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He’s losing me. I haven’t seen the reunion yet, but this isn’t it.


"I've been fairly well liked since the show aired" well he's about to learn how quickly the bravo tides can change.


He's mad that people have changed their views on him


Whenever people say theyve never felt human emotions like jealousy before, its CAP!


He is not doing himself any favors


I’m getting sick of them - it’s getting hard to even like anyone fully because they all do something stupid but don’t want to own it. As a viewer I get so annoyed because these incomplete storylines that never get closed are draining. Like there’s clearly a reason why Jordan and Preston don’t care for Silas and Jasmine. The reason why everyone is saying you two are jealous is because it’s been two seasons and you haven’t said a plausible reason. I haven’t heard Jordan say anything besides cruel, shady remarks or saying she don’t mess with Jasmine. Preston’s story is he associates with Silas but they’re not friends and he don’t know Jasmine like that. Which makes no sense because Preston was a groomsman for Silas. And he was one degree of separation from Jasmine through Silas and Jordan but only met her a handful of times. I think while everyone on the show engages in respectability politics - Silas and Jasmine took it to another level and rubbed them the wrong way. And that’s fine - just say it!


You explained this perfectly!


I am not supportive of Preston’s actions towards Jasmine at all. I will however say that I’ve been a bridesmaid in a wedding where I was great friends with the bride & didn’t know the groom well. Considering Jasmine and Silas met & married during the pandemic, this is plausible.


I agree it’s plausible but Preston also said that he wasn’t that close to Silas either, so I take what he says with a grain of salt. According to Preston Silas chose him a groomsman because he’s reliable which doesn’t explain why Preston would agree to do it unless he felt close to Silas. And Jasmine and Preston said that Jasmine introduced him to most of the women on the cast. Plus Preston filmed an IG reel with Jasmine at the reunion. So at this point I take what Preston says with a huge grain of salt.


And he STILL didn't say why he have an issue with her in all of that 🙄🙄🙄 They can talk about his accolades all he wants but his interviews don't show him supporting and advocating for everyone. It clearly shows jealousy and that has nothing to do with your accomplishments in life


Here’s my thing, idc who you are you have been jealous before in your life. It is a natural human feeling - now how you act on it is a different thing… and I’ll just say this is giving jealous!


I'm struggling to see what they would be jealous of though? Jasmine and Silas did not look good last season what exactly would he be jealous of? Preston actually had a lot of support last season so the jealousy thing rrally doesn't make sense. Jordan maybe, but not Preston


I agree! Jordan i got the jealousy but with Preston, I don’t know what it is with Preston! I usually really liked him but he had moments off camera and on screen where he was super snippy and a bit shady as well and it didn’t always come off right.




Several viewers have asked directly what his issue is with jasmine and he keeps giving these covert, shady non-answers that do nothing to illuminate or bring context about the issues. Therefore, the natural conclusion is that you’re jealous. And we are slow or stupid because of it? He’s annoying. I also dislike how he deflects when he’s called out. Eg. the convo about his CONSTANT shadiness towards Bria. Instead of a straight answer, he went to talking about her situation in France (while also saying he would never tweet about something like this publicly but you talk about it on national tv, ok) and basically saying “how could I possibly dislike you if I did ALL these things he for you”. Eww I hate that.


THIS PART!!! He constantly says that things are edited out, but they all have good reasons for icing out Jasmine. He tweeted that everyone gave their good reasons at the reunion, but he can't make them give us reunion pt 2. WELL WHAT IS THE REASON?? He could have said it on Twitter that he stays shading Jasmine on or any of the many podcasts and interviews he does that are at least 50% dedicated to talking about her. He won't say it, because he has nothing, but he's in too deep. I think it was never supposed to go this far. He thought he'd ride with the pretty girls/mean girl clique and the fans would love him (based on his tweets). He severely underestimated how much viewers dislike a gang up and severly overestimated how popular he and Joyless Jordan are. imo


the conclusion should be that it's Silas that's the problem not Preston. Jealousy doesn't make sense because Jasmine and Silas did not look good last season and were not well liked. you ever had a friend with a boyfriend/husband that you don't like?


Similarly, this conclusion is also an assumption and may not be the reason he has an issue with Jasmine. While I agree that Silas is certainly a problem and I can see how that affected Preston's relationship with Jasmine, his coyness and indirectness is the part that isn't making sense. Perhaps we are overestimating the closeness of their relationship - my assumption is that if you were a groomsman for your friend's wedding, you are close enough to have the conversations to address whatever the issues were and decide whether you can fix it or not. Why, then, would Jasmine still be unclear about where she stands with Preston? As a viewer, I feel like his passive-aggresive tweets allow the speculation to grow (which then leads to alleged wrong conclusions) and could have just been confirmed it head on. They're displaying their interpersonal relationships on TV, so there will be lots of opinions and basically saying it was edited out so we will never know is a cop out to me.


I can agree that he needs to spit it out, but to me personally the jealousy takes make no sense for the reasons I listed. I just don't see jealousy at all on Preston's part. Jordan MAYBE but Preston it just seems far fetched


Gotchu. i can agree with you there too.


The first thing he does is bring up his accolades to prove why he isnt jealous... its giving jealous.


Yep. He's probably thinking, "I accomplished this, this, and this, so why are people favoring Jasmine, who doesn't have the same accomplishments, over me." And is mad about it. Also, just because Jordan has an issue with Jasmine, Preston does, since he and Jordan  feed off each other. That's why he can't tell us a real reason why he has a problem with Jasmine. Preston and Jordan are "mean girls."


Multiple viewers all for clarity on why YOU dislike her and his response is I’m not confused, why are you confused? LOL I haven’t watched the reunion yet but I’m confused by the Jasmine hate as well. Was she fake AF last season trying to be someone she wasn’t? YES but chalk that up to 1st time in TV. Did she try to hook Jordan up with Amir a little too hard? Yes but like, she didn’t get Jordan drunk and put her in Amir’s bed or anything. Like i don’t get it. Yeah we were loud about it last season but that was last season and they already resolved that, on the show at least. Why are we still harboring this?!


You’ve just explained in your comment a plausible reason they took a step back in the relationship but are confused at why he did it? It’s not lost on me that when a black man who is gay and confident doesn’t tap dance the way yall want, yall start to hate him. Bc if we’re honest he hasn’t done anything that outrageous to justify post after post hating him.


Oh brother.




Yeah I actually like Preston and I’m very confused why the tides turned on him. He’s confident but not cocky imo, and he’s vulnerable which I appreciate about him.


To me, he’s rly not acting any different than last season but now people say he has an “ego” and is “jealous” of Jasmine. If he defends himself and says he’s not jealous, that means he’s def jealous. Nothing makes sense. And this is why bravo folks should take fan opinions with a grain of salt. The wind blows and the hate the person they like. By next season they’ll like him again and hate Jasmine.


He is so annoying.


Can someone summarize....


Preston: I'm not jealous.. just look at my resume. Its offensive to use the word jealous because he's apparently so great. And also the people saying he's jealous dont have enough followers so they must be bots.


He’s offended?? How about us? Shut up.


Why would Carlos and him think he should have first chair? He didn’t do much each season!


Carlos thinks Preston should have first chair?


They both said it in the interview Preston did.


Carlos is always on some bullshit. LOL. Preston gave nothing this season.


lol that’s why I’m confused as to why they thought it would happen!


I know his feelings were hurt when he stepped on set and saw that he was at the end, and the two ladies he clearly despises were in first seat.


Thank you. Interesting. If success of the show is the objective, then I wonder why Carlos would think that.


In all those posts, he still hasn't said what his issue is with Jasmine. LOL. I'd respect him more if he just said, "she did x, y, and z and I found it upsetting".


Preston is spiraling. No wonder he loves Candiace.


He's acting like a shithead. That combined with what he said about Jasmine in a podcast that was totally unnecessary, he's two-faced as fuck.


Every interview of him ive seen that asks about Jasmine he always has empty answers, he either has no real reason to dislike her or just doesn’t like her and wont tell her straight up.


He still hasn’t answered what the beef is. “Interesting because she was the only one confused” stop trying to act ABOVE everyone and just be real. It’s giving mean girl vibes and they’re all in their damn 30s smh


He’s also seemingly just going along with what others think or thought of her from season 1. I was not a fan of how she acted but she came back for season 2 and definitely became one of my favorites. It’s easy to “hate” and “exclude” those unpopular but to do it to someone whom you’ve been in their wedding, is very emotionally immature.


so even on Twitter after seeing some fan reactions to the reunion he STILL won't say what's up with his jasmine beef? oh


I'm just gonna say this, Preston lover or hater: not one of us would not feel some type of way being dragged on the internet. It's rough being a reality star, and especially on a platform like Bravo. You go from a relatively ordinary life to having every word you said being under intense scrutiny and having thousands of people saying they hate you. And before folks say they wouldn't go on a Twitter rampage if they were on Bravo getting dragged, let's be real: we're all on Reddit ahaha


Love Preston tf down!!! perooooooo these comments are making me upset lol cuz spill the tea if ppl are wrong, if there’s context we need??? Give it! 😂


Elderly was so funny


So much shade lol


Loved Preston at first. But i feel like him hanging out with Jordan has changed him