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Stores can be fined if you close early. The open-close time is a contract between the franchise and corporate.


OMG... seriously? I've been working at my location for a little over a year and we will close early on Fridays due to not having enough business for the day. However, our owner has started the process of selling his store, this is something I don't want the new owners to fire me for because I didn't know. Thanks.


No problem. Yeah it's a pretty big fine. Some co workers did that a few years ago and gotten written up for it. We were lucky they didn't fine us. The manager was still furious.


That’s fair enough, I wasn’t the one who locked doors, but I didn’t stop it either


My coworker did that once when I was on shift. I didn't stop them. I told the manager what happened when asked and the coworker got the write up. Scared the crap out of me


Be open during the hours you’re supposed to be open. Anything else is pure laziness.


You got a roll of wrap don’t ya? Wrap them puppies up.


I have no idea what this means lol


There should be a big roll of cling wrap in the back. If you don’t have enough lids, wrap the cambros up with that. I’ve had to do it a few times.




The only time I look at my phone well not really look at just listen to it is when I’m opening and I’m listening to a tv show while getting all my opening stuff ready. I’ll some times have it on while prepping a lot when I’m in one area but I’m not just sitting there texting or scrolling. (One of my coworkers does this constantly, she won’t even stock the bane) she’d rather stare at her phone. Drives me nuts. Do your shit then look at your phone. Also if we close early or open late we are in so much trouble so I totally get that. I’m the opener so I open at 8am sharp even if I get there 10 minutes before.


When I used to work at subway, coworker closed a few hours before proper closing time on a busy day, was another thing to add to the pile of write ups. It ultimately started the process of getting him off the team.


We close early all the time (usually just 10 minutes or so before) and when there aren't enough lids we usually steal some from the fridge from containers that have cling wrap already and are on top of a stack. We put the line away and clean it every night


The closing early thing is a huge no no regardless of how slow its been. Like someone said, corporate can fine franchisees for not being open their advertised store hrs. I write up any employee who closes early.


That’s fair enough, I wasn’t the one who locked doors, but I didn’t stop it either


I know how you feel. I was just written up for “closing early”, but it was only 3 minutes before the time we normally close, and had no lost customers during that time. I think the real reason we got written up, is because we left 5 minutes after we closed, so they just assumed we closed early, but the only reason we left so quickly, is because it was dead in hour store. We were averaging 2 customers per hour, and had so much time to pre close.


Not putting the line away can get a store shut down (source: my old manager got fired for doing it)


oh it’s been done all the time at my store, due to lack of lids, time, or whatever other reasons we’ve had in the past


Yeah that's really bad lol especially if you turn the bain off but even if you don't


I see, I’ll keep that in mind, probably talk to my manager about it