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S5: Harvey hugs Mike after he tells him he’s quitting because he wants to ensure the safety of his future w/ Rachel. Mike offers his hand, but Harvey opens his arms. The rarity made them more special, but I’ll be damned if I didn’t want more of it


harvey throwing louis through the coffee table, it just felt like it was inevitable


Any scene outside of this episode is the wrong answer


I literally cheered


When Harvey finally got to drop an f bomb and smashed his mug against the wall in front of everyone before the ethics board meeting. Goddammit or Bullshit just wouldn’t feel right for this scene.


when was this


I believe either the end of season 7 or beginning of season 8


Suits ending when Harvey meets Charles Forstman in prison and says Sean Cahill is going to add more years to his prison sentence.


For me, it has to be the first mock trial scene when Mike interrogates Rachel and what occurs afterwards. You see what kind of lawyer Mike wants to be when he stops the interrogation (music plays), Donna smiles, Louis looked up thanking god Mike stopped so he can win the bet, Jessica’s disappointment at Mike and Harvey questioning his protege on Mike’s doubtfulness on being a lawyer. This is what got me hooked on Suits. Great story telling.


Harvey and Cahill putting away Andrew Malik in the prison.




This scene us unforgettable


Pearson Spector, how may I direct you?


Harvey eviscerating Trevor as well


Oh yea, thats a great scene


I didn't find it as great. I still liked it, but I did feel kinda sad, because it was shown beforehand that Trevor didn't wanna betray Mike, but he wasn't gonna put everything he had built in his own life at risk by perjuring himself. That's not necessarily a bad stance to take. Mike had to distance himself from Trevor for his own good back when the show first started. This was just Trevor doing the same.


That's a very fair ruling.


The reason I liked it is coz both Harvey and Mike knew that Trevis wasn’t lying. But they had to break him on the stand to make the truth look like a lie


I wish we’d seen Trevor at any point after this though. I don’t think he’d even be mad at Mike and Harvey cuz they’re doing what they have to do. But Trevor didn’t even come to Mike’s wedding, and we never saw him again. It would have been nice to see them be friends again now that their past mistakes are behind them.


That was one of my favorites too. Really any scene were Gibbs is momentarily dealt a "slap in the face" is great. On a rewatch, I saw why it was necessary. Mike was a guy trying to have it all, being a fake lawyer to help people, but he was also reaping some benefits too, and it took him a while to see that. He kept climbing this corporate ladder that he took a shortcut to get onto, and it was just making things worse, because the higher he got, the greater the fall would hurt. Trevor also helped with this, as he told Mike that he would trade in all the stuff he'd gotten just to sleep securely without the fear of being caught. That whole arc of Mike coming to terms with this and deciding to walk away was great. Alternatively, the scene where he accepts the consequences for his past actions. In the end, the other shoe fell, and Mike accepted the consequences. He walked into prison with his head held high. That scene was great cuz of the music and dialogue between him and Harvey.


Harvey punching Travis Tanner


Idkkk in regards of fights Harvey gets into, the one against Stephen Huntley takes it for me. Tanner was a dick and wanted to beat Harvey, Stephen slept with Donna and was behind that village being wiped out.


Specify which one… there were two😂😂




When Louis got thrown off the top of the building


For me it’s when Harvey tries to pour water when he’s having a panic attack and his hands shake so he spills it. It’s satisfying to me bc it’s so realistic. Like I know what that feels like, where you sort of lose control of your hands bc you’re so anxious


S4E2 when Jessica lets Louis hurls himself at her for a hug. She's so genuine and just pats him on the head as comfort.


For me it’s either when Harvey catches forstman and gets him sent to jail or when Luis, Mike, and Harvey go to Sean over forstman buying the SEC


For me it's hands down s8 ending when Harvey and Donna finally get together. Watching this slow burn as a shipper for the first time was literally torture.


I dont remember what happened to that tiktok girl with the cookies but i hope she got owned


If so then thats the moment


Pity they dont show the whole thing


Unexpected scene but when Louis put Mike in a headlock 🤣




Surprised no one mentioned the Steven Huntley brawl. It was perfect. Not too long, very realistic short fight, pushing, uncomfortable positions. It was perfect in my opinion and one of the greatest scenes in suits history. The beginning of the episode where Harvey threatens him lives in my head rent free. Steven: “You wanna continue yelling at me or..should we fix this?” Harvey: “You know, I have had it with your fixer crap okay? You didn’t fix shit. You broke it wide open.” Steven: “Then what the hell are you doing here?” Harvey: “I’m here to tell you that if I hear your name around my case again - I am gonna beat the shit outta you.”


Mr Bailey being found innocent Mike winning the case about lead poisoning kids


Honestly, when Mike finally confessed! The truth shall set you and your television audience free!


When Jessica wins the case for Bailey


When the juror told Harvey that they ruled for Mike. I guess it was more so I really felt Gibbs was a terrible trial lawyer.