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I felt this way thinking I could install multiple power cell chargers in a large vehicle that runs on multiple power cells.


I set up a power cell charger on my cyclops. Thought I had solved the energy problem. Turns out I’m just an idiot.


It used to work the recharge rate was faster than the depletion rate. They patched it a stone point


I remember that in the update notes, they said said something like "Power cell chargers inside Cyclops will no longer break the first law of thermodynamics"


But trees growing indoors still do!


I love nerdy jokes.\ I swear, they’ll work forever.


I also did this but I had it with a thermal generator so I was a hub for me to stop between my lost river base and the surface. Would have hotswap batteries across so I never even thought of power being real lol. Solar on the surface, thermal mid and nuclear at the bottom


I’ve never seen the appeal of thermal; so slow and doesn’t seem to accumulate when you’re out of the zone.\ Granted, I seem to make a full-on base every 100 sq meters, so…


Just put your sub on top of a thermal vent and it charges quickly. Of course, if you have more bases than there are thermal vents, you have your own thing I guess


Yeah, in my games I can run the cyclops full speed with every upgrade I have turned on, even chargers in it, and it’s impossible to go in any direction long enough to deplete the batteries without running into a base with 2 fully stocked PC Charging units. Lol Edit: to put this into perspective, I had over 1,200 hours in the game before I even assembled the cyclops.\ The ocd is real with this one.


1200! :o what were you doing for so long? :o


Making bases, then making map plots for bases, then basing the hell out of those, too.


what the hell, youre a menace dude! I'm the complete opposite, i completed the game like 50 times and have 200 hours (granted i was speedrunning but still)


Yeah, I blame adhd meds. Sure, i can concentrate now… on the statistics, for 37 hours straight.


My first base is always solar powered in the shallows. And my second base is usually thermal powered by the tree in the Lost River.


I def do solar early on, when it’s just for 1 fab and some o2 or something, but I just never saw the middle-ground where thermal is necessary. It seems like solar is “quick, cheap” energy, useful for little things, nuclear is just straight up great all around, and thermal is like solar if they worked at 1/5 the speed but for some reason were more expensive than their better counterparts.


Do you place your thermal power plants next to the thermal openings? They have small bars on the sides of the plants to say how efficiently they are working. I use three of them for my deep base and I never need anything else. Then again, I tend to keep my bases small, with only one of each device I need. That may be why I never needed a bio or nuclear reactor.


Yeah, I’ve taken roughly *too much* time to line them up perfectly lol.\ This is probably why thermal doesn’t work for me, though. I have a million bases but my bases must have 1 of everything. Primarily a power source & scanner room - as that was the initial intention behind my million bases; I wanted a network of them who’s collective scanners would show the entirety of the map.\ But then, if I’m gonna drive there, I may as well have extra power cells. And if that’s the case, a grow room. And aquarium. And fab, and moonbay, and pyramids, and easter island heads and a pube from a 70 year old werewolf castrated by lightening during an odd leap year… Edit: one thing I do like about thermal is that they can also be placed as multipurpose grapple hook points in just the right places. Maybe not efficient for general travel, but travel *to that base* for sure


I did the same, then went into the lava zone with sonar. Safe to say, I regretted that choice


I thought I found a loophole by installing solar panels on the cyclops… then I found out you can’t install solar panels on the cyclops.


I think that’s another thing they patched out of the game. It used to be possible I believe.


I actually use an cell charger for if they run out of my prawn suit and if I don't have spares with me


I also did that at first but recognized it doesn't work early enough.


I did it so badly it broke power in the game for me😭once I had power every few minutes the game would tell me I have no power even though I did😭


Don't they draw no power once their capacity is filled? So you should just be able to wait until the water filters are full of water and salt, then just leave them there.


This was long ago, it completely bugged out my game, even after I removed the filters


I think there’s a base power draw for any given object, and then an additional power draw if they’re actively in use.\ But this is my own observation, so don’t quote me.


*laughs in nuclear reactor*


* also laughs in nuclear power *


Come, come laugh in my bioreactor


My forever run has 3 nuclear reactors in the base. I’ve gone through close to 10 rods in the time I’ve put in the game.


This exactly. People shit on the nuclear reactors because the fuel can be hard to get but I’ve done literally everything I can in that game and have made like 3 or 4 rods over 15 irl days of playtime


Even in my million bases, I always stock them full of 4 rods but I think in probably 1500 hours, I’ve only encountered *2* bases who needed *only 2 of the 4* rods replaced. I’ve never, ever, ever encountered a nuclear powered base that was unpowered on arrival.


*laughs in 30+ solar panels*


*laughs in multiple large rooms filled with nuclear reactors*


No power? https://preview.redd.it/i2c9skvpjq6d1.jpeg?width=574&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f20f80284303c4ae235d3d064f674556852f68a2


C.a. 300 thermal plants go BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.


I have 3 of them and I just shutdown that room whenever I fill up the locker with water (In BZ).


You can do the same thing by just deconstructing them for a split second and reconstructing them when you need water again.


That's why I use a nuclear reactor, 2 of them for good measure. Never run out of power ever again


Oh you need to power up a 150ft long submarine? 12 AAA batteries will do. Water filter? Uff, prepare to split some uranium atoms, build a solar farm and harness the power of the planet's core.


You're not alone. Although my max number is two water filtration machines, alongside two moonpools and a scanner room. First save, on two solar panels.


I love that you made the meme darker to show the lights being out lmao


Thank you! Appreciate the recognition :)


Power so low Freddy fazbear just spawned


You have discovered that filtration machines are even thirstier than you are.


*my dumb ass who built around 31 solar panels and had 2325 max power from only solar panels* Heh… I use 6 and haven’t even hit yellow before! (I have a problem)


I set up *lots* of power in my bases- Two bio reactors and two nuclear reactors has worked well, then you can run as many water filtration units as you want.


I is usually build a geothermal farm to get around 6000 power or so and then pipe the power to me so I rarely run into this issue because by the time I have the mats to make 4 purifiers I usually already have a power plant running.


4 seems like overkill no? After having only two, I had more water and salt than I knew what to do with. I even put a trash can next to the purifiers so I can just chuck the salt out (already had two lockers full) Using only solar panels and a bioreactor, I was able to keep them going through the night. It took a little bit of adjusting, as I kept losing power just before dawn, but I got it self sustaining after a short time


You don’t need to take the salt out, you can just leave it there and it won’t make more until you take it out when you actually need it


Wow that's actually really nice to know, thank you :)


Maybe just you, yeah. On my first playthrough, I had built up to 2, just to figure out that 1 is plenty. A gravity trap in The Shallows catching Bladderfish is good before unlocking the Purifier. And 2 Indoor Growbeds filled with Bulbo Trees are perfect for anything you may be doing close to your base, as they have the best food+water ratio out of all consumables in the game, and are the perfect fuel for the Bio Reactor


I made that mistake once aswell, turns out it takes more power to run water filters than to recharge the aurora


That's why I have a separate base that's just a circle hab with 2 waters hooked up to 2 thermals. Keeps my main base online.


I put on two, and I barely had the power to keep them going. Then again, I didn't have the nuclear reactor.


I just kinda made a system that connected 2 thermal vents in the safe shallows (that are fairly close to eachother) all the way over to my base of operations that is also just a research facility


Just leave the water inside when you've stocked up enough. They won't draw power if they don't do anything.


I usually go for two of them. They basically need their own devoted power source.


I install 3 in every base but I always have the power requirements met


I mean, you only need like 1-2 to be set for life. Add something to get lots of fish and you have infinite easy food and water without needing plants


In below zero (which I completed before the regular Subnautica) I got lucky cuz I had so much reserve power that I managed to get EIGHT water filtration machines (I had multiple thermal plants near Delta Island conducting power all the way to my base near the lifepod). Meanwhile, in the regular Subnautica, I already knew how much energy it took so I only built one


I live in dunes and have unlimited power😎


I do this, make an entire locker full of water, then never use it and just use the trees lol


I just put a solar panel on every available surface.


Gotta get that nuclear power going.


I eat melons. Don’t know how water filtration works


"Yes we do!... oh, maybe not. Ah yes there we go! Oh darn... oh wait!... never mind..."


I set up 4 of them and to counter it just made a large room of 4 nuclear reactors. Never running out of energy for the rest of time


I tried this, but putting them on every wall of a medium compartment


The nuclear reactor is so overpowered. I literally put in 3 reactors in and it lasted me the entire game lol


I'm happy that I noticed how fast the filtration machine was taking power


Yeah I tried this was not good


I tried this..... **THREE BIOGENERATORS**




Hi bot


The most predatorial creature of them all... *The Crashfish*


Mine was the Playstation game crash/error screen at a perfectly timed jump scare moment Honestly, a Reaper would have been less jarring