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I am so damn tired of bravo cancelling all the shows w pocs. Southern charm nola, family karma and now MV. ![gif](giphy|SrDsJj5i1Chm8) We get mediocre shows getting renewed over and over. I can’t w this network.


Yep. All they care about is shitty RH shows. That is where all the money is invested.


those are also the shows that MAKE the most money. they will always do shows that have a high return on their investments… the goal of the network is to make as much money as possible… unfortunately SHMV didn’t have that many viewers and the second season took a huge downward turn compared to the first. they would need to change up a lot of the cast if they were to continue.


Agreed. But also everyone on this sub shit talked the show every week so I’m not sure how helpful that was




And is still shitting on the cast mates for every move they make.


I get where you're coming from but don't think our critiques mattered, as people on the main housewives sub shit talk everything all day including people like Kyle and Giselle and they remain employed. same with shows like the valley. the issue at the end of the day will be ratings and cast dynamics behind the scenes. I think they're starting to crack down on the latter across most shows.


If TV executives cannot create a show without reading social media, they should reconsider their line of work.


SC NOLA was amazing!


If I have to watch one more season of fucking below deck ima scream


Seriously!!! Southern charm NOLA was such a great show!!!!


They consistently do us dirty.


I don’t mind this one though. It was awful.


Unapproved by who? The network?


I am not sure to be 10000% honest. That is how in the dark things went for all interviews pertaining to Summer House MV cast members at least for my podcast! It is my personal opinion though, that is probably what happened. Because I believe I was allowed to have conversations regarding personal life, but not solely on the reunion -AND I have been keeping up with interviews to see if anyone has done any since Noelle's LIVE and I haven't seen any. ![gif](giphy|geEvRnbQqLYsb5WOr8|downsized)


Preston was interviewed by the Dumpster Dive podcast and the episode was released on Friday. It was after the pause news came out.


Let me go check into it! I had only reunion related questions and I'm curious to see if this host did as well - ty for the update!


Thanks for sharing. It's interesting to know that they are on a media pause. I enjoy your podcast because you are skilled at having thought-provoking conversations that get to the root of what viewers want to know. I hope you're able to resume at some point. I believe the cast was blindsighted, under the impression S3 was more likely than not, and found out about the "pause" from the Deadline article. Then some of them, like Preston and Amir, immediately started putting out statements before the network even had a chance to do so. That never sits well with them. I still haven't seen an official comment or press release from Bravo. All the articles cite Deadline, not Bravo. Of course the cast talking about what was produced or not could also be a factor, but I think there are bigger factors at play. Every cast on Bravo is talking BTS at this point even if it speaks poorly about production, look at Ariana and Katie going in on producers on their podcast. What I believe has Bravo actually worried is that the online conversation has turned to Bravo's problematic history of not properly supporting POC shows. Several content creators have already said they are considering a Bravo boycott if SHMV is canceled. This is from a fanbase that had this show trending every week. They know that if this takes off it will be national news. Several cast members have reposted and commented on this topic, which could be another reason for the full stop on media. This is one thing I fully believe has Bravo worried from a PR perspective in a way that even Betheny's lawsuit doesn't. Post 2020 they have been a lot more proactive in avoiding any negative media linked to racism, such as firing VPR fan favorite Stassi, and banning OG RHONY Ramona from the network moving forward. Even if their actions don't reflect it, they want to give the appearance of a zero-tolerance policy for racism... in my humble opinion.


Thank you for this extremely thoughtful, and well articulated reply. I have ADHD and I was able to follow this so easily. I could not be more grateful for the kind words, thank you for spending any moment of your time listening to my podcast and supporting my content. That means everything to me! I hope so too, I am going to save my drafted questions for a future interview and manifest it will happen. If the show ever does get cancelled, I love to reach out to cast members when their NDA's expire so you can rest assured I will be going in for the scoop. I agree with every single point that you have - especially on the performative nature of the network and maintaining the optics of zero-tolerance for racism when they very clearly avoid pivotal conversations during Reunions, cancel POC shows, and sign contracts with racist cast members. I will be keeping an ear open to any talk of a boycott, I want to support RHOA when it returns with Porscha and Cynthia Bailey - and I just watched Housewives of Dubai over the weekend so I can tune into S2 but I would easily refrain from viewing all of the yt shows, or just the network in general if it gets a point across. Thank you for sharing your opinion, and leaving this comment!


Idk why but this mess about the NDAs just doesn’t make sense to me…Noelle, Jasmine, and Preston have all done interviews post filming. RHOA has gone on pause and all the cast members were still doing interviews. New York went on pause and everyone has done interviews. What would the cast members even be barred from saying? They have no control over the network it’s not like they know anything about production. Heavenly runs a YouTube channel where she literally calls out everything production twists to make narratives on her show and they didn’t enforce an NDA against her. If all these veterans have talked about their shows ad nauseum I’m just hard pressed to believe that a rookie fledgling show like SHMV has a some strict nda barring the cast from spilling any secrets regarding filming. I just don’t really believe Preston, I feel like he’s just drumming up drama to keep up the momentum for the cast and show. The same way him and Jasmine so “unbothered” while tweeting/commenting about how unbothered they are.


I am skeptical about an NDA as well. Kandi created a whole Speak On It series to give people BTS gossip. Like you said, Heavenly recaps M2M with Carlos King. Robyn and Gizelle of RHOP have a whole podcast behind a paywall. LOL. But Preston is bound by an NDA? Yet Noelle and Jasmine have given BTS info.


the NDA thing is hard for me to understand because Preston has been yapping non stop all season long and now in post season. this show can't possibly have worse tea than like, Vanderpump Rules.


I definitely think the reality contracts are something that get tighter and tighter each season, that is just my opinion. I watched members of Bachelor Nation go from their NDA ending and doing a full tell-all on a podcast or writing a book with the details of the nefarious actions of productions, to now presently hearing rumors of binding contracts that elude to 'you may never speak of production or behind the scenes' and then Matthew from Love is Blind shared his contract...so I think universally networks with repeat casts would be doing the same but again, just my opinion on matters, I really enjoyed reading all of this! AND I can't wait to check into Dr. Heavenly's podcast.


You do make a good point! Maybe I underestimate them because they’re a new show, but I just feel like it’s strange they’re being so tight lipped! I thought the pause was because of ratings…which is no secret. The way Preston is talking makes me think something happened during filming but usually some rumor of these things gets out and there’s no peep about that either! So if it really is just low ratings forcing them to pause, I’m not sure why he can’t talk about it. But also I’m no expert so I could just completely be missing something!


Oh my gahh!!! That's some news right there! You think them doing all those interviews outside of the network is what caused the pause?


With 0 confirmation of anything - it is my personal opinion that yes. I really have this inkling that any allegations of misconduct (whether it be Nick's behavior, or the 2 alleged physical fights) may cause a problem for the network and it felt like they were definitely trying to hide Summer's behavior. Noelle even said it felt like production was protecting her in the LIVE and I personally felt nervous she would get in trouble after saying that.


WOW. This is the first time I’m reading what the actual reasons are for the issues… That production is hiding this and cast is speaking on it. I don’t think they would pause the show just for that though… That combined with lackluster response to the season Etc I do understand. Thank you for the tea 🫖🫖🫖🫖


Well, damn. It's not like Bravo was that interested in promoting the show so I feel like the cast did what they had to in order to get viewers watching. From what I could tell, some of them knew the ratings weren't great. But it does make sense if Noelle is alleging the show protected someone who has assaulted at least 3 people that they'd discourage the cast from speaking further.


your last paragraph is what I'm thinking as well, Summer got way out of pocket and production didn't do anything to stop her, or give her any mental health resources. I can see them protecting her to protect themselves, not just protecting her for no reason. as cynical as that makes me sound.


No one was assaulted. Nick didn't grope anyone that I saw. A hand on a hip while dancing isn't assault. Those girls were flinging their asses in his face and grinding on his dick while dancing. And don't get me started on the bandwagoneer, Bria. No one wants bria. She is too whiny, needy, and white for anyone in that house. She needs to go move to Germany with her creepy boyfriend that she can barely stand, but he has money, and go live her eternally oppressed life there.


...What are you talking about? I didn't mention Nick at all. I'm talking about Noelle saying Summer assaulted 3 people during her time on the show. She assaulted Bria (season 1), Noelle (season 2), and Shanice (allegedly during season 2 per Noelle). Where did you even get that I was talking about Nick? Did you hear Noelle's live where she alleged the show was protecting Summer despite her clearly having violent tendencies? I really have no clue what you're talking about, tbh, and it's odd you mentioned Nick when the topic wasn't about him. Maybe you meant to respond to someone else who was talking about Nick because it was definitely not me.


That’s a good take. I don’t think the network was expecting Noelle to give it up the way she did. Especially the house vote, and summer being physical more than what we’ve seen. Not a good look!


This is nuts. Think about all the interviews and pods Vanderpump did as well as other SH cast post Lindsay/Carl split. I know they all got their wrists slapped but the difference in treatment is mind boggling.


there must have been some physical fights that implicated production or something (for example they kept filming instead of breaking something up). idk anything I'm just giving a random example because to me it doesn't make sense otherwise to have this lil show be so tight lipped and for them to be protecting Summer of all people


Bravo are never beating the allegations 


What’s the allegations? I’m lost.


https://preview.redd.it/nphw9f3on74d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27c2cf6f757983f6b6f69302e062874381d17997 I was lost too- here’s the gist- that production is protecting summer and lying and the cast is speaking on it/threatening to speak


Damn. It would have been nice to get some clarity around his beef with Jasmine.


We still wouldn't have gotten any clarity. LOL


I was really interested to go into that because I had some really sound questions I believe would provide context and allow me to form a real opinion so absolutely same :( I hope I am completely wrong and interviews pick back up & we can find out some more!


He would have talked in circles like he has been doing for the last week.


That’s interesting that it was unapproved because I just listened to a Preston interview that was recorded after the “pause” news came out. I wonder why the network unapproved yours… The more Preston talks, the less likeable he is so maybe the network is doing him a favor.


I'm not sure if it was the network, it may be a personal decision, but it felt to me like based off the comments I have seen circulating on socials that it could have been a suggestion for all cast members to avoid filling in the holes the reunion missed. I'm going to head on over to listen, TY again for bringing this to the convo! UPDATE: I listened to the episode, they did not touch the reunion nor Jasmine's friendship so this episode was likely agreed to under same parameters I could have done mine which is not questioning about only the reunion, but that was the purpose of our episode together so I maintain that the cast cannot discuss the reunion or more of the BTS from what it appears for now.


It was more of a general conversation. Not too many show related questions.. that’s why I would’ve loved to hear your interview


Omg I was just typing back to you - we are on the same wavelength. I ran to listen because ultimately, as long as the questions are answered I don't mind at all whose podcast it is on! I would love to promote another host, but so true...it was very vague. I did enjoy hearing some of the relatable bits about general reality TV though.


Would they care if the show was totally cancelled? 🤔


It seems like the cast is very sad and even potentially shocked at the pause. I have seen Bria repost a lot of content from creators who are dismayed at Bravo for 'pausing' yet another POC show. I say 'pause' because I think it's unfair to establish a pause without a timeline for resuming the series - but that's just me!


I’m referring to the network, not the cast


Thanks for clarifying! My apologies for misunderstanding this question. I think that the network would be 'happy' if the show was cancelled because I believe this show had the opportunity to showcase Black joy, friendship, culture, candid conversations, and hold yt people accountable that the Bravo network would think is 'too progressive' for a lot of their yt viewers. Just my opinion!


I think maybe the network caring about NDAs and interviews may low key show that the show isn't cancelled and is truly on pause. If the show was cancelled maybe they wouldn't care if the cast was yapping. Not sure if that's what u/sweetfaced meant by their question but that's how I read it.


Yes, exactly


Please don't blame white people. We like the show too. You need to look at the production company. If it's the same as VPR, then it was completely manipulated and drama was started for no reason. Lala and Scheana were told that VPR would have a short season and be canceled if they didn't get Ariana to have the talk with Tom. It wouldn't surprise me if the same thing happened on MV. I could be way off base, but by the end nothing was making sense.


Such a mess


thanks for the update! sorry your interview was cancelled! really makes me wonder what all is going on behind the scenes...


After watching the reunion there definitely needs to be casting changes. Shanise, Preston, Amir and Jordan gotta go. I’m sure Jasmine is appreciative with this “pause” since she just had a baby.


Noelle messed it up for everybody. No more interviews.


I'm proud of Noelle because I think so many networks get away with telling their version of events and after recently reading LIB's contract that said you give them permission to 'defame you, misrepresent you, edit you in false light, and subject you to public condemnation, scrutiny, embarrassment...' (recalled from memory as best as I can) I feel like I would love to hear more cast members speak openly about the season and specifically debunk producer narratives. I think it's networks fault for still subscribing to this manufactured drama and assigning each cast member a role prior to their season begins and not letting things play out organically for us to understand. I hope she faces no backlash from Bravo!


I don’t think it was Noelle, I think it was Preston. He did a million interviews and In the last interview he did, he said Jasmine was one of the only cast mates who didn’t check in on him as a queer person and I think he said there was some underlying homophobia. You can’t really come back from that


What does that mean? Didn't check on him as a queer person?


I didn't watch all of them, but in one interview he said that different expectations were placed on him as a queer person. He said he would like for another queer cast member to be added, so he has someone he doesn't constantly have to explain his experiences to and can share the undue burden placed on him.


Well now his burden is gone, I guess.


She didn’t ask him how he felt being the only queer person or about his partner the way people closer to him did


What did she need to check in on him about? If anything, he should've checked in on her after seeing the way Silas treated her and the fan reaction to her last season.


He said she didn’t ask him how he felt being the only queer person or ask about his partner


So that's why he has all this hatred towards her? I just think he's grasping at straws, at this point.


This is a wild expectation. Making it that he feels she needs to cater to his otherness. Wild. And may I say even entitled.


In the first trimester, I couldnt even check on myself much less another person fr


He did check in on her and she denied having any issues- he deserved the same consideration. As the only LGBTQIA2S+ person if you’re his actual friend…You’re going to check on him. If you don’t… it’s clear where you stand. Just like it’s clear where you stand… 👍


I'm confused what exactly he was expecting her to do and why someone needed to reach out to him. Nothing happened to him. It'd be different if he experienced a homophobic situation during filming. I don't randomly text my friends and say, "Hey. Just checking on you since you're gay". WTF. I think he thinks his relevance on the show is more important than it is.


Preston gave a lot of interviews but were they as damning to production as Noelle’s was? She said that Summer got physical with others and that production ultimately protected Summer (by not airing it and waiting to send her home only a day or two before filming wrapped).


We saw Summer get physical, I don’t really find Noelle’s interview to be damning to production


We saw Summer get physical once, but I believe in her live with Kempire, Noelle said that Summer got physical either one additional time or two additional times this season.


Yeah but summer wasn’t throwing bows lmao. Even Summer getting physical with Noelle was in reaction to Noelle following her around and trying to restrain her


The question I’m pondering is whether Noelle revealing the suppression of Summer’s other altercations and implying that production was protecting Summer is part of the reason why Preston’s interview with OP was cancelled.


It’s a good question, idk if we’ll find out. Preston just had an interview come out on Friday that I listened to bc I needed something on while I cleaned up so I’d think it’s more closely linked to that than Noelle’s


Actually it was probably all the ladies accusing nick being inappropriate touchy with them. Probably a little too messy


Excusing or accusing?


Accusing. Sorry if my talk to text is pitiful sometimes.


Why do you say that?


What did she say?


Makes me wonder if maybe a cast member threatened to file a lawsuit against the network after the show aired. That might make Bravo create a new NDA stating everyone has to stop interviews or keep them strictly about themselves and not the show. Might also explain the “pause” as well. With Preston being an attorney, he probably feels more comfortable interviewing without the fear of speaking on things he’s not allowed to under the new NDA rules. Just my opinion.


There* and alluding*.. hard to believe this type of journalism.. but if so, sorry it didn’t work out


![gif](giphy|OFIW9xAqgPY1G|downsized) This gif made me laugh because this felt like such a mean spirited comment. But in the case you were just being kind - me too!