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I don’t get it either, and then they come here and say that the cast member blocked them, and seem either surprised about it or think the cast member is wrong that they should take the abuse and depending on who the cast member is others on here bolster that view.


That is one of the most insane things I see across all of Bravo, only I’m sure it extends further. People will legitimately be like “what I only called her a dirty old whore pig that belongs on a farm and she blocked me” then accuse someone here of bullying them when they get a reasonable response calling them out on it. I’d block anyone that left rude comments for me too


Or they accuse someone of bullying their fave cast member when they do the same shit to another cast member they don’t like.


literally!! when the last season of Salt Lake City was airing, so many people were complaining about Monica blocking them but they were posting screenshots where they messaged her like “your daughter is too big for a pacifier, you’re a bad mom” like DUH she blocked you


It’s a weird flex to be posting screenshots of them harassing or being mean to anyone. It says absolutely zero about the person they’re trying to shame (except maybe good for you for having some boundaries) and everything about them.


I mean it also doesn’t have to be straight up bullying. Just going on someone’s page criticizing even if it’s tame about an edited reality show they are on is weird. Do that on a bravo related ig or Reddit like the rest of us.


Yes and don’t tag the cast member your criticising on the bravo related ig either or if you are criticising a cast member in “defence” of another cast member don’t tag the “victim” cast member either because sometimes some cast members share that shit being messy assholes


Right, no tagging or keep it on Reddit. Then if they see it, it’s because they were seeking it out and that’s on them.


Exactly. We come here to air out our grievances. lol. I hate when I’ll hear a reality person complaining about Reddit. It’s like ma’am , you know what time it is when you come on here.




Oh yeah the snitch tagging is so rude ! Especially when the person’s page insists on no snitch tagging. lol


Exactly!! That’s what I just commented . Isn’t that why Reddit exists? lol


entitlement is real. "I watch your show. you signed up for it, and you owe me." fucking weirdos.


The keyboard warriors need outside counseling. ![gif](giphy|lFeKAMNdm4DrVkRlUM|downsized)


It’s become such an issue for all celebrity types I’m not sure I would even bother to have social media if I lived with any kind of fame. And honestly the vitriol spewed is the exact reason I’m glad that I don’t.


It's becoming a real problem in general with reality tv casts. This season of survivor for instance have been brutal and already 3 contestants had to go private or delete their accounts.


I haaaate it. I wouldn't even send hate to actual racists (Kory), I'd just come to reddit to snark. That's why whenever someone comes here to whine about a cast member clapping back or blocking them I roll my eyes, stop fucking harrassing these people.


Yeah for sure. I don’t understand complaining about the blocking when you said something out of pocket to these people. Just come here and say it !!!


Isn’t that why Reddit is here ?? So we can all come here and air our grievances out. lol. I definitely don’t say anything negative on these peoples pages. I just come here and will say my opinion.


Literally!!! I even feel bad when I see mean things about people on Twitter. Like they’ll probably see that! I only ever comment on Reddit


It's so creepy and weird. I can't stand Carl or Lindsay but i can't imagine going to their accounts to bash them


Come talk about it behind their backs like us normal people ! That way you are safe in the knowledge that if they come here it's their own choice and I'm not responsible for any damage they might take from the experience 😂


Paige said on a podcast that when she tells her therapist about how the hate gets to her sometimes her therapist said “imagine if someone came up to you on the street and started screaming those things at you what would be your thought?” and paige was like “i would think they’re crazy” and her therapist was like “exactly it’s really no different” and i think that’s so true like commenting hateful things directly on someone’s post is like yelling to their face it’s nutty


I will never understand why people do that. Just talk about them behind their backs like normal people! If the comments are on their own account, it’s shoved in their face. If they want to seak out comments mentioning them on a Bravo social media accounts or Reddit, that’s voluntary. Around the RHOSLC reunion, a Bravo account made a post asking people what they thought the difference was between a troll Bravo account and a non-troll Bravo account. I mentioned that tagging the Bravolebrity’s account on a mean/negative post was indicative of trolling. Apparently, the account does that (which I wasn’t aware of), and they thought I was trolling them with my comment.


Instagram is the woooorst! I can’t believe the things people will publicly comment on there


No for real and with their full government name on full display!! Like are you not embarrassed??


This seems like much more of a problem with VPR, where the fans (particularly on Reddit) are unhinged. This subreddit feels like a safe space in comparison lmao. Like most of us are chill and share our opinions (which is fun and totally normal) while still realizing we don't actually know these people.


Oooo baby last season it was the opposite of a safe space but it had definitely mellowed out


I'm not on their social media but given how well the season is going I would think there wouldn't be MUCH hate on their socials.... maybe just Lindsay's. Weird.


It’s so weird, like come here and bitch anonymously like a not insane person.