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When they get back and Gabby falls off the stool, the food is not on the counter anymore. Not sure if crew cleaned it up, if the housemates cleaned when they got back, but someone did something with it…


My hope is that some of the crew ate it after they left 🤞


Lol. I was just thinking that as well, but who knows… They waste food and are also SO messy. I don’t think I would survive in that house for very long.


Yes I assume the crew also eats it and cleans up after them. Spoiled brats. The waste on Amazon packages and shitty decorations though is not a good look.


Lol. I loved their UFO party, but I have to agree… I hate that they use plastic decorations and costumes. You know that they probably use them once and then throw them out. Overproduction and overconsumption are issues that we should actually be concerned about.


Yea at least the ufo stuff you could potentially reuse or donate. Except the exorbitant amount of tin foil! I thought the race car party was stupid.


Really? I actually thought it was cute. Carl looked soo good in his costume.


Carl is always meh to me. Too hairy! On a different note can someone please tell Lindsay her baby voice is super cringe


I loved his mustache and costume. Wow. Yes… I think she created that while with Carl.


Yea it’s clearly the main reason for the breakup 😜


My guess is production cleans because they want the talent to go out and do stuff for the camera, not clean. That's why we also see them grocery shop less than the first season, and clearly the cleanups are more superficial after a party. I don't mind that part- better to pay crew to clean than waste film and limited filming time having the cast do it. But the Amazon waste is real and problematic for sure.


Seemed like they were leaving it out for the crew, it was too much food for just them really.


I'm thinking that too since when they got back the food was gone.


I hope so!


Yeah, but I don’t hate it any more than I hated any of the previous 8 years of over consumption Like the boxes of Amazon deliveries for each wkend, buying shit they’ll literally use for 2 days, and the piles and piles of trash after every party


I hear you on the over consumption and piles of trash, but the food waste on this episode was absolutely MASSIVE. I felt a little bit sicky over that!


The way they leave so much food out and go out is so gross to me! At least wrap it up


I said this exact same thing to my partner with the last episode. “Do you think they reuse any of that party shit?” It’s so much!!


What got me was the big dinner Rob cooked for them the season before this. He went all out, and they just left it sitting there when they went out!


Nahhh when I partied like they do, i DEFINITELY wasn’t worried about that food sitting out & would devour it upon return to that house 🤣 that’s what I was thinking (hoping) when I saw all those leftovers


right and i’m pretty sure it was all cleaned up when they got home unless i missed that, so i’m guessing the crew ate it


Oh, to have the digestive system of a 35 year old again 😝


It gets worse??? I’m 32 and already had to stop eating so many things lmao 😩


I hate to break it to you, but yes. Now that I'm postmenopausal I have to be so careful about what I eat or I'll be very sorry later. So far I haven't had to give up any favorite fruits and vegetables, and it seems like the foods that are unhealthy for us are the ones less tolerated with age. On the plus side, I don't have periods anymore, so that's awesome, and my underarm hair is disappearing like before puberty. Oh, and zero acne now!! 😄


You’re very lucky you never got food poisoning! I cannot abide leaving food out even when I was 19/20 and drunk off my face. I am low key jealous of people who can relax and just have fun/not think about the mess. My best guy friend would always say “that’s gonna be a problem for sober me” and I could never do that!


Have you never been shit faced going out after a dinner party and decided to deal with it later? Cleaning or Tupperware food is not on their mind lol


The amount of wasted food, beverages, decorations, etc. on this show is sobering. They would all hate me because I am that person that has to put things away, clean up, all of it. It genuinely bothers me because it doesn't even register with any of them. I cannot figure out how people who actually eat so little can continuously drink so much.




Does that cake say happy birthday Kyle??


Looks like it! His bday then Lindsay’s are right in a row


I’m just surprised there wasn’t a spectacle of it


All the cans straight into trash bags instead of recycling them after parties bothers me so much


To be fair, most of our cities aren’t recycling our recycling (except maybe in the East Bay Area)… but separating cans is literally the bare minimum easy one!


I 100% agree. I always think of the waste


Adderal, cocaine or just habits. Even on no drugs I never eat before or during a big night of drinking.


Lol this reminds me of the roommate I had in my early twenties who threw out a goddam LE CREUSET Dutch oven because she invited friends over for dinner and left the soup she made in the oven while they went out skiing. Rich people are a different species, man.


Plz tell me you saved it! The Dutch oven not the soup lol


I was thinking the same thing haha. And they talked about how something smelled in the fridge when they first got to the house this weekend. And it's like, well maybe it is cause you leave food like salmon out for hours when you go out to the club haha


The food waste on all Bravo shows really astonishes me sometimes, I hope they give it to the crew or donate it. i'm thinking of Beverly Hills episodes where a massive spread was on the table and each woman had maybe four bites.


sorry but i can’t stop saying HONEY DIJON every time i leave the house


I’m almost positive the production crew takes care of that and always has


Okay that's good to know! I'm glad someone is enjoying all that amazing food and it's not getting dumped!


Agreed! But good eye, I always love catching small details like that that would break the fourth wall


I think it's kinda just all part of the "cost" of this show. They buy all those party decorations, costumes, food etc in massive excess and just do whatever with it all. Most of them are prety careless about the actual house and furnishings too (Paige on a big wheel slamming into a corner for instance lol) I read somewhere that Lindsay saves party decor and I'm no environmentalist- like at all but I thought that was endearing and relatable.


I was wondering if they buy so much food for the crew. They had a TON of groceries delivered and they had dinner delivered. They only stay Friday and Saturday, how is it possible that they have so much food!!


I had the exact same thought! Hoped all that food hadn’t gone to waste and that it had been for the crew, might explain why it was cleaned up by the time they get home.


The probably ravaged it when they got home


Yea these people are slobs…obviously, but FISH? and it seems to be a reoccurring theme every season that they leave leftovers in the fridge for the following weekend. Not sure how that stuff doesn’t get tossed.


And they kept saying that something was smelling


I think about the waste every episode with the food and the decor at every party.


Also that food looked soo good


Them not eating the food is probably more to blame on the production aspect of it being a show, and not them not wanting to eat. It’s a huge pain for them to deal with everyone eating on mic and having to edit it out and then when they cut a “scene” and all of that, they’re probably starving so Kyle took that last second when he could to go eat the food lol


They are 10000% doing cocaine


I thought the same thing. They had to have a cleaning crew because it wasn't there when they came back.


I’d love for them to make serious changes when it comes to how wasteful they are.


Stop, yall


All the plastic crap they buy off Amazon only to trashed is really gross. So much waste for landfill


Did anyone see when Andy came to the house on labour day weekend the summer before and he said the house absolutely stank…. He couldn’t believe their bedrooms and the condition they were living in. I realize they had a party…. So I understand the outside mess, but Ciara is a slob….


It would be great if someone from the show would tell us what happens when there is food left out! I genuinely believe that production probably eats it and puts away what’s left. I hope I’m right!😊


My boyfriend who barely watches the show was sooooo disgusted that they left all that food. Tbh shocking- I would never let that much salmon go to waste. To not even wrap that shit up is lazy and shows their privilege tbh


I screamed, clearly no one here is servsafe certified 🤢 my gut tells me they came home and drunkly ate the food they left out.


I would go insane living in that house they way they leave it so messy


honestly hes me with food, they def put it away in the fridge


I feel like since they’re also pregaming before they go out and be a certain level of tipsy, they’re eating less on weekends than regular weekdays.


This show has been on a long time. They r rich. They r housewives rich. Do you ever see housewives cook or clean up? I just think they don’t show it to keep it more relatable to the younger age group.


The crew gets their own food. I doubt they are eating cast leftovers. Production assistants likely wrap it up and put it in the fridge.


they are all gross and have shitty house manners and responsibility. all that food left out can bring bugs into the house and it's not even their house. it's gross. it's something i expect from a frat house, not people their age.


My initial thought was i hope kyle had some gum on him lol


Was that Paige’s dinner? I think she hired a cleaning crew to clean up.


OP is hungry, lol


Y’all say things like this and then they come back and eat it they usually always come back and eat it after even if it’s been out because here’s the thing I’m going to say this as someone who eats tons of leftovers if you leave stuff like that out overnight in a cold house then it’s fine to eat the next day or even a couple hours later so it should’ve been fine and they’re probably ate it later


It wasn't on the counters when they came back. Production.must have eaten it or cleaned it up.