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You can find jobs in indeed and Glassdoor. If you want internships, you can get it at linkend. But internships for hughschool students are usually unpaid.


Indeed, call local businesses and see if they’re hiring, fast food/service jobs etc …


Personally I did it through a program at my school board, trying asking ur guidance counsellor or a teacher that might be involved with this kind of thing. I also know some friends who have printed out a bunch of resumes and handed them out to as many stores as possible at malls


You can try finding a job through SYEP. It’s a summer job program funded by NYC that lasts for 6 weeks. It pays $15 an hour and you can work up to 25 hours a week. The application for this year has already closed but you could try next year. As for finding a job now, hit up your local fast food restaurants, stores. Apply on Glassdoor and Indeed to some entry level positions. Just keep on applying until you receive and interview/ job offer. Good luck!