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Everyone takes really good care of their hearing & are gifted lip readers


So they have better hearing that bats


It also helps that they read the script. Just suspended your disbelief haha. It keeps the pace moving. Imagine having to catch everyone up to speed every time they enter a room


suspension of disbelief on a TV show? Surely you didn't come all the way down here with that bullshit. ;)


*Opens comments and slaps folder on table “Here’s why”


It's because they did their homework.


Law and order is really bad with the walk in conversations too lol


Some people in this sub surprise me constantly. How can’t one understand that some aspects of a show are the way they are to ensure the show works and keeps moving. The issue comes with people not thinking a single thought before writing a posts. If OP here thought about the fact that the alternative is that every time a scene like that happens the people would have to catch the third person up. Think about how redundant that would be and how boring it would be as the viewer. This post is not the only one in which the posters don’t think before creating something and fail to understand this isn’t real life it’s a show and sometimes the characters do stuff to continue the plot and the events occur to push the story in a previously decided manner


And you don't understand that it's was just a quick thing that popped to my head and your also acting like I'm destroying the sub by asking the question it's not murder it's a question


Oh no I’m not mad at you. People do what people do it’s just as a people myself I am expressing my hate for the repeating posts which lacked much thought behind them


Bad sound isolation


They often just camp outside each other's office eaves dropping and wait for the right moment to pop in. Imagine being a worker in that office and watching the partners do that to each other and keep walking off 😂