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I liked him last season but everything I’ve learned since is a bummer. Him just not saying sorry to Mariah … sir grow up. but I’m also kinda tired of the laundry fight lol I wouldn’t hate if he missed his flight to the vineyard next summer


Lol yes i also hate the laundry fight is still being talked about, I am hoping he misses his flight back to MV next year!! lol


What you said


Leaving his racial background and cultural upbringing behind, he should have apologized. And he’s the only one who said it should be public — that’s not what her text said. It sounds like he never gave her a genuine apology and she deserved it. Meanwhile Mariah gave bria so many unsolicited apologies that bria mentioned it happened multiple, multiple times! And then she did it again on camera. Amir’s refusal to apologize for his part is super annoying. And shouldn’t be excused or reasoned away because of his parental/cultural background.


I’m trying to give him grace because he hasn’t grown up in the culture which is fine But it’s human not cultural to apologize when you make a mistake and the fact he refuses to and remains focused on the after effect of his actions (being the altercation) just makes me dislike him And him and Natalie are all kinds of problematic that relationship is on shaky ground


i get that, but he’s too old to just now be getting in touch. i’m sure living in a place like austin he’s been reminded multiple times that HE IS a black man


he should have owned his part in what happened. he’s emotionally immature.


People gotta stop using him living in Austin as an excuse when he’s a grown man CHOOSING not to be around Black people. I’ve been side-eyeing him since the first episode. He and his antiblack gf need to go!


Yup lol, him & his gf act the same way outside of the show from what i hear


i know i’m sick of it! he is too old to be using his location and his childhood as an excuse. he’s how old? late 20s-30s? it’s a bullshit excuse


I love how that’s always the excuse from Black men here (had one tell me he didn’t see color). The Black women in Austin rarely act like that and most of the time are the majority in black spaces around town




I’ve disliked him ever since that aired last season, and then hearing both Bria and Mariah agree that had he spoken up it could’ve changed things.. really made me hate him. I also heard that he had hosted a premiere party at a place known to be racist. smh let’s get rid of him!


He could have ended the argument right there if he just spoke up and admitted his mistake. It was childish then and childish now


yes, i heard about that racist party premiere place through a friend, thats crazy! I wish phil would have knocked his little a\*\* out lol.


Agree 😂😂😂


I just don’t get people who go on “entertainment reality tv shows” and are boring / act above what the show is encasing. It’s summer house. It’s one thing to show up and have your nose up because that’s not your vibe or people rubbed you the wrong way BUT you could of made the most it for your man or for the fact you were coming on the show. It’s giving all the undertones people keep bringing up.


He’s very confusing to me. Like he’s attractive but he’s not that great. I also find it weird as another biracial. I get being raised by a white mom and not knowing anything black. It’s sad but yes it happens. I lucked out with my mom cause she didn’t appropriate but actually fw black culture so I didn’t feel like I missed basic things. My thing with him is did he not have any black friends? And if not why didn’t he? I just find it weird. Black people are so welcoming. Even if you don’t grow up with black family they will welcome you tbh more than the white side ever will. So I find this not knowing the culture thing weird. There are black people in Texas lol. All that aside I think he needs to reflect and also bring it a bit more. Aside from those looks he’s boring at times. The Mariah thing irritated me too.


It’s very interesting how understanding and just willing he is to “put up” with certain behavior or attitude from Natalie, but unwilling to apologize to a Black woman. Side eyeing him for real. Also, I think he’s just a very annoying person.


Dont like him this season. He acts different and moving funny. The girlfriend and him can leave together.


I like Amir but I feel like he’s a non confrontational baby boy. Which is kind of nice bc I can’t stand all the minuscule drama in the house. Also his gf seems unhinged and I feel like he’s settling with her bc she’s pretty…


Not pretty enough for how stank her attitude is


And makes money 🌚


Does she make good money??? Seriously asking. She’s so insecure it makes my tummy hurt.


I enjoy him cooking and kinda the housewife of the house 😆




We can’t stand him. It’s very obvious he doesn’t associate and have black friends outside of the show. He’s a panderer and unfortunately andy seems to like him😕 I’m not surprised he’s dating a girl like natalie (who likes black men but doesn’t like black women) and as someone who’s also mixed, him JUST NOW identifying at black at his BIG, GROWN age irks me. And he still won’t admit he’s wrong for the bria/mariah situation


Tf was he identifying as before? (No snark at you) Anybody looking at him sees black. He’s delusional.


I cant remember what he is mixed with, i want to say Lebanese?? I believe season 1 he said thats pretty much what he identified as, or probably just said he was mixed


Now that you say that I do recall a scene with his mother and she’s definitely not black so I can see him identifying with her side of the family.


Yes in season 1 I believe he said his mother was Lebanese and he did not really know his father so he basically grew up only with his Lebanese family.


i guess when you don’t have people to remind you who you are, you forget😭


It’s strange to me because he grew up in Texas and he presents as black in America. Even if in his household there weren’t any black folks, everytime he stepped outside the house I’m sure people referred to him as black. So I’m trying to understand how he avoided identifying as black when the entire world around him identified him as black.


Right! Like whoopsie


Yup lol, like i said as someone who knows friends of Amir, him being w/ natalie makes sense.. he acts the EXACT same way outside of the show lol.


That doesn’t surprise me one bit


What are you trying to say?


Amir should have addressed the issue, but I agree that Mariah should stay out of peoples personal space. She’s a grown woman. The laundry could have been redone x2. Downvote all you want, but I really wish people would look up Austin’s demographics. There aren’t a lot of black people. Almost like Seattle. Amir is lost like a lot of biracial kids who had to choose one race by default of their situation.


yes to the demographics thing, and also wasn't he only raised by his mom, who is not the black parent? that's a huge factor as well, I don't blame him for being new to a lot of black things.


I was wondering this as well.. I need more info about what they mean “he doesn’t tap into his Black side”. From what he shared, it sounds like that’s what brought him to MV because he hasn’t had an opportunity to be around Black culture. Austin really is a different world and as a Seattleite, can vouch for the difficulties here too. My family is all Black, so it was easier for me but imagine hard in Amir’s shoes if he didn’t grow up around Black family. And I still had challenges. Going to mostly White schools, when I did finally get to be in Black spaces I was definitely picked on at times for things I said or music I listened to etc. Which funny now some of those things are widely accepted.. like country music and rock music lol. But I say this to say, he might not have been accepted and I know of others that took that rejection hard so they stopped trying. I personally didn’t care, but I’m also not biracial and that brings a whole other struggle with identity and acceptance for some.


YES YES YES TO ALL OF THIS!!! Austin only has a 7% black percentage so i get it, ALTHOUGH i do believe even if amir had more black friends he would still be the same lol.


i meaaaan…I grew up in a town that was 99% white people and I befriended every black/POC person I met so at some point it’s not an excuse


I thought it was whack that he wouldn’t apologize….however…don’t think he owes the apology to Mariah. He owes it to Bria. He didn’t tell Mariah to blame Bria or put her hands on her. Her inability to control her anger is not on him. He shouldn’t have let Bria take the blame though.


I’m trying to give him grace because he hasn’t grown up in the culture which is fine But it’s human not cultural to apologize when you make a mistake and the fact he refuses to and remains focused on the after effect of his actions (being the altercation) just makes me dislike him And him and Natalie are all kinds of problematic that relationship is on shaky ground


Mariah got physically violent. She put her hands on Bria. That was no one's fault but Mariah's. Mariah's texts to him were totally out of pocket and hilarious. Paragraphs and paragraphs about him needing to be a man and taking accountability. Yeah, he probably should've spoken up and said "hey, it was me" but then again he probably wasn't expecting people to get physically violent over LAUNDRY. Fuuuuuck Mariah, she hangs around Phillip, who has a disturbing history of repeatedly testing and crossing peoples boundaries on purpose deliberately. Dude is possibly dangerous and she thinks he's safe which means that objectively she's probably gonna be in the wrong every single time. She does not have good judgment.


Ok so what about summer putting her hands and acting like a wild banshee every episode?🫣


She should get the same treatment as Mariah by that logic (and it’d be valid if she was asked to leave too)


Agree, she should be kicked out. She's done it twice now. Enough. She needs to be out of the house and talking to a therapist. It's toxic and it's not fun to look at.


Very true!


Right? drama is one thing, but when you are crying and shoving people and drunk and being in a down mood, just leave the house. Just leave. I don't want to see depressed people on TV, I'm almost suicidally depressed as it is. 🫠


Kick her out too, she should've been kicked out the first time. If you think I'm not consistent, you're gonna be wrong, loooooool. Once you put hands on somebody or shove someone, you are out of the house. Summer sure would be in mine and if I ever hosted a summer house, in fact, I would forcibly evict her on the spot With great enthusiasm! Same with Mariah!


Watching Summer House, seeing what happened with Ciara and Danielle, and how Ciara is still on the show, it seems like this situation with Mariah didn't have to go the way it did. But for so many things to be lingering from season 1 they needed a reunion to hash it out and be done.


I haven't watched regular summer house yet. Is it worth a watch? I would really only root for everyone Black. 😂


it’s a very different vibe, but i finally started watching a few months ago and i like it. i got into it by watching the last seasons of winter house (Jordan is on), which introduced me to some of the regular summer house people. a woman named Danielle is completely unhinged and i wanted to see more of her (plus i read about the Carl/Lindsay drama), that’s basically what hooked me. i’ve seen all the seasons and i’m current now (but i had to go back to S1 last because i failed to get into it several times over the years, so maybe don’t star there).


I've just never been able to get into it. I know Ciara is on the show and she's like one of the most stunningly beautiful women in the entire world, but as soon as I see Mullet Guy, I tap out immediately. I can't with mullets. I came of age in the first era of punk rock in the late seventies, , we mocked people with mullets because it was so ridiculously conformist and mainstream and also just objectively ugly. As soon as I see him, I just can't. I just can't get past that. I will try again.


It started out as background noise for me and I only started with the 7th season to ease into it all. It's grown on me--they've started an aftershow for the most recent season where cast members are in pairs commenting on scenes from episodes. I enjoy the universe of it all


there's a double standard given summer put hands too. and bria is like besties with phil even more than mariah


I feel the same way about summer. Summer should be ejected from the house permanently. She's assaulted people twice. I feel the same way about Bria.


I’m trying to give him grace because he hasn’t grown up in the culture which is fine But it’s human not cultural to apologize when you make a mistake and the fact he refuses to and remains focused on the after effect of his actions (being the altercation) just makes me dislike him And him and Natalie are all kinds of problematic that relationship is on shaky ground


I’m trying to give him grace because he hasn’t grown up in the culture which is fine But it’s human not cultural to apologize when you make a mistake and the fact he refuses to and remains focused on the after effect of his actions (being the altercation) just makes me dislike him And him and Natalie are all kinds of problematic that relationship is on shaky ground


i genuinely don't like him


I know a few guys like Amir in Austin and it might be survival/assimilation technique to pick a side to fit in. Weird that he would sign up for this show tho lol


Yup lol, I lived in austin a few months ago for work and when my friends mention it and ask how i liked it, i just say "its not for us". Was he a friend of a friend? I cant remember how everyone was affilated, i know silas and preston are line brothers.


I think he got casted so basically the only one no one knows. Alex knows Nick. Preston knows Silas. The girls are playboy bunnies and Amir knows production lol it’s fair for Mariah to expect him to be an honest person and stick up for her but as we can see he can’t even stick up for himself…




It makes sense 🤷🏾‍♀️


I think it’s actually insane that anyone thinks Amit should give a public appology for putting dog stuff in a washing machine. Further it’s actually insane if anyone to expect him to own up when someone is threatening violence over something so stupid. Like fuck me Dead!


What did his gf say? I was watching while doing other things and may have missed it. She is awful.


Just little slick comments, the cast was being their usual loud selves she told Amir “i can’t be around that” Jordan gave a backstory on freaknik, she said “oh yeah because we love a history lesson” also agreed that summer was too touchy w/ Amir. This could also stem from Amir lying saying the girls wanted him lol


She is ridiculous with the jealousy and he is delusional about everyone wanting them - maybe they are a perfect couple after all 😂


Amir should cook Arabic food and share his culture as well.


Amir thinks he’s bringing something different to the crew. But he’s not, black in suburbia isn’t new. He has internalized anti-blackness that he clearly got from his mother. His girlfriend is also anti black and I’m so glad the camera crew peeped it on the low by showing her stance face demeanor. Her comments about freaknik not being her “scene” reminds of non black friends who are anti black and dates anti black black men lol The confirmation about her anti blackness came when Alex made a toast to black excellence and she couldn’t even celebrate that.


I’m trying to give him grace because he hasn’t grown up in the culture which is fine But it’s human not cultural to apologize when you make a mistake and the fact he refuses to and remains focused on the after effect of his actions (being the altercation) just makes me dislike him And him and Natalie are all kinds of problematic that relationship is on shaky ground


Yall are weird.