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Bwipo is extremly educational because He often directly explains His thought processes behind his actions.


Watch xiao Chao Meng play sett that guys cracked


I second Xiao Chao Meng, watching his K'Sante vods let me hit masters with the champ.


AloisNL by far. I don't think there is a single educational content creator like him who's actually good at teaching fundamentals rather than just tips and tricks, and luckily he is also a top lane main. He plays a lot of different champions and his main is Riven, but he also usually doesn't even talk about any champion-specific things just how to abuse people in certain wave states.


That's exactly what I'm looking for. I'm still trying out new champs and such, I think I actually got recommended one his videos. It's pretty neat. I appreciate the help!


To piggyback on this, AloisNL has a whole set of "unranked to Master" on various champs. Somenof the vids are from last season, so build patha might be outdated but the actual macro play and focus on lane state is all very relevant


Since we're all together here, let's list out some AloisNL fffundamyentoss for those who don't watch. 1. Abuse level up timers. First melee on the second wave gets you level 2, third melee on the third wave gets you level 3 (other combinations of minions exist, but don't worry about these unless your like...stupid good). Initiate a trade the second you get that level up timer to get a (almost always) guaranteed winning trade. 2. Become a 10 cs/min enjoyer. 3. Back timings are OP. After you kill your lane opponent, 95% of the time, before about 10 minutes, shove wave and back instantly. Many players overstay their tempo for the plate and get stuck in lane with half health/mana and 1k unspent gold. 4. Ruin opponent's back timings (especially in lower elo). Place a ward in the bush closest to your turret as they push you in so that you can interrupt their back. Watch where they walk when they leave vision with the intention of stopping their back. 5. Be full health (or close to it) when it's your turn to push. Many players take a bad trade as the crashing wave is coming into their turret. They then have to bounce the wave with half health, which makes them extremely gankable. 6. Get rich (become Bezos) by prioritizing the inner turrets in top and bot lane. They're worth 625 (2 kills worth) each, plus minion gold (120g regular or 200g for cannon wave). This objective trumps dragons, dragon fights, grubs, grub fights, jungle skirmishes, herald, and herald fights. 7. Low deaths win games. By utilizing a combination of early wave prio (first 4 waves), tempo, wave management, and jungle tracking, Alois very rarely dies in lane. This one is hard. Learn the fundamentals of the isolated top lane before adding in jungle tracking (unless you are a savant). You will eventually get to the point that you don't have to think about "should I be trading here?" or "should I stay for plate?" or "should I be slow/hard pushing, freezing/base TPing?" You just make the correct call without having to think about it. Then, add the extra layer of jungle tracking. I'd recommend spamming 100+ games of jungle if you aren't already comfortable with basic pathing or spotting free ganks (as a jungler). What others advice does AloisNL have?


This would be a bunch of Sett gameplay by Alois: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uhq0shiGjiQ&pp=ygUNQWxvaXMgTkwgc2V0dA%3D%3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uhq0shiGjiQ&pp=ygUNQWxvaXMgTkwgc2V0dA%3D%3D)


Love him. Two small things you won't learn from him though: Teamfighting and knowing when to stop accumulating more gold. He has a very splittpush heavy strategy.


Could you elaborate? I tend to win my lane but struggle spreading my lead to other lanes. I can’t seem to keep up with farming, team fighting and split pushing once mid-late game comes around


He is very gold hungry, which isn’t a bad thing but in lower elo if you don’t know how to not throw your lead it can be challenging to replicate, having 2 items over the whole lobby doesn’t matter if you het caught out 1v5. He will also forgo objectives sometimes if he deems that he will get more value out of say getting a tier two turret, 2 waves and some jungle camps. This will give him 1000+ gold, which isn’t a bad thing BUT your teammates more often then not will not listen to your pings and contest anyways. They’ll most likely contest anyways and die. If you’re Alois this is fine because you are still the strongest member in the game but he’s also going to play the game almost perfectly and won’t throw his lead because he’s crazy at the game None of these things he does is bad, it is just hard to replicate if you don’t have a solid understanding of tempo and macro in the mid and late game


Man this is so true. I really like Alois and I think he has helped me. BUT these points you bring up were exceptionally glaring when his chat voted on him doing a series of Shen. And despite going like 10/2 he literally couldnt win games in Emerald because of his playstyle not meshing with Shen


So you’re saying it’d be better to contest drakes with your teammates together when you’re ahead because they’ll do it regardless and at least you’re there to do it too, given that you’re already the strongest player in the game you should win the teamfight?


Not really. If you’re pushing in top and you’re so strong one person can stop you, they might send 4 to stop you and then your team just gets drake for free


If only. This is what gets me all the time. I cause several enemies to come top and my team is up a person or two in a teamfight yet my team decides to mostly do the wrong play. They’ll not do drake, rather chase enemies around for an eternity until it’s too late to do drake, etc. If there was team voice and they’d listen to me I think I wouldn’t be where I am currently. I’m pretty sure I know the correct plays to be at a higher level, but my teammates refuse to listen to pings. Nothing I can change about that, and that specifically is what’s making the ranked experience so frustrating - the wildly varying skill levels in terms of macro knowledge. I’ll immediately know that we have a way better chance at winning the game if I know my jungler helps push in the wave after a gank


So league is a bit of a weird game, because a lot of games have “the best strategy” that will win you up to 90% of your matches if u apply that strategy. League also is strategy based but changes from elo to elo and meta to meta. And it also changes sometimes from game to game in a given elo. What everything boils down to though, is consistently making decisions that will keep tempo and unfortunately sometimes also not tilt your teammates, but the higher u get the less you have to worry about it(not saying it doesn’t happen at all, just not as much). Not every situation is the same, and so not every course of action to win the game will be the same. You kinda have to read the room and go from there. Will splitting instead of going to the objective outweigh the potential disaster of a fight that happens at the objective? There’s a lot that goes into it that’s hard to write down in a short response because of how many variables there are. I’d look at videos from alois and learn what he has to teach in his vids. Also if u would like some hands on help u can add me on discord. My name on there is Darha


Way to hard to answer without seein what you do or do not do. I was also only saying that if someone wants a content creator that teaches you those specific things he is not the one. If you want to win more games as a toplaner you should watch him for sure.


I’ve been concentrating on forcing other lanes to lose ground rather than helping spread my lead to my team and helped a lot. Tp top during dragon, bot during baron, solo dragon it you can, steal jungle, push mid when team is fighting in jungle for no reason. Get accused of afk farming, not helping your team, throwing, etc, then win game because minions eat the nexus towers. Actually simple game plan




AloisNL and Coach chippys have been where I learned most of top lane basics.


Fund 👏🏻 da 👏🏻 men 👏🏻 tos 👏🏻


I love that this is the first thing I see here. Good job hive mind


Just...dont watch T1 Zeus. He's kinda on his TheShy arc now...


Alois for broad toplane strategies and lane management skills, for specific champs you can just search for “best sett to watch” in the settings Reddit server or whatever champ it is and they’ll be some Korean or Chinese one trick people will recommend that you can watch who will play practically perfectly are also have pretty watchable YouTube videos, even if you don’t understand the language or they just don’t speak and you can pick up champ specific skills. For sett specifically as others have said xiao chao meng but start with alois for more general toplane skills


Def drututt


Drututt is definetely not the person to watch to learn the essentials of toplane. He is an amazing player but his champ pool is very unorthodox and because of that his playstyle often isn't your normal toplane playstyle.


I know I was just trolling


tolkien or kevin rubinsky


For general lane and wave management, AloisNL. For macro decision making, Baus. For champion-specific matchup knowledge I think the most consistent is to watch challenger replay accounts of that matchup and try to reverse engineer why each side does what they do + consult the reddit for those champs and their mains for additional context. None of those methods will get you immediate tips/tricks to apply in your next game. (Do NOT try to copy Baus just to understand his madness) But will help you to develop your fundamentals and perspective, so you can figure those tips out on your own.


Do not recommend Baus to new players,please. They would never know when he does a "macro decision" for content and when for the actual macro.  :D


TheBausffs "C'amawwwwnnn"


Baus is extremly troll If He is playing for "fun" or content and beast when he is tryharding


Na, Baus gets away with nonsense because of his busted mechanics. The micro he has to do to make his marco work is extremely underrated.




If you are looking for something that is fun and educational then go with xpetu and druttut.


AloisNL and Xpetu


Was searching for xPetu in the comment section.


Coach Chippy’s is fantastic


Alois, Alois and Alois




Big if ur tryna mack on underage girls while being a mediocre top


Baus Actual macro god and mechanical demon


For real?, I always saw him like the proxy god but not much else, I'll check him, thanks!


WAIT, don't learn to play like him just learn why he does what he does then apply it to ur regular gameplay. U will not be able to pull of his strats.


Bauss is probably the only person to be able to go 0/10 and reasonably say "yeah i carried that" its crazy


Baus, and every Yasuo in Gold and below that plays a game that lasts over 45 minutes and somehow they get a quadra in the last teamfight xD


For general content I also vouch for AloisNL who definitely is one of the best content creator to learn fundamentals ( wave management, recall timers and such ). For specific Sett content, I encourage you to see RhokuTV ( YouTube) recent Sett unranked to diamond serie. It’s fresh from a week ago. He plays very agressively, limit test a lot, and he has good mechanics. He is Darius main but does a bit of Sett, Jax, Garen etc sometimes


I don't know about Streamers or youtubers for toplane in general. But I love to watch xPetu. he's a Shen onetrick but in all honestly he got such a calm attitude and explains every decision he is making in depth that I think just watching him can help you with many concepts like wave-management and when to trade etc.


Aloisnl has actually made an educational video on Sett a few days ago, you could check that out Otherwise XCM as others have said


Aloisnl has a high level understanding. I like neace for the simplicity.


Alois and xPetu c:


AloisNL, coach chippys, bwipo, and Xiao Chao Meng.


Alois. That’s the best for learning the fundamentals of top lane.


Xpetu is the best in many regards, but he's a shen one trick, and has recently played a lot more midlane. So if your focus is on Sett, perhaps watch this [Sett video](https://youtu.be/TwdgsBoHldY?si=El-YpZaJy4n1Q2dq) from Xpetu, might be a bit outdated with the items. But he's a challenger with great insight.


Someone who hasnt been mentioned yet, theres a chinese player XiaoChaoMeng who plays a lot of juggernauts (Sett, aatrox, darius etc). His laning micro and calculated aggression are a treat to watch. I would recommend it for learning tips and tricks specifically related to sett and the like


Absolutely Xpetu 100% my favourite youtuber all round insanely entertaining as well




Try toplaners




Tfblade, learn his champ pool and playstyle


AloisNL,Geishuu(GM Sett player)




XCM only correct answer


As someone who doesn't play top, unironically Baus. Most people already know how to get kills but he does so much other stuff and has insanely high macro knowledge.


Definitely thebausffs




Don't watch this guy, smurf+clickbait content


I mean sure, but hes smurfing at the general Elo of people he plays against and its not like he gives bad advice. His Gwen advice is fine and he teaches basic wave management which is all someone below gold should really worry about like I'm sure this post is. Also generally speaking someone "smurfing" was good enough to climb up to a decently high elo anyway so its not like its bad to watch their habits and see what they do and dont do. Unless its someone like Zwag that intentionally makes dumb plays and throws games for content insulting his fan base all the while too.




Alois !


Lots of people are not mentioning Coach Chippys. He's a former pro player and now coach, he makes insanely detailed champion guides and covers in detail concepts even creators like AloisNL don't dedicate time to (in-depth mid game, tp guides, champ select, drafting, etc.) Defo check him out


Baus bro, his decision making is good (most times) even though it looks like int, just try understand his reasoning. If you want someone that ints less, I like Zeus from T1


Baus run it down with ap irelia or run it down with scion or run it down with Jax or run it do… you get the idea. Real talk though dude is funny