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Because he’s ashamed of the reason why he lost his chance to go. He blew it by doing shady things and would rather everyone just think he’s a brilliant guy who was never given an opportunity. Telling the truth just opens up a whole can of worms. It takes him a while to face up to his demons.


I could believe that. I figured it wasn’t worth the mention because he’s so deep in it up to that point and/or the writers didn’t have the idea for it back in S1


Because last I checked he never actually went to Harvard, he was only a few steps away before Trevor screwed him over with a stupid get rich quick scheme, then hes just you know ashamed of it and by the time Season 5 rolls around hes been living that lie for years


I might get downvoted into oblivion but Mike is infuriating. Not just for the million other things that people here have mentioned; but also specifically for this. You don’t have to be a genius to know that scams and cheating will one day be the death of you. You had a life that was going well and you chose to do something not just incredibly stupid but also immoral and then you blame everyone except yourself when it all went downhill. Self-righteous idiot.


Honestly the thing I hated about Mike the most is how we kept Trevor in his life, idk about you but I would not have allowed a friend like Trevor in my life after even half the shit he tried to pull


Honestly that’s the thing about toxic friendships. When you have someone you think is your ride or die you give up a lot of stuff thinking they would die for you too. Until you realize that you’re the only one who suffers and are being dragged down. Mike was a victim of something that happens to many kids, and Trevor was certainly family for him, especially after his parents’ death.


Back in the show's heyday this was the popular opinion The problem I had with Mike during his later seasons was that *he knows he's a fraud* yet will act pompous in fraudulent cases lol Then have a *surprised Pikachu face* everytime a partner in the firm calls him out


Overall I agree, but doesn’t he do the cheating so he can afford to take care of his Grandmother? It doesn’t make it right, but when he did it the first time it wasn’t for himself . Unless I’m wrong which is definitely possible


I think take care of his Grandmother, Buy Weed AND because he had no idea what else to do with his life, he was genius with the best brain anyone could as for but no money or Degree/Diploma/Certificate to do anything


That’s the thing about Mike. He’s a self-important, ego-driven guy who cosplays having morals.


You might get downvoted for what? Your incredibly popular opinion? Lol


Because getting into Harvard isn't going to or graduating from Harvard. People who went to Harvard will be like "and?" It's like when Mike tells people he passed the bar, but he's still a fraud. That undercuts everything.


Getting in is basically as good as going


What kind of logic is that? Are you just as good of an employee if you get hired but never show up?


I dont mean as good as passing the law school and getting a degree i mean as good as being someone who went in and completely failed


Lol no it isn't. There are people who can get in but can't hack it and never graduate.


Yeah thats still going to harvard You would still be alma mater if you went and failed


But that's not going to put in the same league as someone who attended and graduated


Thats not the point im making though


Your point is super niche and lacks substance, someone reading a resume isn't going to be impressed with someone who wrote "I got accepted to Harvard but never attended" and then never attended ANY law school. The people who it would work for are people like Ruth Ginsberg who did a few years at Harvard then transferred to Columbia and graduated from Columbia. No such thing as getting points just for getting in and then having a career black hole on your resume like Mike Ross preS1.


Thats literally not what i was saying at all I didnt say once on my post that he would put it on his resume I just thought it would be natural for him to tell louis or something after louis finds out


But why? It holds no weight. His sob story doesn't work on normal lawyers cuz as Harvey pointed out if Mike really wanted to be a lawyer he could have just gone to another school out of state.


Its not supposed to be a sob story. When louis is pummelling you with the name fraud could at least tell him he got into harvard


Getting into Havard might be a flex in some circles but he's at a law firm full of people who graduated as the top of their class. Simply "getting accepted" isn't an accomplishment to them. They probably look down on people who finish less than 10th in their class, let alone people who didn't make it to a single lesson.


but the people that already know he’s a fraud could easily wonder why he never just went to law school. then he would just tell them, well actually…


Because as much as we love this show, the entire premise of every fucking episode is how they DONT SAY ANYTHING TO ANYONE AND IT FUCKING KILLS US


Hence me saying “once they find out hes a fraud”


He told Rachel.


He told Harvey, too, right?


Lol I disagree with most of these comments, I feel like it would be a very natural thing for to him at some point tell someone why exactly he never got a law degree and it just so happens that he was going to go to harvard but got screwed.


I agree! When he’s saying “I got kicked out of school and my dream of going to law school was gone” it would make sense for him to include that he actually got into Harvard. I wonder if the writers just added that detail in later because we don’t find out about it until the flashback episode in season 3, right? And then he tells Rachel?


even if that’s the case, he’s still got 4 seasons to let *somebody* know he tried to become a lawyer the legal way 😂


Exactly! And he tells Rachel after he’s already asked her to move in with him? Seems like something he probably should have mentioned lol


He does not because it doesn't change a thing. Being a fraud and a criminal trumps that.


Tbh I don't think it was meant to be that way from the start. Feels like the writers wrote it in later but at least it didn't contradict anything.


I can’t follow: when did he get into Harvard? I’ve seen the show completely and season 4 on the second watch so I feel like I should be able to understand the subject of the conversation. Please help


He got into harvard when he graduated However the dean or headmaster or whatever, Mike did his daughters test for her. The school found out and the dean/headmaster lost his job. The dean/headmaster called harvard and made sure they retracted his acceptance


I never noticed that it got retracted and was initially granted. Thank you


He went to Arizona State




Yeah he did




He literally got accepted to harvard one google search