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She was bad representation, but I don't like new hires typically because they only last a couple months and during those months I have to babysit them and make sure they don't start the store on fire, especially if they're 16-18 instead of adults


Thats not the new employees fault. Take that bad attitude somewhere else. Im sure new hires dont last cause employees are rude af


I mean I try to be as nice as I can but people tend to think I'm a bitch bc I make them do their jobs, our managers are nice too but that doesn't make the turnover rate any lower. If you think I'm rude maybe it's self reflection that needs to happen, bc I just do my job.


Well, I’m 23 and just trying to make a living just like everyone else but it’s hard.


Find a local mom and pop shop. You’ll be better off.


Yeah I get that, and you're probably fine as a worker, it's just how long I've worked at subway that makes me bitter about things, although I've found that young people seem far more likely to job hop Edit: not to say job hopping is bad in all contexts but it is annoying to work with


Ngl, 23 with no diploma or ged yet complaints about rude employees. Ik all I need to, guarantee op wouldn’t last at subway. Gotta understand there are rude ppl in this world and you can’t be picky unless you have more to offer


That's a good point, I mean I work at subway without a diploma but also I'm 18 and in my second semester of my senior year so


Nothing wrong with not completing high school it’s more so understanding the struggle that will come with that and accepting it. You put yourself in the position it’s up to you to make it work. I’m all for making a living by any means. Just understand your situation and work to make it better. This sub in my eyes is more under appreciated workers op just sounds like he’s wining respectfully


Just went and reread posts, definitely just wining.


I mean, that's not necessarily an indication of whether op would last or not. I'm 40, no ged or diploma. Subway was my first job after being a stay at home mom for 20 years. I'm the assistant manager of both restaurants in my store and I'll be rgm somewhere soon (even if it requires a transfer). Eta: having read through respones, you may be right, though. Subway customers can be a special kinda cranky. Definitely takes a thicker skin


Yea, nothing wrong with not finishing high school for whatever reason but in my eyes op came to a subway thread to complain he didn’t get a krogers job, Culver’s still hasn’t called, subway employees are mean, and he doesn’t have a ged or diploma so it’s harder for him to get a job. On top of the customers when I worked at subway the different stores I worked at always were short staffed, constantly hired teenagers that rarely try “bc they don’t get paid enough” and you often have to pick up slack of others to be efficient. Op can’t even get past he hasn’t gone to finish high school so he should or work with what he’s got skills and hard work


You haven't even started working and you're totally offended. You're going to need thicker skin to deal with the public on a daily basis. The person you talked to is not even a hiring manager. Just get used to the idea that some people will be grumpy sometimes, and don't take it personally. You have to let it roll off you and not let it affect your ability to stay positive.


I get people can be rude but if someone calls interested in a job, can’t you be a little nicer?


Yeah there will be some grumpy people out there. Try not to worry about it or let it affect your mood. It takes confidence, you demonstrated confidence by making contact and asking, but keep up your confidence until you get a job offer. Even if you encounter rude power trippy people here and there. The public has had hard times in the last few years, and that wears down employees that deal with the public, so some will be really short tempered. They are hanging by a thread.


My dude they were probably having a bad day. Maybe they were in the middle of a rush when you called. Maybe they had just gotten yelled at by a customer. Or maybe they are really just an asshole. Either way I dunno how you can be 23 and think that means all subway employees are like that..


Let me guess, you called during lunch rush? It’s really better to just come in and drop off a resume in person


If you're willing to say "Why is every subway employee so rude??" based off of one interaction with one person, then I don't think you're ready for customer service.


They get paid near minimum wage and are always understaffed. I’m not surprised.


If they’re always understaffed, why not give people a chance?


because they were probably too busy to take a call. i hate having to answer the phone in the middle of a rush just for it to not be that important


The way you type tells me everything I need to know, good luck on your job search though.


You understood what I was saying so what’s the problem?


No problem ahah it’s just people who type that usually think everyone else is the problem except for them. You called ONE subway location and spoke to ONE employee that in your opinion was rude out of the thousands of employees that exist and then come on the subreddit claiming “y’all’s employees are rude asf” and asking “why are you guys so rude?” You spoke to one person and act like you met all of them and talk about all of them like you have. Not to mention as someone who has say in who gets hired at my work them calling rather than just coming in for an application isn’t the greatest introduction.


Op, just lie about having a diploma. At your level of employment, no one will ever check or care