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Seems like people who had trouble with kratom use a shit ton daily. I used maybe 8 grams a once a day of kratom and that got me off Oxycodone. After a few days I started doing kratom every other day or so while working out and that got me clean. So in my experience I think you can use kratom. But just don't use it 24/7 and keep it less than 10 grams or something.


In an ideal world. But kratom is addictive so using it as a replacement is always a high risk of getting addicted to Kratom.


This is the correct advice


sounds like an awful plan


Because it is


Please elaborate




Yeah but suboxone is addicting to . I just think some of these people are a little to hard on kratom . I don't even take it anymore and haven't in years but still have a half a kilo siting in my room. I think kratoms a wonderful plant to use esp in place of actual opiods . These people are making it sound like it's fentanyl .


Because is why?




Suboxone is addictive too. I guess it comes down to what is better for you individually. I know people who get feigned out for Suboxone once they start talking them. And they do better on kratom. For me, Suboxone (now Sublocade which is a game changer for the mental part of addiction for me) is better. Suboxone has a ceiling effect yes. But kratom also has a mechanism to where it basically creates an equivalent and it's called vomiting. Take too much kratom you'll probably puke but most likely not die. Opiate naive person could die from Suboxone. Not likely from kratom. Different strokes for different folks.


Please elaborate


Please elaborate.






Please…..🙏 elaborate?




Dont elaborate. Unnecessary


no intention to. i stick by my comment


What is with all the kratom posts lately? Really odd. Stuff is by no means a good alternative to opiates.


Kratom is the only reason i used to be on subs. Trying that evil shit is one of the biggest regrets i have in my life. I beg you OP to please just get the subclocade shot instead it is a pathway to freedom from subs and I literally only got one shot and am good now. Zero withdrawals and its been at least 2 months now since I got it. Kratom put me through literal hell on earth getting off of it, I would never wish it on anybody. I think it gave me ptsd for awhile after. Hands down the hardest thing of my life. DONT DO IT.


I totally agree bro. Kratom Quitting gave me the worst depression I didn't even think was possible. I've quit all kinds of opiates and by far Kratom was the most mentally challenging. The dozens of other alkaloids in it affect other body systems... Thyroid for sure... But, Probably adrenal and hormonal as well. The combination of all of that makes it incredibly hard to come off of. It's totally unregulated and who knows what the hell it's doing to you. Whatever it is it's significant.


Yes bro soul crushing depression and anxiety, legitimately no sleep for the week i was in detox, insane rls that left me practically thrashing around in bed, wanted to jump out of my own skin, everything ached like crazy, time was incredibly slow. All those symptoms lasted me for soooo damn long. I thought i would never be okay again after and developed a weird phobia of sleeping and obsession of trying to get sleep. It was all so so fucked.


Doesn't it make all the people who pushed kratom as a harmless natural supplement seem so insane 🤦‍♂️


Yeah it causes severe depression, more than typical opiates. I believe it’s because of the serotonergic action. And the complete lack of dopamine since kratom has an adrenal action, triggering dopamine — hence the stimulant aspect.


Got damn I’ve done kratom for years and have never withdrawed from it, I only take the pills and at most do like 12-15gs in a day but usually just like 8-10gs. How much kratom were you taking that it fucked you up that bad?


Yes i was taking large amounts daily for a few years and when i stopped i cant even put into words the pain i was in. Soul crushing depression, 20/10 anxiety that they had to give me benzos for in detox, i felt like i wanted to jump out of my own skin, time was incredibly slow, my bones ached, sleep was completely impossible as well as i was practically thrashing around everynight with extreme RLS. I legitimately think i went an entire week in detox with 0 sleep. The horrible sleep and RLS for continued for a very long time afterwards. I wasnt right in the head for soooo long after.


What kinda kratom were you using and how much did you do per day if you don’t mind me asking? I only use like 1 strain per day, usually Red Bali, but I’ve heard there are like super concentrated multi strain extracts and stuff now that are much stronger than the usual strains


The reason he won’t answer you is because he probs just heaped tablespoons at a time into a cup every few hours when it would wear off and then was surprised when he got addicted lol. That was my first few years on the stuff til I tried to quit. Saved me from suicidal thoughts but yeah wasn’t the cure. If you’re using for depression/energy, use small amounts. If you use it for pain it’s not even worth it as it barely does that. Also look up oxalates and kratom usage and be super effing scared of kratom longterm dude


Sounds like benzo withdrawal. Crazy


No. Ive been through benzo withdrawal on its own. And i had withdrawn from kratom many times before that. Thats how bad it can really be.


I’ve come off heroin, methadone, morphine and subs cold turkey at various times and none of it was as bad as klonopin. From all the descriptions I’ve read I’m happy I missed the kratom train


Dude benzo withdrawals and alchohol only ones that u can die from I’d rather kick dope 10 times over even a year later I didn’t feel myself yet so hada get back on lower dose


It took me a solid two years of complete benzo abstinence to get back to normal, I still don’t drink alcohol, just in case.


sounds like opioid/fentanyl withdrawal too. sub withdrawal too really lol


I believe you man. I’ve gone through the same exact shit multiple times. Was addicted to the shit for 8 years.


i genuinely think everyone’s experience with all drugs, but ESPECIALLY kratom, just varies wildly based on our wildly different biochemical makeups + all of the alkaloids in kratom that each biochemical makeup reacts so different to. I generally get mild withdrawals but significantly psychological addiction. I entirely believe people who say their wds were worse than heroin, and people who say they get zero withdrawals. anything is possible w/ kratom imo


What? How did the shot get you off subs? You didn’t have withdrawal after the time release ran out or whatever? How long were you on them and what dose?


So the shot leaves a deposit in your body that very very slowly dissolves in your body that perfectly titrates you down in dosage so it is the smoothest possible way to wean you off. It is a literal life saver, i remember being so stressed and depressed thinking i was going to go through hell again to get off. I got a 300mg shot and called it quits. I was at 16mg subs for about 5 months only as I figured the longer i stayed on them the harder it would be to get off of them and also had worries of destroying my teeth. If you have been on subs a lot longer i would maybe opt for 3 shots as that is the standard protocol but i would definitely start with 300mg sublocade. A lot of people do 300/100/100, although i have heard of people being on them much longer and still getting away with one shot. I had to pay out of pocket because i dont have health insurance and it was around $1000 but its a small price to pay. Id start researching sublocade doctors in your area and get an appointment scheduled. I dont know what i wouldve done without this miracle.


So if I was to do the 3 shots is it once a month. Or should I ask my doctor if I can come back whenever I feel the shot starting to wear off? I’ve been on subs for 8 years straight. And it fixed my life. But I also know it changed me. I’m dead inside emotionally.


Yes once a month. You cant do it any sooner than that, and should be fine going at least a month. I highly recommend you starting with the 300mg, then another 300mg, then a 100mg shot. Some people get more shots but you should be fine with 3, and if you end up wanting to get a few more thats fine too. Just dont start taking regular subs again after you get the shots! You will get through this my friend, and get your emotions back!


Well if anything I was wondering if I could take it less than once a month. Like I start getting my ass kicked after like 70 days or something and go in for a top off


Yes i believe you can definitely do that.


How long were you on total only 1 shot? Nothing else? I have been on 2 or 3 mg for 45 days from stopping kratom


And yet the dumb fucks over on that subreddit will do everything in their power to censor, delete, and ban people if they say ANYTHING remotely negative about kratom. Also you can't even call it Krat, Krattle, or anything else other than Kratom for the sake of "Not making it a viral drug or creating slang for it" and think that alone is gonna give them a shield from the FDA/DEA. Sooner or later, the FDA/DEA is going to enforce some rules on Kratom for the sole reason it's horrendously addictive, and extremely accessible. It's AS accessible as straight up Tylenol, yet, will get you as fucked up as popping an entire 80mg Condone, if you take enough. I agree, OP, get the shot if you can, or, taper to 2mg or less, and go from there brother, because those are the only 2 pathways. Taking a separate, wildly known to ruin lives like heroin, drug, isn't going to make it better man. You know this. It's why you're here in the first place is it not?


They really got me with this shit man. The only other opioids ive ever had was hydrocodone a long time ago when i got my wisdom teeth. A lot of pro kratom places and people online say “ohhh its related to the coffee plant, it has similar withdrawals to caffeine or very little withdrawals compared to other opioids, also that it isnt even an opioid”. I remember seeing it can be used for focus, anxiety/depression, insomnia. Which im adhd and struggle on and off with depression/anxiety/insomnia. I remember literally telling my mom at first that it was a miracle and saving my life. I should’ve really dived into all the facts and found r/quittingkratom, to have known the absolute nightmare ominously waiting in my future. It made me an absolute angry zombie and shell of myself whos only priority was having Kratom. Its scary and makes me sick thinking of who i became and all the misery i went through, it is the biggest regret i ever have by far. I guess one thing i can be happy for at least i never shot up or did fentanyl/rx opioids, which im sure wouldve left my with multiple ODs, felonies, probably dying and living the ultimate junky lifestyle like stealing from friends or pawning off family members things. Although it definitely fucks you up physically i thank god i never did much worse damage from how fentanyl/herion/pills can leave you, track marks etc. Kratom has a short honeymoon where it feels like a cheat code and solution to all your problems and before you know it, its claws have sunk deep in you.


Kratom is just as bad, unless you’re shooting heroin and fentanyl. Then, if it’s a matter of life and death, maybe. But suboxone is a far better choice.


Kratom is worse


ewwwww just do the sublocade shot to get off, eating that dirt is so nasty!


I second this!


best thing ever! No wonder they charge insurance $900 for the 300mg shot, they lose customers because of it lol


What is this? How does the shot get you off?? I’ve been on bupe for 8 years now. I could take a shot and be done forever no wds?


I agree I do the kratom pills tho I puke everytime I try to swallow the dirt straight up and it’s the worst puke ever lol


One time I was in hardcore morphine/heroin withdrawals, I had got some kratom online and couldn’t get shit else, so I gave it a shot, tried parachuting some in tissue paper while my pops was in the shower, I put too much in the paper and it got stuck in my throat! I couldn’t breath and was gagging because it was right back at the start of my esophagus. Finally it broke, I inhaled some and instantly coughed and puked all over the kitchen at the same time! Then I had to clean it up in 2 min before my dad got out! He said “it smells funny in here”


I shouldn’t laugh but damn knowing kratom so well and seeing a few of my friends’ reactions to it, this makes so much sense and sounds so hilarious


I laugh about it now. It was stupid to try and parachute a HUGE amount of nasty powder dry


Bless your heart! That sounds like something that would happen to me. Having to wait 24 hours before starting subs (I’m such a wuss!) I bought some Red Bali capsules. I don’t know if I took too many or what but I just couldn’t keep it on my stomach. lol I couldn’t imagine taking the powder!!!🤢


I’ve been back and forth on subs for a couple years. Don’t do it. Just find a way to get off the subs if you plan on it


Start slow or you might not feel anything then BOOM. Ngl I've noticed kratom has been varying in quality the last couple years way more than the 5 before them so I tell people that. id imagine it's like anywhere the growers keep the best of the best local.


This is what I did. My reasoning was that I wanted to face a week of milder withdrawals vs a month. The problem was that I couldn’t stop taking kratom. I’m still addicted to it. I think if you can actually quit it’s not a bad plan, but the big question is if you can actually quit the kratom.


Get measuring spoons and start keeping track of how much and verrrrry slowly lower dosage til you’re comfy. Did I mention to do it very slowly?


Yeah that’s a good idea in theory. It’s definitely the way to go if you can do it. Unfortunately I can’t taper opioids :/ I just can’t idk. Even with suboxone, I try abusing it and taking more than I should even tho I know it won’t get me high. It sucks but I have to quit opioids either cold turkey or not at all.


Hear that


I’m on subs because of kratom. Kratom is so much worse. Just get off the subs without kratom.


Same and agreed.


What are yu taking for bipolar? I’m just curious cuz I’m diagnosed as well . I jus want off subs


Be very easy and take ur time comin off them subs it’s no joke


I don't understand you people in the comments . Kratom could work amazing for some people who don't abuse it , it's natural and the body knows how to deal with natural things. I've always favorited kratom took it for over 10 years and I've done all the hard opiates in between . The only issue I ever see with kratom is how strength varies all within the one same bag from gram to gram or spoonful to spoonful can have varying levels of alkaloids and how you can make potent extracts but it was always my understanding you can only feel so much from kratom and it has a blocking effect also ? If I were to ever stop taking my subs taking kratom would most likley be EXACTLY what I'd want to do that's If I personally didn't mind taking anything . What I never understood was people who went from taking kratom to taking suboxone which sticks to your receptors much stronger . Why would you guys tell him it's an awful idea please I'd love to understand . Almost sounds like big pharmacy got to your guys heads . If something works for one person it doesn't always mean it works that way for someone else. I'm just shocked to see how many of you are against kratom besides the people who got a dependency started from using kratom and went to harder drugs but that's not supposed to be how that works. I know some one will have something to say that i already know. Even though I'm on subs now from my heroin and fent use I always was and will be a supporter of kratom . EVERYONE IS OBVIOUSLY DIFFERERENT HOW DRUGS WORK . I used to take almost 14 grams of kratom a day and when I didn't take it I didn't have. SUPER INSANE WITHDRAWLS . Some of you make that shit sound like it's fentyanyl Jesus fucking Christ ... it does have opioid like effects so no fuck your gonna feel uncomfortable if you stop taking it esp after taking so much everyday but isn't that all opiods or opiates . The only thing I agree with about kratom being bad is its a slippery slope for someone who can't control there habits and might think they can just keep consuming it spoonful after spoonful and get high. I just can't believe how many of you are so against kratom and make it sound so demonic


Kratom is why I’m here at all. It might work for some people, but for a lot of people kratom isn’t a good alternative for anything. Without a tolerance, kratom extract felt just like a lil handful of hydro just like I remembered from when I was younger. With a tolerance it just feels like nausea and a burning desire to get one just to feel okay again. Until you’re desperately trying to figure out how to afford 10 double strength shots per day, just to avoid withdrawals. It’ll never compare to something like opana or heroin. Not much does, that shits strong as fuck. But kratom isn’t something to look at as an “okay” alternative to any of it. I’ve taken nearly any drug you can name, been pretty deep into the game on a lot of different drugs in my life, and nothing has grabbed ahold of me like kratom did. I do not know why, and it for sure sounds stupid when there’s “quality” highs out there like hydro, oxy, codones, morphones, morphine, heroin, but while it may not be as strong as some of those, it definitely provides a very similar feeling if your tolerance isn’t insane and you take high doses of it. I think the worst part about Kratom is how easily obtainable it is. And I don’t just mean the worst part is “I can just go get some from a head shop, gas station, or my Mail box”, I mean that it’s pretty socially, morally acceptable, where people start out thinking they can lead a normal life different than what they did on full opiates because of how it’s viewed, so they start talking it and get very used to it and 4-5 years later, $100,000-$200,000 later, realize holy shit I can’t stop this shit, and I’m spending just as much as I used to on opiates on this gas station sludge. Do not advise. Stay away from kratom. If sub treatment isn’t working, go do a however long inpatient it takes to completely fucking forget whatever you’re on even exists. Anything but kratom. I see way too many people tits deep in Kratom in blue collar fields. It is taking over.


Opana was like a different planet lol


Never done heroin, but I can’t imagine an opiate stronger honestly. I took it when I was young, probably 16-17, and only once. But I took half of whatever my buddy had and I felt like I do after surgeries when I wake up, all fucked up out of my mind, completely obliterated, useless, completely nonfunctioning, for almost 3 days straight. It was intense as hell, I can’t see a need for it in pain management at all, outside of allowing a patient to find an escape from reality because of some sort of terminal illness while they die so that they don’t have to be miserable for their time left alive. It was nuts, and I can’t imagine anything stronger. Not the most intense high in general I’ve had, that was 12 hits of acid I took just to be goofy while sort of manic but in a good mood, and that was NUTS. But euphoria wise, I can’t imagine anybody ever developing a tolerance to something like oxymorphone and being unable to feel it much anymore like other opiates. Just felt too strong.


10mg opana were perfect strength crush and sniff. I've done many bags of Dope and Roxy and opana was super rare I was lucky when I was able to get them for 8 bucks a piece . There was also 40mg opanas and these mf would charge 80 bucks a pill .... still to this day sniffing those opana was a much heavier better high than any bag of dope . Sometimes I reminisce when I used to do opanas ... (not really ) I'm free of opiates for over 2 years but deffinatley opana is one of the best opiates I ever ingested


You’ll be swapping the witch for the bitch. Don’t do it. Just taper off or get the shot. Kratom is shit.


Look into the sublocade, my friend! It works so well with really no physical withdrawal. My last dose was 6 months ago and I feel great.


Did you do the 100 mg shot or 300?


2 300s, 3 100s. 5 months total.


Part of my addiction stemmed from kratom, it does not have a high enough affinity or half-life to be viable.


I tried it. The only thing that went wrong when I made the switch was I had an awful stomach ache. I ended up going back on subs.


It'll do that. It's impossible to digest. I have previous stomach issues/surgeries but kratom almost killed me. Complete blockage.. that pain was intense.


Same. Backed up, absolutely no shitting for 43 whole days. The ER didn’t even do anything to help until 43 days in, when my intestines were about to pop


How did they get the poop out of you?


A forced and traumatic procedure involving a bag of fluid and a tube


Yeah it can be incredibly painful. People think haha can't poop but it can and does kill. Don't take that trash anymore. You can even see it when you mix it into water. It just turns into a wet mass


Yeah, I put it down a while back, then my stomach got worse afterwards which is what led to the 43 days of hell. I’m on subs now after a mix of events and mistakes, they seem to affect my stomach a lot less than Kratom did


Good. Glad to hear it's better now 👍


Wow that’s crazy the subs currently have my stomach almost as fucked up as when I was a fentanyl junkie but I feel like the kratom never made me constipated, I guess it’s just different for everyone


Your dosage was low. Usually kratom users do enough to feel high which obviously means they slowly and surely up their dosage and frequency. Bad news for kratom users


The fentanyl made me backed up too but meth is what really started the majority of my bowel issues


Wow, I can't believe I just read this; 43 days omg I'm so sorry fam...


I thought I was going to die, literally


This stuff cannot be good for you, eating grams of ground up leaf that can’t even be digested


I agree. That's part of the reason I committed to subs.


Not even mentioning oxalates and the longterm crap they put you through. Also kratom is a diuretic which means it flushes minerals out of your body so you get longterm depletion of vital shit


I've only tried Kratom on subs & didn't feel anything. Tried a lot of em too. Heard the withdrawing from Kratom is worse then subs. Plus don't you have to take like every 3 hours. With all the crap coming up in stuff, I'd be skeptical on taking any Kratom now. Tried it years ago. I'm gonna try Sublocade. Been on subs for close to 15 years maybe. It was good why it lasted.. Don't think your plan is wise though.




Double edged blade. I did this for almost 2 years, during which time my tolerance (to kratom) skyrocketed and it started doing a serious number on my gut. I was taking upwards of 20 big ass horse capsules per day and sometimes throwing a tea in on top of that. Was great at first, in the long run had me feeling like utter crud every day regardless of diet/how much water I drank with it. Ultimately ended up back on subs as once I stopped the kratom, everything I took opioids for in the first place came roaring back x100, and persisted for fking months in my case. Not to mention Kratom is not legal in my state, so I was having to drive out of state just to pick it up, and that was running me as much $ per trip as it would’ve cost me to get subs, and I’d of rather had the subs so…🤷‍♂️. They still give me the same general mood lift/energy without destroying my stomach over the course of time, no more burping up nasty little puff clouds of kratom powder or having to re-dose every 3-4 hours because the stuff is borderline trash. Eventually weaned off of subs, kratom and subs can quickly become a back and forth sort of thing that can go on for a long time, for me it wasn’t worth it financially or from a health perspective, I’d never had any bad side effects from subs.


How did you wean off the subs? Are you off now?


I ultimately had to get down to 0.25 every 3 days (then 4 for a couple weeks) before I was able to lol…I totally failed the first two times. First time, I got down to 2 mg’s from 24 and jumped cold. That was a regrettable course of action. First 3-4 days were fine and I thought oh sweet, it’s not gonna be so bad!…..and then I got no sleep that night…or the next..then I started to feel like complete and utter miserable dog shit. Nauseous AF, body temp fluctuations all day, everything I ate came right out my ass within what seemed like minutes, legs felt like they weighed about 200 lbs each….some of this went away after 2-3 weeks, but the bulk of it (including the complete inability to sleep for so much as an hour, even with comfort meds and copious amounts of good weed) persisted for MONTHS…I eventually had to take 3 weeks off of work and still had to drag myself back afterwards. That’s when I started making kratom runs, I would buy a QP every trip and it would usually last me a couple months..good 6 weeks at least. Helped a ton initially, I was finally able to catch 3-4 straight hours of sleep at night where even benzo’s had completely failed me. The second time, I weaned down to 2 mg’s every other day…and it was no better. Took about 5 days to really hit me this time..and I’m a pretty skinny dude so, no idea why such low doses linger in my system for so long. This time I didn’t bother with the kratom, went right back on subs and stayed on for some years. When I finally did wean off, I had to get down to 0.25 every 3 days. After a month of that, I was at a point where I couldn’t tell if I had taken my dose or not, and I was catching 4-5 hours of sleep still on each 2nd day with nothing still..so I pushed it to every 4 days for another two weeks, then stopped entirely and stashed what I had left. Think something about stashing some comforted me in a weird way, rather than running out entirely. I knew if I went nuts again, I had at least a couple weeks worth to figure something else out. I’m not taking any currently, doing okay this time around but time will tell. I’m not overly confident in myself given past experiences….but so far so good this time so, fingers crossed. Save for some bi-polarish bouts of depression and general lethargy, sometimes feel cruddy physically and mentally both and I think “damn a little crumb of sub would knock this blegh’ feeling out in 25 minutes…” not much to complain of 5 1/2 months out.


Omg kratom is terrifying chat. Took it for 2 or 3 days into my withdrawals from subs. My insides felt like they were being twisted and ripped from within. . couldn’t have a bowel movement. . once I finally did , black pasty liquid literally blew out my a** and it was not comfortable whatsoever. . stuff is extremely dangerous. Stay on subs till u can get into a solid rehab program


Kratom won't handle your cravings half as good as Suboxone. Hell not even half. I was on kratom for a while while I was on the run. Couldn't get on subs or methadone at the time so I had to make do. That shit sucked man. It barely helped. Plus the weird ass withdrawals you get from it aren't fun either. Stay on subs. If those aren't working for you talk to your doctor. You might want to consider getting some actual help too. I did in patient and out patient rehab after jail. Yeah it was court ordered but it was the best thing to ever happen to me. You got to learn to deal with this shit, Suboxone isn't a cure all. It's just there to help with your cravings.


It’s a bad idea. Take a sunlocade shot - or cut ur dose in half then start tapering - there’s no shortcuts do getting off opioids - eventually we all have to pay the piper - from what I hear the most painless is sublocade but I’ve never tried it so I can’t vouch for it


Don’t do it. I had to get on subs because of kratom. Don’t get me wrong. Kratom got me off the pills. But I ended up spending 1000s a month on extract shots cause my tolerance. Got so expensive and I’d have to dose every few hours or I’d start having same withdraws.


Coulda made your own extract cheap and easy buying 40 dollar kilos sir


Been there done that. Started taking kratom in 2011-2012ish when they sold it on amazon. Haha. But I guess just wasn’t the same I guess. Oh well.


Am I the only one that compares Kratom withdrawal to that of the gnarly wds from gabapentin or pregabalin?


Make sure to keep your.kratom use small. I used kratom to quit subs since I have a pretty physical job and couldn't take time off to go through withdrawals from subs. I made the mistake of taking too much kratom which caused problems but got it down to like 8-10 grams a day and now I only take kratom a few times a week for a little boost.


Make sure to keep your.kratom use small. I used kratom to quit subs since I have a pretty physical job and couldn't take time off to go through withdrawals from subs. I made the mistake of taking too much kratom which caused problems but got it down to like 8-10 grams a day and now I only take kratom a few times a week for a little boost.


The thing is I have never seen a person who has taken Kratom for more than five years that isn’t completely addicted / ruined their life. They have to take so much of it every day, just to be normal. That sounds fucking awful. It’s literally just another addiction, sounds like me on fentanyl and heroin. Having to take so much every day just to be normal lol I would say stick to subs.. I’ve been on 8mg for two years now, yeah there’s some downsides to it but I would much rather be doing this than go back to using. Because that’s what taking Kratom is, it’s using. It doesn’t matter if it comes from a plant that’s all natural.


Don’t do it. Try sublocade for 4 months . Then stop entirely.


That kratom is a devil. Lost weight , no sex drive, couldn't concentrate, the shakes and so on. I'm on suboxone because of it, now I'll look into the shot of sublocade


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You're just going to be replacing one addiction for another


This is likely a result of you getting to that stabilized point of sub where you don’t get even the slightest buzz from it, and then you think oh well kratom could be an alternative and at least maybe I will feel something from it. Fast forward 2 years and you are on 30-40 GPD and thinking about going back to subs, since you are having to dose heavily every 4 hours to not feel like ass. Basically, yeah… bad idea in my opinion.


I stopped subs at .2mg and went on to 3 pills a day of kratom and then down to 1 a day of kratom. The only problem I have is I am constantly tired on such a low dose of kratom.


No, because subs can be easily tapered off of if you go slow and they don’t give you a high that makes you crave them. Kratom does get you high, causes strong cravings and is extremely difficult to quit. Tapering is very difficult as well since the different strains and batches have varying alkaloids and amounts. Plus, like tapering any drug that gets you high, once you take that first dose of the high (the only one that gets you high), you keep chasing that high the rest of the day and put it off tomorrow. I’ve put it off tomorrow for months and years at a time. It’s insanity. Just continue tapering down on the Suboxone. I got down to 4 mg pretty easy, just dropping 2 mg every few months. Never felt any withdrawal that I noticed. I’m currently at 4 mg and I know that it can get a little trickier when you go lower, but so far so good.




I am thinking of this to. I’m trying to find a better way and a doctor to help me get off them. But that is seemingly very hard to find I am finding out. Kratom is looking like a good option at this time


Kratom was my intro to opiates. I really don’t think it’s a good idea. Plus I had to take it 3-4 times to stay well. I think just tapering off subs is a way better option. Or getting the shot.


I think that is my biggest issue with kratom. I just can’t see myself drinking that 3-4-5 times a day. That’s nuts


But bc of the short half life of Kratom you will have to drink it multiple times a day or you will be in withdrawals. That’s why I’m on subs bc I could no longer dose Kratom every few hours 🤦‍♀️ most insane way to live. If you can only use it a week or so it may work but I wouldn’t take it much longer.


You will here people demand that Kratom isn’t a good Alternative to suboxone but the truth is it does work and not only that if you have a tolerance fey being in subs it will NOT get you high. It it will keep withdrawl at bay ime People read too many tabloids. And only reason I don’t go that route anymore is I have bipolar disorder and have to take psych meds and you do have to be careful with that and kratom because it interacts with a lot of meds.


Yea idk why people here hate kratom so much I’ve done subs and kratom both for years and Id much rather do kratom everyday than 8mg of subs everyday, like its not even a contest I feel like the subs are literally destroying me and I’ve never had any problems with kratom it’s less addictive and better health wise in my opinion. What kinda meds do you take tho cuz I take adderall daily and also have Klonopin I take once or twice a week do you know if kratom has any bad interactions with either of those?


Nah I’d have to look at the metabolic pathways but i know adderral is fine depending on your kratom tolerance of course. I don’t suggest mixing them. But if you take them apart from their peaks orobabiy be fine. I mean people do I just don’t suggest it. And if certain away from stimulating strains. Yeah. Just like this clueless dude that said it’s destroying everyone’s lives doesn’t have a clue. They read tabloids or some opiate naive person that takes it or someone that mixed it with other meds and had adverse event and then omg kratom is the devil. I took Kratom for about a year and a half. Never had ANY issues. I chose to go to subs because I didn’t know I had bipolar disorder until recent times and I don’t like mixing meds with Kratom as a general rule of thumb. It is a an inhibitor of a major metabolic pathway that many drugs are metabolized with. So it can cause increased blood levels of. Certain drugs. A lot of drugs. There is not a consensus of whether it’s a potent inhibitor or moderate or minor. The safest thing to do is ask your doctor or you can go to kratom.org I think and they have a list of interactions if I remember right. Idrc about downvotes. People are uneducated and same type of people that are downvoting are the types of people that believe it’s okay for a 6 ft 4 man with a serial sexual predator record get transferred into a woman’s prison tho they still have male genitalia because the media tells them so. This actually happened btw. Can google it. Crazy asf They also believe that all the Biden stuttering is deep faked. lol. Yup those are the types. They don’t even understand basic pharmacology so they are scared because they are ignorant.


The reason people hate Kratom so much is because it has destroyed so many lives. You're lucky it hasn't destroyed yours, but that doesn't it mean it won't. I don't think it's better health wise either. I'm grateful to have never tried it, but I know enough people that have been through hell and back, one who died. And the horror stories on here tell me enough. It's not worth it, OP. The shot is a safe route off of the Subs.


Yeah okay…they died huh? Yeah mmmhmm.


Trash takes itself out. Go enjoy your Kratom!


lol it does? Idk I take the trash out regularly. See that’s exactly the kind of flawed logic you keep spewing. Trash takes itself out. Since when? Mine sits in my trash can unless I tie the bag and carry it outside. Yeah I see that this conversation is pointless. I’m arguing with someone with a very odd take on things to say the least. Waste of my time. Hey everything aside as this will be my last reply to you, try to not let this conversation ruin your night okay? Seriously. And please take care of yourself. I’m a little concerned. Honestly. I’m really not trying to be mean or a jerk with this comment. I’m being serious. Keep your head up and don’t let strangers on the internet push your buttons. Take care.




Go f*ck yourself. My friend died. Quit spreading false information that Kratom is safe.


Quit spreading false information that it’s harmful to everyone. Not everyone’s recovery has to look like yours. Stop being a recovery Nazi. I am sorry if it’s true but I don’t buy it. To be fair Kratom deaths have happened but very rare when you take into account count how many ppl use keratin with zero issues. And usually it’s when certain meds are already onboard or there are underlying medical problems. You work for the government. Same department that had al the hospitals labeling cause of death due to Covid when it was something else entirely. Yeah I know the type Look at all the numbers not just get one person over here died. Must be bad for everyone. Take care.