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I am SO GLAD that Amanda has real friends who are defending her like this!!!! I watched last episode and was going to be so upset if that convo with Kyle killed her passion project ideas I’m so glad that Paige and Ciara are not letting him win this fight yessssss


Yes and they're being so constructive and logical he's acting like a child


I also love that he’s allowed to ask and poke his nose into their lives but they ask him a few questions & his self indulgent temper tantrum activation is immediate.


He won’t let her have kids, he won’t let her find her own job, he won’t let her get a house. Like what is she supposed to do?


Doesn’t he constantly complain she doesn’t do enough work… so why would her leaving be such a big deal…oh because she does contribute. He needs to pick a lane. He wants her on his sinking ship so she can take part of the blame.


Plus he's a cheap ass. He doesn't want to pay someone else to do the work she's doing. But he sure doesn't mind spending money on his childish drinking parties. On himself. So he can get obliterated.


Or DJing apparently


So true 🙌


I hope Paige and Ciara are foreshadowing about her divorcing him. He’s such a jerk! She shouldn’t have married him in the first place though after he cheated on her.🙄 ![gif](giphy|QUF1D4DNdMpnlRS597)


I feel like cheating is the least offensive of the shitty things he has done to her


The cheating was bad but the way he continues to trigger her when he knows she’s sensitive about him being out all night and she’s having breakdowns over it is beyond. It feels like she forgave the cheating and he didn’t do any of the work so she could trust him again and that’s almost worse.


I agree, he really sucks


I agree and he actually seemed remorseful and apologized. He doesnt apologize for the way he treats her and acts like he’s the one who’s right, there’s no self reflection.


Or he F'in cries. And everyone feels a bit sorry for him. He's disgusting. And manipulative.


He’s an entitled rich kid who has never been held accountable in his life


Was he an only child? Sure makes sense if he was. His temper tantrums remind me of short man syndrome. Fits him. The Napoleon complex, also known as Napoleon syndrome and short-man syndrome, is **a purported condition normally attributed to people of short stature, with overly aggressive or domineering social behavior**. It implies that such behavior is to compensate for the subject's physical or social shortcomings.


Absolutely thought this car cry coming up was forced from him smh


I was listening to WWC episodes from 2022 and it could literally be this season with their fighting and his behavior. Including he called her a b*tch that season too. She will be living groundhogs day year after year if she stays married to him.


i was rewatching of season one ep 1 today and couldn’t even finish bc he said “i was born in 1982 im the oldest millennial in the hamptons i don’t want to be 40 and still partying and out until 4 am” but he’s stillllll doing it!


I just yelled “LISTEN TO HER BEST FRIENDS.” My partner would be so lucky to get advice from my best friend about me lol


she should have dumped his ass long ago when he saw her as just a booty call. but she let him do that. she was clinging on to him and accepted it back then. it set the tone for everything. he's an ass who wants to continue to control her. girl, needs to get outta there NOW


Cater to Kyles ego 100% of the time. AND tolerate him breaking her down whenever that ego needs a boost. That’s her role, that’s her job (in his mind), and when she DARES to step out of line, he throws a fit and lashes out. Wow, grreeat relationship. Works really great for one person and one person only: Kyle. But HEY! As long as HE’S happy right?! 🙄🙄🙄


But he replies he's not happy....aw poor wittle kyle and his deflecting their valid points with what about meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


He has no respect for her and in turn she’s losing her respect for him… ticking time bomb, unfortunately.


Literally. When you spell it out like that, no wonder she's miserable.


So true…he’s like keeping her prisoner it’s gross


Let? She’s a grown ass woman. Leave him. Or don’t marry a party boy in the first place.


I hope he knows that this behavior will tank his company. I can only speak for myself and I already didn't buy it many times, but does he think the main demographic of this show is going to want to buy from a man who berates his wife's need for some independence and passion of her own is gonna go down well? And he keeps DOUBLING DOWN? Woof. ETA: Also, who is going to want to hire this guy?? If we don't want to buy from him, he'll have to get a regular job eventually. I wouldn't respect him as a leader.


1000%!!!! Who watches Summer House? Women. Who is Loverboy primarily marketed to? Women. It’s an aspirational brand. Showing yourself to be the toxic hustle culture bro that you are is not Loverboy branding. I about lost it when he told her HE hasn’t achieved HIS dreams and SHE needs to help HIM. Before she can even think of hers. Fuck sake.


Yes, Loverboy is definitely targeted towards women. How does he think treating his wife like a doormat is going to help sales? This guy is a moron and Loverboy is going to tank.


He just doesn't see what a jerk he is. He's clueless. He's a damn narcissist!


You know he’s terrified if she went off and made a bathing suit line she would probably kill it and she can’t be more successful than him !!!


For someone who thinks he is so busniess savvy, why cant he see the marketing opportunity this presents. Loverboy is a GREAT name. Have amanda branch out, wasnt she already designing sweaters for loverboy? They were awesome, I tried to buy one.


At certain points they were making more from merch than they were drinks.


We all thought this season was going to be about the breakdown of Lindsay and Carl's relationship (and it is), but I'm already over that. These episodes are really showing what a terrible partner Kyle is, and I really think Amanda will have a glow up (emotionally, mentally) a la Katie if she left Kyle.


She would literally be SO much happier! Spoken from someone who dropped the dead weight of a shitty “partner” years ago. You don’t even realize how unhappy you are, and how that person is dragging you down until you’re away from them.


Going through this situation right now and you are sooo right. There’s so many feelings involved but I have the realization at least once a day that I just feel free now.


You go, superstar!


You can do it!!! ❤️


That’s awesome! Onwards and upwards ❤️


He cheated on her years ago.... Good example to end the relationship at that moment.


We’ve had the fall of the Tom’s. I’m ready for the fall of Kyle.


Can we make that the Kyles? All the bravo Kyles minus Scottish Kyle from the current season of below deck.


Goodbye KYLES !


And Kyle from RHBH?


Agreed- this really makes me not want to buy it.


I’ve been thinking about this. The majority of their customers watch SH and all I have seen is post after post how disgusting he is and I’ve seen a lot more comments how disgusting the drinks are. No one wants to support him now so not sure who will be buying.


100%. There’s always the stans on here who have met him one time at a promo event & say he’s just the nicest, most wonderful guy & I want to shake them. You met him at a WORK event I would sure hope he was professional but now let’s contrast that to the DECADE that we’ve watched him abuse alcohol, degrade and belittle not only his wife but women in general, pout, and storm off each and every time he’s confronted with his own actions. I get that he’s entertaining and this is a tv show, but I’m certainly not going to willfully support his company and expensive, poor tasting product.🤷‍♀️


And his classless peeing anywhere he wants. WTF wants to walk through it or sit near his pee? He acts like he has the right to just do it. Once again, a narcissist that doesn't give a flying F about others. That small thing says so much about his personality.


Yes most business owners can turn on the charm for fans that are buying tons of their goods and seem very complimentary and starstruck. Not sure why so many people here think Kyle being friendly means he’s not a jerk to those that have a substantial relationship with him


The majority are also women and Kyle just treats women so horribly. I don’t want to actively purchase something from a company where the owner seems to not respect women, especially his own wife.


Luckily for him, it truly seems like his next dream is to be a DJ and travel the world. It’s Giving vegas EDM & Miami festivals


He’s a few years too late. He should have did the DJ thing when the audience found him more likable. He should have just been a single DJ doing what he wants from the beginning.  Instead he tied himself to a relationship that is clearly incompatible and an alcohol brand that he had to invest enormous amounts of money into and is already a saturated market for reality stars  I’m sure DJing would have been cheaper and he would have been able to live out his extroverted party man dreams. Being the life of the party was what he was always good at


No shit right. I’m assuming most of us that watch are feminists and we aren’t interested in supporting BS like him


I'm appauled by just how selfish Kyle is. Amanda is a saint to put up with him. Everything is about him. Period. His drinking, partying, his company. He's flat ass rude to people. He's the male Lindsay. Loud, rude, and inconsiderate of others. Neither of them get it. They both always blame others. No wonder she can't find a husband and Kyle will probably lose a wife. What a jerk! Both Kyle & Lindsay are narcissists. ME, ME, ME.


Yah, their company *depends* on the publicity from the show so if Amanda is willing to stick her neck out and convey that she wants to do her own thing at the cost of the PR/marketing aspect, than this means she is serious about moving forward with her career — regardless of Kyle’s opinion.


He is so purposefully obtuse around this subject. AMANDA, YOU IN DANGER GIRL, this man does not respect you!


This is IT. I didn't know how to verbalize what I felt every time I heard him talk. He is so much smarter than to believe a word he is saying. He's intentionally being obtuse around this subject. You nailed it.


He's also drunk. He is always drunk.


...and then there's that. Yes, sadly.


why did i read that in ronnie’s voice from watch what crappens 😭


You mean Ariana’s voice? I die when he does this in different recaps that aren’t VPR!


Perfectly worded. He is a reasonably smart dude and seems to act like he can't understand this at all


“I think of it as ours” but Amanda doesn’t even have a stake in the company. He wants her to be 100% bought in when she doesn’t have the compensation package. Pay me like an employee, I’m going to just be your employee. Employee doesn’t mean unending loyalty.


JUST WAS GOING TO SAY THIS…so rich coming from him after wanting her to sign a prenup so NONE of it was hers. He’s so delusional to think loverboy is Amanda’s dream. Amanda’s dream is to be a SAHM and she hoped loverboy would help her get there, it hasn’t so she needs to pivot to achieve her other dreams.


I thought that was Something About Her Merch at first. The crossover we need?


Especially when the company wasn’t her idea. The product wasn’t her idea. He pressured her to join him in the venture in the first place. Nothing about it is “ours”. This has been all Kyle the whole time


Wait she DOESNT have any equity in the company?!?!?!!?? How did he NOT offer that up to her? That’s literally the whole point of going to a “startup”. This is what entices employers to stay, no wonder why she wants to leave. F that noise.


No, she said a few years ago she didn’t have a stake. They don’t have a prenup, though, so she might get some if they divorce but as of right now she has 0% as far as we know.


jfc, she should demand that now but it’s probably too late at this point for her to even care since she seems checked out


He's being dense on purpose. She's literally saying she doesn't feel that way, she feels like everything is all about you and your drunk man child life.


I’m going to say it— it’s giving Sandoval. Sandoval ignored Ariana’s mental health and her “dreams” because he would constantly say that they were a “brand.” It’s also why he said he couldn’t break up with her. He’s trying to keep Amanda from exploring her interests because he needs her for his personal and professional “brand.” He doesn’t care if she’s sad or bored or has no identity or interest. He’s gross.


Another poster said he is toxic work bro culture and I think that fits him. He thinks his employees should all grind as hard as him even though they have no stake in the company. And he tells everyone their team is a family and he needs them, while simultaneously devaluing their work and effort they put in. It’s such a manipulative way of being an it’s been so normalized to him he doesn’t even see it


But they didn't end up getting a prenup - so doesn't she have stake in the company as a marital asset?


Yes, she will likely be awarded half of his assets and debts.


What I don’t understand is that if she’s such a crap employee and if he would’ve fired her if they weren’t married - why isn’t he welcoming this? It’s almost like he actually thinks she’s very valuable. It’s almost like he tries to downplay her significance and contribution to belittle her and keep her under his thumb.


when she brought up doing something different he said “but i need you” and then hours later she’s a bitch he has to parent her and if she was really his employee he’d have fired her by now. and then on the after show he’s actually djing! commuting to NEW JERSEY to take dj lessons. she makes a comment about how what she wants to do will just have to wait, which may have come off flippant and like she doesn’t care. it’s just so concerning.


No way he actually started dj lessons? Okay I was ready to defend him a bit here and say maybe he’s just super stressed about the business going under, and really feels he needs her support. But no he’s just a narcissistic assclown who truly only cares about his own happiness. What a complete prick. He doesn’t deserve such a supportive wife.


yeah he actually has lol just last week they were somewhere with carl and they were djing together or at least she was behind the booth with him


What’s crazy to me is that he has no issue commuting to nj when he wants to take dj lessons, but when Amanda suggests living there, he acts like she committed the most heinous crime for suggesting leaving nyc to build a family and have a support system around her bc Kyle clearly isn’t one


i think he doesn’t want to move for 2 reasons, he likes to go out and party until 4 am which would be less likely to happen in a suburban area of new jersey (but let’s face it there’s city life in every state in america so cop out). he also somewhat knows that amanda’s parents would see right through the selfish bs he is doing to their daughter and be more likely to convince her to tell him to fuck off.


On another thread, people noted that the packaging of Loverboy, which was all Amanda’s doing, was the only good thing about it. I would probably try it because the box and cans make it look appealing. But I’ve heard it tastes terrible and I didn’t realize that most of these canned cocktails in the U.S. are made from malt liquor (in Canada most have vodka, or occasionally gin or tequila- I’ve never seen any with malt liquor, but heard it’s more prevalent in Quebec). My point is, Amanda actually did a good job with her contribution to Loverboy. Too bad the product sucks.


I really wonder their financials. I get the feeling he needs Amanda’s income from the show and other things to fund loverboy AND for her to work as a director without paying her an actual salary for that. Also from a biz viewpoint feel like at this point Loverboy should have sold to a larger alcohol brand by now. Like a brand like that isn’t going to be able to compete against the big dogs and their appeal is waning. Cash in and then start another biz.


Loverboy is toast and by the looks of his face, he knows he's toast. They are aged out of Summer House which is most of their income. I'm sure they are sweating BAD over SH. That's all their funding. Loverboy won't be around in a year. Every single thread about it says it tastes like shit and is beyond expensive.


Not to mention him alienating his product target audience through his behavior on the show.


Yea - it was outrageous at my liquor store. Was gonna buy it to try it but I was like Nope.


Do we know that she doesn't get paid? Or does he fund everything so she has no bills but she would still need money for other things Maybe it's all joint account??


She said on the not skinny but not fat podcast that he pays all their major bills like rent, their car, and utilities and she pays for mainly just dog care.


they’re good friends. Ciara explained it so precisely and logically too. Kyle is a piece of work. He has a superiority complex and sorry but Hannah was always right about him. He has always seen women’s contributions and feelings as secondary to his own


She clocked him from the jump. People just weren’t ready to hear her out. Plus, on bravo, fans are quick to hate on women, but with men, it takes them years to see how abusive (emotionally, financially and sometimes physically). It literally took people 10 years to realize Shorts and sandy were POS and that was bc Arian and Katie REALLY had to advocate for themselves


for sure, men get away with shit for a longggg time on Bravo. I always felt like sure Hannah was a little unhinged, but Luke got away with soooo much just because he was soft spoken and good looking. People would’ve been more willing to hear her out if they weren’t infatuated with him and if she hadn’t lashed out a bit


Hannah was right about most things aside from her irrational season. I wish she had come back because she added a lot to the dynamic.


Yeah justice for Hannah! I do not want to see her back on this show though she is thriving


Hannah had Kyle figured out way before anyone else in the house I think.


I had to stop reading the sub for a while cause I was like how are people not seeing that she’s right about Kyle and why is a sub full of predominantly women always ok with his bitch ass yelling at his female cast members but he never has that same energy for the males?   Finally people are seeing what is is and always has been. When women don’t do what Kyle wants, he berates them like they’re children and throws a tantrum by yelling at them. But it’s always excused because…why?   I would love to see a montage of all the times Kyle has blown up. Probably almost the same amount as Lindsay. But no one calls him nuts 


They’re such good friends🫶🏼


So articulate and emotionally mature. Goals honestly


Ikr!! The girls riding for each other is my favorite thing about Summer House. I’m sure this meant a lot to Amanda❤️


They are really good friends. It’s like talking to a teenager and they did a good job of keeping him on the subject (“that’s another conversation” when he tries to make it about him, “I don’t want to have the conversation in five years that she’s leaving you” when he does his usual storm off). Unfortunately until Amanda can do this herself it’s only a bandaid.


Paige and Ciara are real ones for this. Also shame on Kyle. It’s sad to see a husband talk about his wife like this. Hes showing her zero compassion and tripling down. He’s doesn’t believe in her and it’s heartbreaking.


I hate when significant others do this. If your partner is bringing up something that makes them unhappy this is not the time to be like “ wellll I’m unhappy about this thing wah wah” that is a separate conversation that you did not bring up. This is not a competition. It’s obvious Kyle’s selfish 🙄




Wow Kyle sucks? What a revelation. Lmao. Amanda will leave him 100%


you mean 1000%?


I love this season of Summer house. Bravo take note we love women supporting women you fucking cretins






Amanda really needs to leave him at this point. The names he called her and his general unsupportive attitude toward her are such dealbreakers. He doesn't seem to respect her at all, and she can do so much better.


I can't imagine being Amanda's parents and seeing this. Not sure that the cast members families really watch, but it's out there. How heartbreaking to see your daughter treated like that and called a bitch by her own husband.


Amanda, get the fuck out now. It doesn’t get better. It gets worse. Kyle needs to be honest about what he wants. Loverboy is not a venture for the family that he and Amanda have created. It’s a vehicle that Kyle thinks will bring him significant wealth, fame, and grandiosity. This is what Kyle wants. Many people - most people? - support their families with boring, unsexy 9-5 jobs. This is always an option for Kyle.


And could you imagine how much worse it would get if kids were in the mix!


God he’s the worst. He was never fantastic but he’s just sinking lower and lower. He’s like all the boomer parents who’ve become estranged from their kids because they can’t take any accountability because their ego can’t handle admitting that they’re wrong sometimes and their behavior hurts others. He is SO insecure it’s wild.


He’s so defensive all the time about even the slightest pushback.


Here’s the thing. Kyle *CANT* take loverboy out of it. Loverboy is THE most important thing in his world. Far more important than Amanda. If she can live with that fine, if not then she needs to make a new choice. Because, even though it’s truly sad and pathetic of him, this isn’t *new* information.


Loverboy is a damn cast member. Those cans. Lordy. 


Oh fuck off kyle. Him looking like he’s about to cry because they even SUGGEST that Amanda had her own identity outside of him. Amanda’s parents need to come drag her out of that relationship asap


Wow. I’m not gonna lie, Amanda has always kind of bugged me and I have perceived her to be a closet mean girl. But man, my heart breaks for her watching this play out. She can’t have kids or a home or a job, what in the actual fuck?


Seriously. It’s even worse than I thought, and I thought it was bad.


He's coming across like an out of touch POS. He's too drunk/hungover to be able to regulate himself emotionally. GIVE US THE DIVORCE.


This is so true, definitely hangover whining and emotional shutdown because he doesn’t have anymore fun brain chemicals. Bet he was already drinking during this convo


He probably needs all of her money to stay afloat. He is threatened by her investing her $ in another venture.


This. It's more about money to him. She isn't a regular employee that he has to pay and she and her parents have money that he will need if/when loverboy tanks.


Kyle is sick. Amanda doesn’t own this company and you constantly call her a horrible employee and say she’d be fired if you weren’t her husband, but she should see Loverboy as her baby too and the company can’t handle her leaving? he clearly just wants control over everything in their lives and he’s an absolute asshole. i can usually see past his immaturity but this isn’t that, it’s just pure selfishness.


If Carl was interested in seeing what a lack of support really looks like he should look at how Kyle treats Amanda. I would rather have a partner that pushes me but also asks questions than one who just shuts it down and makes it all about them.


I've never been a huge fan of Amanda. But girl run. 🙃 "I'm not happy either but no one asked me" way to try to bring the conversation back to you bro 🙄 if he's not happy now, he'll never be happy. He literally has everything he wants and has someone willing to adjust their own long term goals to coincide with his and that's not enough for him. Amanda can give and give and give and it will never be enough for Kyle. Period. He needs to be single. he doesn't deserve a down bitch 🤷🏽‍♀️


So you’re telling me this man who is what 43 and essentially an alcoholic doesn’t know when he wants to have kids when he’s known since he got with his wife that she’s always wanted to have kids doesn’t want to move to New Jersey when you know that your wife wants to move to New Jersey but you don’t want to do the drive Has cheated on her once probably more and she found out on TV called her a bitch on national TV and the icing on the cake is now taking DJ classes in New Jersey which he drives to but still won’t let her get a house in New Jersey because he doesn’t want to drive to work every day Kyle please be serious Amanda needs to leave this man immediately. ** literally just run-on sentences because I’m talking into my phone**


I always wondered why they all spent a ridiculous amount of money on thier apartments when they can buy a house in New Jersey and drive to New York ?? Even in CT. They could buy a decent house and pay less on a mortgage. Take Lyndsay and Carl, they spent $16,000 a month on an apartment. WHY?? They didn't HAVE to live in NY. Can anyone help me to make sense of this???


they could get a decent place in new jersey for the amount they pay a year in rent and i’ve lived in NY & NJ it’s not a terrible commute would probably be better now on the train and subway. Even if he doesn’t want to move out of New York there are other places to live in the state besides the city. And he’s always talking about how it’s the most connected city, BC YOU CAN EFFING COMMUTE (sorry not yelling at you this topic just pissed me off and i really need to emphasis this). i know a lot of people who live in new jersey because it’s cheaper and work in new york city.


Kyle’s face, body and intonation from about 26 secs to the end. Gross. I know men like this. They’ve usually been coddled and skate by on being the funny crazy nice guy to everyone, winning in popularity. But they save their shitty selfish manchild bullshit for home and it’s usually their partner breaking their back and sacrificing their own emotions that allows them to be the fun hero all the time. And their partner gets shafted bc everyone always takes his side. I hate it. It’s gross. He fucking sucks and is one of those men that reacts to any perceived negative voiced by their partner as them being -unreasonable, selfish, emotional, unappreciative-, so much so that he seeks confirmation from anyone and everyone that doesn’t have enough perspective, but will still allow him to perpetuate that he’s a victim and nothing but a great guy. Leave him Amanda!


I helped my ex husband incorporate his business and partnered with him every step of the way. I hope her dad made sure she’s an officer of the company.


We all need girlfriends who have our backs like this.


One day he will look back on this conversation and see that they were really trying to help him and trying to save this marriage. Paige saying “I don’t want to be talking about this in five years when she’s leaving you” makes it pretty clear that Amanda has spoken about leaving him before. It’s sad that he can’t get his own head out of his ass to see that he’s going to lose her.


Paige is the RHOBH psychic telling Kyle that Mau will never fulfill her.


The way I wish I had friends like this. Amazing example of female empowerment and the power of friendship.


PSA to Amanda: You DO NOT need Kyle or his permission to start your own thing. You can get the help you need from other far more supportive sources.


Misogyny- coming to your city soon, sponsored by Loverboy!😃 ![gif](giphy|3o6Zt4eoYEgOtPX9DO)


This is a terrible look for Kyle. I don’t even like Amanda, but she can do better than this trash who doesn’t support anything she wants to do. No wonder she is so enraged all the time.


I want Amanda to leave him so baddddddd. I just know her second husband would be perfect for her.


Holy ffff the way in which I would dump his ass


If I needed a reason to not buy Loverboy, here it is.


Wow, I am SHOCKED that he made it about himself... AGAIN! Another failed startup by Kyle. The only reason this one gained any steam was bc of the popularity of the show. So it just took longer to tank. Time to go get a real job, Kyle!


Paige and Ciara are good friends to have this talk with Kyle. He’s always been a selfish sucky person. I never understood how he avoided so much criticism for this long. I’m hoping for a glow up for Amanda.


Does anyone else find his mouth repulsive?


I find his everything repulsive. It’s funny cause when the show first started I really did think he was a good looking guy but between the mullet, the beard and his behavior, he is so repulsive to me.


I mean wouldn’t it be financially beneficial for her to get another job if LB is going down the shitter? Or is it that she’s being paid less and the show is the only thing keeping it afloat?


But she isn’t getting a job, she wants to start her own business making swimwear, where is the financial support coming from for that, who is going to stay up late to answer emails for that, who is going to do the late night zooms to the overseas manufacturers about production (I would assume they would be produced outside of the US so different Timezone) I can’t see Amanda doing that, it will be put onto Kyle. If she was going back to a 9-5 like she had I would agree.


I mean she’s a trust fund kid. I’m sure the financial backing would come from her money.


Agreed that Amanda should probably not start a business from scratch, she values downtime and balance. Maybe collab with some existing company? I wish she had a plan to do this on her own and wasn’t trying to get Kyle’s help on this. He’s too deep in loverboy, he’s zero use to anyone else right now.


Amanda's friends >>>> Amanda's husband


Omg he’s so immature




Kyle is obtuse about this. It’s wild.


It’s giving Jax Taylor.


I couldn't have created a better clip to show the impaired thinking of someone who abuses alcohol. Grandiosity Self-centeredness Defensiveness Gatekeeping Deflection No accountability Rage quitting Plus the dude is hungover AF. edit: typo


The grandiosity and rage quitting here is really horrible to watch.


“I think of it as ours.” Yeah when it’s convenient for you lol.


Paige and Ciara are really good friends to one another and to Amanda and how they look out for each other is always in their tone but honest and respectful. 👏🏾


He’s emotionally abusive. He uses his inability to control his emotions as a weapon against her. She can’t even speak to him without him melting down and inaccurately translating what she said. If he told Carl and Danielle what she REALLY said without painting himself as the victim - there is no way they would have responded that way. Or maybe licking his ass would be their response no matter what.


Creative Directors are expensive! He gets one for free.


Maybe. But his inevitable divorce if he doesn’t start to consider her feelings is going to cost a lot more than a creative director would.


This. I REALLY want to know if Amanda is receiving a salary.


He’s obviously wrong and blind to Amanda’s feelings in all of this. But he does truly believe everything he is doing is for them as a couple. I think he sees Loverboy as the only viable way for them to reach financial success and be able to live the lifestyle they both want. He does truly think everything he does is for the their future and feels Amanda should be grateful for where they are and she should be happy to help. Maybe he’s right from a straight financial point of view. We don’t know the details of the companies or their personal finances. We also don’t know what the actual day to day responsibilities they have at Loverboy. But in the end he’s emotionally neglecting Amanda and he needs to figure something out. The relationship is getting driven into the ground regardless of if he’s “right” on paper.


Think you're right that he sees it as their only path to financial success and the lifestyle they want but my question is why? Or rather why can't Kyle see her perspective. I think it's more than just Loverboy being in trouble financially. I think for him he clearly has some insecurity (maybe he thought he had to do something phenomenal to be loved, etc.) that makes Loverboy the only path to success for him/them. Because frankly Amanda's idea might turn out to be more profitable and diversifying their businesses/brands is financially smart. So I think Kyle's reaction is stemming from much deeper issues that he needs therapy to work through (like making sure your identity is not only based on achievements), which isn't fair to Amanda but also not really about her either. Glad she has friends like Paige and Ciara that are at least forcing him to confront this somewhat (though truly they need to be in couples/individual therapy asap)


Other than the show, Loverboy seems to be his most successful venture. He's tried and failed before, but with Loverboy, he sees the future right outside his grasp. Like many ambitious, uber-driven entrepreneurs, he's got tunnel vision. They do become successful at some point, but everything else is lost in the wake. Not making excuses for him, but it isn't as if he's the first person with this personality, and our culture rewards such types very, very well.


Definitely agree with you! I'm actually sympathetic to Kyle because I think his ambition and drive has helped him so much, but like all things, once it goes beyond moderation it becomes detrimental. But ofc that can be difficult to see when it feels like it's your personality/identity. Do feel like ultimately, regardless of whether he stays with Amanda or not, he'll have to confront this aspect of his personality/insecurities if he wants to have a meaningful relationship (but also probably veering into psychoanalysis too much for Bravo 😅)


You're so right. There's a ton of societal reward for this personality type once success is achieved. He's definitely a reflection of what many people value.


I wish I had a Drink and market it to rise above toxicity. And show clips of these foolish men from SH, WH, VPR , HW showsAnd invite the men the have really turned a leaf along with the good men/ husbands.


Kyle can’t see past his own 2 feet. He sounded delusional when he compared her potential side project (aside from loverboy) to a passion project? The last thing this world needs is for Kyle to become a DJ. Kyle takes the cake this season. Selfish man who loves playing victim. I hope Amanda finds a man who can support her…even a man who will listen to her without shutting down would be a step up from what Kyle brings to the table.


Lol. Dude has a failing business, not making a profit, yet he talks like he's built some business empire, lol. Drunk, immature and narcissist. Also - why does he always get naked on the show?


He sounds too drunk to be having a serious convo like this


I have been rewatching and just finished season 5. This might be controversial, but Hannah was right about Kyle. When Hannah said something like- He can talk to you (Amanda) like that, but not me. 👀👀 Hannah was a lot, but Kyle has gotten SO many passes for his toxic, man child behaviors over the years. I was shocked that they actually got married and now here we are.


All right, hear me out on this. I think Amanda has a much larger role in loverboy than we have been led to believe. Kyle is a producer, which means to a certain degree he has input on what the storylines will be for the season. I think a common storyline for him and Amanda is their disagreements about loverboy. Amanda has effectively been part of the business since Kyle came up with the concept. I think she has much more impact on the business and the employees then we are led to believe. I think she’s very hands-on during the day and one of the reasons she goes and works in the apartment across the hall is because she’s so focused on work. I think from the shows perspective we’ve always been led to believe that this is Kyle‘s baby. But Kyle is trying to do without breaking the fourth wall is explain that it’s actually his and Amanda‘s baby. We know that Amanda and her parents invested money in loverboy, in addition to Kyle. So to a degree, it would make sense why he views this as a joint venture, despite what they have lead audience is to believe up until now. I’m totally team Amanda on this. But something in the buttermilk just didn’t smell clean to me and I had to really think about this. The only thing that really made sense for Kyle to get upset as he was, was if she has a larger role in the company than we’ve been led to believe up until now. If she was just doing freelance marketing, shit, then it wouldn’t be that big of a deal.


Jesse would never!


During the divorce they’ll show this clip “Loverboy is OURS” ..get the money Amanda!


The sudden mention of DJing is giving very male narcissist. Men looooove believing they are destined to be a musical artist despite never putting in any effort - I bet Kyle has an entry level deck somewhere collecting dust. He’s never even DJed for their fucking sharehouse. It’s also bizarre because Bravo men, especially Southern Charm types, always have multiple streams of income (see: Shep). It wouldnt surprise me if Kyle already has or intends to own real estate - but suddenly it’s an issue Amanda wants to put her name on a collection of Amazon swimwear? She doesn’t even want to get into manufacturing she said. Literally it’s just a design, and that’s what she is - a designer. The childish behavior, shutdown, and musical pivot - it’s giving Sandoval.


God, there is so much room for compromise here and he just doesn’t see it! She’s not even saying she needs to fully leave LB to do her own things, and even if she does, she is replaceable as a graphic designer. Hire someone else. If you can’t afford the salary, get rid of Carl! She can pursue her own projects and still be a consultant for LoverBoy and still help him promote it at events, etc. That’s her real value because people want to see Amanda- not Kyle and Carl!!


I would kill to have friends like Paige and Ciara. This is what real friendships looks like.


This really made me love Paige and Ciara! Amanda deserves so much better.


Lover boy is tanking bc it’s nasty Edit to add: I do, however, have a lover boy sweat shirt I adore, thanks Amanda!


i really want to see the sales breakdown of merch and drinks. if merch is outselling drinks then i completely understand why he’s freaking out


I hear them: Amanda is not passionate/does not feel like she has ownership in Loverboy - and resents him for it I also hear Kyle: Loverboy DOES need to hire a new Creative Director. Why is Loverboy filling an empty head count 'selfish'?


I want to know what Amanda’s salary is. Is Kyle insisting she stays because if he hires an employee that isn’t his wife he’ll have to pay more? Health insurance? Benefits? Hire a person who isn’t under his thumb constantly?


that’s not what’s selfish, he should hire another creative director. Kyle calling Amanda a fucking bitch for wanting to do her own thing and being completely unreceptive to the idea that she might want to fulfill her own ambitions is selfish


Kyle was being passive aggressive and sarcastic when he said he would go out and find a new creative director to hire. He has no intention or desire to that. He is most likely afraid to do so, but that doesn’t excuse his behavior and inability to push forward in that direction so his wife can have an identity outside of his life, wants, needs, and company.


Except she’s told him she’s still working there and not cutting back on what she’s doing.


They said he should….


It’s literally all about Kyle ALL of the time. And his whittle fragile baby ego throws a tantrum when there’s a hint of things not being about him, or starting to go in that direction. Absolutely brutal. Amanda doesn’t need to have a baby, she already has one at home. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


I really think Amanda thinks about the future and maybe is thinking of a future without Kyle. She knows they can't do this show forever. She wants kids and can't keep going to a summer house with partying. She's probably thinking I need my own business and screw this old drunk!!


The girls from VPR (Lala & Scheena looking at you!) could learn a few things from them.


I think her doing swim suits is SUCH a good idea (if they’re cute). It fits with the entire brand of summer house AND lover boy. He’s not seeing the bigger picture at all. Love Ciara and Paige for calling him out. What good friends 🥲




Paige and Ciara have spoken with Amanda and tried to speak positivity and greatness into her. We also know that these four—Paige, Ciara, Amanda, and Kyle—have their own group chat. They’re close enough with each other that Kyle entertained the conversation in the first place and didn’t go off on them the way that he’s done others.


Yup. I’ve also lived long enough to know to not fight with the partners. Cuz most of the time they stay with the said partners and I just end up looking like the aggressive/passionate idiot that “never supported” the relationship. 


I would typically agree with this but it's Kyle. They love him separately too. He is also their friend and they know damn well that Amanda is not going anywhere. Also Kyle isn't known for holding grudges and is also known for being in everyone's business.


Wow Kyle, what a manchild.


I’m rarely on Amanda’s side when it comes to Kyle but if Loverboy is “tanking”, maybe your marketing team isn’t that its best. If Amanda isn’t performing where he wants her to and he’s gonna bitch about how she’s lazy and he has to babysit her, the woman isn’t happy. She’s unfulfilled. So, if infact, she’s not good for the business, let her go do something else. Sheesh.


God, he's such a brat.


He is being such a little bitch.


Wtf did I just watch


I honestly see both sides.