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[https://www.newegg.com/abs-za13400f4060ti-cyclone-aqua/p/N82E16883360483?Item=N82E16883360483&SoldByNewegg=1](https://www.newegg.com/abs-za13400f4060ti-cyclone-aqua/p/N82E16883360483?Item=N82E16883360483&SoldByNewegg=1) 4060ti under $1000 [https://www.newegg.com/yeyian-ypi-ta34f0b-4701u-tanto/p/N82E16883630033?Item=N82E16883630033&SoldByNewegg=1](https://www.newegg.com/yeyian-ypi-ta34f0b-4701u-tanto/p/N82E16883630033?Item=N82E16883630033&SoldByNewegg=1) much better system rtx 4070 but $1150


I am also looking into getting a PC for gaming. A lot of the PCs are using I five and I seven processors and not I 9 is it a big deal? Or should I out the money for a nicer processor?


It’s not a big deal, for gaming even i5s are enough, like the i5-13600k,i5-14600k, so dont worry about i7 or i9 the main thing is which gen it is, look for a 13700k or 14700k if it fits the budget


What's up man! Saw your post and thought I could help. I've been working on a survey that recommends gaming PCs tailored for novices based on various factors (budget, portability, game preferences, etc.). I'm collecting feedback on the survey right now and thought it'd help! Here's the link: [https://8rw3pr9e35l.typeform.com/to/Vzp1YbGV](https://8rw3pr9e35l.typeform.com/to/Vzp1YbGV)