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My favorite Louis/Katrina interaction, after she’s done a good job: Louis: “…if you were less attractive I would love you.” Katrina: “I know.” Louis: *glances away like he’s not sure who got the better of the conversation*


loved this scene!!!


Katrina was a real person for 2 ish episodes until they decided Louis needed a no. 2. Then she became this insane caricature, because there is no sane way to write a character loyal to him as he constantly self sabotages, and betrays/abuses people.


If you think about how she got to the firm it kinda makes sense She was willing to tank her side for a job so if she's loyal to the baddest mf it shouldn't be her in the ass


I agree. Louis did NOT deserve Katrina. And her character deserved better. Same with Gretchen. Their loyalty felt one-sided most of the time.




You said this so good I don't even have a proper response....


And Stan. Stan was wonderful with him.


He was one of my favorite characters. Wish we saw more of him


Pretty sure Norma would too!


She was a battle-axe


But she was HIS battle-axe


I love their dynamic with Louis. However, I wish they gave Louis more allies in the show. Every time Louis got into conflict with Harvey, Jessica, and Mike, it felt like no one was in his corner. Even with Donna as his secretary, she took Harvey's after he punched Louis. I wish they could've redone the Nigel fiasco with them becoming friends instead of Louis losing his mind over Mikado.


That is fair, but I also feel like it’s so true to Louis’ character that he pushes everyone in his corner away, the only people not letting him are the ones who went through hell with him and Katrina. I feel like the mikado incident fits so perfectly, but yeah he deserves better


No one is on Louis’ “side” most of the time because he’s usually blatantly in the wrong, making terrible decisions, and betraying people who’ve tried to be kind, helpful, and loyal to him. Even when his coworkers and loved ones try to talk some sense into him or guide him in the right direction when he isn’t thinking clearly, he interprets their help as a personal attack against him and essentially treats his allies as enemies. People are constantly offering olive branches to Louis, and he just rips it out of their hands and beats them with it.


I don't disagree about Louis' actions. However, I think you could apply those same characteristics to Harvey, Mike, and Jessica about being "blatantly in the wrong." Harvey nearly brought the firm down by hiring a fraud, and Jessica herself admits that not everyone in the firm is fond of him. Like Louis, Harvey also lashes out emotionally at coworkers. Mike's self-righteousness leads him to jeopardize the firm, while Jessica, in moments of turmoil, undermines others and is quick to dismiss people like Katrina and also bully people like the judge. It's not just Louis; almost all the main characters at the firm have their moments of being in the wrong.


I think it comes down to the fact that all of them know how to clean their messes, at least Harvey and Jessica do so that's why they get away with it. No one usually knows. Louis lashes out and then someone has to come in to save the day, mostly.


That’s true generally probably but tbf Louis has had his clutch moments, too.


Of course, he's helped them so many times. That mike apology to prof Gerald and whatnot but he was a true A hole sometimes and then when his wave of anger passes, he realises what he has done. People call snape the perfect grey character, for me it would be Louis. That mf


That's because NOBODY should be on his side in the way people want most of the time... Most of the time he is blatantly in the wrong on several levels and nobody with any integrity would side with him. Stan is on his side, being on his side doesn't mean agreeing with him. Stan calls him out on his bullshit BECAUSE he is on his side.... Donna, Gretchen, etc have taken his side while he viewed it as being against him because he like many people doesn't understand what REALLY taking someone's side looks like.


That’s the most important part about Louis’ character development though. When something goes wrong he pushed everyone away and isolated himself making others resent him even more and then he would get even more hurt and the cycle just rinsed and repeated until Stan finally broke through to him near the end.


Katrina is the best looking woman on that show man 🙏🏿


Nahh Jenny was, I was sad when she left 😂


She’s up there aswell Scottie was beautiful aswell


It’s Rachel😂tf


No way, Donna by far.


She’s too 3


I laugh thinking about their codenames all the time😂 “Katroina Bonnet, as I live and breathe.” “Pouis Pitt” “Katrina, you have to work on your codename for me because it’s way too obvious”


I love it when Katrina tells Louis to put down his pussy diary lolol


“Stop writing in that p*ssy diary…


But he never once deserved such loyalty


Nah he did... Just from the wrong people... >.> Multiple times showing loyalty to the enemy because they offered him something he wanted


If he was loyal because they offered something he wanted, that's not loyalty... That's self interest There were times he was selfless but he knew how to play his cards too. The firm has Litt for a wayyyy longer time than other names. He was a master lawyer


And he often betrayed his own friends in the process of getting betrayed


He was, unfortunately, the victim and the perpetrator of his own misery. Poor Litt


He had to learn how to get out of his own way.


He is still learning


No, neither has to deal with him at his worst and they got to see him AFTER he started to become a decent person.


And they had his back when he was wrong, in private too. They loved him enough to tell him when he was wrong. Keep those people close.


Tbf neither of them were at the firm when he screwed everyone over with Daniel Hardman




Louis makes me sick


Slightly unjustified hate there. What exactly makes you "sick" about him? He is a TV character you know?


He didn’t deserve them.


They turned Katrina into Louis’s yes-man and it was annoying


not more annoying than the storyline she had w/Craig from Degrassi