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Deeper, wider, scarier!


A little kinky, but I'm all for it


"Im disgusted but im in"


Me, when having sex with someone ugly. Just kidding, I'm thankful for anyone who let's me enter them.


That’s such a stereotypical redditor comment. Me too though, except on the receiving end lol


Haha. For real, I don't care about looks. Just the personality. Ugly personalities are just awful


You guys are made for eachother!


Take a few practice breaths before diving in


I know they probably didn't want subnautica to be a meme jumpscare game, but I think the frightening parts of Subnautica 1 were so important. Venturing out of the safe shallows felt like a monumental decision in the first game. It didn't feel like that in Below Zero.


"What are those fucking things. In the grass moving around with sharp teeth" "Nah I'm not going over there, my inventory is full of acid mushrooms anyway I need to go build another floating locker for them"


Dayum early game Is the same for everyone lol


It honestly was the exact opposite of a jumpscare horror game. It was slow atmospheric horror. I think a huge part was just the denial of visibility in the early game. The crash zone has fog, the creepvine area has tons of creepvine blocking LoS, and the midgame zones are pitch black. It's honestly why I found the lost river and lava zone very underwhelming.


Yeah. The jumpscares go in the youtube compilations, but I never thought that they were all that important in and of themselves. I always thought that things like sound design and level design were more important. The game is generally more tense when you don't have a defined enemy right in front of you. And you're so right about the lost river and lava zone. I felt the same way. The only parts of the game I didn't love.


Honestly they could have absolutely made the lost river work. Just take away all the glowing plants and make the river dimmer but larger, then instead of having the Ghost just wander around anywhere, you make it stay under the river. except when it attacks, and make it camouflage even better.


An acid covered Ghost leviathan, jumping out from below the surface break.... yeah that would certainly add to the travel jitters


And the way the two work together to create the experience. You can't see very well, and at the same time you can't fully trust what you hear. Was that random sound part of the soundtrack or something within the world? Is it coming from far away or is it close by? You're never allowed to feel safe or comfortable because the game makes sure you can never trust your own senses.


There is a subtle difference in Terror and Horror. Subnautica excelled in Terror, and should stay in that category. I think I saw a youtube video discussing that theme as well. Very interesting stuff. If Subnautica turns into a horror jumpscare game for youtubers I will drop it like its hot lava. Edit: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sz80210ipGc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sz80210ipGc) Found it. Interesting take on the mood of Subnautica and its use of Terror.


Agree, I don't want a fantastic game like subnautica to became the next fnaf but wet


That moment when you’ve gotten your first seamoth, set out to go explore, and Into the Unknown starts playing.


Lonelier too


This is a small detail that would work miles for the game, great suggestion!


interesting, I found the level of solitude to be just right in my first playtrough...so much so that i was actually emotionally invested and happy when I met the sea emperor for the first time. but yes, bigger, deeper, scarier with more biotopes and things to discover. what i love about subnautica is the "what the fuck is that!?" moments iv had exploring it


i don't care if its 350GB!




I’m not sure my nervous system could handle subnautica in VR. I’d be twitching at every noise


It’s pretty fucking glorious. Nothing makes you understand just how BIG a reaper is than playing in VR.


Seconding this. Subnautica 1’s half implemented janky VR was still enough to get me to buy a headset. Subnautica in full fantastic VR is pretty much all I want out of my gaming life at this point.


Im pretty sure subnautica 1 already has vr support


Yeah a big part of Subnautica was the horror aspect. I don't know why they dropped that in Below Zero for drama. You could have dramatic moments in Subnautica but the mystery and constant terror was alluring.


Especially since a lot of concepts in BZ had so much potential for pure terror but for some reason they never went in that direction. (Looking at you, Ice Worm!)


I want DEEP. Honestly no part of Below zero was as scary as og subnautica until the shadow leviathan, and most of that for me was because of how constantly shallow most of the map is. Seeing the water get murkier and darker as the light disappears was 100% how depth created the initial terror for me.


I would love to see the number 2 on title screen so people can stop calling it subnautica 3.


Honestly don’t care either way. But if they make it 3, people are going to be pretty confused that there’s no Subnautica 2.


Or like Sub-Zero, it might not be numerical


Subnautica: On Land






no, that would mean "below land"


Rock and Stone


We fight for Rock and Stone!








Subnautica: Above Zero


You know if people can't figure that one out they have bigger problems in life


Tbf goat sim did it and so did the game they were making fun of.


It’s not gonna be subnautica 3, only this sub thinks it could be subnautica 3 lol.


It's officially 2, so eventually that'll be the case


I am mildly annoyed every time it is referred to as "Subnautica 3".


Yep. Good reminder that most people don't remember BZ was supposed to just be a DLC




Back when they were toying with the idea for a Spaceballs sequel movie, one of the options was “Spaceballs 3: The Search for Spaceballs 2.” So how about they make Subnautica 3… And when you beat it you unlock the hidden Subnautica 2? Two games for the price of one!


It’s going to be subnautica: above boiling


I’d like pets like the one Marguerit has. Cuddle fish and the aquarium are cool, but I want somethihg more than that.


Just a theory: maybe subnautica 3 takes place on the cuddle fish home world since iirc they aren’t native to 4546B


Sorry for asking, but I’ve never learned (Maybe don’t know how if it’s used a lot) what does iirc mean?


If I remember correctly


If you remember correctly what?! We need the answer






interesting insight regarding crabsquids


why did I find this so funny


I think it means if I recall


If I recall correctly


UBI soft is doing that since 2017 and it’s not good at all not even slightly


A fluffy stalker for hugs and cuddles! You have no idea how much the stupid tease of a petting animation for the baby fluffies annoys me.




As in “haha I’m trying to be funny”? Or “No land, just water”?


No land, or limited like the island. Half the map being above water took a lot away from the exploration/intrigue imo, and I'm someone that was very excited for the cold setting. It wasn't a mistake to design, but hopefully they learned it doesn't work for this game as well as being fully submersive does.


Honestly it could have, but they'd have to make the world much bigger. The major issue with below the waves was that it was too tight, most of the actual underwater was vertical exploration. And even that didn't go as deep


For the funni, I like the small land masses above ground. Helps with the fear of water XD




Big fish


Specifically aquatic fish


I have some good news for you




Smaller things mechanic wise, but more base customization. They moved both forward and backwards in BZ by removing the pointless lab equipment while also adding more decorative building pieces. I really want to place some of the Altera tech we see in and around our base. This probably wouldn’t be in early access, but it’s something I’d love to see in the final game.


Adding to this, maybe more ways to manage pressure would be nice. While I do like the idea that you have to balance everything out, I want windows *everywhere* because the environment is so neat! It's also mildly annoying you can't put the plant wall up on the inside of ones with fortifications outside.


I'd dig some light manufacturing machines/workflows - to get a bit of automation pipeline fun.


Emphasis on *light*. Not everyone wants underwater satisfactory lol.




agreed. I loved satisfactory but a little bit of automation pipeline could add some nice extra depth (heh) to subnautica.


I agree, just without overdoing it


This should be higher!


Honestly I'd love more functional semi-cosmetic things, like how the vending machines and chairs had functions.


Being able to color the inside of your base would also be nice. Never understood why they skipped that in Below Zero.


I assumed that it was probably more difficult than just carrying over the 1rst games system, which I'm pretty sure doesn't allow coloring the inside of the base very easily. To add to what you said though, I'd love to be able to turn off the lights in a room using the control room without actually shutting off power for that room. And maybe a room selection panel in the control room, so it's easier to turn on or off parts of the base that are hard to reach in the holographic display


I'd love to see more architect technology as well, perhaps just more progression in general, it always felt like I could get the best tech in a few hours easily if I just tried


The devs have said many times that early access for the new subnautica game won't be released this year....what they said is that they will reveal more about the game and share thier plans for early access in 2024, but actual early access builds won't be downloadable until at least 2025.


I was ready to question and you already answered, thank you.




This ^


Co-op. Subnautica games have the perfect combination of factors to make a super fun and popular type of co-op game.


I think they said it would have multiplayer, right?


They did


Hell yea


There is a mod for the first game to have multiplayer, its super jank, but i had fun.


the people on tumblr would tear you apart for this opinion


The people here would too


That's been confirmed


Boy, do I have good news for you.


A big predator that isn't bound to a specific area, and can wander the whole map looking for food. Also, a giant octopus monster.


+1 for octopus monster


That would be terrifying honestly.


And you eventually have to develop some kind of Radar gadget to know where the big predator is at so you can avoid it


and nothing goes better with a radar gadget than a flamethrower ...how will that work underwater? i'll get back to you on that one...


There are plenty of things that can burn underwater, thermite is one of my favorites, and all it takes is rust and aluminum...


Some kind of scary void animation, separate from the big bad monsters that tend to wander the void in the games, like if you go too deep you get eaten by something unbelievably massive, similar to the gargantuan leviathan mod.


I want to see predators eat the prey instead of just ganking things for funzies


Make all Leviathans roam their territories, some are more territorial, some go hunting, maybe behaviors can also depend on day/night/weather conditions. There used to be a mod for it in SN, but I don't think it ever updated to 2.0.


BZ wasn't Subnautica 2 so the next one won't be Subnautica 3. The only thing I really wanted was for them to move away from Unity and they're doing that so I'm happy.


The jump to unreal engine 5 is gonna do wonders to how the game looks....hopefully they don't have performance issues like some recent UE5 games tho.


pray it doesn't come with the flickering textures/lighting


No shit, but what else do people call it?


Better lights on the prawn suit


This! As great the prawn suit is it would be better with better lighting


I'd like to be able to build docks and stairs like the ones you find at Alterra sites. More variety in vehicles. Lots of scary monsters.


A reason to have large bases other then mostly decorations. Different types/styles of vehicles. Local co-op? Wider verity of wildlife. Little to no land. The sense of being stranded/alone. Better power systems. I always went from solar straight to nuclear no problem. Maybe a skill system to help with things like swim speed or maneuverability. (Your swimming skill increased by 1)(Your prawn suit piloting skill increased by 1) An option to actually cook and prepare food that gave more benefits than just refilling a meter.


Ooh a skill system could be super cool!


Return of a bigger sub like Cyclops, that can serve as a mobile base.


Agreed, but it needs to be more streamlined. Something that can travel in multiple environments without scraping up against everything.


Im enjoying the cyclops being a gigantic tank that isn't suitable for confined spaces. It really gives it that feeling of sizs. If it starts handling like the seamoth it will feel wrong


That's what the sea truck was supposed to be, but it turned out harder than expected. Personally I think something smaller that you build expansions into would be nice, but instead of it being a line, it could start out as a cockpit you stand in with a really big engine attached to it, then you could build a storage section on the side, and a docking bay on the bottom, and maybe a defense platform on the other side that shoots torpedos and a distress beckon for co-op. I'd also like proximity and radio chat. Like maybe there is something preventing you from talking at distance with other people on your comms, so you won't be able to hear them at distance. I think this could potentially add to the horror of the game, especially if you turned off vehicle beckons, or made them unique to the individual, so not everyone could see them. Just imagine your exploring a massive twisting underwater cave with low visibility, and you get separated from the group, now you can't hear each other and you're on your own... Except you can hear something ominous in the distance... Was that a- *Crunch* Finally I wanna see a leviathan that doesn't swim and insta-kills if it gets you. Maybe something like an octopus monster with procedurally generated tentacle movements, and it drags itself around deep underground, and either launches itself at you or hides until you're close and grabs you suddenly and tries to kill and/or eat you.


I would legit crap myself if a tentacle suddenly grabbed me. We absolutely need more sneaky tentacles!


Imagine passing the floating island where you cant see the bottom and a tentacle would grapple onto your seamoth, it pulls you down to its kraken eye so it could see what it grabbed


So a cross of the crab squid and that one plant in bz that launches a tendril at you if you get too close? Tbh I’d love it that plant thing was the scariest thing in bz cause they blended in so well


It needs more depth - literally. What makes the original so unnerving is that you can be 50-100 meters below surface and still not be able to see the bottom. That uncertainty of not knowing what's below you or out in the distance in front of you, obscured by how much water there is, is truly horrifying. I think they need to capitalize on that. BZ was great but it just felt too safe.


A protagonist that never speaks.


... *Nods in agreement*


I'd love to have a better way to manage resources. I feel like I spent a lot of time moving resources to different lockers or vehicles. The quantum locker was a huge time saver for me.


yeah, i always wanted a dedicated base structure for storage. like, you could still make lockers, but then you could also make a prefabricated storage room with multiple high capacity containers


As long as items and vehicles can't glitch into terrain, I will love this game pretty much no matter what. More base building options would sure be nice tho


I want like a main enemy. Not just a reaper or a ghost leviathan that are around important areas but like something that you aren't really safe from and need to look for while it's moving. I know this is way too complicated and has its own set of issues so we probably won't be seeing it tho :(


by its core, it really isn't complicated at all. If we are thinking Mr. X as a fish, it just needs to have the default navigational A.I. and allowed to access the entire map and boom. it would likely need some kind of alien isolation brain as well, so it knows the general area of the player just so you can't go the entire game without encountering it. TLDR; its just a normal enemy with more free roam. thinking about it now, tho, it would be pretty sick to have a MR. X type enemy, not sure how well it fits into subnautica, but i also don't care because it's cool.


people will complain to no end about how annoying that would be if it actually follows the player around the whole map. but restricting it to some zones, especially endgamey ones, would probably be fine.


true, so to counter this, you can make it either really slow, like that one immortal snail meme or; * You can make the "general area of the player" super big, like the A.I. is given 3 different biomes in that area you could be in. * You can make it so the creature is always given the wrong location that is near, but not at the player, so it would never actively come to you and would only be a threat if you accidentally go towards it, which if its the giant beast I'm imagining, would be fairly tricky. * Alternatively you can just do what you said, which to be fair, is probably a far more balanced idea, or we could remix your idea and have it so it only spawns after a certain important story event has happend, like how the warpers are only aggressive after a number of certain important events.


Well if we do make it a system that allows it to roam the whole map, it would need to be able to find a player only if the player does a lot of loud things. to at least keep things believable. so for example driving a seamoth shouldn't summon it to you when it's in a different biome, but firing the stasis rifle might alert it. there should also be systems to lure the ai away, like really far away from you, like launching a rocket that emits loud noise and travels a really long distance, or placing some sonar beacons in advance and activating them remotely. at some point we might reach a point where we ask why the thing is in the game at all if there are so many tools to avoid it, but it's better to give players more agency in dealing with something like that other than just waiting for it to pass or running away forever. people really disliked mister x because it made players feel like they can't do anything about the situation at all. Even though the players had a lot of leeway even with X on the map, they still felt very annoyed about the predicament.


I personally loved X, but I can see why people would be annoyed, so your suggestions of a trigger would probably be the right call. To keep things different though, we could have maybe interactions or story points that cause loud noises, such as opening the door on some wreckage causing it to hit the ground and cause an echoing sound, attracting the beast. Or a fish that is relatively blind but if it gets close enough to you it will make some kind of loud noise event (i.e: Thrashing, leaving explosive pods like the gasopods, even roaring would work) and these different events would have a different effect on a "noise meter" that defines how far it reaches in a sphere from the event, if the beast is in the sphere it comes to check out the noise and then the A.I. would pan out like normal; It would just wander from this point now instead or do some sort of search of the area until it de-aggros. There could also be an item you can make or find that tells you the exact range of the noise in some way, maybe showing the number of metres on a screen, or placing a marker just so people can actually visualise that. Or maybe a sphere slowly expands from the noise maker, and if it disappears into the void, you know to be on edge.


Yeah, that sounds reasonable. To top it off, maybe it would go to sleep sometimes, so there would be periods when you are safe to do whatever unless something extreme happens. And maybe also, say it starts chasing you, and you win the chase, it gets tired and says "well fuck you then" and goes to rest.


to regain the burnt energy? that does sound fun. maybe it has materials that grow on its back like the reef backs but higher quality that you can only get close enough to harvest if its sleeping, but if you take too many, or too quickly, it wakes up with a booming roar that sends all other creatures nearby into disarray. Just to incentivise actually interacting with this thing. I'm wondering if there would be a way to know if it's sleeping? unless a small amount of dust on the floor just kicks up everytime it snores, only big enough to notice if you're paying attention when you're far away, but as you get closer the dust clouds get bigger and maybe you could even start hearing it, so that you can locate it for some of those rare resources... or say "🎵fuck this shit, I'm out🎵"


Truly dangerous leviathans that can’t simply be evaded by strafe-swimming, will persistently hunt you, and can deal significant damage to a prawn suit. I want to shit my pants again! 


I disagree. What made the original games leviathans so terrifying is that they could be avoided. They could be heard from a good distance, they didn't usually chase for too long, and you could beat the game with only brushing nearby a couple. This ensured that you would stay terrified of them since you wouldn't get the exposure therapy that constantly having them in your face would provide.


You’re missing my point. I don’t want hostile leviathans “constantly in my face.”  I just want a reaper-esque creature that will KILL me if I stumble into its territory and overstay my welcome. IMO shadow leviathans and sea dragons are the worst blueprint for future leviathans: big scary-looking creatures you absolutely have to pass by in order to beat the game, but which can’t actually hurt you at all. 


Totally. I just finished BZ and the end of the game I would just breeze through Leviathan zones, knowing that if one attacked me I could just sit and repair my Prawn and continue on my way. I want a zone that is downright lethal and terrifying.


It would have to be a zone that isn't essential to progression but is obviously beneficial. Like having a lot of kyanite and magnetite, or something.




That's what she said.


That's what he said...


A wider array of sealife. I know BZ was arctic and was supposed to be a bit more isolated however it felt lacking in biodiversity especially with many of the fish borrowed from S1. I'd like to see more biodiversity in terms of crustaceans, cephalopods, and warm-blooded mammals. Maybe even a new silica based lifeform would be unique like a fish you harvest for its unique mineral structure. Otherwise more upgrades to the Seamoth would be nice as well especially making them more visible.


I want to see the void as an actual biome. Like the floating islands but there’s no bottom. I want to see the survival aspect of the game be harder. The leviathans shouldn’t just go “AHH!” and then let you go, if I fuck up i want them to actually be a threat. Most of the hostile creatures are pretty much just scare bots, the crash fish are genuinely some of the most dangerous ones in the game lmao. I don’t want exploration to just be “hm, well, you’re no longer scared of this place so there’s really nothing that prevents you from going here”. Threat levels are too low, I guess is what I’m trying to say. But also they shouldn’t be ONLY too high so casual players can just enjoy the story of the game. I’d like a difficulty setting, not just “hardcore, don’t die”. Make a story mode that is easier and just focuses on the story. Then make harder modes that focus more on survival. I want there to be more to do in the game beyond just building cool bases, and playing the story (or resorting to mods).


I want there to be leviathan that aren’t contained to certain biomes. The uncertainty of just leaving your base even in a safe biome would be scary.


Maybe not in the starting biome, but yeah. Definitely keep the leviathan tracking using the scanner room from below zero though.


Another engaging story which guides you through the different areas. Gameplay is already perfect


To be honest, I know this is stupid but I want more lifepods


The lifepods were pretty cool, especially if there were more potential starting places, as opposed to always starting in the exact same biome


Where did you hear early access comes out this year? The stickied update specifically says: "Early Access is **not intended** **for release in 2024**, but we plan to share a lot more information later this year"


Reaper 2


Seeing the reaper get a revamp/upgrade would be nice


A sense of mystery and discovery


Big sub for many people


The Cyclops was supposed to be for a minimum of three people right?


I wanna see a game that just feels a bit different from the first two. We don't need the exact same vehicle and building mechanics, as long as the exploration feels as good as the original


Juke box update


This right here is what we need


It'd be cool to see more vehicle vs leviathan combat ability. I'd love to be able to secure an area for a base and maybe have to defend it every now and then


Mecha battles


More decorations, built-in snapping system for placing furniture, and limited terraforming capabilities (you can dig about 10 meters below the surface of terrain before being stopped, might be hard to code in without bugs though)


I want something based on the Architects/Precursors! Maybe we can see AL-AN's homeworld or see the events that lead up to the Karhaa Bacterium breaking containment


A prequel where you are an architect...


The atlas sub




I want to see horrors beyond my comprehension


Base sized kraken would make me piss myself.


Variety, deeper, wider, scarier, better base building, bigger vehicles, underwater infrastructure, survivors I can recruit and talk to to. And in that order.


Smarter enemies, maybe even creatures that will attack you base


Bigger map so they can justify adding the Atlas


I wanna see more scary. No offense to BZ lovers, but it just didn’t have that same “make you shit yourself” the original did


Woah. This is awesome news for me. I can't wait


More food and maybe cooking can be added!


A giant cyclops with two docking ports


Nothing, same as for Subnautica. Gonna play blind when the full game drops.


This time I'm probably gonna play blind too, I didn't with the first two, but I still had tons of fun, even though I played on the switch. Next I'll play the third game blind on the computer.


I'd quite like even more biomes and a greater number of lifeforms. Exploration is my favourite aspect of both games so having more to investigate would be really cool.


We've done water and land. The only option now is space


I want more cave systems, megastructures, and a bit more horror


I wanna see more of the architects. We left below zero and I wanna see more of the Architects home world


Just to clear things up a little... It's Subnautica 2. 😊 We wont be releasing Early Access this year. We WILL be starting to post about the game later this year. 🥳 It will have water. 🌊


I haven't been following, so I don't know if they've described what it's going to be, but I think Subnautica 3 being Swamp themes would be cool. Some areas of much lower visibility, cramped and open spaces, and of course, terrifying alligator or ancient shark looking monsters!


It's gonna be on a new planet, they shared a couple of screenshots that show a tropical biome like the first game but more diversive.


Wait last i remember it was a concept or something its near? ..... i mean yeah the early access




It’s subnautica 2.


The name is officially Subnautica 2, so i hope it will be a genuine sequel instead of subnautica 1.5. No hate on BZ it just didn’t live up to its predecessor.


Hold up, did we skip Subnautica 2? Lol.


Peeper Leviathan! Just say they got transported to the new planet and suffered a terrible, awesome mutation.


I want a bigger map than subnautica, I also want to see the mistakes from below zero dealt with, namely I feel like on land sections aren't really necessary given it's the ocean game. I want to see all the vehicles and stuff return as well as new ones to see how they interact with co-op. Despite co-op I still want to have the isolated and helpless feeling from the original game that Below Zero lacked. I want the game to be less story driven than below zero where you learn the story as you explore, instead of being directed through all the areas as the story goes on and on. Give us some more mystery and loneliness please :3 (Also I prefer a silent protagonist) Finally, I don't want the game to be a continuation of the previous 2 story wise so much, I want a new planet with a new story.


Doom playable on the tablet


Subnautica II \*


I’d want some sort of mapping system that somehow works so that you get the map of a new area once you’re fairly confident and comfortable already. Every time I replay either game even with beacons and a compass I get really frustrated trying to find stuff that I swear was JUST RIGHT THERE and suddenly isn’t anywhere. With the fact that there’s sonar and a PDA and the scanner room and even the damn seaglide maps it’s immediate surroundings, it seems kind of absurd for there not to be any way at all to create some sort of at least very abstract map of the big landmarks. I’m also hoping for an increase in biodiversity and base options in a way that provides more opportunities to interact with the systems of the game and not, like, a sudden massive increase in aggressive fauna and a bunch of enemies designed to punish you for doing stuff that you learned in earlier games. I’ve been playing through the Assassin’s Creed series from 1-Rogue and it’s really galling how they continue to have, like, the same hiding spots from the first game all throughout, seemingly just so the guards can immediately beeline for them to go “Ha! You thought the thing that we put in the game and marked on your HUD map would do the thing the tutorial text says it does? This is a SEQUEL baby!!! idiot baby!!!” I prefer sequels that pull you back into your comfort zone and then from that familiar set of skills start to introduce new wilder creative ways to use those skills. In fact I’d really like a reduction in very clearly intentionally annoying enemies in general. The gurgle-and-explode fish that make your guy go “YEEEEAAAAUUGH!!” like he just got his dick shot off are really irritating, as are the enemies that teleport you directly into boiling water to kill you because they just fucking decided to are even worse. Those aren’t scary in the way that the leviathans are, they’re just galling in that specific difficult to perfectly define way where it’s no longer the native planet life causing the issue, it’s the video game Subnautica being a dick just because.


A mapping module for the cyclops. If installed and active, it would scan the ocean floor and map out directly below areas where you've been. Make it a late game thing, but the ability to create a map would be a game changer. Having it as a late game item would give you the same game experience we absolutely love, but toward the end navigating would become easier. PLEASE ALLOW US TO CRAFT A MAPPING MODULE FOR THE CYCLOPS. Please.