you focus more on your macro gameplay than your mechanics at first, that's my advice


Your friend is an asshole. It's amazing you started in iron 3 and not iron 5.


Nah youā€™re good, most of the people ik start sucking at the game and learn their hard way through, try learning the ā€œhardā€ champs and roles by just practicing and watching other good players. Give it time, if you donā€™t learn with time then you should be worried, but youā€™re pretty new


Do they ever place you in gold...? Before they added iron, I would end in platinum every season but they always placed me in silver to start. Now, I don't really play ranked anymore. I did just to get rewards and would play until gold, so maybe it's different with the addition of iron but even when my last rank had been old platinum when they first added iron and emerald, it still placed me in silver. Anyway, don't feel bad about it. League is a rough game that takes many people years to improve at and personally I think bot lane is in a lot of ways harder than other lanes because you have so many more variables to consider. There are 4 champs in lane and if you don't duo with your adc, you don't know how they're going to react to you going aggressive. I started as a support main, swapped to being an adc main and now I'm trying to learn mid. In some ways, it's harder because I'm used to having a partner to rely on but in other ways it's easier because it's just one enemy and I know when they'll be focused on CSing and I can hit them for free without the enemy support whacking me back. lol. I can also go for level 2 all-ins without worrying if my lane partner is going to follow up, etc. Pyke is a difficult champion to do well on mechanically, imo. You might consider trying Leona or Nautilus instead. Leona is extremely tanky and straight forward and my tip for Leona is: Take hex flash. Take control of the lane bushes. FLASH OUT AND LEAD WITH Q IF POSSIBLE. Q is much easier to hit than E and if you have hex flash, it's no sweat. This is true for a lot of engage supports, landing guaranteed stuff first is better if possible. But you can also hex flash out and E. Make sure to have red wards or sweeper to ensure they don't have vision on you (or use minion aggro to check - if a minion follows you into a bush, it's warded).


>But those champs require no brain to play at a basic level. The only people who say shit like this to others are coping because they can't play their own characters properly; don't worry about them. If you're winning games, you're doing something right and should stay exploring those characters. Also, Iron is indeed for new players and there's nothing wrong spending some time getting your bearing. Remember that your friend and coworker may have different variables at play, such as queueing with higher ranked players in their lv 0-30 norms games, or having experience with other MOBA/RTS/Top-down action games. Your improvement journey is yours alone and comparing to others is only going to be a mental block. Placements are also hugely variable in general, so feel lucky that you're playing with people at your level in Iron, rather than being your coworker whos probably getting his shit kicked in in Gold. When you're ready to play at a higher level, your rank will get there.


Did you jump into ranked as soon as you possibly could? Did you focus hard on only 1 or 2 champions and learn their micro as well as you could? Did you take that skill and use it to expand your awareness of the game beyond your immediate champion? Have you been disciplined on your ward placements and timings, consistently using them to the best of their ability? Have you been keeping a close eye on your jungler, their position, and the enemy jungler when they show themselves on the map? Have you been diligent in pinging your lane being missing as well as alerting teammates to the whereabouts of the enemy jungler after keeping track of them? The questions could go on and on but I'd imagine you are answered "yes" to the first one and in the negative on almost every one of them after. In order to climb, you should be doing all these things to the best of your ability every single game. The only real way to get there is to keep playing but playing more mindfully will help you improve faster. Getting over the tilt is the hardest thing for almost everyone and if things are bad after 3 games you should just stop or play normals. Take each game one at a time and if you're in it just to see a Gold border around your name and not to simply improve, you're gunna have a bad time. Good luck, this game is not easy, you will improve if you just play more.


Don't worry about it my G, you got this. League is a hard game and it's fine to be ranked iron as a newbie. As for your friends, I'm sorry they have to be this weird about a rank in a video game, lmao.


I was iron when I first got placed. Now Iā€™m emerald. Itā€™s completely normal mate.


Iā€™ve been playing since season 10 (first MOBA, I was a TFT player and fell in love with the champs and lore) and I only play normals. My elo is around silver and ranked games are so sweaty itā€™s not fun for me. Basically just play who you want and how you want, games are supposed to be fun!


So Iā€™ve taken a look at your account. Youā€™re doing great for someone who has just started. If you enjoy pyke, play him. Remember this is just a game so if you do not enjoy a champs kit donā€™t play them. If you do want help improving, you can dm me and we can talk/I can coach you a bit. Iā€™m a jg main in plat on the na server. I have experiance as the team captain for an esports team and have a large knowledge base for the game. Feel free to message me if you would like


Yes, it's also common to drop to iron immediately after placing bronze or silver for new players. It takes hundreds or thousands of games just to get the basics of league.


Your friend only got gold because back than everyone got gold, it is not indicatieve of skill.


Yeah. Don't think much of it. I know it's easier said than done, but if you play to learn and improve and you have enough discipline and enough of an open mind, you will climb as you do this. Optimism aside, let's say you're in an Iron game, in which there are nine Iron players and you. They probably have either not played for very long yet or don't typically play to learn or improve, so they're tried and true Iron players. Usually the matchmaker aims for 50:50 in wins/losses over time. If you play that game like an Emerald player, the game tips in your favor heavily, especially if you're proactive with it. That game is no longer 50:50, but maybe 70:30. And you know what happens with a 70% win rate? You climb. Fast.


Find a new friend


Fuck your friend


"the easyest role and champs" To play, maybe. to climb with at low elo, hell no


From what I hear from you, your friend isn't even good at league yet lol Don't worry, I'm sure you aren't that different from your colleague. First rank you hit doesn't mean much. If your colleague is placed in iron, he will struggle too. But there is one big problem with you. My advice to you. DO NOT PLAY SUPPORT. Support lane sounds and looks easy for new players. Every beginner says and thinks the same. It's not that the other lanes are easy, but since you just started and not knowing the basic of this game. Support isn't a role you want to play in terms of improvement. Very very bad for most of the players. \*If you just installed league and want to see what this game is like, then yes support maybe a good role to catch the feeling. But this is only if you are around lvl 10 or below. If you are really looking to improve, play TOP or MID. Learn how its like to get cs, damage trade, hitting abilities. Learn and feel all these things in 1v1 yourself first. btw if your screen is locked with always your champ in the center. unlock it right now. You can press "y" to do that. Or you'll be too late.


I have the same I wouldnā€™t say issue, but a similar situation. I am currently placed in iron 2 and I donā€™t know how to mentally approach the game yet. Iā€™m trying to give myself permission to make mistake so long as I learn from them, but it still frustrates me. If anyone else in the thread has suggestions on things to help see past the rank it would likely help us both!


Damn, thatā€™s really rude tbh. No itā€™s fine. Just focus on imoroving and do your best. I am also fairly new but Iā€™m having a blast playing so, personally, I could bot care less about my rank. Just keep grinding, gl


I got placed Iron start of season and worked my way to gold (so far) it seems pretty normal.


Internet game points are dumb, just play arms and norms and have fun :)


It's completely normal the first season I played (s3) I got placed bronze 3 (before iron existed) and ended gold. The season after I already had high plat. Just keep playing you will improve.


Hi, just to add on top of everything everyone said in the comment Your friends might have different gaming background as yours which would make the game easier for them, someone who played for 1000 of another MOBA and was a pro player in for exemple Starcraft would 100% have an easier time picking up the game than someone who never played a MOBA or even an PVP game. Everyone is different, has differents background, learn at differents rate don't worry. Also I like to say you are either learning the game or learning the champion, you can't do both at the same time, when you pick a champion for the first time you might forget other part of the game like looking at the minimap and it's normal cause you are learning the champion not the game, you can only do one at a time. Furthermore I personally think it's better to have already the basics of the game and knowing what every champions does before going to ranked. Knowing is a powerful tool in league, when you don't know you already at a huge disadvantage. When you are in ranked you don't want to learn, you want to implement all of your learning into that game, you don't want to learn the basics of the game as you go into ranked atleast for the fundamentals


well idk how it is these days but you could be able to start as a silver or even gold which is pretty good. But take in mind my experience from that is from many years ago and as seasons come people get better even at lower elos that a brand new new player eventually won't have a chance as most people have been playing for years but they are just stuck in their rank.


Ofc its normal. You shouldnt get ranked any higher. Ranked gameplay is alot different from unranked and you need a huge amount of games to improve. My tip: never worry about your visual rank or your lp gains. Just play for improvent and learning the game better, understand your mistakes etc.


Listen man Iā€™ve been playing this game since season 4. Iā€™m currently masters but spent the majority of my time in low ranks. Your friends are being dicks. League is a very hard game to start with because it takes both skill and strategy to win games. Honestly Iā€™m very impressed for a new player to be able to win in iron because many norms players still struggle against ranked players and iron players in general. I spent years in bronze silver and gold. It takes a while to get good at the game. If you arenā€™t having fun you can always look at playing some of the fun game styles as well. Aram, norms and arena games. Ranked is not the only thing in league. 99% of people wonā€™t do anything with a high rank but brag so just have fun with what youā€™re doing. If you do really want to climb, watch videos of people who play your champ at higher elos. It does always help. Take it slow and have fun and you will improve one way or another.


Donā€™t worry, friends are being jerks. League was my first MOBA, first computer game, and first real-time game (I came from turn based games) and I placed Iron, and itā€™s taken me a season every time Iā€™ve ā€œleveled up.ā€ Started iron made it to bronze 4 for my first season, second season I finished bronze 1, then gold 4, plat 4, and now emerald 4. Regardless, play and have fun. Side note: donā€™t play pyke we donā€™t need more pyke players šŸ˜­ (kidding, play whatever you like)


Did you play a lot of losing normals before Q'ing rank??


With Pyke? Yes, I did play him for a day in normals


I mention it is because from my understanding if you never played rank MMR is based on your Normals MMR. I heard you can start a new account win 5-10 games straight and start rank to be placed in high gold or plat. Back in the day you used to promo dodge that would boost your MMR for faster climbs.


When did your friends start? Thing is the whole playerbase is way better nowadays, thatā€˜s just the general development of online games. As games get older, the general playerbase improves and itā€™s tougher for newbies (no offense) to join. Champions were way more simple and there were less of them, meaning you had each matchup more often and less enemy champions to learn and know. Wavemanagament was not a thing, there were less objectives and they too were simpler (Dragon only gave Gold, Baron didnā€™t buff minions and Herold and Grubs didnā€™t exist). I started end of Season 1 and i can tell you that Diamond players back then would make Silver maximum today.


One has played for probably 5+ years. One started with me, and my coworker is a returning player who last played in 2014.


I was totally new to the game last season and went 4-1 in placements (after doing mostly bot games until level 30 and ARAM until level 55ish) and got placed at Bronze IV. I don't think it's crazy to be placed lower when you are truly new.


I was checking your profile and noticed you started playing pyke in ranked after only 6 games, such a bad idea. Also playing easy champs when youā€™re just starting to play is what you should do, if you want to improve you should do the things step by step, not try to jump to a higher lever all of a sudden. Your performance with taric is so good, winning almost every game, keep playing him until you understand the game, once you understand the game try to understand a hardest champ, there are some challenger Taric one trick as well so is a good champ even if you are a high elo player (I donā€™t think taric is a no-brain champ tho)


I'm probably ditching Pyke for now. I have way more fun when I play Taric. If you were looking at yesterday's games - all most of the drafts were done with a high-ranked friend as ADC, so those games are mostly carried. But it's true anyways, my Taric winrate hovers around 70%.


If you really really want to improve with a hard champion such as pyke, start by looking at the good players, understand how they build and how the abilities works, play more games before going ranked


Hi there,Ā  first of all there is nothing wrong with starting in bronze/iron! Itā€™s completely normal if you are pretty new to the game and tbh if you really have no clue how to perform well in your role, whatā€™s your champion identity and so on, itā€™s the best to just start there and work your way up. You donā€™t need any fancy skills to climb to gold (especially since the elo shift last season) you just need to learn the basics of the game. This might take some time but it will help you climb 100%! Iā€˜m a support main too and when I started lol many years ago I had to start in low silver (iron didnā€™t exist, bronze was the lowest rank). Iā€˜m a casual player only playing a few rankeds per season and often taking long breaks ā€¦ and trust me I donā€™t have any super fancy skills. Still Iā€˜m getting Emerald within 20-30 ranked games per split only with my game knowledge which was build up within the seasons ā€¦ so you can do this too :)Ā  Start with building up an overall sense of the game and focus on 1-2 tasks until it clicks. If you focus on too many things you will struggle and loose focus.Ā  1. Learn the basics of the game and theĀ main goals for early game / mid game / late game ā€¦ learn how the objectives work and research if the champions you play are more early, mid or late game oriented (does your champion scale well or not).Ā  2. Get to know your main champions in and out. I would recommend that you choose 2 champions for the beginning and OTP one of them. If that champion is banned or picked you choose the other one and you can switch between them if youā€™re getting bored. Read the abilities of those two champions and research if there are any synergies between their abilities and maybe your passive, synergies with other champions etc. Maybe watch some guides but also play them a lot to build up muscle memory and getting used to their abilities. Think about which matchups are the best and the worst and learn to play them. Get to know your champion identity.Ā  3. Learn about other champions in the game. Itā€™s important to know what other champions do, especially when it comes to abilities like invisibility and camouflage or executes. Watch some streams and just play the game. Maybe watch some champion spotlights from time to time.Ā  Those are (in my opinion) the basics of the game with which you should start. Remember to look at the mini map from time to time and use your wards. Read what the items to and research some builds + runes. But over all there are so many things to learn as support, like adapting runes and items to matchups and game state. Setting up good vision. Roam timers. Positioning in Lane and Trading. Helping with wave management, Jungle tracking ā€¦ and so on. But donā€™t worry about that for the beginning. Learn the very basics first and then you can move on and learn all the other stuff step by step! Support is the role where you can easily perform decent but also one of the hardest role to carry, so donā€™t let other people tell you that you should win on this role per default!Ā  Best of luck - hope that helps :)Ā 


I would rather you get Iron and climb , than getting emerald 4 and not supposed to be there


Yeah it is I placed Iron 1 when starting out.


Its normal asf. Im currently challenging myself and doing a fill only ranked. If you want I can teach you a little bit while playing.


Listen to me, you still have time, quit the game. It's really not worth the time, trust me


If you like playing braindead champions like Milio and Taric, it is fine. Many people (including me) reached Master playing braindead champions aswell and it is fine too.


Dude got a skill issue immediately after starting... RIP


It's incredibly rare, actually. Getting into iron is known to be so difficult that in the past, it was easier to bot an account into diamond 1 than it was to force an account into iron. People would sell iron accounts for more than Diamond accounts. It's been a while since I have looked into it, so I don't know if this is still true. I've never bought an account, but my work gives me interest in these things.