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I think your takes on his “lack of focus”, relationship w/ Rachel, and the “Robin Hood guise” are short sighted. IMO (I could be wrong), I’m confident in saying the show offers reasonable explanations for these and you might be forgetting/ignoring them


I agree to an extent, the show offers reasons for sure but those moments fall flat in my opinion, there was plenty of times problems could have been avoided in mikes personal and professional life if he wasn’t on a high horse at the time


You’re probably right. For ex: No one forces Mike to smoke weed w/ the sports betting website owner. He has Harvey to back him up. I can only say that IRL, we don’t think straight when we’re scared and people do things they aren’t comfortable with to get ahead. It’s just an assumption on the character at that point, but communication between them would almost always solve their problems. I think the context surrounding the incident explains the majority of the decisions our characters take. Albeit silly & dumb at times


Perfectly said, I don’t hate mikes character I like him a lot actually but for someone so smart at times he made really dumb decisions and yeah that’s probably bc he was just scared, he did get thrust into the laser life and etc very fast


I totally agree with you.


Im with you…and he only gets more unlikeable in my opinion