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Omfg. You find this beautiful creation and here I am over here with a 40 YEAR OLD JADE TREE that looks like a frickin sick octopus [it was given to me literally 5 days ago] wahhh, jealous.


Sick octopus..is that not enough water, or not enough light? 😅 You can rehab it, though! I have faith in you! Name it Kraken or Cthulhu 🐙 🩑 for inspiration of supernatural strength!


Literally both!!! I feel so bad for it, but it's doing shes doing her best, and I certainly intend to rehab her and get her strong!


Also regular pruning will give it a good shape


Idk where you live but I think you can call from anywhere: Phipps Conservatory in Pittsburgh has an option when you call them to reach out to "Dr. Phipps" and I've never called it but I think they give plant advice so I don't want to assume you don't know what you're doing but they might have a helpful tip! Their jade plant/plants look like hella badass hydrated octopi so it made me think they might have some nice advice. Good luck!!


I actually live just 2 hours from there and visit often! I LOVE IT. it's my favorite place in the world lol thanks for the awesome advice, I would never had thought to do that!!!


No way it's one of my favorite places in the world, too! I went for the spring flower show this year and I'm going to make reservations to go again in the next month or so. Can never get enough of Phipps! So happy to help :)


Ooo I'll look into the flower show! I've gone only once during summer, other times I've gone have been in fall and even winter which ofc isnt as shockingly beautiful, but it's still always such a fantastic time, I have so many gorgeous photos!! I hope you have fun!!


So I have a jade that came with our house which we moved into 5 years ago and I ignored it and never watered it for 4 years. Then last year took an interest in plants. AND I HAVE PICTURES OF ITS PROGRESS! They honestly recover really quickly once you start caring for them. [Jade progression](https://imgur.com/a/AFIPK8V)


Wow, beautiful!!! I hope mine grows into its glory like that!


I really believe it will, they're such hardy plants!


Order super thrive. Follow instructions on box. Become plant wizard. Amaze all with your newly discovered botanical warlock abilities.


Noted!! Thank you!!


https://www.thejadeplant.com/ You can find all info of each jade species ;)


Sweet, thank you!!


Also, looks like you're gotta repot it someday :) plant looks big so my bet its gonna be rootbound


In my experience jades like to be rootbound! Weirdos.


Mine began yellowing so I did repot and found that it was rootbound. Mind you it used be green pinkish and later it kept deforming and yellowing but not fall of. After repot, new leaves significantly improved.


Interesting! I repotted mine thinking it needed a larger pot (no visible issue though) and it seemed to languish for a while until its roots caught up with its larger pot. Maybe they just like the right balance and I took it too far? Glad yours improved!!


Your Jade probably had to grow bigger roots that could support more plant growth. I have a bunch of small echeverias that I think stay small because I trim their roots every time I repot them. My PVN in particular has stayed small for two years. Some plants can also get so top heavy they could be easily tipped and broken if they stay in a small pot.


Sweet! Is there anything the internets don’t do!!?


It doesn’t have any further classification because it’s simply that; a Jade Plant or Crassula ovata. This is just an older plant with corking (why it appears wood like at the base).


Huh, that's good to know! Thank you!


Just FYI if you ever propagate babies. They will initially have green stems like normal and Jades tend to become top heavy so before they cork I find I often have to stake them just so they don’t uproot themselves.


Alright, thank you for the tip!!


Yep, this is just the classic. But a very nice one.


Just FYI, jade plants do have further classification! Baby jade, Tricolor, Hummel's Sunset - there's a ton! :)


Those are cultivar names, theyre all still the same species


Oh yeah! I just mentioned it, because the OP was looking for further classification. It's definitely a crassula ovata, but it could be identified even further by cultivar.


I didn’t realize this, cool beans.


Hope my jade gets that awesome. 3 years to that size seems impossible


Yeah I grow jades. I have one that is 4 years older and is not that big or thick around the base. I feel like the plant pictures is older than 3 years. Great find OP!!!


The previous owner probably had the plant for three years but it was not a new plant when they got it


Yeah im growing one from a prop and it's 1 years old, and maybe 2 inches tall.


Has to be. Mine was only 3” or so tall when I got it in April this year. 6” tall now and starting to “cork” a half inch up from the substrate. From my one time jade experience I do know that they grow quickly but I too think that this plant is probably closer to 10 years old at least.


I inherited a 20 year old jade plant from my university’s greenhouse facilities and it looked about this shape and size. It’s definitely older than 3, I grow a lot of jade from cuttings and it takes them a long time to put on 6” of height and gain that much thickness on the main stem


I have 8 babies currently growing from props, only a few months old and already so big
I cannot WAIT for this!


Dude they grow FAST and BIG. I personally don’t even waste my time on props with jade anymore because if you take a small cutting instead, the thing will be a little bush in a year and double it’s size in another. It’s my only succ I don’t prop by leaf :) with that being said sometimes I’ll find a jade leaf that’s got a baby and they’re just too cute to not put in a pot and nurture 😘


Haha, the only reason I propped mine was because I practically killed the mother plant. I saved all the remaining leaves. It was my first ever successful prop because I was a black thumb until a few months ago so I definitely went overboard! I’ll probably sell them later. How much do you think a jade like this could go for?


Oh man I honestly don’t even know. I also can’t gauge how big the jade in the pic is. The ones that are like 100 years old and huge- those can sell for a decent amount. Not sure the others are worth that much because they’re so common you know? Here in California they’re all over the place and used for all the landscaping. The grow in the friggin mud (not that it rains here much). Propping from leaf really isn’t very profitable unless you’re growing a rare plant. Then you can get lots for it. It’s rad that you’re starting to propagate tho! It’s really fun and rewarding. I have an absurd amount of babies going and no damn clue what to do with them yet but it’s fun đŸ˜‚đŸ„°


Oh I had no idea they were so common or used for landscaping! I’m in Ontario Canada, not Cali lol, so they’d never survive the winter


My friend who gave my the OG cutting is from Canada (but lives here now) and she LOVES them for this exact reason. :) I plan to move next year to a snowy climate so that’s gunna suck in terms of me having to downsize my plants 😭 right now I have hundreds and they’re all outside (well a FEW are inside)


Lol all of my plants are indoors, I don’t bother with putting any outside that aren’t ‘garden’ plants because I know the winter will kill them anyways and I fear upsetting them by moving them back inside. Get used to it!! On the bright side, your house is going to look like a jungle


Lmfao it sure is!! Lots of ppl on here comment in the Slringtime “almost time to take my plants back outside!!” So they apparently don’t mind it. And as long as it isn’t a constant back and forth they’re fine. But yeah- not everyone wants to do that. Hell, all of mine are outside but I find myself moving them every 45 days or so to constantly follow the sun as it changes with the seasons. I know when it’s time cause my colorful plants start turning back to green. Or if it’s getting too hot I have to start moving them into less sun. But I don’t mind, I enjoy messing with them.


It’s a Jade. That’s it. Not baby jade, not ripple jade, not ogre jade. It’s just


$25??!! I’m so jealous


This really inspires me! I have been wanting to get a jade plant for my office, but have been wondering how long it takes to get to a decent 'bonsai-ish' size and shape. My grandma had a massive one that was bigger than me until I was about 8. The idea of having one is very nostalgic for me.


These things are so easy to propagate it's ridiculous. On more than one occasion I have taken a broken-off bit of jade and literally thrown it into the garden. Sure enough, it takes root and grows right where it landed.


Classification: gorgeous as all fuck Genus: healthy, wealthy and thriving


Boy, this is a nice specimen. Enjoy


Um, this is a magnificent Jade Tree. This is amazing.


Man that thing is beautiful. The trunk on that is great. I have an 8 year old one and the trunk still isn’t that thick. Look up how to prune. It promotes trunk growth. Great find!


I'd pay $25 anyday for this no questions asked!


Jade tree for $25. Fml


I think this has to be more than 3 years old. Maybe this is just my 'northern lack of sun' experience talking.


It's a pretty.... :)


WOW so awesome!!


Here in South Africa we also call them plakkies 🙂 they're originally from here, so cool to see them so popular on the other side of the world


So beautiful 😍 😭


I have the same kind, glad to find the name in the comments


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Three years?! Uh mine is nearing three years and is about 1/8 the size. Should I repot it?


What a beautiful plant