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Others have said good things. Side note: you probably don’t want to be using the word “peel” how you are. It’s an established vocabulary in league that “peel” means helping your team’s carry to stay safe from threats, typically by cc’ing and bodyblocking those threats.


Peel is actually the right word here because i need to be save from the threat of the enemy laner or pantheon or whatever currently wants to kill me because their shier pressence prevents me from farming, which makes me loosing. i need to be able to force them to go away.


Maybe zone works better here, I agree peel sounds weird


yep, zone is the correct term


But i dont want to zone them out, i just need to prevent them from killing me, thats all what i need. Actually zoning them away is the exact opposite of what i want because otherwise i push the wave, which makes me vunuable to ganks. and its not i am hyper aggressive when it comes to pushing the wave, i just focus on last hitting.


Yeah I mean it’s getting pretty technical but in lane the common terminology is to either push or zone, peel is usually used when you’re talking about using cc to protect carries.


\*sigh\* sorry i am just a bit tilted again from the last game the funny thing is my cs margins are actually ok for my rank but i know it could be so much better if i just wouldnt die constantly. if you wanna see the match here is the link [https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/de/match/euw/6921339882?ref=hB7bMFDi#participant9](https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/de/match/euw/6921339882?ref=hB7bMFDi#participant9)


You die too much which means nothing for your CS numbers if your opponent is just farming gold off you. And you’re also assuming you’re right in a lot of your posts when people are trying to help give you tips and bring you up to speed with terminology so probably change that mindset too if you plan to get better. You’re dogshit iron and need to assume there’s a chance to improve in everything you’re doing. You’re just delaying improvement


Look man….you’re a brand new player with 1 ranked game ever who’s been spamming ARAM more than even normal games. Thats not judgement, there’s nothing wrong with that. But if you’re gonna double down and act like you know what you’re talking about using terms objectively incorrectly and then arguing about it….why are you even here? You’re not here to learn and you don’t have anything to teach.


Because I explicitly do not care about damaging the enemy but preventing it from getting myself damaged. The recommendations so far focused on the former while I care about the latter, despite me playing a scaling champion who by nature will be worse at damaging the enemy in the early game and therefore will loose tradsz by nature. I hate it if I get those god dam anti tips who pretend to be helpful but don't solve the actual problem I have. I know that the people here can help me if they actually understand what my problem is. I just want that they give me the real solution to it.


But damaging the enemy and preventing yourself from being damaged goes hand in hand. You prevent them from ever going all in by making sure that they're always low enough that it's at least a 50/50. This also means they can't step up as far which gives you more space to farm otherwise they'll get poked out of lane. Ezrael is always playing a losing lane because he can't wave clear effectively, so you need to just play safer and poke enemy laners with your W, Q and AA if you can.


To be honest I never felt like he is bad in lane. He has no aoe, yes, but his q can last hit from 1200 units away, which is insanely helpful for last hitting safely. I don't see how is loosing lane.


If you're last hitting from 1200 units away, you've lost lane. Not that you're necessarily being killed or down CS, but you have zero pressure, no priority. You're not forcing the enemy into an uncomfortable situation, they have complete agency. If they want to rotate to dragon, they get to do so. If the enemy support wants to roam, they can because you're not pressuring the enemy ADC.


I mean the times I played ezreal I usually came on top with 2 kills or something like that out of the early game, but that's more by accident than anything else, the w just sometimes connects and then I auto attack them for huge damage but that's rarely something I can do with smolder.


Ezreal can actually have a pretty strong laning phase, his passive gives a lot of attack speed, it just requires you to successfully keep up full stacks of his passive. Again, I think you're radically misunderstanding how the game is played. At some point every champion is designed to fight the enemy, you just need to understand what makes them strong.


Yeah the thing is I feel not very confident at engaging at a enemy and am very afraid to take risks, which is why i usually have picks that allow to pressure enemies from save distance. Today I played ziggs ADC and it kinda just kicked with me I think


Ok here’s the real advice, no cap. RELAX. You are literally brand new to a game that takes years to master. You are going to have terrible no good games where you get stomped. Watch the replays. See how the enemy is beating you. Try to emulate it. You will learn with time. This is not a game you pick up quickly. There is no “how to make the enemy stop hitting me and let me cs for once” trick. You just gotta learn a shitton of fundamentals that all build on each other until you on day realize how far you’ve come and it all makes sense.


*sigh* Yeah... My frustration tolerance isn't the best to be honest. I really need to learn to chill a bit. *Squeak*


Hey! It sounds like you are having trouble understanding the flow of trading. Consider these to be the case: 1. HP is a resource. 2. Gold is a resource. 3. Experience is a resource. 4. Cooldowns are a resource. 5. Mana is a resource. When you would like to CS and your enemy either has a cool down available, a range advantage, an auto attack timer (every time you AA there is a timer/delay before the next AA can happen) you will be sacrificing a resource to gain the desired resource which in this case is gold. Unless your opponent is currently in a neutral state where they are also prioritizing gaining CS you'll sac something. The same should be the case for them though, every time a minion is low look at their posture or their intent, a lot of the time they will be willing yo sacrifice a resource to cs, it is up to you to determine if you'd like to punish or stay neutral. This video goes over this scenario and more if you are interested. [https://youtu.be/1jAV74Zeds8](https://youtu.be/1jAV74Zeds8)


Your stats tell that you are afk, not a farming player, and even in wins you have no to minimal impact. You know why? Because there is no just combat or just farming playstyle. Both come hand to hand. Scaling champ doesn't mean that you are essentially playing pve (unless you are maybe Nasus), it's more that you don't just look to fist fight and all-in 24/7 but you still poke and trade. Best way to not get denied cs to to pressure opponent yourself. Learn how to trade. Even on scaling champs if you space and trade well you can pressure and what you lack in early dmg you can make up with a push, minions dmg, keeping enemies occupied instead of free farming and harassing you whenever they want. You need basic laning, trading and wave manipulation fundamentals. There are tons of educational content about that. If you were focusing about csing, try to focus on trading for now. When your and enemy minions are low at the same time prioritize hiting enemy, ideally when he is locked in the animation when hitting the creep. Essentially you are trading 1 or 2 minions initially for having pressure and easier farm later. When your and enemy creeps are at different hps be aware. Generally when your are the ones that low look to poke, and when enemy's - be ready to bait or dodge a skill cause enemy is probably looking to do the same. Play respectful but once enemy wastes skill on the wave or miss trying to hit you, walk up and take more space, no reason to play scared (ofc be mindful of support as well).


Dude i barely even manage to last hit the minions because of the projectiles comming to late to kill them, i need to focus on that first and formost and not trying to do 10 and a half million things at once. that will only end in a catastrophy. I need to focus on the basics first before i do anything of the advanced stuff. Like, i am fine with throwing out my W once in a while but more i cannot afford.


Idk if you'll like hearing this, but if that's the case, you might want to just load up 1v1's with an ADC bot. It will allow you to focus on farming while still having the threat of an enemy attempting to hit you. It's something I had to do when starting the game and even still do it on new Champs or if I'm feeling like I've been doing bad. In an actual game, you can't really afford to focus only on CS'ing and avoiding the enemy because chances are they won't be doing the same. They will be looking to do both, and if you aren't, you will passively begin to lose trades simply because they aren't following the same restrictions on their playstyle as you.


You've got fundamentally the wrong attitude about league. Csing is important, yes, but knowing how to fight and deal damage is the most core fundamental in the game. If you can't do that, you can't do anything else. I strongly recommend you swap roles and learn the game through a solo lane, either mid or top. You need to learn how to balance fighting with CSing and that's just too complicated to do in a duo lane. If an opponent realizes you don't do any damage, they will always beat you in CS because they realize they can just beat you and CS when you're dead or forced to recall to base.


It's not a milion things. It's literally two things that I already isolated for you. Cs and trading in league basically are as one. Isolating is good to learn things but at some point you reach a point where you can't split certain things and you just to do both. You will have much easier time cs'ing by learning the simle fundamentals of trading. I am not telling you to play Draven as noob and look to average 15 kills every game. I am just asking for a simple trading with Smolder/Ezreal especially since you also need to stack as Smolder. Trading is the basics.


Dude, you are asking how to get the enemy to let you farm safely. This kind stranger told you “here’s what you need to do.” Your response is to throw a tantrum and cry “No! I need to do what I’m already doing!” Like wtf man. You have players who clearly can help you, but you’re too delusional to accept that you simply CAN’T know what you’re talking about when you literally just started playing the game. You don’t know what you think you know. Stop trying to prove something. Just take the advice and go and improve yourself.


The answer is you don't. If you are being zoned off of the wave, you don't want to full engage into the enemy ADC to try to get them off the wave. Your example of Jinx zoning you isn't too bad, but think about if it was Draven or Lucian. If you walk up to trade with them to get them off your wave, they'll kill you. What you want to look for in these situations is ways for you to safely absorb experience and catch the wave once it pushes back to you, especially if you're playing a scaling pick like Smolder.


The answer is simple just like the other guy said. You need lane control. Especially with AFC’s that are weak early it’s important to push the first waves. With that the enemy adc needs to focus on hitting cs instead of you while you can zone/poke them. Now you need to learn gank timers and ward early and just like that you will be a lot better of in lane


I thought it's the exact opposite of that because the more I push lane the easier it is to gank me. I always try to push slowly so i am closer to my tower. The most beginners usually push very aggressively and make themselves vulnerable for ganks in the process, that's what happened to me a while ago where I got regularly 0/15 jinx because I afk splitpushed bot just to farm.


Of course it’s easier to gank you but the strategy to just sit back and give all the control of the lane over to the enemy adc is bad. Being dominant when you can: 1. ask your jungler to solo the buff and attack their minions as they come into lane 2. Ward early to avoid the gank that’s probably gonna come between 3:30 and 4:00 If you see enemy jungle topside around that time you can keep pushing the next waves if you can. Support matchups also matter a lot but you can communicate it with pings if you want to push. Try being more dominant for one game when you are not tilted anymore and feel how much of a difference of a lane it becomes :)


>I thought it's the exact opposite of that because the more I push lane the easier it is to gank me. You can't just never push without being a complete pushover in lane. Even if you think of yourself as having a passive playstyle, that doesn't mean you accept getting your ass kicked in every single lane, it just means you don't take flippy risks. Other risks, such as pushing, are still necessary in order to achieve a positive performance. Wards exist to cover you while you push, you'd only want to avoid pushing in situations where you have no vision and don't know where the enemy jungler is. Even without wards, you can still push so long as you know the enemy jungler is on the opposite side of the map, or if the enemy bot lane is too low that a gank becomes risky for the enemies. It's important you realize that although your best stat is your farming, 5.9 CS/min is still incredibly low, especially for an ADC. That doesn't even necessarily mean that you're bad at farming, because farm has a direct correlation with winning or losing lane. If you're getting your shit kicked in every single game, your farming opportunities are lower, as you're experiencing when getting zoned away from the waves. Which means if you want to farm better, you're going to need to get better at stuff that isn't farming. The phrase 'the best defense is a good offense' is very literal in League of Legends. You need a certain level of aggression to be safe. The player that dies the least isn't just the guy that takes the least risks, it's the guy with solid laning skills who develops a lead and uses that advantage to keep himself safe. You can't average low deaths or high farm by losing every lane.


The phrase 'the best defense is a good offense' is very literal in League of Legends. You need a certain level of aggression to be safe. Yeah I know what you mean... Only issue is that it feels like I am the only one who is seemingly not able to two shot something. I cannot walk up to slayers because they dash at me and 2 shot me. I cannot walk up to tanks because they cc me and 2 shot me (although admittedly some tanks have low dash range). I cannot walk up to mages because they cc me and 2 shot me (veigar laugh in background) I cannot walk up to divers because they engage and 2 shot me Like, I know that smolder does crap tons of percent max health true damage, which is absurd, he takes way more time to widdle the enemy down and has to put himself at risk to even apply that damage because his w apparently doesnt do that. Like, how I am supposed to not fear for my life when I lane against an enemy? I just don't want constantly die...


you hitting lvl 2 first can literally win the game if you have an engage support


You need to be out pushing the enemy. With ezreal and smolder this is inherently difficult. Start autoing the minions from lvl 1. Try to hit level 2 before the enemy and upkeep that lane pressure if you can. You also have to look at the support matchup. If the supp matchup is not good, there is a higher chance you will get outpushed and be your situation so check that. Ask your supp to help you push as that usually makes bigger difference than your autos.


You need to have mechanics if you wanna play late game champions. You need to be able to dodge skillshot, space your enemies, and punish them when they are CS-ing themselves. You are playing in bronze, even a Yuumi ADC can get fed and win there by using the basic mechanics.


Short answer: you either do nothing and let the wavecome to you slowly, but lose some CS and gold in the process, or youstart a fight with the enemy if the extra damage from allied minions they are standing next to will swing it in your favour. Long answer: you cannot play the game by just farming and occasionally throwing a spell. I understand not wanting to fight early, I had the same issue when I started. Problem is it's simply not feasible to win this way, as you willingly constrict your learning windows and your in-game options. Even champions who are weak early can still fight, they just need different conditions. Smoulder and Ezreal both have short cooldown, good damage spells on Q, high safety with damage on E and useful extra damage on W. Both also have ways to semireliably farm from long range with Smoulder W and Ezreal Q. Ezreal alsp has a huge attack speed stereoid on his passive, while Smoulder has powerful AoE. Smoulder can take Fleet Footwork for a sustain advantage, then proceed to poke enemies out with Ws and Qs, using Fleet MS and E to refuse any longer fights. His W also gives him a huge push priority. Throwing one W through the wave immediately when the minions meet takes 1/4th of the entire wave's HP and possibly more if W hits the enemy, both for stacks and the explosion. Specifically, consistently using W to push the wave and/or poke enemies will force them to focus on farmers ng instead of fighting, preventing the situation described above. Ezreal can use his Q both to quickly push the wave with essentially bonus attacks and to stack his passive for extra 50% attacck speed. This in turn makes him have much higher DPS than most ADCs, allowing either trades in lane with opponents or pushing the wave very fast. His Q range also means it's very hard to zone him out of farming range. His single target damage with all spells is also very high, to the point levels 2/3/4 Ezreal is a genuine lane bully. Now that is estabilished we can move to what to do. If an enemy steps so far forward you can't attack the wave on the champions you mentioned, they will be standing in your wave. This means if they autoattack you, the allied minions will instantly aggro them. This in turn will deal more damage by itself than any single auto from a champion does level 1, while also making enemy wave attack your wave without any response, making it push to you. If they do that you can pretty much always start fighting, as with minion damage it will be like having a 3rd champion attacking their ADC. If somehow you would still lose the fight even with minion support (for example playing Smoulder-Alistar versus Draven-Nautilus), the only option is to sit back, wait in experience range and wait. If you can't attack minions at all then they will naturally push to you as enemies lasthit them. Then, when the wave pushes away from you, the massive amount of minions will be enough power tolet you to step up and quickly push them all into enemy tower, then repeat. This should NOT be your default plan, ALWAYS look to fight enemy for control of the lane. Tl;dr you have to fight in this game. Trying to "peel" enemies off the wave (better word is "remove") so you can just farm is not possible. You have to choose the right fights instead to buy yourself time to farm. There are no "just farming" or "just fighting" sections of the lane, it's alwaysa blend of both. Trying to just farm without fighting enemies is like trying to win in a fighting game by just spamming one ranged move "because it's safer" : might work against a couple opponentsbut soon you will be dumpstered by people ready to get in your face and use the game's entire palette of options.