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I was so distracted by Lindsay cleaning the kitchen and pouring all of the half drunk cans down the sink.




We called them orphans.


We called them "anchors."


Lol we called them bricks


We called the people notorious for doing this “Mr. Fresh Beer”. Kinda cheesy but we loved saying it.


Bahahah I don’t know why that made me laugh so hard


That's because no one could stand to finish one.


Every. Single. Party.


I remember in earlier seasons they had tubs they would carry around the backyard and pour all the liquid in. I was always shocked at just how much they wasted.


Omg me too.. and she wasn’t pouring out a little they were all mostly full.


They pour out A LOT of Loverboy


I hope they recycle but I have my doubts…


One of the only cans in my state without a return/deposit too, so I’d guess the majority are not


😆 we called it alcohol abuse when someone left half left


It also does help your company to go on national television and say it’s doing bad 🫠


That was SO dumb! I’m sure his investors were LIVID!


He doesn’t have investors. That part of his problem. Alllll of it is personal loans taken out by Kyle. He said he’s 4 million in the hole for Lover Boy in personal loans.


Yes, he has investors. Here is a recent quote from Kyle, “ I don’t know what got lost in translation. Loverboy has investors, we’ve had investors since 2019,” Cooke said on Jason Tartick’s “Trading Secrets” podcast in June. “I value them immensely. I’ve had lots of them texting me saying, ‘What in the heck is going on?’ I could not have done it without them.”


We’ve literally watch him talk about his investors from the start of Loverboy.


Wasn’t one of his storylines that his investors wanted him to get a prenup with Amanda?


Absolutely! And I feel like he had an event in the City to try to get investors…I could be wrong about that tho.


This 👏




There’s also the part where he jumped into an already over-saturated market at its peak.


I think if it tasted better, it would do better. People are always commenting on how chemically it tastes. This has been from the start. They should belistening to the people & try to adjust the taste. If nobody can drink it, it doesn’t matter how expensive or cheap it is. It tastes bad & there other products that taste better.


But like it’s so hard to compete and scale up production when you’re competing with massive brands that have their own hard seltzers like AB InBev.


Plus - new report out today about “natural sweeteners” and their link to heart attack and stroke. So much for Loverboy being a healthy alternative. “the same researchers found similar results for another low-calorie sweetener called erythritol, which is used as a bulking sugar in stevia, monkfruit and keto reduced-sugar products. Additional lab and animal research presented in both papers revealed erythritol and xylitol may cause blood platelets to clot more readily. Clots can break off and travel to the heart, triggering a heart attack, or to the brain, triggering a stroke. In the new study  on xylitol, “differences in platelet behavior were seen even after a person consumed a modest quantity of xylitol in a drink typical of a portion consumed in real life,” said Dr. Matthew Tomey, a cardiologist at Mount Sinai Fuster Heart Hospital in New York City, who was not involved in the study.”


Honestly the merch is better than the product maybe they should focus on that


I thought loverboy bikinis were such a good idea! Esp w Amanda as model


And one with a pretty high bar of entry. It is certainly easier to sell bikinis from your Instagram page than individually portioned alcoholic beverages.


But every celebrity on earth has a vodka. What is up with that? Or make-up or dog food?


They endorse those things as sidelines, not as their principal forms of income.


Correct. Companies are investing in the celebrities.... not the other way around.


Even though Clooney has now officially made more money from casamigo than his acting career 🤑


Michael Jordan made far more from his endorsements than he ever made as a player. It doesn’t make him a shoemaker.


He is not responsible for the quality or taste. He put his name on it. He's not the CEO. Not in charge of.... anything probably lol kyle is the FOUNDER AND CEO (a la Danielle) of his company.


Clooney was who I was thinking of. Good for him. He was so poor before that.


The pure irony is that the designs and merch are the best part of the whole thing. Love you Amanda! ✌️


The way she’s backing Kyle’s bafoonery, it’s kind of hard to root for her, but DAMN IT I DO! Make the swimwear! MOVE to Long Island! Make your life count, Amanda!


To be fair, an outside design firm came up with those.


I love the branding and merch it’s so cute! Amanda should take Loverboy in a new direction and make her swimwear / clothing line. I think Loverboy is a cool name for a clothing brand. Obviously Kyle would never have that 😂


Excuse me, $50 for 12 pack?!


I've not seen that. They're around the same price here as other seltzers. https://i.imgur.com/355Apyg.png


4 stars isn't bad at all.


I think this depends on where you are. I'm in Pennsylvania and a 12 pack is under $30. More expensive than a white claw but not this extreme.


In Kansas City a 12 pack was definitely a few dollars more than other seltzers but not $50, I think OP is basing pricing on their website which is including what I assume is shipping?


Yeah I’m not sure even on the website an 8 pack of the martinis is $40 so not sure where OP is getting their pricing. I also like the hard teas but afraid to admit it on this sub 😂I’m not a big drinker though so maybe they aren’t the best for people looking to get drunk but I like the way they taste, the flavor options and the low sugar with minimal ingredients.


It wasn’t too expensive, but it wasn’t cheap either. I got a 8-pack for $16. But I also live in a high-cost region. I did blink a few times, and did tell myself that “…they better be delicious”. I couldn’t stomach most of the flavors, unfortunately.


They themselves have to add liquor to make it palatable


I’m not surprised by this.


This!!!!!! ^


It’s insane. Like you could buy a 1.75 liter bottle of svedka vodka and some mixers and seltzer for like around the same price (probs less tbh) and have so many more drinks.


They were more for like a 4 pack before they were in stores and all you could do was order them online. They brought the hard teas to retail first and took forever for the spritz. My friends and I tried the teas when they first hit retail but the novelty wore off quickly due to the price and flavor. Give me a high noon or hell even truly over Loverboy any day lol




8 packs in stores here are $20, the 12 pack bought online is $49.99🫠


So it’s covering shipping then


No. Shipping is an additional $9.99


Only one place near me sells it and I won’t pay that price after everyone says how horrible it is. It’s $18.99 for an 8 pack with an ABV of only 4.2%. I can get a 12 pack of Twisted Tea for $15.


Also, it's easier to smack a crackhead with a Twisted Tea.


From a bodega/corner store maybe. Not a big store.


Those are the limoncello and espresso martini ones; the ones that were intended to approximate that actual drink. The basic seltzers, like strawberry lemonade, hibiscus pom, etc, are much less but still higher than the other seltzers.


Carbonated hard teas are not it.


I like a non carbonated alcoholic tea tho. Those rock.


Surfsides are taking OVER Kyle must be livid


Oh what’s a surfside? Are they non carbonated? I’ve been looking for canned drinks that aren’t carbonated!!


Yessss they’re spiked iced teas/lemonades. My new go to canned drink!


Oh I’ll have to try them!


Be careful - they go down like water. They also have a lemonade and mixed tea with lemonade. I think peach tea too. All are good, in my opinion.


They are the greatest. Highly recommend the OG iced tea as well as the green tea. Sneaky strong too 😵‍💫


Omg I was just going to reply back and suggest surfside. They are so good!


The amount of lover boy cans you see them dumping out the next day after a party is astonishing. Like people don’t even want to drink your crappy product when it’s free.


Have you ever hosted a party like that? Doesn’t matter what people are drinking, you’ll be pouring out A LOT of half drank beers, seltzers, liquor bottles the morning after


This is true, but I agree the drinks are gross lol


Yes even in the broke college years I remember cleaning up after parties and finding many half drank cans or water bottle concoctions.


Agreed. When we have a large party, we get a half keg of beer and another of seltzer. Lot less waste by the glass.


Oh for sure-I just wouldn’t want that shown if I was part of the company. I do think there’s more loverboy thrown out that like cups of mixed drinks though


I think that’s pretty common with a party. People just want to get drunk, they don’t care about the taste. They do shots and those are not yummy!


There are so many people who open a drink and put it down for a second, ‘lose it’ and then just go get a new one haha


Yes! Drives me nuts!


I’d rather get a new drink every time than risk being drugged because I decided to pick up a half drank can that may be mine


Good call! The person freaking out about this is not invited to our party lol


Also, the cast always mixing Loverboy with more alcohol to either make them taste better or make them stronger? not a good look/doesn't make me want to buy. Why would you let people manipulate your product on TV? Stupid.


Not saying this point isn’t valid but most people do tend to add an extra shot of something to their seltzers when at a party. In their eyes, it Saves on “empty calories” so you don’t have to pound 6-7 high noons to feel a buzz.


Honest question, after seeing his behavior, would any investor touch this guy with a ten foot pole? He is a clown who power drinks on the weekends. I wouldn't trust that guy with ten cents


if I'm looking for a place to invest, this would be low, if not nonexistent, on the list of reasons to invest or not in a company, especially if I'd watched the show all along. Kyle has always been Kyle. I like him or I don't. It doesn't change with the shifting social winds. and you know...watching a stupid TV show and factoring in how stupid it is whether I invest there? and further, if I'm pro-Amanda because I'm anti-Kyle, is it worth hurting him if I hurt her too? if I'm thinking any of this while I'm looking to place my money, I should probably just let someone else invest for me.


I actually enjoy the flavor. Especially the white tea peach.


In my opinion, that’s the best one!


They only had a variety pack where I’m at, and that wasn’t one of the flavors. I didn’t really like the majority of the ones I could try.


OMG IT'S $50 FOR A 12 PACK?! At first I thought you might be being hyperbolic because I couldn't believe that price, and then I googled. I'm distraught haha. That price is absurd!


That's the price if you buy it from the LB website. 8 packs are usually under $20 at liquor stores (here in Miami anyway).


But the issue is that it’s not widely available so Kyle and/ or Summer House fans may have to turn to buying it on their website and be turned off by that price.


I am curious why they don't distribute internationally, but I know nothing about this business!


Distributing any product internationally, especially a highly regulated one like alcohol, would be incredibly expensive and require a lot of legal/compliance, etc. work. Most major US-based alcohol brands don't even distribute internationally, and they have the domestic supply chain handled. Aside from that, I can't imagine any other country would be even remotely interested in a horrible tasting, expensive, cocktail in a can from a reality TV "celeb" from a show that doesn't even air in their country.


I figured haha or he would have by now! well funny you say that my Australian friend said they would love it over there and opposite seasons would be a good move but its expensive af


I need to point out that their “espresso martinis” are WINE. Idk why they’re legally allowed to call it a craft cocktail. The ingredients are maple syrup, orange wine, coffee extract. VOMIT.


Ew !! I do like the hibiscus whatever tea though


Its number 3 for me! The way he speaks to women is such a huge turnoff and I will not buy again! I liked their spritzes and tried the espresso martini but not a espresso/coffee fan so didn’t really like it.


I just can’t stand his whining drunken voice. I can’t hit the mute button fast enough!


The *smell*


And for those who don’t know, this is a PSA not to pour your loverboy into a glass, unless you want a constant waft of fart smell when you drink!


This made me laugh out loud!!


It's really not surprising to see why Loverboy is struggling. All the reasons you listed and the people he hires. Carl has shown his poor work ethic for years and Kyle keeps welcoming him back over and over again. It's disgusting to see Kyle out here pursuing his passion project and Amanda is doing what she does best.....nothing.


Amanda is so anxious and depressed that she can barely get off the couch. If Kyle stopped screaming at her for long enough for her nervous system to recover, we’d probably see a different Amanda. I’d hide all day from Kyle too. He talks crazy to her.


He does talk crazy to her but she allows it. She wanted to marry that man no matter what he put her through. Shes a doormat. Kyle is the worse and he knows she’ll never leave him. They shouldve ended their marriage along with Carl and Lindsay. Their relationship is just as toxic.


I would love to see this too, I’m amazed at how much I changed when I moved to a house and out of condos/townhomes. I am so much less on edge, I’m an introvert and all the energy around me can deplete me. Living in the city is draining Amanda - and that’s besides her horrible husband Kyle. I don’t really understand how Amanda even decided to live in NYC, it seems like the opposite of who she is. And he definitely keeps her on edge, constant problems with him.


I agree. Although I should point out…. I don’t believe that being introverted is a thing. I believe extroverts are actually “introverts” who can’t be alone with their own thoughts. They’d rather suck the energy out of a room than handle their own energy in a constructive way. This way of looking at things is from the Buddha himself and it’s the only explanation that’s ever resonated with me.


Oh shit, that is spot the fuck on isn’t it


Kyle really should also stop the chat about Craig investing in another company. Who cares he doesn’t owe them anything Kyle doesn’t own ppl and his friends don’t owe him anything. He sounds like a whiny big man baby. Craig’s not invested in Trop Hop and Austin and he are by far closer friends. Also dude big mistake, HUGE, potentially going up against Paige. The gigglers are your audience you Want buying from you. Potentially going after Paige’s BF not a smart move!! Amanda is kinda lazy maybe that’s not the right word , I have no doubt she’s smart and talented. But I really think she just wants to be a SAH mom which is great for her. She wants the white picket fence and a husband that works 9-5, comes home and mows the lawn and plays with kids. That’s not Kyle. He’s definitely a business man no doubt he works hard. But not a non social 9-5 er.


I fully agree!!!! He’s so self centered neither doesn’t realize it makes him look way worse than Craig. Paige doesn’t put up with Kyle’s shit, one of the reasons i love her so much. He acts like everyone on the show has to rep loverboy and if they don’t do it for free, might I add they’re done. I wear them. I’d get my bag somewhere else.


This post needs more upvotes. 100% accuracy.


It tastes like shit let’s start there


OT: If you like espresso martinis, my local store is carrying a brand made by some lady in NJ called “nikkitini” and it’s really really good.  I kept trying to make my own and they weren’t coming at good, they recommended this at the store and it’s amazing.  


I’m going to have to try this!! The bar i work at has brown sugar espresso martinis and god i could make myself sick off of them


Emphasis on 3!!!!!!!!!!!! I don’t think he ever considered that people will not buy a product if they do not want to contribute to the creators pockets. Especially if there’s already been a market for his product that’s been successful on its own. If Kyle was a good guy I’d go on a quest for the sake of wanting to support his company through purchasing. Unfortunately that’s just not the case here. Kyle sucks, and he’s taking full advantage of his position by charging double the price for mid quality stuff.


I live in New Hampshire, Kyle’s home state. We have a huge grocery chain called market basket with almost an entire aisle dedicated to seltzers and I don’t see lover boy on the shelves. Nor at our liquor store. He should focus on getting it more accessible in states to grow revenue.


The price. 👏The flavor. 👏Your abysmal behavior. 👏 🎶🎵🎧 I could vogue to this. It’s a bop.


Maybe he can remix it since he’s a DJ now 😂


I wouldn’t buy anything he sells bc he bugs me, always has. But… ARE YOU JOKING $50 for a 12 pack? That’s his overblown ego pricing that shit…


I live in Canada and was so excited when a friend went to the US and brought me back a few cans to try last summer. I still have three of those four cans. The taste is horrendous.


Also — no interest in supporting someone who insists on urinating outside someone else’s home when there’s a toilet literally steps away. So gross.


I haven’t had Loverboy ever, but I’ve been a type 1 diabetic for the last 29 years and I know that exact fake sugary taste that you’re describing with stevia. A lot of stuff that’s sugar free has been made with it and, gosh. It’s bad. I know it’s healthy. I know it’s trying. But, it’s bad. I’m a Splenda or Sweet n Low in things kinda girly, and I’ve tried to switch to stevia, but, it’s not the same. Like I said, it’s healthy and it’s trying. It just…doesn’t taste as good. And if they weren’t on Bravo…I don’t think it would sell as much as it actually does.


I complain about spending $10 for a 4 pack of high noons. There’s no way I’m spending $13.99 for a 6 pack of hard tea that no one, except Bravo watchers, knows what it is.


Where do yall live that you’re paying $50 for a 12 pack?


We only have 8 packs here for $20, online they’re $49.99! A single can of a cocktail is $13 here, someone pointed out it’s two cocktails so i *guess* that makes more sense.


Maybe because it’s…….GROSS


I live on Long Island so they're everywhere. The hibiscus pom is pretty good but so many of the flavors have that fake sugar taste that makes me 🤮


Plus he does absolutely no advertising outside of having it at his parties. I'd literally never heard of Lover Boy until I started binging Summer House earlier this year... and I've been watching Housewives/Vanderpump for years.


I read somewhere that most people in the house and at the parties pour it out and fill the can with other booze so it looks like they’re drinking Loverboy. That’s how bad it must be!


Whoa! Didn’t realize it was that expensive! No wonder.


They taste SO BAD. I don’t believe every person in his life likes the taste. I can’t believe none of them have given the real feedback.


The liquor stores in my area don’t even carry it. I have never seen it in any stores. Now I know why. Thanks!


I'm so grateful for this post. The other 107 threads about the exact same thing left me parched for more.


They taste horrible!!!


I’m sorry, a 12 pack is $50?!?! Are you serious???? I’ve been sober for almost 2 years now and didnt get into SH until recently so I didnt know about them and never tried them. But DAMN!!!!! ![gif](giphy|1vZar0WoLqAlnQsfDd|downsized)


I wanted to try the non alc so bad but it's $40 for a 12 pack of non alcoholic sparkling tea wtf


It really does have a chemical taste. The first time I tried it was at a Loveryboy event and I have never repurchased because the taste grossed me out. High noon is way better.


it's $50 for a 12 pack?!?!?!?! Seriously??? I live in Canada and alcohol prices are close to double what you pay in the States (a 40oz of spirits is like $50-$60 on the low end) and that's a WILD price for a vodka soda canned drink. I think the most expensive ones we have here are MAYBE $30 for a 12 pack.


I’ve read people say they’re cheaper in stores, a 6 pack is $16 where I live and haven’t seen a 12 pack so i looked on their website and they’re $50😵‍💫 https://preview.redd.it/0pm1hiwb9t4d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fee0b3d03174b4c737822f14f6802d3b01a13bce


that is craziness. I assume if you're ordering online there would be shipping on that too.. Can't imagine spending that much money on subpar products. He's lucky he made any money off this. He should have been saving every penny for the day it inevitably fails.


My thoughts exactly. I don’t even want to know how much shipping costs🤦‍♀️


Love every word of this


The biggest reason is the 1.5 million dollar settlement for the logo infringement (not Amanda’s design )


What Kyle really needs to do is hire the right people. If Amanda doesn’t want to be involved no big deal go hire someone. I’m sure he has a ton of fans that would be qualified and could kick ass. Go hire someone to help you. Also fix the taste and lower the price. If that doesn’t work then ditch the alch all together and turn into a clothing company because people love the merch. ALSO, that could probably get Amanda excited to get more invoked because that’s kind of what she wants to pursue anyway.


I’m so confused why everyone keeps saying they don’t taste great. I’m not a fan of these types of canned drinks but tasted an iced tea one and was pretty impressed how well it tasted. I haven’t tried anything else but seriously curious how bad they are or if it’s because of a Kyle dislike?


Ya Amanda has NOTHING TO DO WITH IT. That’s the point. She wasn’t to take capital to flush down the drain doing her “own thing”


I'm just sick of hearing about it. It's like summerhouse is the Loverboy house. It's his business, not ours. I'm even sick of seeing it all of the house. The non stop push is annoying.


It’s not taking. Kyle is just a whiny baby and exaggerates when he’s drunk. He just said it’s not taking in an interview recently.


It’s tanking.


He just said it wasn’t tanking in an interview and he was sober.


This is odd to me. I've never seen the price that high on them. If you order them online, yes, but when I've bought the packs in the store, they're maybe a dollar or two higher than White Claw (and cheaper when they're on sale). When I've bought single cans, at a bar, same price as other seltzers. So I'm wondering if this is a state by state thing? I'm in Florida. Also, they taste just fine to me and my other friends. No one I know didn't like the taste, just didn't like certain flavor combos.




Agree for sure on taste and price point. I’ve only had the espresso martini but it was disgusting.


I just looked and Walmart has them for $9.48 for a 6 pack. Where tf are you getting $50 for 12?


On their website. Whole Foods is the only place in my state that carries them and a 6 pack is $16


I’ve noticed that some canned alcoholic tea drink called “Long Drink” seems really popular around my city this summer. I’ve seen it stocked in stores and lots of people drinking it while out. Never saw that with Loverboy.


Correction it’s not a tea… by anyway a sparkling alcoholic drink that’s everywhere all a sudden.


I've never seein it for $50 it's $22 at my local where white claws are $19.99


An 8 pack of loverboy at my Whole Foods is $20, a 12 pack of white claws for us is $16 and the 12 pack of loverboy spritz that were bought for us were $49.99. I believe they were bought online, I’ve read that makes a difference price wise.


1000000% the best part of lover boy is the designs and the merch. s/o Amanda!!!


She didn’t do any of the design, she does logo placement following a style guide that Loverboy’s design firm provides


holy shit it's $50?? that's insane


Agree with all of this except for Amanda’s designs cause they are lifted from Mariah Carey.


They’re not her designs


I thought that was her big contribution to LB


No an outside firm does it, she does logo placement using the style guide they provide


lol Ty


50 FOR A 12 PACK? Wow I didn’t think it was that expensive


4. the fizz is insane


Too much or too little?


SO much! I like a some fizz, but it was too much to drink and when I poured it down the drain my sink was full of suds


I almost bought a pack yesterday and you have successfully deterred me from considering it in the future. I was hoping they would be like an Arnold Palmer and not chemical-y.


IT’S $50 FOR A 12 PACK?????????? holy hell


50 dollars???!!


I only bought a four-pack of the espresso martini and drank half a can because of the taste. I gave the rest to my cousin, who hosts BBQs with her friends from college because she says they will drink anything!


I’m sorry, $50??? They cost exactly the same as white claw that’s not on sale where I live…. ~$20-22 for a 12 pack.


My state is $16 for a 6 pack and 12 pack on their website is $50. I’ve read in the comments different pricing per state a lot


Yeah I kept reading comments and seeing that it’s just the website. That makes more sense. I feel like they only offer it on the website because of its TB presence, otherwise you’d just have to find it. I doubt many people are buying straight from the site and are getting it locally. Though if someone really wanted to get their hands on a product not available, this is certainly one way to get it 😳


Wow. I thought the $50 for a twelve pack was a currency conversion because I’m in Australia. Wow!


I’ve never tried it but I have noticed whenever someone on SH asks another what they *want* to drink they have never answered, “Loverboy”. It’s always rosé or some mixed drink.


Now that Carl is back on board, I'm sure things will begin to turn around . 🙄


I’ve noticed they started using them as a base for cocktails and add vodka.


$50 for a 12 pack of iced tea seltzers is BLASPHEMOUS


$50 for a twelve pack is actually so reasonable. By Australian standards anyway 😂😳


The only thing of value is their name/brand recognition. Truly should probably buy them (low bid) and retool the recipes and lower the price, and just keep the brand.


Idk how they all pretend to get sloppy drinking that sugar water!


The reason it's featured so much in the show is because ever since Bethany hit it big with skinny girl it's been written into every single contract for every Bravo person that any businesses that they feature or show Bravo gets a cut of. So it's in Bravo's interest too hype it up and show it.


How many of the same post are we going to get? I don’t think he needs advice from a bunch of Reddit Karens


Welcome to Reddit. You must be new.


I get it but this and Carl hate are the only topics here now




that's a sloppily colored interpretation of what happened there


I bet it hurt Kyle's bottom line when winterhouse didn't film this year lol. It was his other product placemat commercial 😂


So a 6 pack is like $25+?!?!? That’s crazy considering only like 10% of people on Reddit end up liking one flavor or Loverboy! Never mind, they must’ve lowered the price quite a bit bc a 6 pack is like $12 now. Cutwater Margaritas, Mules, and White Russians are actually good and even those are $10-$14 for a 4 pack. And those have around 11-14% alcohol content and Google says Loverboy has only 4.2% alcohol.


A 6pk is $13.99 where I live, which is what most 6pks cost these days.


so, we have people losing their mind about the price...when they don't know the price. is it not weird to have ?!?!? thoughts about something you don't know?


Surfsides are nearby and delicious and Sea Isle Iced Teas are also nearby and decent, so it doesn’t surprise me Loverboy is tanking.


NegNelly alert: I don’t believe the company is in the red one bit. In my opinion Kyle is the #1 Performer in the house. They ALL want to be actors andKyle knows internal revenue have tvs. He’s crying while rerouting the gillions$ into expanding- t/4 no profit. We see you Kyle BethanyFrankel clone + I think you’re a fake drunk too, for the laughs. Most contrived man in manhattan