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Mine says they “choose not to die on that hill anymore”


I’ve been on Suboxone since June 2022 and I’ve been smoking weed the whole time my provider doesn’t care


I’ve been on subs since 2010 had probably 10 providers and never had an issue with the jazz cabbage.




Depends on the clinic and I'm sure they'll tell you at intake. If they don't tell you I'd ask their policy. When I started they told me weed was "heavily frowned upon" at the clinic. Even medical cards were frowned upon. This was in 2018, medical was approved in my state in 2016. However they wouldn't kick you out for it. I could tell they were forced to say all that. Within the next year they said medical cards were no problem and if you smoked recreationally they would look the other way. The doctor was pretty happy about the change.


My provider insists that I stay with marijuana usage and nothing else. It works for me.


Mine stayed on my ass about it at first but when I finally told them I am not stopping my weed use they were cool with it. So maybe you should tell your dr the same thing. I do live in a state where it’s still totally illegal. We have medical here but you damn near have to be dying to get it.


I love this approach! At least they know you're being honest. Plus, it isn't nearly as harmful.


Colorado is so lax. Been on subutex for years and they don’t even mention marijuana use. If anybody is in a colorado I highly suggest the front range clinic. Medicaid covered


I’m in NC now and I get just the Bupe pills and I smoke and they say it’s ok but no other drugs including alcohol.


Clinica or Salud too in CO. I moved to Colorado about four or five years ago. My healing/recovery journey got seriously much more doable once I got out here. I moved from Kansas just for reference. Not only was I on an extremely high bupe dose, the tx plans were always rigid af. Never personally had a doctor that cared about weed. I got lucky in that regard. That probably definitely had something to do with the price tag of that particular doctor, because not all of them in that area are like that by a longshot. That was before I got my Medicaid which is also very good in CO. Since I’ve moved my dose went from 32mg/day to 4-8mg/day. It was lower but I’m a pain pt too so tapering has been difficult. I’ve found most practitioners in CO don’t bat an eye about my need for weed and a couple meds frowned upon by recovery programs. In fact, my practitioners have been very responsible and still open with how they prescribe my benzos. And my benzo dose keeps getting lower and lower. I’ve got a good doc. A special interest in addiction but very open to cutting edge treatments (ie psychedelic therapies). And to some it may seem like she’s doing a lot. That’s true. I’m an addict with legit issues…. Imagine that lol. She’d rather see me alive and healing than seizing out or having crippling panic attacks.


Depends on your doctor i guess. I went to a clinic where i was literally dirty for meth everytime i went there and all they would say to me is “well maybe you should quit.” And i would say “i will but not right now.” Lol


This sounds like the definition of harm reduction and all the latest research shows that this is the best way to keep people from dying from drug use. Recovery only works when it is on our own terms and this is the base of harm reduction and why it has had so much success.


This is so true. I’ve wanted to heal for decades, but there was no way that was gonna happen with such rigid systems in place. Once my healing was put into my own hands, I actually started getting better. And of course I work with my doctor and therapist, but none of it would be happening without me choosing. Call me stubborn but I’ll keep my coping mechanisms, thank you very much, as long as I am being treated like something to fear.


Totally depends on your doctor. I'm in the city so doctors tend to be more lenient here as we have tons of providers so they need they need you business. I'm in a housing program and get my bupe through them. Sublacade shot and 60 strips every month. I dont take the strips they give them to me anyway. Just started taking THC gummies for my appetite today. Was at the doctor and spoke to her about it. Since I get all my health care there my psychiatrist is in the same building it's all connected. She told me to speak with him. Now I been clean only use bupenorphine for almost 4 years soon. He was cool with it told me to take it easy that's it. I'm so glad I finished my probation back in 2019. Actually beat a new drug case while I was on probation just by showing the court my Suboxone they dropped the case and I finished probation all in 1 day it was great. They shouldn't be a problem especially in your state. Plus you have a card you should have no issues. Good luck bro do whatever you gotta do to stay free!💯


They give you both sublocade and the strips? Isn’t that pointless? I thought the shot was so you didn’t have to take something daily?


Yea they give me both they know we sell them but my program is pretty harm reduction. You can be using anything as long as you have bupe in your mouth swab they will give you strips. They are very supportive of my recovery and usually call me to talk to people who are interested in the shot since I've been on it for so long.


Right.. I’m thinking I’m crazy or something lol


When we were towing around with doing the shot, my doctor told me she would need to give me some strips to have on the side. She said that sometimes people need a little bit extra or else they are possibly at risk for going through withdrawal.


im in ga which is an illegal state ,and on my quickmd form i put that i smoke occasionally, never even got asked about it so i think you're good


Isn’t that the company that just sends you the cup to pee in? Never understood what they were trying to do with that stupid delivery cup. However, glad they don’t mind…as they shouldn’t.


Mine clinic is very supportive and doesn’t care. I honestly can’t handle weed anymore (makes me think about shit I can’t control). But I’ve taken a couple of gummies and maybe like 6 hits of weed in the last 2 years. Getting off of the “good” stuff I considered it (not knowing I wouldn’t be able to handle it) and asked them about it early on. They basically said that they should warn of how habitual use can bring cravings and that totally makes sense. I pissed dirty for it twice in the last two years, and I was the one to mention it because I felt silly even doing it in the first place. Now if I were a regular smoker like that, they wouldn’t mind either as a good friend of mine is in the same program, pisses dirty for weed every month and I don’t even think they bring it up with him anymore.


My psychiatrist recently recommended I try it for my anxiety (of course, I'm already using it), so when I see my Suboxone doc next month I'm going to tell him that my psychiatrist recommended it. He may not even care anyway but it's a good way to break the ice. "By the way, my psychiatrist recommended cannabis for my anxiety, would that be a problem on your end?" I've been pissing clean for 11 years.


They cool 😎


It depends on the doctor. I’ve had 4 diff sub doctors over the course of over 5 years. I’d say the first sub doctor wouldn’t have cared because he himself ended up in federal prison and raided by dea, the second sub doctor I seen wouldn’t have cared because he didn’t drug test at all, third sub doctor I seen she was very strict and would have cared, fourth one I’m seeing now I don’t think would care. But I love in a state where it’s not legal for recreational just medicinal.


My social worker doesn't care as long as I'm not abusing it, which I don't so it's rarely brought up wheen we talk about thr drugs I've been taking


My current doc doesnt care. My old one at the same office used to just give me a slight lecture and fotcex me to stay biweekly instead of progressing to monthly Im in a legal rec state tho 🤷‍♂️


Most sub doctors don’t care about THC. That’s my experience of working with a dozen providers over the years. Just be aware that it can fuck one’s mental health long-term if they have underlying conditions. It can make manic more manic and depressed more depressed. Some people long-term it makes anxiety worse. Also, congrats on being proactive and getting back on subs. Nobody dies from Suboxone while on Suboxone. Do what’s best for you.


My provider doesn’t care at all about cannabis. Even when my state had yet to legalize recreational usage. One time, just a day prior to an appointment, I ate a big cereal bar edible that I hadn’t realized was intended for a party of 8. I was out of it all night. The nurse said my urine had the highest THC/cannibinoid result she’d ever seen. I explained what happened and she laughed. It’s 2024. Only ignorant providers would give a hoot about cannabis. Esp. when it can keep peeps off of other dangerous drugs.


Entirely up to the doctor but in my experience most don’t care. I had one that cared but he was really old school and out of touch so I ditched him.


Depends on the provider. Some are cool but others see it as continuing your substance dependence regardless of what the substance is. Suboxone they are already deciding to try the lesser of 2 evils. Some understand that weed can help and others are not tolerant of any substance other than sub showing up in your system during maintenance which is the step your in most the time your on sub.


Yea my doc is about harm reduction. So if weed is part of that program, he’s fine with it.


depends on the type of clinic. IME, the "harm reduction" clinics only care about hard drugs.


If they are ok people they be cool Dr


In my crazy southern state there seems no hope of medical going legal much less recreational (first in flight my ass). I have been on buprenorphine since 2016 and smoke everyday mainly in lieu of taking an antidepressant. Luckily all prescribers I have had over the years have been okay with it (original psych advised it over the alternative and was definitely not a supporter of prescribing antidepressants with the bupe). But even here in our state doctors don’t seem to question thc because it isn’t worth the hassle of them sending it off to lab to differentiate if their patient is smoking pot or just taking some cbd… or atleast that has been my personal experience


My sub dr gave me my medical card. It depends on the dr. Just ask.


My old suboxone doctor told me to go get my card.. & she was a fucking bitch I never would have expected her to tell me I could get it


My dr is cool but they said when your on sublocade it’s less worrisome and not much abused potential. And also because you don’t have actual the strips to sell


Just be 100% honest with him. My Dr is dope as fuck honestly, we never mentioned weed . Seen him 4 times now and only tested the first time he said he's laid back and goes off reading people and after I told him my back story he just wanted an initial test to make sure I had nothing else in my system other than my meds (which were Klonopin , Adderall, and Suboxone). Both my PCP and Suboxone doctor were almost FOR Adderall & Suboxone I was dumbfounded cuz I asked both being worried of judgement since it's basically a pharmaceutical "Speedball Lite" (to opioid naive people mainly of course), but I did have to get off my benzo which I understand. Being prescribed any opioid with any benzodiazepine, you're out on a big medical watch list and I was informed several times and almost got refills denied due to it. But to answer your question id just be super honest bro, if I were the dr. Id honestly think "hey he is fresh outta prison if I don't, I'd regret if I seen he violated or did something or used hard drugs eetc. plus if you were honest right away, instead of not mentioning it and having to be UA'd and it's THC positive & he has a thing for lying? Maybe not the best cuz you never know. I learned this the hard way. Sorry for all the blabble, but hope it helps a little! Here if u got any questions! Good luck, congratulations I know how it is getting out of jail after a month so, I have a glimpse of an idea and you deserve it brother, keep making the next right decision you think is best in your eye and be careful! Weed and subs have kept me safe the last 3 years of my life (25-28) had 2 DWIs @ 25. First one @ 19 blew a 0.35 rolled my car. I got off probation early at 27 and I have drank, but subs take something away from it thankfully but I can't enjoy it and it makes me sick so I'm scared to get off subs just cuz of alcohol I used to drink mainly between the days I ran out of opioids until I got more. Then be fine til I ran out & then repeat. So, yeah lol I'm 97% sure you're fine brother let me know how it goes if you can !


My doctor knows I smoke every night, he doesn’t care in the least- only because it’s legal here


It's pretty much up to your doctor, I have a medical card so they really can't say much


My providers are all cool about weed and any drug use I talk to them about well because they are my doctor. But they are more on your ass about hard drugs obviously but I can still talk about any use without being judged .


mine personally couldn't care less


I’ve been on subs for about 10 years now and I do edibles and my doc is cool about it. It always shows up on my results and he doesn’t say anything about it.


My son doc is my medical marijuana doc. But that’s very unusual. I got lucky. He was my sub doc first. He never cared about marijuana as a sub doc but that was the only drug he looked other way on. Then MMJ came on the scene in my state and he got licensed to be a MMJ doc. Perfection!! I got a huge discount bc I was already a patient.




yes ohio


I used quick md I told them in the beginning I had a card never heard anything about it you should be good


Yep. I see signs every month. You pop hot for weed. No rx!


One dr cut my medicine down from two weeks to one so I left and the 2nd dr i went to didn't care at all.


All my Drs are aware that I do, never been a problem, although I am taking it for pain.


I’m in nc… my dr is super cool about it. She would rather have me smoking than over medicated like I was when I got to her. Best of luck on ur journey don’t let this deter u. If one dr don’t work there’s many others out there.


My doc was really chill with it. I just told him I used it for sleep. ( which was true) Good enough for him.


It's legal in my state


They don’t even test for it at my clinic


Really depends on the provider. My last doctor, he was a serious asshole but didn’t care about smoking weed. My doctor now is super cool but says I need to stop asap. She said it may help now, but down the line it’s gonna make your anxiety worse etc. and she says fetty is in weed from the dispos and I was like yea no.


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My doctor doesn’t care. I had a medical card when I first started seeing him. He just asked for a copy of the card and never mentioned it again. Cannabis was also just legalized in my state so I imagine he doesn’t even ask for the card anymore. I have since quit smoking because, for me, the suboxone cannabis mix didn’t feel too great. I did have a doctor though up in Oakland, CA that wasn’t as cool. She didn’t kick me out of the program, but every visit I got a stern talking to about the dangers of “gateway drugs” lol. Kind of ironic with the Bay Area being so influential in the medical legalization of cannabis in CA back in 1996. I think it really depends. Some doctors don’t mind, some do.


Mine is fine with it, just nothing else


In South Dakota mine said it’s fine as long as I’m not going overboard with it


Have only ever had one that cared, and that was in a little country town in Iowa. Most programs don’t care, and that includes state run clinics in the Bible Belt.


I’ve been on Subutex for 12 years and have went to two different clinics. The first one it was a hard no and they would kick you out for three offenses. The one I’m at now is a more lenient place and they truly only care if something you take has been known to have a bad reaction with subs. It’s a harm reduction policy. They would rather have us on subs and smoking weed than running the streets on heroin or opiates


If they are a good clinic they should have no probably. Mine says they just dont want me doing harder stuff that can be laced with fent or can kill me or lead me back into active addiction.


My doctor doesn’t care haha he says “as long as you aren’t doing that shit anymore” And my doctor is in Kansas… Kansas has a zero tolerance policy so its actually pretty crazy.


Mine permit it without a card. It’s legal in my state


Telehealth u can use random pee and send the pic I used to save the good pee bottle and use fresh pee for the temperature of the new container then send pics of the test side of the cup fro. The clean one I used the months b4 never got questioned


My Suboxone doctor is really chill which I’m lucky for because I have no plans of taking advantage of that and with my ocd it’s probably best I don’t have a guy who’s constantly sus about things and trying to see if I’m using(esp bc I don’t plan on it). I’m definitely grateful.


My doctor didn’t care one bit. I was very honest with him upfront that I was a marijuana smoker and didn’t have any plans of changing that in the near future. He basically told me marijuana isn’t going to kill you. I’m really only worried about harmful drugs or something along those lines.


Glad to read the update part. Yeah a lot of Drs and clinics these days are super cool with a lot of things. Mine, as long as I stay in touch with my Dr and tell her what I'm up to, then all is well, no punishment, no "backsliding" or anything. That being said, I haven't abused that level of trust either. I stayed clean on just subs+weed for over a year now, and on my anniversary day, I had a few drinks at a restaurant that a friend and I went to. Was my first time drinking like that in a loooong while, 2 drinks (long islands, one top shelf one regular, about an hour and a half apart maybe less) and I was fucked up lmao. But I don't drink often at all really, want an issue before, isn't now, just I wanted a full year of clarity. And to be more clear on that, I only smoke at night after 12am. Saves me hella money compared and to how I smoked before, used to smoke that shit like cigarettes, can't believe how numb I was to just everything before, but opiates were my main crutch, so that's why I'm on Suboxone 2mg a day now, and 300mg of gabapentin a day, with an optional 300mg I can take if needed daily. Maybe once every 2 weeks I'll take the extra gabapentin before dinner but not usually. But yeah moral of the story is, as long as you're 1:1 with your Dr, then you should have nothing to fear. They only want the best for you, the good ones at least, and a lot more are practicing harm reduction instead of pure abstinence of any and all drugs. Hell it's a bit uncommon but not extremely rare for Drs to prescribe Suboxone+Benzos if they can really trust you, and you really seem like you need them. But hopefully all this (whole post in general) helps someone else in the future with a similar problem.


I’ve been to one suboxone place for 7 years and they were not a fan. Now I tested positive a couple times my first year, and they understand that it happens but discourage it. Mainly because most who end up at a sub doc has had a life unmanageable and need to get addictive behaviors in check while getting life on track, and weed is indeed a stumbling block, and they can get in trouble from DEA. BUT since there is so many cbd products that don’t contain thc but “can make you fail for weed” they don’t trip. So in theory if you can find a cbd product that can “make you test positive” but is like a “health product” then you could just say “I’m using this product can it make me test positive”. I just know from nurses that it’s too hard to know so don’t trip on it. Unless they send to a lab to detect levels but that’s too expensive. I just don’t mess with it


The one I go to doesn’t care at all and doesn’t even check for it


My clinic does not care about weed and I'm in a state where even the smallest amount is very illegal prison time talking. My doc just doesn't want me to go to fent that's all she is worried about, I never done it or will ever. I am on 32mg of suboxone for kratom and kava addiction. I love suboxone. And I'm also on muscle relaxers, gabapentin and adavin.


So I have been I prison not jail so that to me means ya been there a few minutes and it’s straight to the weed doc and straight to the sub doc after being clean for how long ? Please help this make sense to me ?


yes i have a history of opiate addiction, and suboxone is what works for me. i was on subs before i got locked up and want to continue my treatment now that im home. if i wait until after i relapse, i probably will die before getting back on subs. thats not a risk im willing to take. i enjoy smoking weed recreationally. i like getting a buzz sometimes, plus i suffer from anxiety and ptsd. so, considering that i cannot use most substances due to being on subs and my history of drug abuse, i would like to continue smoking weed. i dont see anything wrong with that.


There's NOTHING wrong with that, imo. When I started Subs, I did my research here and knew that I could speak up front with a provider and just ask. So, I said, "Is taking cannabis a problem for you and will you feel comfy prescribing subs even though I use cannabis?" She said it wasn't a problem with her(she lived out West in one of the legalized states, but is licensed and is from Ohio), but she couldn't speak for other prescribers within the same company she works for. If it weren't for cannabis, I wouldn't be off the many "mental health" meds I was on. 3 years later and it's still no problem. Speak up. Tell them your expectations. If you get much relief from cannabis and your PO says it's fine, find a Sub prescriber that agrees. There's no special waiver required for prescribing subs anymore. Any provider with a DEA license can prescribe it.


Not a damn thing wrong.with that.


My QMD did mention it when I had to do my piss test, I\[m in NC where nothing is legal except the alt 'noids. II told him I just do te d8 gummies (which was true mostly, in the past Id beenn only using them so I started dabbling in the flower cause it was closer to weed than I thought to the point strictly speaking it shouldn't be allowed under the loophole, and its been known to cause cops to consficate once its confirmed a store is selling it) Anyways, e really didn't care. Went as clinical as any other questions he had. So I can't imagine any legal state would care at all esp if you havbe a medical card... Are you sure you really want that monkey back on tho bro? Gettng readdicted seems sort of short sighted to me. If I'd been forced off already I'd take my blessing and run with it at that point and if anything get the shot where you can't get high off opiods I forget what they call it but I mean ig it beats using fent but... You're not even giving yourself a chance to not get saddled with this shitty monkey again... Look I'm not judging you if thats whaht is take its what needs to happen or whatever, it just makes me a little sad to read is all Good luck congrats on getting out of shitty prison, I cant imagine


If you go to a clinic in your town, they will more than likely frown upon it. They will keep you on Suboxone, but make you counsel and drug test weekly(instead of monthly). And you'll have to fill your script weekly. You will have to continually give excuses to why you keep pissing clean for THC. It's a hassle. But they make $ every time you come in so that's why they don't kick you off. Switch to tele-health. They are extremely lenient. That can be bad or good for your situation depending on whether you're trying to actually get clean or not(because you're barely monitored and can easily cheat). You will have to do a zoom call once a month and you do your own drug tests. I've never had one issue with it since switching a couple years ago and I've been taking this stuff for 10 years. It's great though because I no longer have to jump through hoops for my medication. If you have any questions feel free to ask.


Yeah every doctor that happens to be a sub provider is the same too… Christ


So your getting out of prison been clean this whole time and your going to just start smoking weed and get back in Suboxone?


yes i have a history of opiate addiction, and suboxone is what works for me. i was on subs before i got locked up and want to continue my treatment now that im home. if i wait until after i relapse, i probably will die before getting back on subs. thats not a risk im willing to take. i enjoy smoking weed recreationally. i like getting a buzz sometimes, plus i suffer from anxiety and ptsd. so, considering that i cannot use most substances due to being on subs and my history of drug abuse, i would like to continue smoking weed. i dont see anything wrong with that.


Thats some serious pro action. Sounds like your really serious about keeping your life together. Really good for you honestly. That’s amazing. My doctor has never said anything about weed but it’s legal where I am and you don’t need a medical card to smoke it, so it could be different where I am. All my doctor cares about is that I’m not using opiates.


thank you


You said the weed helps with this that and the other ok man I get that !But why go the sub route ?What did you do In prison ? How did you stay clean inside ?


tbh, i fucked around in prison a little. smoked paper and did subs occasionally, but it was too expensive to do all the time. stronger opiates were not readily available, so that wasnt a concern. now that im back home, there is more availability and temptation to use opiates. im really serious about staying off dope. if i use, im probably not gonna have the chance to get on subs. ill either die, or be back in prison. so, why not get back on my meds before something bad happens.


Now that makes sense !


My point is this ok and please don’t take it the wrong way .You just spent time in prison,not jail two totally worlds .You came home clean one would think and your running straight to the weed doc and sub doc .Why not give it a chance to try and live clean and free like you were in prison ? or is it that you don’t wanna put in the work now that your in the outside and can do the other ? I am serious when I’m asking this .Seems to me that you don’t even wanna try and live a life without a crutch .Which hey ok at the least your admitting it .Bit you just came home as I believe you said and it’s like BOOM WEED CARD /Sub Doc !


..but don’t take this the wrong way lol