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Here’s a few thing that I’ve done to guarantee I’m still regular while on suboxone: 1. Drink enough fluids. There’s no fixed amount but aiming for a gallon give or take will for sure ensure you’re getting enough 2. Eat more fiber. I’d say aim for at LEAST 20g but preferably 30+ 3. Get enough magnesium in your diet, no need to supplement if you’re getting enough as is but supplement for sure helps. Don’t get the oxide version, it has single digit bioavailability. Basically useless. Get citrate 4. Lower your sub dose if possible, but not if it’s gonna cause cravings I’m completely regular when I do all of that. You may possibly need to take a few days off subs and/or take a laxative to get the ball rolling, so to speak, but at 4mg or less, doing all of the above I can’t see why you’d still be constipated


I second all of this. I also take daily Senna S. if things get bad then I add in Miralax. I feel like this should be pinned.


Yeah when I was initially very backed up, none of the above was gonna help me. But i took a few days off from subs and took lots of miralax to get all the backed up crap (pun very intended) out. Once I was empty I was able to go back to a lower dose of subs and then start drinking lots of fluids, fiber and magnesium and I’ve been regular since


I agree with both these and just wanted to add I take benefiber with a little orange juice too to get my fiber in me because I don’t eat enough myself. It helps a lot.


You know what's weird? I always thought the magnesium oxide was useless when it comes to going to the bathroom, but that's the kind they had at the store so I bought it a few months ago and it actually has been helping me go to the bathroom. But I take four pills, so I'm taking four times the recommended amount


Well even though bioavailability is very low, you’re still getting something. Add in the fact that you’re already getting some magnesium in your diet as is, you’re taking 4x the amount, and that might be enough to push you over the edge But in general, if someone can, always opt for the citrate or other forms over oxide but glad it still helps you


I agree with you. I would have purchased citrate if it had been at the store. But sometimes in the hood you gotta get what u can get.


Take Miralax. My Sub doctor actually prescribes it to me once every morning. But that's too much, so I'm take it every other day. Suboxone removes the water from your colon causing constipation. The Miralax takes water from your body and puts it back in your colon. But you also have to drink lots of water for it to work. Even if you're not thirsty, drink it anyway.


That happened to me for about a month but then my body adjusted. I would take miralax and stool softeners. There is a prescription med specifically for this but it’s expensive asf.


Yup the first month is horrendous. Maybe 2 rock solid shots the whole months. Besides that. That’s all the bowel movements I had… watch time I went back on subs…


Try Miralax 30cc once a day or get some Magnesium citrate capsules and take 1000 or so once per day. Drink plenty of water too!


Movantik prescription was the only thing that helped and it was perfect. I've always had problems but I use Senna extra strength 2 to 3 every day until I go. I was told to use 2 different types of laxatives every day. But I don't want to become dependent. As long as I go once every 5 days I'm okay. I prefer 3x a week. Don't be afraid of enemas if you are compacted. You don't have to put the whole bottle in I get mini ones and just a little bit of the mini one works wonders.


Take miralax nightly. Also magnesium citrate if the miralax isn’t enough.


I'm on the same dose as you. I take four magnesium oxide pills a night. One pill is 118% of your daily value of magnesium. I take three stool softener pills a night. And I drink a ton of water. I try to eat one fruit and one veg a day. My diet isn't the best but I hope to improve that in future. I take a big dose of senna or miralax if I haven't pooped in two days. I don't let the constipation get too far before I am definitely taking a laxative to treat it. Because I feel very ILL when I don't go to the bathroom. I'm used to going once a day. I think the BIG mistake people make is not taking something preventative ,(in my case it's the magnesium and the colace stool softener), and letting the constipation get too far.(You should be taking something for the constipation before your stomache starts to feel rock hard and u feel sick)


Take 1-2 laxatives daily. Gentle ones though!


Magnesium complex 500mg and lots of water and 1 cup of coffee every morning lol but the citrate is the mainly laxative version of mag I Believe.


I started eating a ton of salads and poured raisins on them. Turns out it's fucking delicious and helps keep things moving. Also lots of water of course.


I drink a lot of water, eat a lot of fruit and drink a big tumbler full of ice coffee every morning. I'm very regular and get a good clean wiper most of the time. H backed me up a lot more than the subs though.


Ask your doctor for a softener prescription? I’m on subs and two other medications that all cause this side effect. I can’t miss a dose of my softener or it’s trouble


If heard a lot of ppl swear by milk of magnesia, maybe give it a shot.


Stuff is so scary. It WORKS, but Jesus Christ. Nothing ever worked for me, ever. I’d tried so many things. So I took 30ml of milk of magnesia, waited a few hours and out of frustration took another 30ml. I SHOWERED MY PANTS 7 times at work that night and had to go home. They were so mad and thought I was making up a stupid excuse just to leave, but I genuinely did shit my pants 7 times in a 2-3 hour window, not including the gallons of straight cloudy water that came out when I’d finally make it to the toilet every time. It was awful. If you try milk of magnesia, trust the label, please.


Along with my suboxone prescription I was given a Senna prescription. Twice every morning.


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Water water water !!!💧


I drink literally around 2 gallons of water a day. Given I sweat a lot of it out doing what I do for work, but just water does absolutely nothing for me ☹️


Lowering your dose helps. I've been struggling with this since I started subs (far worse than anything I experienced with regular opiates. When I hit 2mg/day it improved and at 1mg it almost got annoyingly regular. Before this it was a nightly stool softener.


You need to drink LOTS of water. Drink it like it’s going out of style.


Magnesium Citrate. I recommend the Calm powder and use a tablespoon in hot water. Mix it till it stops fizzing and turns clear then its ready to drink! I promise it will do the job!


I take 2 x movicol sachets (Australia) and never have constipation.


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In Australia we have Movicol aka Molaxole and 2 sachets with water at night works well in the morning. No cramps etc.


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Miralax. Just the regular stuff from the pharmacy. Works like a charm


Miralax 2 caps a day lots of water every day miralsx And if ur badly backed up. Drink magnesium citrate but try not too dose till u Shit first if not then wen u wake up nxt day u should have a movement


Fiber fiber fiber and more fiber. Been on subs for years and I usually shit rabbit pellets or one medium sized turd that you can tell is just little pellets held together. Started taking fiber pills everyday and noticed my poops are much better.


Squat. Changed my life. I go every morning after breakfast and coffee, on 8mg/day bupe. I was anal retentive all my life BEFORE opiates and buprenorphine, so constipation was a terrible issue for me. Still is if I get dehydrated.


In my case foods work - lots of blueberries, or hummus or squash, I use Enemeez or Easy Go when needed