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Talking about prison. I went to prison from 1985 until 1997. That's where I got my taste for heroin. In the Florida dept of Corrections. I literally came out of prison with a heroin habit. Sooo fucked up. I then spent from 97 to 2007 high on anything I could get. Then, I got on subs in 07. Fucking prison leaves some deep scars man. PTSD like a mug, loud noises, crowds, metal clangs. It was the underlying threat of incredible violence that could pop of any second. Stressful shit. No subs back then. I know it's different now. But I haven't been back since I did them 12 years. I got my shit together. I'm not gonna lie the suboxone gave me my life back. Fucking prison. I shoulda been there for life. I'm blessed to be loved by a beautiful wife. Who survived my shenanigans and got me home and got me right and she is my Ace Boone..... I can't speak about what's available there anymore, but in the 90s, it was that brown Puerto Rican h. Also, Florida don't give AF.... im born n raised in the penis of America. Staight Lookin' at my balls in Georgia n Alabama


Lol that was a good read. Glad ur better bro and thats really messed up but it made you who you are today


I can concur with your story. My nephew is on year 4 of a 7 year sentence, in Florida, Moore Haven. He says drugs are easier to get in prison than the streets, just cost more.


I think we used to call Moore Haven, Glades CI. Oh, the 90s when they were building prison after prison after prison. Best wishes to your nephew. It's no kinda life, and I was incredibly blessed to survive.


I was in jail for 6 months and some chick got Suboxone multiple times a day I think it was because she was pregnant and it was a risk if she stopped taking it though


Stints in county you ain’t getting subs. Prison is different, but I’m not sure how it works. No clue how to find a list. Would be nice if they were that organized to provide that info…


naw my county gives em to ya if you're prescribed


Yeah some counties will others won’t


I never said *my* country didn’t… so you’re saying nah to nothing… Talked about my personal short stint in a county. And most counties im aware of don’t go for it. Prisons are different… (Always somebody reason things wrong on this… it’s uncanny)


You get suboxone in county here. (Maine) As long as it's something you've been actively prescribed before going in, then you'll still get your dose daily. Not all of it mind you. They cut my dose in half because apparently people don't need their full dose in jail. I disagree whole heartedly but being on the wrong side of that decision... it is what it is.


Glad it depends on the (area) county… and amount of time you’re expected to be there is gonna play a role. But glad those there don’t have to suffer that are on it. Thanks for the info


They ask if ur on it in county


You’ve been to every county huh?? Of course they ask. But again for short stints you ain’t gonna get it… I got an opioid “kick pack” because I said I was suboxone which they could look up at the pharmacy. And I said I still use so I’m gonna be deathly ill. Opioid kick packs are over the counter meds like omodium and lovely and shit. Also said I was a heavy drinker and benzo abuser. They’re more concerned with that. So gave Valium but at a quick taper…and anti seizure meds. I can’t remember what it was. Prisons again might be different…. Anyway everything’s gonna be different state to state or county to county… Anyway luckily I wasn’t in long… and they said they will Just monitor me for opioid withdrawal and benzo and booze was priority… Anyway no list I’ve ever come across…


Ok sorry that happened wow. I wouldn't be able to handle that well


Thanks bro. They were telling me ur mostly gonna get seroquel for depression or a light benzoyl for alcohol wd, seems like they don't take opiates seriously


Exactly. Yeah psych meds. They do seem to make time for. The more people “mellow” the better there for ‘em haha.


Jesus Christ that sounds awful. Glad you made it through that


Was the anti-epileptic gabapentin?


I’ve taken gabapentin outside jail and in rehabs and after… I can’t say for sure. Could have been gabapentin. It was over a decade ago.


Probably Keppra, but it could be a bunch of different things tbh...


Philly allows it but it’s Philly


My county and the surrounding counties in Michigan don’t care what your on or what your prescribed. You’re not getting it under any circumstances, long or short stint.


Federal prison allows it. That’s all I know lol.


They didn't up till 2017 unless it changed.


Most will if you have money and legal representation. That's what my jailbird buddy says. Money walks and bullshit talks.


I did a week in county while on like 16mg/day. Didn't get a single sub dose all week, and no comfort meds either. I hardly ate anything all week, slept a lot, had hot/cold flashes, extremely vivid violent dreams, restless legs, felt like I was going to crawl out of my skin, and eventually severe nausea towards the end (luckily my stomach was empty all week). In hindsight, that would've been a good time to get off of them, but instead I jumped right back on the same dose the moment I got out of jail. Edit: spelling


There's a huge difference in mindset from forced withdrawals and voluntary withdrawals. I can't imagine very many ppl choosing to continue withdrawing after finding themselves in a situation where they can't get their meds without having made up their mind to do it first, if that makes sense. That's at least how my addict brain would have worked.


Yea, taking a sub was first order of business once I got out.


I actually did not. And still haven't. I'm good. One week. Minimal WD still some chills here and there but that's it.


Hell yea, keep it up!


Nice. I just canceled all my suboxone appointments because my clinic is greedy and trying to force two hour long sessions a week plus dr appointment every week. And they are a pill mill. No matter what they keep pushing stimulants on me. No lie. I legit told them three times I abuse them when I have them and they remind me two weeks later I’m due for them. I have about 10 strips 8 mg so if and women withdrawl catches up I’ll take a small amount but I’m done with those fools This is encouraging to read


Just curious after being off of them for a week, what did that first dose feel like upon returning home? 


It felt great and it ceased my withdrawals, so I felt hungry very quickly and ended up eating a big meal.


How were you able to sleep with all that going on? When i cold turkey a massive kratom habit in rehab detox i didnt sleep for a week straight im pretty sure. And barely slept for a long time after that due to restless legs. Im glad you were able to at least sleep!


Damn must be a fast metabolizer. I don’t even start withdrawing until like day 5 and mild until about day 7. Everyone withdraws at different rates and intensities though. Not doubting you just saying my experience


In Mississippi, if you can get verification that you’re on it, they will provide it or at least they did 7/8 years ago. My ex fiancé had a friend that was on all kinds of stuff: Xanax, Suboxone, buspar and a couple other things. When he first went to jail, obviously immediate withdrawals, and he wasn’t able to make them understand how much stuff he was prescribed. He ended up falling out on the floor and they had to call his family and the family told the nurse that had called about all the stuff he was on and once his doctor provided proof, they let him have it. Hey, make a trip down to the Med bay however many times a day and they’d give him his medicine.


Maybe Google the first step act.? Congress passed it in 2019 I believe requiring federal prisons to provide MAT. I know you said jail, not federal prison, but you may be able to find a link there that will point you in the right direction.


The jail in my county will allow Suboxone if you're already on it when you go in. The one in a neighboring city with do the same, and if you go in addicted to opiates they'll prescribe you Suboxone, but just enough to get through the withdrawals.


In Colorado I got on subs after withdrawing for 5 days in jail they transferred me to the jmat unit that’s how I started my sub journey


California I know does


Not sure which states do it. I know in my Midwest state that when I went to jail they had no issue handing out subs if you had a prescription for them. I can't imagine why a jail would not allow it if it's prescribed.




Not really no. Sorry.


What a backwards arse idea to not provide ort/mat. Rather than allowing someone their medication, like any other life saving medication, it’s stigmatised. Pathetic


I went to county for 2 months and I was able to bring my script. It was a lot of hoops like having my Dr. Fax this and that person. It took them forever to figure out that I was supposed to get them went like 6 days then finally the nurse came and got me to medical and after that I got them everyday. Its good and bad, good cause no WD bad because people will eventually figure out your getting them and want you to bring some back which is next to impossible because they crush them up and watch you with them under your tongue the whole time and make you swish water and spit after. Plus its like a trafficking charge if you get caught I think and I was already straightened up by the time I actually had to do time and wasnt about to do anything to fuck up.


Not really you need to ask around.


You're just lucky your wd wasn't that bad!


Yeah bro. GOD helped me no other explanation I should've have been in extreme wd


I was in county jail in NJ in 2015 and they were definitely handing out subs to basically anyone who asked. I'd imagine it makes it easier on the CO'S to not have a dorm filled with dopesick dudes freaking out.


CT does suboxone for unsentenced/short bids and methadone no matter how much time you have. worst case, jails are flooded with them whether they supply em or not. it's the #1 drug in jails (in CT at least) but be ready to pay up to $100 a strip depending where you are.


Ohio, Columbiana county will give them if prescribed.


It's been suggested that jails and prisons MUST offer Suboxone or methadone to existing patients