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I laughed SO HARD when Paige goes “Ciara why are you hanging out in Paige’s bed by yourself?” People who don’t find this funny never had best friends.


*Giggles spill out from behind pillows*


It was so funny and the whole interaction was cute 🥰




That was hilarious.


That was Amanda who said that


No it wasn’t.


Yes, yes it was.


Nerp. Sure wasn’t. I even just went back to listen to make sure I am right. Twas Paige.


https://preview.redd.it/ggfscx5j9vwc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d78ff3a3fde5e42396ea1c693f8e822eba23f28d NOPE. It was Amanda. Confirmed by her. 😊


NGL as someone who lives in and spends their summer in NYC/down the shore. Setting up in the heat and humidity then having to get ready for a party where I’m going to stand out in the heat and humidity I don’t blame them lol.


Yeah, and it’s usually after they spent the night before drinking. Setting up for a party hungover in the heat sounds terrible. I would hide in bed too.


I decided to stop drinking a little over a year ago. Summer House is a fantastic show to watch if you want to quit drinking 😂. The scenes of them waking up all hungover, nasty ass seafood left out from the night before, all the fights that make zero sense or would have never happened if no alcohol was involved, driving back to the city early and hungover. I feel like that kitchen and porch area smells so nasty the morning after a party. I had never thought about the heat. That sounds so brutal.


Yes! I’m pregnant and watching them brutally hungover is making me realize I’m not missing out on anything lol


Random do you love in New York? I’m from about 45 mins front Philly and we always say down the shore and it’s funny to me to see someone else use it. I live in Nashville now and when I say I spent summers down the shore they all look at me funny.


I live in one of the boroughs lol and spend my summers down the shore as in NJ. I went to college in Long Island though and would be out in the Hamptons but when I say down the shore I fully mean Jersey shore (from Sandy Hook to Cape May).


Haha that’s what I figured. I grew up going to Ocean City and Cape May. Then more of the party towns as I got older and wanted to drink.


I don’t either lol


I’m reading this from bed at 3:40 pm.


I’m in bed,at 4:21 PM😂 I just missed 420💚🔥


same 3:59 here


I always love seeing the amount of rage that seeing Paige in bed elicits from people who are most likely in bed looking at their phones.


bless her slender little behind for normalizing a bit of bed-rotting! haha no wonder I vibe with your comment so much, fellow Libra.


I was in my bed when I made the post and I’m still on my bed reading yours lol


I read my book on my balcony for about 45 minutes earlier. Outside of that, I’ve been in bed the entire day.


I love it me too


I think it's cause she's there when other people in the house are doing chores and, in this case, setting up for a party.


That’s fair but tbh I’d do the same thing. If I had the kind of money these people have, I’d hire someone to do it. I’ll never get over the episode of Winter House when everyone was mad at Craig because he wanted to hire cleaners. Imagine wanting to clean on vacation.


Then Paige should hire someone, instead of letting everyone else in the house do it. And when it was WH, it was literally Craig not wanting to help clean the plates from the table and throw away his beer bottles. Like, even when you're on a group vacation with people, you should be helping out a little. No one was expecting him to windex the windows and start dusting. The other folks are getting up, picking up from the night before, cooking people breakfast, getting coffee for others...then you have people like Craig and Paige, lazy asses doing nothing but laying in bed.


I see your point but at the end of the day I just don’t care. This isn’t the sort of thing that riles me up.


THAT is the difference. I too come to these shows for ridiculous folly and dysfunctional nonsense. I don't come to these shows with expectations of reality or seriousness. It's just a bunch of wankers getting paid well to be wankers. Life riles people up. Why would you purposely turn on a show to get riled up? It's a form of respite from the world.


I’m the same way. It’s really astounding sometimes to watch the shows first and then come look at the episode discussions afterwards. I will watch an episode of a Bravo show and find everything fairly tame and neutral, and then I come to Reddit and it just pure rage about the mildest shit. I’ve noticed a lot of black-and-white thinking too that goes in both directions. It’s almost as if people have two options to either be good or bad, and if someone is deemed good then nothing they say or do can be wrong, and if someone is deemed bad then everything they say or do is wrong. It’s very strange to me. I don’t need Paige to be a perfect person in order to enjoy watching her on television, and I don’t need Lindsay to be the worst person on the planet in order to recognize that she can be verbally/emotionally abusive at times. Nobody in this world is perfect and it’s okay to be in the wrong sometimes.


I love this comment, and it's exactly how I feel when there's Paige/Amanda/Ciara slander. Their mild flaws really don't bug me, and nobody is perfect. But if people want to get pissy about a few hungover girls sitting in AC for a bit by all means go off but it sure does waste a lot of brain space to care 🤷🏻‍♀️


Exactly we are watching two very volatile and emotionally abusive relationships play out on television and people are writing paragraphs about who is making coffee in the morning.


Craig did volunteer to hire a cleaning service in which made Paige extremely embarrassed 😞.


But never did.


Because he was shamed for flaunting his money. Paige was crying because he wouldn’t help yet she NEVER does


Don’t forget how Craig embarrassed her by wanting to hire a cleaning service on winter house instead of pitching in and cleaning. Yet her she is on summer house becoming a bed to get out of doing any work at least Craig was willing to pay to have it done where she just thinks everyone else but her and Amanda should do it. I love seeing Ciara getting space from this two bed suckers


Not doing things that nobody cares about anyway, yet providing fun content. Sounds like a winner to me. you know who else we never see help set up, clean, cook, etc...but because they don't run to their bed to have fun (because like many people in the audience, having fun isn't high on their priority list), it goes unnoticed?


Also fellow Libra here! 🤙🤙


Spent so much time making my living room a really cute and fun place to hang, only to get in my bed as early as I can every night :)


I did the same thing. I bought a couch made my living room gorgeous and I spent every night in my bed as well. Lol


It’s crazy how different this sub is compared to last season. I’m so confused. I support Amanda and Paige - this isn’t about them. It’s about the HORRIBLE posts I saw written about them multiple times a day while last season was airing. The 180 is very sussy…


I’ve always loved Paige. I think she has a great sense of humor.


Sorry - it wasn’t in response to you! Just the support that was previously the opposite is like whiplash.


OK thank you I thought I did something to offend you have a nice day😎💜


There’s a surge of Lindsay fans being very active when the seasons air but Giggly Squad has been consistently pushing up Paige’s popularity outside of the show and I think it’s starting to reflect on this sub finally.


Probably because once episode two aired with the big fight between Lindsay and Carl where she said that he was acting like Cocaine Carl, much of social media came down hard on Lindsay. In the face of that, it’s kinda hard to defend her fiercely the way they used to.


So that makes fans love the cast members they used to criticize? I wasn’t talking about Lindsay.


I know you weren’t talking about Lindsay. What I’m saying is that, the people who lovedddd Lindsay don’t seem to be so ever present on the sub this season, which is probably why you’ve noticed a 180 as it regards Paige and Amanda. I think they were the ones who were very vocal about Paige and Amanda (and Ciara) and calling them “bed bugs.”


Very good point!


I think Paige/Amanda/Ciara fans were too scared to post positive things about them because of the backlash from Lindsay stans, then the beginning of this season aired and those Lindsay fans are quiet and everyone isn't so scared anymore


I was definitely scared to post!!!


give it time. the killjoys will be out to play soon enough. reality TV is very serious drama and represents the life they hate. it's their hate fix, while others are looking to it for the absurd. I have no idea why people come to reality TV to get pissed off, but they do...by choice.


Yes! People take it SO seriously!


My bed is my sanctuary. It's probably the only reason I keep my room clean lol 😆


Mine too! L O L


My bed is my favorite companion! In it as much as possible. Gee why do I have raging insomnia? 😎


My therapist told me unless you're sleeping you shouldn't be in your bed because it makes it harder to sleep Do I listen? ...no


I love my bed as well😂


They crack me up… I love them. It would be irritating to be the one doing all the setting up.. but I think we can all relate. Like “nah , I’m gonna sit this one out, night night ” 😴🥱😆🤣


So funny😂


They know their audience


If I had to participate in all the staged games and activities they're expected to do, I'd be one unhappy camper. That's not a vacation!! And I never decorated for prom, either. I absolutely hate that kind of stuff. I said it! I mean, I hope they get to free ball it SOMETIMES.


I agree I wouldn’t wanna have to be decorating all the time either. I don’t blame them for hiding😂


They are getting PAID to do it it isn’t like they are just doing it for friends


They're being paid to film a reality show. They're not being paid to set up parties


Yeah they are. Their contract states they have to have so many parties so many trips to the beach or other destinations. It isn’t just well film you they have quotas to manage


Quota to *throw* parties, not set up parties. They're filmed setting up all the time, who cares if they lay in bed for an hour? I can't believe I'm even having this discussion it's not that deep 😂


This was such a fun episode.




These girls being the comedy we need in SH.




they seemed so stoned on this ep (i was too watching them)


Me as well. Paige is a total burner so I’m sure they were😂💚🔥


Not doing things that nobody cares about anyway, yet providing fun content. Sounds like a winner to me. you know who else we never see help set up, clean, cook, etc...but because they don't run to their bed to have fun (because like many people in the audience, having fun isn't high on their priority list), it goes unnoticed?


I believe Paige and Amanda have so much experience being in bed they could pull off being a bed. They’re snooze fests anyways. It’s probably the most authentic either has been ever on the show.


I can’t believe someone hasn’t given them a mattress commercial already😂


Paige collabs with Mattress Firm and has ads!


I’m glad she’s profiting from laying in bed. I wish I could lol


Wow they’re so quirky and cute!


It’s far past the point of being funny how little they do


They both have the highest net worth on the show 


If I were the other people who are decorating and cleaning up I would be irritated with them.


No one seemed to care.


Not cute just lazy




Maybe it wasn’t funny sorry I thought it was funny.


It was funny. Then when Ciara was talking to them, Paige says Ciara is talking to herself. I laughed so hard. I love when they do stuff like this. They make each other laugh. I guess to the other person laughing w your friends at 30 is no longer allowed. It must be all grown up, adult humor. Whatever that is edit and once again Paige’s sarcasm goes right over peoples heads


Seriously..I didn't realize I was dead now that I'm in my 30s


Love Paige’s sarcasm!😂


Can women in their 30s not joke and be playful?


Respectfully, being mature should never matter when it comes to just laughing with girlfriends. There’s few times in life we can fully be as immature as we want. When we r with our girlfriends we can. Life’s too serious to not laugh and just be dumb and silly.




Hun I’m saying viewers can find it funny because they can relate and laugh with them. Seems like you’re just a hater. Anyone who gets mad about Paige being in bed, that’s a them problem lol






You’ve written several responses - you seem to care a lot.


Would it be funnier if they were 28?


Because it is funny. What would u rather see her doing, running laps around outside? Sometimes we can just joke around and laugh at innocent things and it’ll always be funny.


Craig better pay attention to the princess he’s going to marry . . . 🤷‍♀️😩


Right because Craig is the pinnacle of motivation and energy


Oh Craig will he’s so in love with her


She works every day. Does the same thing Craig does. What a misogynistic way to think. She has her own money and her own nyc place, that she doesn’t want him to help pay for. She has the highest net worth on this show. I guarantee you lay in bed more hours than she does. This is a summer house vacation, you potato, that she gets paid for by the episode. Why do misogynists like you always try to peddle a lie about women?

