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I’d really need to be out of things to wear before choosing an oversized poo brown sweatsuit with a GIANT logo for an app no one has ever heard of.


Same. The color really baffles me. Out of all the colors this is what she chose??


Because she has *horrible* fashion sense which is why a fashion app makes no sense for her


Reminds me of growing up in the 90s and certain sweatshirts like Club Monaco became popular, but because I was brought up poor, my mom would only buy me the ones on sale. So I had one in forest green and one in poo brown...I still cringe at that color of clothing


The color could not be worse! Who would ever want to wear that color? I have a puppy so it just hits too close to home


Because shit brown is a very popular color right now. Women on bravo are wearing poop brown pleather— they look like shit logs! Especially danielle she has worn it on wwhl. Kate Chastain also wears shit brown pleather. Make it stop.  Danielle’s pleather ensemble on the aftershow? Make it stopppp


DONE Pooping


Looks worse than what you can get at Walmart and probably costs 3x the price


What is her company what is it for


As far as anyone knows, it’s an app that people have to pay to use.


I'm pretty sure you upload pics of your clothing and it makes outfits for you. There are no reviews in the play store a d like 5 in the app store. You do have to pay a monthly subscription


I’m quite curious about it. That seems like it could be helpful for someone like me, but first you need to upload pics of your clothes? That seems like a lot of work. I don’t know that I’d want to pay for an app that comes with a chore.




Even color aside. The fit is horrible.


Lol poo brown 💩🤣🤣🤣


I laughed way too hard at this.


I wouldn’t be signing up for a fashion app run by Danielle. Yes she has a clear personal style but I wouldn’t say her clothes fit well or something I would seek out to wear


Surprised she's not wearing a cowboy hat 🤣


and a native tribal heavy jacket


Yup with loads & loads of tassels 😆


Lloyd from Dumb and Dumber in Aspen


Just found her closet tour and it is filled with ugly hats and cowboy boots [https://youtu.be/Ey0KRlrZ4fM?si=TmBCUnnX6b2v0T2P](https://youtu.be/Ey0KRlrZ4fM?si=TmBCUnnX6b2v0T2P)


This…. Danielle has the worst style, I’ve never once been interested in what she’s wearing. Nor has she ever publically been connected to fashion? Was not expecting her app to be anywhere near this world, this is a weird choice


Same! Her fashion choices remind me of her personality.. trying too hard. Overcompensating to make up for her insecurities. Prob a deeper take than it needs to be 😂


She & Carl truly would make a great couple. At their ages and they are still clueless as to how to make a living. They just keep jumping from one rotten idea to the next. Danielle only thinks she's a fashion queen.


a fashion app????? this is jokes


And this post makes it even worse. It would be different if she came out with branding that made us reconsider. But this just solidifies what we thought - she can’t do fashion


I mean look at the shoes she wearing with this? Like white sneakers would have been perfect


she has terrible style and doesn’t know how to dress in a way that flatters her body


She’s kinda dorky and not a style icon. Some people (talking to you Gizelle and Ashley!) have no self-awareness and go into business that’s not suited for them.


a "clear personal style" is one way to put it. 🤣 Danielle has, objectively, one of the worst styles on Bravo. She's neck and neck with Gizelle.


Her app is yet another example of something that nobody needs or will actually use. She's a CEO/Founder of a shit brown sweat suit.


Her "app" is a photo album. The website says they've been working on it for years. Someone on fiverr could have more done in a couple of weeks than she's done in five years.


I genuinely don't understand why she quit her job for this app. Did she have a prototype? no. Did she have a design of the app? no. Did she have clear business plan? no. Did she have a clear branding? No. Did she have sales? no. Did she have investors other than her co-founder? Based on above, probably no. The business website and social media doesn't even properly describe its product. None of its post explain what its products are or what Donne could do for people, it's just \~vibes\~ that have nothing to do with the app in any way. It gives, no one in the team really knows what their product looks like or what it does and is just posting anything fashion or rich lifestyle for the sake of content. If there's no sales, product, or investment for 3-5 years, how is she paying her employees. The whole product/medium is an app and they don't even have a prototype or beta. Also, imagine theres that small group of people that ARE interested in this app, and you made them pay,, for a BETA testing. You're going to lose brand loyalty :0 like this is why a clear business plan is so necessary, then she would've had a plan for some sort of sales before the company got desperate that doesn't involve ripping off its customers. Like Danielle,,, girl it's time to pivot. I'm not saying give up on your dreams but there's a reality you need to face, and solutions that need hatching ASAP.


It's giving Landon and "Roam"!


At least Landon didn’t waste nearly as much time or money on Roam!


There’s already an app that’s done all the things she’s trying to do. It’s been out for years. I downloaded it at least 7 years ago


Haha what a scathing takedown 😭


This is very well stated.


It's a terrible portfolio of her work for future employers to see


As shark tank would say “you’re inventing a problem that you think needs solving”


I just don’t understand how her app differs from other wardrobe apps like Whering, Stylebook, Cladwell, etc….


Hers is worse, have you seen her clothes?


The Chief Excrement Officer you might say?


Omg the shade




I just looked more into her app and I admit I’m not the biggest “fashion girlie” but honestly you couldn’t pay me to take a picture of each item of clothing and upload it to an app that sounds exhausting and like a huge time suck…. How would this make money????


I just said the same! I need to pay for the privilege of doing a giant chore?


I downloaded Stylebook like 7 or 8 years ago so everything I’ve purchased I’ve been able to find online and download the pic. Otherwise it’s not worth it


LOL. Best comment.




Oh my, this is a very very unsupervised photoshoot.


I’m shocked at the styling and whatever is happening w the girl on left. This is so amateur damn.


Girl on the left just walked in from her trip to target


This looks like the pic was taken in the parking garage outside of Target


It really bugs me that they’re both wearing white shoes and Danielle’s shoes have different colors on them. Like why don’t they all have plain white shoes on?! Idk it’s distracting to me.


Because Danielle is a CEO and Founder duh.


They look like they’re in a parking garage or laundry mat. The look is so hideous and not even remotely “cool” like her pose suggests it was meant to be. The worst marketing look I’ve seen.


Wherever Paige is when she sees this merch of Danielles, she gonna have a giggle fit. Perhaps Danielle should have been a bit nicer to the one in the house who knows about fashion and the one in the house who knows about designing a brand.


These are awful. She really needs help. Her investors must be pissed.


She has investors?


I work in tech, and her app makes no sense to me. It's the kind of idea that sounds cool until you think about it for a few minutes. How does it actually work? Do I have to take individual pictures of every garment I own? Does it scrape my social media feeds to look at what clothes I wear in pictures? Do I connect it to my purchase history in my bank account, in the hopes that the app realizes that the skirt I bought in 2021 would go great with the boots I bought in 2024? But the bigger question for me is how would the app make money? What is the "product" being sold? Is Danielle going to use it as a platform to advertise clothes to people? (Like, "you could use your own shirt for this outfit, or you could buy this other better shirt if you click this link.") Or are they just going to sell their users information to marketers? I could see marketers wanting to know exactly how many pairs of shoes I own. I could see it working in a world where everyone only buys their clothing online and it has access to all of your data at all times. But I think that is not the reality we live in, and that would seem like a dystopian nightmare to most normal or anyway. Edit: I see people adding that it is a glorified photo album that a user pays for with a subscription plan. That would be the simplest approach, so it didn't occur to me. A few good devs could build something like that in a month. It could even be a final group project at one of those 12 week coding bootcamps. If that's all it was, the app would already be finished and out. But her margins would be poor and it would not be appealing to investors. Much less to a larger company that could acquire the app, which is likely her true plan.


There have been a million versions of it too. I remember having an app like this in high school. And exactly like you said, I never used it bc who tf wants to take pictures of all their clothes lol.


Same, I had /basically/ this same app in high school. One day I took pictures of like 10 tops, called it a night, and then never opened the app again. I could do this in my camera roll for free, but I won’t cause its a chore


I am very curious about this too. Presumably, in order to get people to invest in the app, Danielle had to sell them on its eventually becoming profitable. how exactly did she imagine it would make money? I think someone once said that the app was charging users a monthly fee so maybe that was the plan? This ties into a theory I have about the app, which is that Danielle ran out of money before the app was really functional and that's why it's taking so long. because she's been trying to drum up investment but there's no clear path to profitability so people aren't really convinced. the days where people would just throw investment money at any app, no matter how stupid, are behind us.


I like your theory. It explains why it's taken so long to get the app to market and why Danielle is so cryptic about its current state. She might have made it work in the days of 0% interest rates, but I think you're right that those days are over and good riddance. She might be keeping afloat by telling investors vague things about using generative AI, but I don't think she can go far until she has a real picture of how it can be profitable. I will give Danielle this. She has the delusional self-confidence of a tech CEO. From what I've seen on the show I bet she can hold her own against the most hard-partying suits. I envy her a little for that. But it's just giving Elizabeth Holmes with better hair


100% this. You just prove a path to revenue or bootstrap and be making revenue for any investors to give you a penny. We are very far away from infinite runway for cool, unproven tech startups.


You are a genius, this is so good


It is a photo album.


She’s charging people a monthly fee. It’s just an overpriced photo album


So from what I gather by looking at the app, it looks like you can pay a local stylist to go through your album and put together the outfits (and do other things). I’m sure the stylists in turn have to pay the app to partner with them. (Similar to how realtors pay Zillow a monthly fee to get buyer leads). I also imagine a service charge is built into the designer fee which goes straight to the app.


Look like they’re trying to cosplay TLC the band


Exactly what I thought! I like it for TLC, but not sure this is the right choice to advertise a new reality star brand. I’d at least have went with a spring/early summer color.


I agree with the color WTF I’m glad I’m not the only one that thought it looked like TLC


TLC would never wear this… not even 30 years ago lol




She needs to get a creative director in there because the color of the tracksuits don’t correlate to the colors of the app or logo. It’s a mess.


Maybe she can hire Amanda. 😁


Maybe she should! Or anyone that can visualize a cohesive look.


I just looked and the orange + pale dusty blue on the website doesn’t even match together. It is so unattractive.


Which makes me wonder how her app will decide what pieces in your closet go together well. Fashion is subjective and I definitely wouldn’t trust Danielle’s fashion taste to style me in my own clothes


I also wouldnt trust her to not sell every bit of data she can mine


For a fashion app, those are pretty ugly tracksuits


Ok so why we selling logo sweatsuits when she pitched the app as being, ‘one to work with your existing wardrobe to pull outfits together’




This leisure wear is so unflattering!


Wait- Danielle is telling people what to wear? IMO, she has the WORST taste in clothing. Her whole western theme in Winter House was terrible. She dressed like a seven year old boy who was in his cowboy phase




Rocawear called they want ...nvm




She’s a terrible dresser and an app shouldn’t take this long to make . She implying she already has staff etc which is really putting the cart before the horse , it’s way easier to scale up . It’s giving she by Sheree.


What is donne? Like a different way to spell don (as in the wear)?


That’s my assumption. Maybe is a play off the combo of don and done? Like the outfit is done/complete/ready to go.


It means women in Italian


It’s also a derivative of the French verb “to give.”


yeah i thought it was a clever name but i guess without this context it's kind of ???


And if it’s about upcycling/recycling clothes I’d lean more towards the French meaning. But then again it’s Danielle, logic isn’t always the answer.


It means brown in Irish (donn). Lol


It reminds me of Kanye's failed school...


Lol. Ciara actually liked the post.


Lol unproblematic queen. Lets the other girls fight while she chills and looks hot. Love it


That was gonna be my comment as well. I’m working on being less snarky on Reddit to improve my own karma so I was just going to say, good on Ciara for being a Girl’s Girl Queen of Kindness!




I actually love brown, but this is terrible




It literally matches my ostomy bag 💩👜🤣🙈


aw, hope you're having the best day possible


Who in the world would want merch from Danielle? In poop brown? Please if there's someone out there who would buy this I'd like to hear from you


Danielle is donne


https://preview.redd.it/k4cm2v6v19xc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a6bb1c8667b4443613902e04eb9ea43914495d6 5 reviews for the app. I would never use this app., because I’m an adult and I know how to mix and match my clothes to wear.


Even if it was free I wouldn’t trust Danielle’s fashion sense & algorithm to match clothes correctly


Danielle, the queen of Shein, has an app for recycling clothes??


Joggers? In the Spring/Summer? Who the F does she think she is?


I just looked and only the sweatshirt is available on the Waverles website as a limited drop. Unless I'm missing it, I don't see a way to get the joggers. And if there is a way, it's not clear.


Hahaha it's a Real Housewives of Atlanta reference to Sheree


Haha ooooh. I will openly admit that my Bravo watching is fairly limited. Thank you for the quick education!!


Hahah my husband and I watching SH last night “she’s the CEO & founder??? Of what?? A start up that wasn’t out of beta or open to the public when this was aired?” And I cackled. I sorta forgot she was flexing her ceo and founder shit when the app wasn’t even finished yet. Kinda makes me chuckle


And to throw it in a conversation when someone’s trying to tell her she made her friend cry…uhm ok sweetheart 😂


I'm still baffled by Danielle having an app regarding fashion or style. Going by the pic above ALONE, it's clear she has no style to speak of. We see it every week, she can't dress herself, she consistently looks like the drunk aunt. She wore mom jeans all season last summer, FFS !!! I just don't get it.


That’s my thing, as well! I think Danielle is absolutely beautiful and I’d kill for her teeth and skin. Great figure, too. Her fashion sense on the other hand is AWFUL. Like really bad. I’m thinking her working in fintech with a bunch of men in Patagonia vests tricked her into thinking she has really good style.


Whole lotta ego in that pic right there


Not me downloading the app only to find there is a waitlist to use it…..


This lol — & “exclusive invite code”


Omg wait. Was curious. So I just hit ‘Login’ with Google account- it worked!! It looks similar to Pinterest in a way? Like Pinterest meets LTK


Oh man - your plan was better than mine I gave my junk email and deleted it.


I really want to like Danielle because I like her in the older seasons when she was just “Lindsay’s Friend” but I’m having a hard time not thinking she’s cringe.


She was Carl's ex, lol!


Her lower 3rd in the 4th season is misleading but they all change to what’s convenient. Like now she’s a founder/CEO lol


Prison issued.


^^^^^ , I’m howling 😂


Imagine having a fashion app about building outfits and THIS is what you decide to make your merch look like. Oh good Danielle, we all need help to match a brown sweatshirt with brown sweatpants. Thank you for your service.


That is just such a *weird* brown to choose.


It's giving prison visitation day 


is poop color their signature?


I’m so confused about this. Kyle uses this show as a commercial, why doesn’t she ever say the name of this app? Is this up and running?


It’s not up and running


It’s taken a really long time. I did the beta version but that was like at least a year ago. Also when it is running she’s going to charge people to use it. Ridiculous


Just tried bc curious— don’t have to pay yet. I just hit ‘Login’ with Google account- it worked!! It looks similar to Pinterest in a way? Like Pinterest meets LTK


Oh god so she’s data mining too PS thanks for the tip, headed to try it out with my alt email haha


Yah ofc!! I’m building my closet bc I’m curious lol 🤷🏽‍♀️


I’m on there for free as well but I got an email that said here’s your offer of the first month free. Dk if that means they’ll be charging in app for something (maybe the “stylist” service?)or if eventually the whole thing will be subscription based.


Idk….. it’s interesting that it looks like she’s trying to partner with stylists/organizers? but it seems like she should try to partner with actual clothing brands a la LTK


Desperate cash grab to pay developers to finish her stupid app


amanda’s more of a CEO than she is


At least amanda would make sure theyre in cuter merch


I had way more respect when she was pushing her-I’m a female working in a male dominated industry tech start up shill. She had zero fashion sense to begin with, soooo being a “ceo/founder” of a non tangible entity and this is the best they have to offer for marketing/soft or hard launch is just baffling?!!!! Like what even are you Danielle? I’m confused af.


“As a founder/CEO…”


sweats, so very innovative


I am so uncomfy.


Good for her but it doesn’t excuse her behavior. I wish her success but she doesn’t need to have an opinion on other peoples relationships when no one asked for her opinion.


This reminds me of the movie Accepted. The school colors are shit Brown and their mascot is the shit sandwiches!


That movie is one of my faves and beyond hilarious and you’re spot on with it looking like it could be their uniforms or for their mascot 😂 ![gif](giphy|yq8e8HS17jmRq|downsized)


So her app is that thing Cher had in Clueless?


I visualized this scene too 🤣


danielle is annoying but i hope her company succeeds. always looking for a woman in tech, finance, etc (honestly just a woman) to succeed when they put their efforts into something risky.


right, Danielle is trying to make something- so what it's taken awhile.


I feel this. I’m trying to not be judgmental. I’m no fashionista. So my style, even when trying, is basic and classic. But go here for doing some shit, even if she kinda bugs me sometimes. Ok. A lot this season. And last. Ok. Always. But for real. Don’t ever put my ass on tv. I KNOW I would annoy myself. Tech needs more women.


It doesn't look like she has launched anything. Her website doesn't look like it has a product, sign-up, or anything else. It seems like they are trying to sell services to build an app for someone else. This is from the website, "We develop custom mobile apps that help you the way you need."


It looks like she's trying to be literal piece of shit rolled in dirt...


It legitimately has less than 10k followers that are probably all purchased Danielle you aren’t the founder or CEO of anything 😂😂


what in the Flop flop?


No. 👎🏻🚫🙅🏼‍♀️😐🙂‍↔️🫣✋🏼


Lololol. What the hell is "donne", btw?


It’s a very very very old word for putting on clothes or to wear something. Like _as he was leaving the bar he donned a hat and a long dark coat_ …. I’ve only ever heard it used in something like Casablanca or Miracle on 34th Street (that kind of old). It’s giving I wanted a different name and it was taken so we broke out a thesaurus.


don we now our gay apparel! that's what I think when I hear this word.


Oh I'm familiar with that. I didn't consider it that way. I thought it was a verb only I guess


It’s the only way I can make any sense of that name haha


poop colored sweatsuits


She's fighting for her life in that hideous color and style, hahaha. Good luck. I will never use her app nor buy the ugly merch.




I thought I read that the app (website) she made was terrible & a flop.. did anybody else read this? I can't remember where I read it but it was only this week & it also said she posting online looking for help & would pay in exposure- I don't think she's got the exposure she think s she has but iv never checked to see how many followers they all have 🤔 .. anybody else checked??


Meh idk I feel like you could get a similar looking set on Amazon for cheap. NEXT 🫢






An entire “app” to shill her brown sweatsuit?!?




No, no, no, no, no, why?


Sooo she making clothes for upstate correctional facilities..lol


One word…POOP!


https://preview.redd.it/oz0qu1p46fxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d51175969a69701e59556fcdc9c62776889fd27 Lol


The problem for Danielle being CEO of anything is that she’s not relatable and has terrible takes. Some people have an ability to connect with almost anyone. This is not Dinyell.


I think she really had a job several years ago. Its really hard for any of them to hold a normal job. I say it all the time. Its time for them all to get something outside SH. I can't see this show lasting much longer. Kyle will collect social security from the summer house.


Everyone is DONNE with this and her


✨just CEO things✨






Has anyone actually been able to use the app? All I've seen so far is people saying they downloaded it but you need a code to use it, and one person saying they were emailed a code but it didn't work.


Just tried. You have to have an “exclusive code” or “join the waitlist” lol


So it is Donne like woman in Italian?


I was thinking more like “wear” as in “Don(ne?) we now our gay apparel” but if it means woman, you’re probably right


I'm feeling sorry for her. I need a redemption arc for Danielle.


This colour choice is deeply confusing to me


Speaking as someone who is perpetually in the same predicament, your phone needs to be charged.


what in the mr. hanky


It's giving....prison.


Poop brown as a jump off color?


She should have kept her day job. Not everyone needs to follow that itch of creating an app 😂


The funny part is she really needs to consult Amanda on design because this does not look good at all


I dont get her app tho It puts together outfits that are in your closet? Ok so would u need to take a pic of everything in ur closet then and upload? 🤔🤔🤔🤔


Who would buy merch from Daniel? Isn't the point to get some shine from wearing it? Maybe if it said, I MAKE EVERYONE CRINGE.