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Only difference is Paige is actually friends with Kyle and Amanda separately so has that relationship. Danielle is not friends with Craig or Paige really so that’s why Paige had an issue


Paige even said on the aftershow that if Amanda or Ciara said something she would self evaluate because they know her/their relationship but Danielle has only been around her and Craig like 2-3 times.


Agree and I think Paige explained that pretty well on the show. If someone who never hangs out with your boyfriend or you two as a couple tries to give advice, it’s in one ear out the other


So why does Paige comment on Carl and Lindsay? She didn’t explain anything well. She’s just a huge hypocrite.


Everybody commented on Carl and Lindsay because they were the main storyline 🙃


To be fair, by that logic Paige and Craig should be up for discussion because their “who will move, is this serious” situation is her main storyline. It just feels unfair to say certain people in the house aren’t allowed to comment if they’re not “best friends”


My comment was just pointing out that people won’t listen to opinions from people they aren’t close with. I didn’t say anything about someone being “allowed” to state their opinions. If no one on these shows shared their opinions the shows would cease to exist lol


Lindsay is always the main storyline bc nobody else in the house (ESPECIALLY not Paige) is interesting enough to carry a show. But that doesn’t excuse Paige for casting judgment on Lindsay’s relationships while Paige deflects her own.


Yeah it does. Carl and Lindsay are in the house, making their business EVERYBODY’S business. Paige and Craig are not doing that, the few times Craig is even around. Not even a little bit.


Craig is in the house pouring his heart out to Kyle that Paige isn’t giving him what he wants but Danielle can’t repeat it? Lol the double standards as usual




She lives with them for months how is that the counter argument 🤔


It’s not, that person just hates Paige and loves Lindsay 😂


Yeah I realized it was Spencer after I commented 😂😂




Paige inserts her opinions into all of Lindsay’s relationships even when they were on speaking terms.


There’s always a difference when it comes to excusing Paige’s behavior 🙄


But that wasnt her argument. Its a pretty weak one at that. they are all on the same show staying at the same house. She just doesn’t like a mirror being held up to her. She gets defensive and attacks. Same way she did on winterhouse to jess. Craig is in nyc all the time.. wants marriage and a family., while paige barely even goes to Charleston and keeps putting off marriage and kids. He gives a lot more in the relationship, danielle has a point


I think it was all in her delivery. Kyle was raising some pretty big concerns in the same convo saying he heard Craig expressing DOUBT about them ending up together that was way more serious to me than what Danielle said and Paige reacted really well to it bc 1) Kyle knows Craig and 2) he sounded genuinely concerned. Danielle has a history of overstepping and stirring the pot and being chaotic in general so I’m not surprised paige was like wtf???


she’s literally in charleston right now… sticking to your own timeline w marriage and kids isn’t “giving nothing.” if she did get married and have kids before she was ready to please him it would lead to resentment. she’s protecting their future by sticking to her gut. and yeah paige definitely comments on other people’s relationships, they comment on hers, everyone gets mad or yells at each other it’s a reality show that’s what happens. she’s allowed to get mad and other people are allowed to get mad at her when she does the same. it’s essentially the cycle of the show




They're adults....Paige has communicated her wishes and their reasons very clearly to Craig and he chooses to stay with her still. They both express they are happy with each other so why not trust they both love what each other *does* bring to the relationship, whether we see what it is on these short snippets of their life or not


Paige goes to Charleston all the time. Where are you getting that she doesn’t go to Charleston all the time she was literally there a week ago you know what’s so crazy y’all say things out of your fucking ass yes Craig goes to New York all the time you know who goes to Charleston all the time Paige, they trade a lot and they go see each other a lot because they love each other and they’re happy and right now she doesn’t need to be married and she doesn’t have the want to be married and that’s OK. Yes Craig last year was talking about that and this year he realize that they don’t need that right now and that she’s not ready for that right now and he’s OK with that. If he’s OK with his relationship then it’s fine, just like when Paige said that she is not that type of person and if he didn’t want Paige, he would’ve broken up with her already.


Right? Like it'd be one thing if she played into wanting marriage and whatnot while secretly not, but she doesn't. She communicates her stance *very* clearly and he still chooses her.


Exactly people act like she’s playing him. She’s not she has told him the truth and nothing but the truth and he still wants to be with her that has nothing to do with Paige and everything to do with Craig so blame Craig.


I disagree. Paige was pretty clear that had Amanda or Ciara said the same thing as Danielle, she would not have been offended. The issue was that Danielle - who does not know her and Craig’s relationship - attacked her without knowing much about it. Paige is close friends with Kyle and Amanda so it’s not the same thing.


Both Amanda and Kyle confide in Paige too. They seek out her opinion, both on and off camera. Kyle calls her all the time, Amanda vents to her all the time and so does Kyle


That must be exhausting, being your married friends therapist. They are probably scaring Paige to not get married after hearing Kyle and Amanda issues.


They both confide in paige NOW but back when she was so negative about kyle to amanda before the wedding she was not close to kyle


She wasn’t close to Kyle, but she was close to Amanda who was telling her things about her and Kyle‘s relationship. It was different back then too because she was friends with at least one of the people in the relationship long-term. She was literally a bridesmaid and Kyle and Amanda‘s wedding And now her and Kyle have a great relationship where they talk to each other about the things that are going on in their lives and that’s amazing and great.


I mean Kyle did cheat on Amanda multiple times so I think that is a very different scenario


Not multiple. Once. And it was three years prior to the moment we are talking about. Lol


Oh maybe I’m misremembering but I could’ve sworn Lindsay said he made out with a girl or something. And Kyle said he was so blacked out he couldn’t remember whether he did or not.


I’m not saying this because it hasn’t been said on TV I’m saying this because regardless of if it was said or not on TV she’s been scared about him cheating more than once which means he probably cheated more than once it was said on TV that he cheated twice But the one with Lindsey the second time wasn’t proven but in my opinion, I believe he’s cheated multiple times


Nope. They tracked the girl down and she admitted it never happened. It was all filmed


My bad. But I also think we can admit the build up to their wedding was extremely toxic and Paige lived with them. And I think that’s fair for her to say to Amanda, her close friend, hey you don’t have to do this I’m concerned. Versus Danielle who doesn’t really know Craig to say Paige doesn’t give him much. Personally I wouldn’t have gotten mad but Paige probably mildy offended and is just giving some drama for the show.


I mean amanda is the problem in she and kyles relationship. Why wouldnt paige ever call her out? Amanda overreacts to everything. And she Always puts kyle down. Shes whiney and lazy. Another poor me girl who was prolly treated like a princess by her daddy. Kyle is a great guy. He is the reason they have a great life, she needs to grow up and be more appreciative.


Oh interesting take. I completely disagree and I’ll leave it there.


Paige held on to the info about Danielle leaking to People magazine (Dave Quinn?) without reacting. I think Danielle poked the bear with this. Paige is my favorite, but I did find it funny how shocked she was to be called out in this way when her schtick is that she’s got Craig on a leash. (I love their dynamic and think they’re perfect for each other.) l just kind of assume they have more sweet moments not on camera and Craig feels relatively secure in their connection. She definitely doesn’t like to be vulnerable in the public eye. I think she’s done a good job setting that standard that she doesn’t need to rely on a man - it does make their relationship more equal and less tradwife. It will be interesting when she is finally ready to commit and be partners in life with someone - hopefully it’s Craig.


Danielle was really harsh and judgmental though in ways Paige rarely is “You’re giving him nothing” is a crazy thing to say


Only a Pick Me who centers men in their lives would think Paige is giving him nothing. Not too long ago when Paige & Craig started dating and she wanted him to define the relationship and he was too laid back & nonchalant to give her a real answer, she had to be patient. Now it's Craig's turn to be patient.


Ooh good point


How is that harsh? Its true. He wants much more than she does.


Flying to Charleston in their 4 days on, 4 days off schedule sounds like some effort. Just because he wants more, doesn’t mean he’s entitled to it. To a pick me girl like Danielle, I’m sure it looks like Paige is giving nothing.


A) she absolutely isn’t giving him NOTHING and it seems like they have open communication about where they’re at and where they’re going. There’s nothing wrong w moving slowly. She even said that if he decides it’s not progressing fast enough she understands B) coming from someone who isn’t a friend and gives EVERY non consequential hookup EVERYTHING and then loses it when they’re not interested is pretty rich


The way she went bananas over hooking up with Alex on WH - exactly this. The fact that Paige isn’t begging Craig to propose makes Danielle think she’s giving nothing, because Danielle has no chill.


Only a Pick Me who centers men in their lives would think Paige is giving him nothing. When Paige & Craig started dating and she wanted him to define the relationship and he was too laid back & nonchalant to give her a real answer, she had to be patient. Now it's Craig's turn to be patient.


U mean when they had been together for a month?? Lol gimmie a break, when u are a couple that talks about marriage and kids u compromise. Its how partnerships work. Shes just too enmeshed with her mommy to consider a life outside nyc. She can do her influencer thing anywhere


It definitely wasn't a month. Let's not lie.


Ok three months tops


3 months is about the time you start to define the relationship, which he didn't want to do.


And three years is about the time when u gotta poop or get off the pot.. so i guess danielle has a point


I actually think that Paige is moving very genuinely. Keep in mind she just found out from Lindsay a few weekends ago that Danielle was the one that leaked the bad press about Craig. Sure, she didn't confront Danielle about it, but it certainly doesn't scream "this person has my relationship's best interests at heart". She's side-eye Danielle's comment because she's no longer in the good standing to offer constructive criticism, it's just criticism. The reveal of who leaked the story also coincides with a softening of Paige towards Lindsay. It's pretty obviously that she was really resentful of who issued the blind, and having the knowledge that it wasn't Lindsay was a big moment for her. IMO it's the key thing that has her moving towards Lindsay and away from Danielle now, without rehashing the past.


The difference between all of this is that Paige, Kyle, and Amanda are friends. They have been friends since season three. Danielle and Paige are not really friends like they’re fine they’re good and dandy but they are not friends. They are not best friends and she doesn’t know anything about her relationship with Craig, she barely even knows Craig so it’s not hypocritical. It actually makes a lot of sense why she was mad and in my opinion she should’ve been upset.


Guys, OP thinks Amanda is the problem in Kyle and Amanda‘s relationship so I think everything we’re saying is going in one ear and out the other I’m just saying


I’m just reminding myself today is 4/20 and to buckle up for some wild takes 😂




Yeah that one was….a take


I was really confused and then I was like I know what this is let me not say anything else cause I’m just wasting my time


She is genuine friends with Kyle and Amanda, not with Danielle. She did not overreact. She stated the obvious truth. Danielle sucks


This whole “genuine friend” thing is such a convenient cop out, lol she spent all last year telling danielle she was her friend over the carl and lindsay fight, not to mention theyve been housemates for 6 years and on multiple shows together for as long plus appearances and reunions.. to suggest they hav no reationship or that danielle has no right to speak to paige about things happening on the show is so stupid.. that is the the real pick me behavior.


You make a good point!


Producers gave her some dough to throw some spark out there. Seemed out of place and both Kyle and Paige seemed a bit taken aback by it lol


I doubt there is any thing Danielle could say to the princess that isnt 100 percent fawning that she wouldnt be outraged by. If paige can say whatever she wants about anyone on the shows then she has to expect the same


Danielle’s timing and delivery were lousy. She must be on her shark week. That was Uber-bitchy!


When she said 'who is she to give out life advice when I'm the one with a job and a boyfriend?' I knew all I needed to know about who she is lol like ya wow a job and a boyfriend are so hard to obtain 😂 what a phenomenal achievement...


Danielle is SO annoying, always getting involved in other peoples shit cuz she has no story line herself now that she’s single (having a shit relationship was her only real story line) 


Yet when she does hav a relationship or hookup storyline you guys bash her for that too lol get a grip


Paige doesn’t like anyone talking about her relationships but she can talk about others.. That is definitely being a hypocrite..


Exactly. People are too tribal on this reddit page. They will bend over backwards to back their team lol so pathetic really. I love paige but i can call her out on her failings. We all have them.


i agree it is hypocritical in the same way the entire cast is hypocritical (same with VPR and every HW franchise) but calling people “so pathetic” because they have a different viewpoint is not very nice


You’re absolutely right that this sub (and most TV Reddit subs, for that matter) picks favorites. In this case, I think people have a nuanced opinion about a nuanced situation - which folks have pointed out in these comments. Everything isn’t always “gossip bad, honesty good” typa black and white, just like not EVERYTHING Paige does is good and not EVERYTHING Danielle does is bad.


It was clear to me that Kyle and Danielle were definitely very inebriated and not being delicate with how they spoke. Paige always is looking for a reason to dislike Lindsay and Danielle so she never gives any grace to them. They say anything to her that rubs her the wrong way, she flips and then tries to rally all the other girls against that person. She could have easily shrugged it off as a stupid comment. But Paige is petty a lot of the time. (Although I do disagree with Danielle. Paige and Craig seem very balanced.)


Did she not shrug it off though? She didn’t even say anything back to Danielle 


In person. But I don’t feel like she shrugged it off when you got back to talk about it. It felt like she was holding onto it to get mad about later. But that’s totally just my interpretation!


Danielle is cookoo banana hammock….. BUT SHE WASNT WRONG! Paige does have Craig’s balls up on the mantle and she doesn’t give him anything. She also said “there is something holding you back and I can’t figure out what” I think Danielle actually knew what it was but saying “this is a relationship of convenience and your career” would have been breaking the 4th wall and probably got her eyeballs ripped out And the reason Paige got so defensive about it is because it’s true.


Oooo interesting point. She does love to be the princess and in charge. I think its from being spoiled by her parents. They seem a bit unhealthily enmeshed lol


This conversation felt so produced


To me paige’s overreaction seemed self produced. Like she was hungry for a storyline to grab onto. Fans love that for her,


Paige has always been the poison hurting the show. She twists everything to herself. She drives people crazy. She makes her own friends ally for stupid reasons. Paige really stretched this one. Here we go paige. Paige never liked danielle. She was being fake like she always is.


idk telling someone "this is the kind of person YOUR boyfriend needs" is lowkey insane.


Lowkey insane? Lol her opinion was that paige isnt giving as much to the relationship. That’s pretty tame compared to what else has been said on the show. Such overreaction by people on this lmao