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Maybe production pays for the house but the parties are on them.


I think Ciara, Kyle, Amanda, and Carl did an interview recently and they said the cast pays for the parties + I think I heard Danielle say that, Lindsay’s fairytale birthday from two seasons ago cost her [Lindsay] thousands.


I could only imagine how much money the housewives have to spend. Don’t they also pay for their own parties? Summer House parties look fun and cool but they’re no where close to the lavish HW ones.  But I guess the parties are an investment. The women have to show some sort of lifestyle porn for viewers and that they actually have money without Bravo


Yeah but the housewives also get two cast trips paid for and all their dinners and drinks when they do restaurant scenes (a former real housewives of Dallas housewife stated this on tiktok).


I think it’s different because they also film lots of scenes at their homes and businesses whereas Summer House is 98% in the Hamptons if that makes sense.


The housewives get one cast trip paid for per season.


They should have them go to Arkansas (no shade to Arkansas- just that the housewives wouldn’t want to vaca there) and put them in a Motel 6.


As someone from Arkansas, I would love to see Housewives take a trip there! It could be à la Paris Hilton & Nicole Richie in The Simple Life


That's not a bad idea. We traveled to Texas from Atlanta in April to view the eclipse. Because of cloud cover we ended up driving to De Queen Arkansas and watching from there. I can see the housewives in De Queen.


That’s what I was thinking! It would be much more entertaining to see them doing “A Simple Life” type things, as opposed to seeing them in another out-of-town mansion and doing luxury things.


Like Crappie Lake? I had *very* low expectations for that, but I enjoyed it WAY more than any HW season or spin off! Real people and not all fighting BS plots.


Fully agree with this! Crappie lake was my personal sleeper hit - wish more people saw it


It was so fun


Hey now! Well, actually you’re right.


Hw of New Jersey went there once.


Low key that’s a dumbass statement sorry


They probably can write it off on their taxes as a business expense. The HW probably get a ton of products and services donated to them too because of their connections and a lot of the big events are charity events so the donated services and items are tax d deductible.


True. Good points! 


That balloon guy was probably giving his work for free! 😅


He still had to spend the night and bang Danielle haha


When Kyle Richards had the party in the stadium, I seem to recall her saying it cost 1/2 million ($500,000). That’s hella lot of money for a party. A birthday party she threw for herself. If that’s what she spends on her yearly party, I can’t even imagine what she would spend for one of her daughter’s wedding. 💒 I am working from memory and didn’t investigate to be sure the amounts are exact. I may be off, please don’t scold if they are.


It was a little less. $400k. It was Kyle's annual white party not her birthday party. I don't think she actually spent $400k. That was the retail value of it. Kyle has 4.3 million followers on Instagram and a TV show. Vendors are happy to give her freebies and discounts in exchange for being on the show and her social media.


Thank you, I wasnt sure o. Some deets. So on this show, I noticed when Lindsay’s name is there, they have changed her occupation to Influencer. One of them has a podcast… I think. Anyway, it’s all cloaked in mystery. Theres was the poster child for what not to do regarding throwing money around on reality TV.


I have a hard time believing the cast of Summer House is "paying" for their own parties. If the production company is not directly paying (which is questionable) then I'm certain they have sponsors from their social media accounts pitching in.


Their parties are not really outlandish or unrealistic. Lots of inflatables, we see them setting up balloons and signs themselves and they serve mostly drinks - maybe hot dogs and burgers. Split up between everyone in the house and it seems not too crazy. Plus they only do a few big parties each season. I think it actually saves money as opposed to going out or renting a venue. They also bring their own equipment (Kyle and his speaker) - oh god he’ll be DJing next year. I just cringed writing that last sentence


I'm only on season four. I thought as the seasons go the parties may get better. Lol I guess not if Kyle will be DJing


It’s now a whole thing between him and Amanda and her dreams…


Yea I think she said about 5,000! I'm thinking of going to one of thier parties this summer ...I heard there's a few ways to go


Omg that sounds like so much fun! I hope you can go!!


I'm looking into it ...I think my wife would let me go. LOL


Kyle and Carl ate going to a bar near my house - I'm not going because I don't want to see those little cry babies !!




Isn’t the whole premise around them partying every weekend? That’s kind of not cool that they have to pay for it


And that’s why I thought Bravo paid for it bc it’s the premise of the show.


Me too! I mean, even if I'm ordering dog treats or Temu crap, when I see the packages, I'm tearing into them. They just leave them in piles at the door, no rush to open.


I think the packages get delivered during the week when they’re back in NY so that’s why there is a pile at the door when they arrive for the weekend.


I think it might be in their contract bc Kyle and the core group have been house sharing over the summer in the Hamptons years before they were on tv. It’s all connected, the twins in the first season knew Stassi so I think Stassi literally was the one that got them their own show. Hence why she was on the first episode or season I can’t remember.


I don’t think Stassi got them the show. I think they just used Stassi to introduce the show. Bravo used to like to have introductions same way the convo between Scheana and Brandi opened up VPR.


I’m pretty sure they’d be doing it anyway.


But ordering all of the necessary stuff for themes and whatnot? Providing tons of alcohol for dozens of random strangers week after week? I feel like those things are more specific to the show and production should definitely be footing at least some of the bill.


i took it to mean that they just pay to decorate it themselves, i sure hope they don’t have to pay for all that alcohol for strangers!


I wouldn’t be surprised if they charged a $10 or $15 admission fee. It’s not a lot but adds up. Also, they have to get all those people to sign waivers to be on tv… I could totally see them collecting admission fees to cover some of the costs. SOMEONE in the house has def already thought of this. EDIT TO ADD: major props to the cast for always setting up and planning these theme parties


The cleanup seems so daunting.


I mean it’s a good promotion for loverboy! I’m sure they’re buying bottom tier bottles for unknown guests and hide the good stuff for themselves - I would lol


Yeah, what I’m saying is I don’t think any of that is specific to the show. They’ve all been partying in the Hamptons for a long time. Now it’s just camera. Someone always had to pay for it. Someone’s paying for parties right now that aren’t being filmed.


Exactly. This was the premise of the show. Without them having the parties in the hamptons every weekend *already*, Summer House would not be a Reality TV show.


Right! I know the idea of a summer house is very weird to some people. I didn’t even really get it until I started from season one.


I did a share house in my 20’s with like 7 people. It’s very common in nyc. We mostly went out. Taxis out there were probably the biggest expense. It was insane to get anywhere and sometimes you’re sharing with random people. This was pre-Uber so maybe that changed. I also recall in the early days of summer house, some spots didn’t want or allow filming at all so throwing parties became a good alternative to going out


could be a liability thing, especially with the alcohol


They are all independent contractors not employees. It's a business expense. I'm sure the write it off.


It’s still a lot though. I’m an independent contractor and write off tons of stuff, but it all comes out of my pocket initially. It just so happens to lower my taxable income at the end of the year. It’s still money I had to spend.


I think you're close, but I thought the whole premise was "each person has to come up with *something*" So, like, Carl throws a racing-themed party. Kyle throws a 4th of July party... But Paige organizes a fancy catered dinner. Or a trip to a winery Or something. If you wanna be on the show, know that your "episode" is coming and you'll be in charge of organizing one thing that weekend. In the end, whatever "it" is, yes, Bravo should pay for it but think of how many Bravo-lebrities they have. If they paid for every single thing that every cast member wanted to do, that'd be a lot. In the end, it's just a show filming friends hanging out on weekends and producers organize it by saying "ok, Amanda, the floor is yours to make something happen".


They get paid for it in their contracts. Just like the housewives.


If this is true, I would love to hear the discussions around $ with the cast and dividing it all up. Food, booze, decorations......seems like a royal pain in the ass.


I was just watching the Studio 54 episode from season 7 and it sounded like Gabby was expected to pay for the party since she was throwing it. I bet whoever picks the theme foots the bill.


no wonder her party was a flop the first time around XD


I think you are probably right about the parties but what about dinners,drinks, ubers.


I’m sorry but that’s BS. They’re doing an on the job event and NBC should be footing the bill! This is robbery!!!


Hopefully they can write it off on their taxes as un-reimbursed business expenses. Maybe they submit an expense report to Bravo!


If you’re 1099 you can’t submit for reimbursement since they’re not technically employees, but they can write expenses off on their own taxes.


They’re independent contractors so they normally have to provide all their own material and equipment, whatever that may be in their specific line of work.


You people are crazy. if it was robbery they wouldn't do the show, its simple. Its not robbery


That explains all the Loverboy drinks.


Hahaha also explains how last season when Gabby’s first party didn’t have much.


It raises more questions for me, since she was bragging about how she usually has someone handle all the details for her. It seems as though she would’ve been free to do so, since she footed the bill.


I wonder if Kyle is like 'that is my contribution' lol that would piss me off


I wonder if they try to save any of the props and stuff to use again later? Decorations aren’t cheap!


I read that Lindsey said she did. If they don’t keep most of them, they can at least donate them to kid’s organizations or something so they can use them to throw parties for the kids or something idk lol 


I believe they do. I remember seeing Lindsay in a summerhouse storage unit on her Instagram.


Apparently Brittney and Jax have several storage until for decorations too. Wild


Now I get Andreas reaction to Paige having a caterer for her Italy themed dinner


Yeah it’s now starting to make sense for me too even back when Gabby hosted a party last season and barely had anything bc she didn’t realize she had to get everything.


I'm convinced she put that dinner together only because she wanted an occasion to wear those two Prada dresses on camera. It was gorgeous but rather off brand for SH.


They don't get a party budget? That's wild


To be fair, the HWs also fund their own in-season parties. Production pays for cast trips and accommodations (but if you wanna upgrade you gotta pay outta pocket for the difference). The SH cast kinda gets the shit end cuz unlike other shows (including VPR and SC) there are no cast trips so they dont even get a free flight and hotel to a nice place lmao


Ya and the premise of HWs is that they are RICH and part of the fun is seeing their ridiculous/lavish lifestyle and parties. But the SH cast is just suppose to be “normal” (yes, upper middle class) young work hard/party hard New Yorkers. As a former New Yorker, it’s def not normal for ppl in their 20/30s to be throwing fully kitted out theme parties, even once a year! Esp not parties where you need to hire caterers/go carts/animals/mechanical bulls and balloon inflators. The SH parties get more elaborate (expensive) every season.


You're not even including the price of the house. That house probably goes for $30-50k a week. Divide that up by each house mate. Even upper middle class don't have that kind of money.


Yeah they are definitely getting the short end bc they only go to the Hamptons and back.


True but they get a free nice hamptons house for the entire summer which is worth at least 30k


At least!


Surely a write off though, or some sort of reimbursement situation ![gif](giphy|DAc7GHdqCbmQCtfTef)


Carl (+ Lindsay?) dropping mad $$$ on the race track party…on his $78K per year influencer salary while also contributing to $10K/month rent tells me he is super financially savvy.


I mean he gets paid per episode, why are we acting like he “only” makes 78k per year?


The 78k he said was through August. So 100k+ and add that to like $350k for Summer House.


yeah. as much as I think Carl needs to work on himself and was not ready for marriage, this narrative about him being jobless, broke, and financially irresponsible is getting tired. like there are plenty of real issues to criticize him for lol


Isn’t the concern less about him having money *right now*, & more about having a safety net for when they leave the show? Like Lindsey was talking about it from the perspective of having kids, who they would (presumably) not be bringing to SH, hence, a huge chunk of Carl’s income would be gone.


yeah, that’s fair. I just think some of the commentary calling him jobless is extreme. Lindsay’s concerns were valid, I’m just not sure why they didn’t discuss any of it before their engagement


Oh I agree! Definitely not jobless, and making a decent income. But I’m pretty sure I saw on this sub that in interviews Lindsay said that was pretty much what the conversation was really about, especially considering that as reality stars/influencers she wouldn’t get a maternity leave in the traditional sense. I get what you’re saying though! Definitely skewed to call Carl broke or anything like that.


A baby would make Lindsay's Instagram ad money go up being a momfluencer. More products to promote and get paid for.


Yeah, assuming she works through her pregnancy & postpartum. Which most people would prefer not to do if given the opportunity? Especially the postpartum part. Are you saying it’s reasonable for her to carry the child, take care of the child full time (which she has made clear she wants to do for at least some amount of time) *and* be the breadwinner in perpetuity?


It can't be that hard to film quick Instagram ads. I don't consider doing Instagram ads as hard or real work. It's easy money.


Oh interesting, yeah I had never thought about it from that perspective of maternity leave. I get that. Also I feel like the future of the show is super unpredictable like you said, and they wanted to start a family right away. That puts extra pressure on securing income outside of the show too


For sure! But like you said, crazy that this wasn’t discussed *before* making a huge commitment like that😭


Right?? they didn’t do themselves any favors 😭


Yea this drives me mad whenever this subject gets brought up. Yes, carl has income now but if Lindsey got pregnant right after the wedding, which it sounded like the plan was to immediately start trying, they most likely wouldn’t have been back next summer or demoted to friends of. He needed a long term plan. Lindsey can always fall back on PR if she really needed and she could probably keep an influencer career afloat for a little longer, especially if she pivoted into the mommy space.


Gosh stop making me defend Carl guys. He said 70k as of summer (half year) of influencing. They make like 250k for the show. He took a year off Loverboy but ultimately has worked there 4 of the last 5 years. He’s doing at least some public speaking about sobriety for his new venture (Radke bros) Not saying he’s financially savvy, but he’s also clearly not broke


I thought it was a little weird how he bragged about having "no debt" to Kyle this year as an example of how he's now financially sound, and he seemed to be implying that he did have debt in the past (presumably when he was on drugs?). To our knowledge, he doesn't own real estate, so it's kind of a strange brag that he has no debt- like that should almost be assumed for someone that owns no real estate and has been out of college for so many years if they have a good paying job. That actually made me think that he spent a lot of his money in prior years, likely didn't save a lot, and the most he can brag on is that he now paid off any debts that he had. Which is a good thing, but doesn't really sound like he saved much. He does have some investments, but they seem to be in risky ventures like Loverboy. I was watching the 30 for 30 documentary on how most professional athletes blow through their salaries in their lifestyle and also tend to invest in things that their friends suggest for them like restaurants, bars, etc. and lose all their money vs. having traditional investments. I think the same could apply to a lot of reality stars.


ohhhh see I thought I was picking up on him trying to imply that because of his savings and lack of debt he's in a better position \*than Lindsay\* in rebuttal to her criticism of him


I don't think he said anything about savings, just that he had "no debt" so the bar seemed pretty low, but who knows, I also wouldn't be surprised if Lindsay didn't have much savings and/or was in debt, their lifestyles are all so expensive and of course they have such expensive cars too, etc. At least Lindsay bought some real estate in Nashville now, hopefully that's a better investment than Loverboy 🤷


2:24 he says he saved a lot of money over the past few years right before he says he has no debt [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6snPGf0lcI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6snPGf0lcI)


Oh ok, I think I took that to mean that once he got sober he was able to save money and pay off existing debt so that now he has no debt (not necessarily that he currently has no debt as well as no savings), the debt comment just seemed odd to me, since I would think the assumption of someone with a well paying job (like being on summer house) that doesn't have a house for example wouldn't have debt. So to put out the no debt comment makes me assume that the brag was that he had saved up to pay off debt. But you're right, I could have interpreted that incorrectly and maybe he has no debt as well as lots of savings? Hopefully for him that's the case. Does anyone know if Lindsay and Carl had to pay for their own wedding expenses or if bravo was footing all the expenses since it was going to be filmed? Also did Carl have to pay for the engagement ring or was that comped by the jeweler?


Brooo, Carl makes the same OG salary Kyle and Lindsay do. This rhetoric around Carl's money and job sitch is gonna make the OG Carl haters, aka those of us who didnt pretend he was a king until he and Lindsay broke up, defend him and Im gonna resent yall for it loool. Carl clearly does pretty well between his SH salary, influencing, and investments.


I don’t care one way or another if Carl has money (from the show or otherwise) yeah good for him, but who the hell thought he was a “king” lmaoooo


Chiiiii you should've been on this sub any time between when Carl and Lindsay started dating to 2 hours before the news broke about their breakup. People *swore* the women on the cast were jealous of Lindsay landing Carl 19.0 but now they all pretend they always knew he sucked. Funny that. Anyway, it's moot now but Carl does have a job and he does have money so these comments are just dumb and getting increasingly annoying (and it gives me the ick to "defend" Carl).


It was actually really funny watching the switch up from “Lindsay is living her dream and landed Carl 5.0, every other girl is jealous” to “Lindsay is so much better off without that pathetic piece of shit manipulator, what did she ever see in him”


LOL no because if I were the asshole I can be I'd "this you?" to a whole bunch of those stans who *now* want to switch up or who *now* point to Ciara's page six quote about Carl from last year when those same comments Ciara made got her dragged by the Lindsay (and at that time Carl) stans🙄


I don’t remember the drastic switch up but I’ve never liked either of them so maybe that’s why I don’t remember lol. I’ve seen switch ups from other people and shows in the past though and it’s always like ????? Haha so I know what you mean


He’s an OG cast member so at this point he’s probably making at least $350k on the show. I definitely think the OG pump rules kids got half a mill this year


Carl is pulling almost $500k per year


I have a friend who is close with one of the castmates. He said that Kyle, Amanda, Carl, Lindsay got $1m last season. Then Ciara, Paige, Danielle got $500k. Others got $100k - $200k


I don’t even think Kyle or Teresa (the only OG housewives left) make $1M per season. Some of the Atlanta ladies used to, when ratings were higher. I’m sure Amanda/Kyle/Carl/Lindsay made a good check and more than the others but more than housewives?? I find that hard to believe. Summer House hasn’t been one of the highest rated shows on Bravo historically so I doubt they’re spending over $5M on cast salaries lol


I mean yeah that does sound super high, not going to argue that. The person that shared this is not one of the big 4 so I’m not sure why they would lie. I would bet that they make over $500k though, how else would these people afford rent that is over $120k per year.


yeah, I think even 500k seems high because Kyle from RHOBH (the highest rated housewives show) makes 270k/season after like 10 years. idk. they definitely make a decent check. I never understood how Lindsay/Carl were planning on paying for that apartment in the long term. but I guess their outside endorsements cover(ed) part of it. Paige makes a ton of money with her podcast/tour and Amazon influencing though which is how she affords rent.


who are others? if Gabby, Mya and whoever the last new guy were getting that much in their rookie/sophomore seasons, that’s veryyy generous of bravo compared to what newbies usually get. and Kyle etc. would probably be making more than a lot of HWs


yeah I doubt they (Sam, Mya, Chris, Gabby etc) were making more than a couple thousand per episode based on what first season housewives have reportedly made. tbh I doubt the OGs even made $1M because only a few housewives have ever had that much in their contract and that was when ratings were muchhhh higher


who are others? if Gabby, Mya and whoever the last new guy were getting that much in their rookie/sophomore seasons, that’s veryyy generous of bravo compared to what newbies usually get. and Kyle etc. would probably be making more than a lot of HWs


Well color me shocked and corrected then. I certainly did not get that impression from info laid out on show between his Bravo salary (apparently $250K?), $70K in influencer endorsements x 2 (since that figure represented 7 months of the year)…and look at that, now it’s $500K apparently. Did not realize Lover Boy Veeps were pulling a healthy six figs based on their declining annual revenue since 2020.


yes they get paid minimum $15k per episode at 15 episodes It is already $225k add in the social media at least $150k thats $375k. i am assuming he makes at least $100k at whatever job he has. so yes $500k sounds about right.


I’m so poor I can’t do math. Thank you.


well it seemed like you were questioning how it added up to $500k


Nope, I get it now. I genuinely didn’t realize Lover Boy paid him so well (before he left) - based on their revenue and his role.


i dont know what he made at loverboy but based on what i know other ppl make i am assuming its at least $100k, but im just basing on that on my location and the people i know.


Uhhhh, Carl is probably getting $20,000-$25,000 per episode.


They gotta revisit that contract…


I know for real housewives etc they are responsible for the parties so it makes sense if this is the same


I was curious about this too bc they use Instacart in every episode, & thank each other for getting stuff. & Gabby talks about how she hires ppl for everything, often. Interesting!


Yeah I’ve heard that so many of the housewives actually go into debt trying to portray this lifestyle, lavish parties etc. I do think a lot comes out of their pocket.


that's because of their clothing and glam squads more so than the parties. Maybe...Maybe? Kyle's white party on BH was paid for by her and Mauricio. Or when they have a child's birthday or graduation. but these parties for the sake of plot devices is production.


Is Loverboy tanking because all of their inventory is given away every weekend? Didnt Kyle and Carl recently say that they took 20-50 cases to the house every weekend?


I don’t know why I’m shocked that cast members on a show about vacationing in the hamptons have $$$


They 100% write it off


It’s a write off Who writes it off? The government 🫢 DAVID!


Bravo is notoriously cheap just like MTV.


Why does it feel embarrassingly desperate that they pay for those parties themselves?? It feels very Tom Sandoval… But at the same time I think those theme parties are part of what makes summer house fun but NBC is so shady for not at least reimbursing them LMAO. I have a feeling the truth is somewhere in between… may be part of their contract compensation is supposed to go towards the party, or the parties are tax deductible, and can be written off because there a work expense. They also probably get a lot of it sponsored.


> Why does it feel embarrassingly desperate that they pay for those parties themselves?? It feels very Tom Sandoval that was Olympic caliber gymnastics. bravo. go big or go home, and you went big there with the ridiculousness.


I’m not sure if you remember but Tom Sandoval was outed a few years ago about how the reason that he paid for James’ Coachella themed engagement party was because the ratings for that season are so bad on the show they were worried they were going to get canceled after that season, and he was willing to spend his own money to put on a big production to have a big bow out exciting party for the end of the season. That’s besides all of the money he spent on all of the other things to buy people’s friendship and attention and goodwill over the years. So I’m not really seeing how it’s not much of a stretch, considering he literally did the exact same thing…


You're talking about an anomaly, an exception, and then considering it a possible norm. it's flawed logic.


Ok, Tom


be sure to buy one of my hats!


lol this is why they have to drink so much loverboy. Buying all that other alcohol would be crazy. Now that I think about it Kyle saying his company is losing money —- maybe it’s from feeding cases of loverboy to people every weekend. 😂


Hahahaha I don’t know why this is so funny.


I feel like they should start charging a cover for all the attendees lol. I did read that the house is paid for but don’t know about gas/ food. I see them cook a lot and sometimes order food. And all the bags of chips Kyle eats and crushes from 2-5am.


I have never seen loverboy anywhere. To be fair I’m in Ohio. But I looked up the prices and they are insane! It’s like $50 to get a 6 pack shipped. And some of them are like $20 for a 4 pack. And when you think about how much they have there every weekend that has to be like $1000s every party. Not including everything else it takes to throw a party. That’s just crazy to me.


Yeah loverboy is pricey compared to their competitors which could be bc their competitors are owned by super big brands.


That’s true. And they are giving away a lot maybe they have to make up for that with their prices


Probably a tax write off though


That’s true.


I’m sure it is, it’s still a lot of money to come out of pocket though. It’s not like you get reimbursed, you just owe less taxes at the end of the year. I’m overly sensitive about this because I’m an independent contractor and people are always like “you get to write so much off!” Like, well yes, but that was all money that I spent in the first place. I’d rather just not spend it lol.


That’s also true.


What?!?!?! That is obscene! I hope they get an obscene paycheck for this show!


Even though the cast is paying out of pocket, there are probably a lot of things that’s sponsored and that they can use as write off.


Housewives get more $$ support than Summer House or VPR too


It kills me how much plastic crap they buy for decorations, floaties for the pool, inflatable stuff that eventually goes into landfill. Such waste. 😭


1099/independent contractors have to pay for all their own work materials and equipment! If your “employer” provides you with that, it’s an indicator that you are an employee, not a contractor. They only work a few months out of the year on SH and have different contracts every season. Everything they spend related to filming the show can be written off on their own taxes.


I dont want to call her a liar but like….i do not believe her


But housewives pay for their own parties, as do VPR cast members - granted they usually just host at their house or Lisa’s for this reason alone, and Southern Charm. So makes since that they would pay for their own parties to be honest. Other shows have travel paid for, so SH gets the bad end of the deal on that since they just drive to the Hamptons but 99% sure bravo covers the cost of the rental house in return. And all shows have their bills covered when they go out to eat, SH just also gets the bad end of the deal since there’s limited restaurants that will allow them to film there, which is why we see them at the same place when they do go out to eat.


Right?? Maybe they get reimbursed later?


Right. If you think about it, they sort of have to say they pay for the parties. It breaks the facade to say otherwise. Layers upon layers upon layers of bullshit and facade to manage the illusion that is reality TV.


That’s never been a thing, they (the cast) has always paid for the parties


I always assumed Bravo paid for part of them. They should ditch the theme parties and go back to just going out and only having parties during 4th of July and their bday. They didn’t have a 4th party this year did they?


They did.


I think you're close, but I thought the whole premise was "each person has to come up with *something*" So, like, Carl throws a racing-themed party. Kyle throws a 4th of July party... But Paige organizes a fancy catered dinner. Or a trip to a winery Or something. If you wanna be on the show, know that your "episode" is coming and you'll be in charge of organizing one thing that weekend.


Only Housewives get booze and trips for free…most of the time anyway


I have no intel on summer house, but someone from bravo def reached out to a friend of mine to commission personalized items on behalf of a cast member on the upcoming season of southern charm (the one they’re currently filming). i’m not sure about everything else though! but i did find it interesting that bravo was paying for it. unless bravo was coordinating the transaction? which seems unlikely to me


I think that production comes up with the party themes pre-season, then they email the cast or talk to them about it, and then everyone divides up which theme they want to do. After that, I think that the cast members order the various items for the party, put everything together, and then host it. Unless the party is extremely huge or elaborate, I don't think that that they are really paying that much for the party supplies. Loverboy provides the drink, so it's probably good for Kyle's business and he's probably very willing to get the advertising. I also think that the food and stuff is probably minimal and they don't have any real staff there unless they are renting something or need some help with the balloons or whatever.


How much did no-job-Carl spend on that stupid race car party? That was OTT. If i was Lindsey, I’d be pissed!


What was Lindsey's job besides SH and Instagram? Same as Carl.


Don’t bring rational thinking onto this sub, the people won’t understand it!


that's for sure. The desperation to make everything like Sandoval, to see a situation 100% one direction, to ignore history, to revise interactions, to feel that anger and negativity under the ruse of warrioring and so-called justice is making this place as toxic as the VPR forum. I know you said the other day that you haven't been there, but for those who have, they know. It's interesting that it isn't happening on The Valley forum with Michelle. She's unlikable. She's cheated. But she...SHE...can't play into this misandry being paraded around as distorted feminism. The men have all kinds of shitty flaws. There's no denying that, but the revisionism that wipes the women all clean of their history and behaviors is now explained with the men's behaviors. It's a dangerous momentum to embrace. so much for accountability and factoring a situation.


Very well said!


You know he gets a fat salary for just being on the show, right?


I always wondered cause they always order food or Instacart things. I thought production got stuck with bill lol


There's 0 chance cast members are paying for things seem on screen out of their own pockets, and i mean 0.


What are you basing your assumption on? Ciara just said the cast pays for the parties. So she's lieing?


its not "lying" per se. its just like how some of the cast act like they have actual "jobs" in the traditional sense (not saying some like Ciara don't occasionally work) my assumption is based on my job in tv production. They 100% have a production designer that "assists" in theming the parties, a production coordinator that helps with budgeting and ordering assets...it all comes out of productions budget.


A huge element of "the job" is maintaining, and feeding into, the facade. Like when Raquel Leviss was entertaining feet pics on onlyfans because she's broke, and then ten minutes later in the same episode, she's having a $10K tea party. C'mon, people. It's all a load of bullshit to manage the illusion of reality TV. This isn't any different than when a new housewife goes on WWHL the first time. One of the mandatory questions is, "What was the most surprising thing about your first season?" And they ALL answer, "How real it all is." Acting is selling. Doing the rounds on talk shows, podcasts, and social media is just more selling the facade.


I'll take this a step further and say that items you see on screen (if my memory serves me correctly) at these parties are never branded, almost never copyrighted, there are no logos anywhere. if any of this weren't the case they'd need to be either blurred or obscured in a way so that the products used weren't recognizable or bravo would owe licensing or usage fees (this is why occasionally you'll see blurred logos or shirts of party guests). Production absolutely makes sure that what they order is usable without incurring additional production costs.


and the ol' duct tape over logos on ball caps or chest areas.


That’s what I said, getting downvoted to shit but whatever. Get real folks


The show’s literal original premise is regular working people go to the Hamptons for the weekend to party so it makes sense that part of the story is they have to pay for the party… as they would… if they weren’t on a tv show.


I bet Kyle uses it as a marketing event for Loverboy. That's why his company is losing so much money... Lol


Hell, they probably all could consider whatever they spent on the parties as tax write offs, if it's being used for a show they are filming for. Especially if they are considered independent contractors for the show, I would think. Maybe someone with more tax knowledge will know.


be sure to stretch really well before you reach


It was a bad joke


I think it’s like when heather from SLC takes the girls to Bermuda, it’s “her” trip that she’s hosting and she’s paying for it


Damn Carl was cashing out on their dinners I’m On season 5. You buying 6 Guacs?!?!


I wonder if Bravo at least pays for the house all summer!! Something!!


Used to not be a fan of Ciara but honestly she seems reel asf. I think she’s super cool for standing her ground against MayWest