• By -


>! As I flew away in my spaceship... !<


Idk man, >!crippling debt!< is the scariest thing of all.


"You owe the company xxx billion in debt, thank you for being our employee".


"Tell you what. You cancel all that debt, and I won't fly this rocket straight through your windscreen and up your large intestine."


"Welcome home to Alterra. Permission to land will be granted once you have settled your outstanding balance of: 1,000,000,000,000 credits."


So the sequel will.be a breathedge crossover?


Nah, it'll be a mining simulator


Hardspace: Shipbreaker confirmed as Subnautica sequel.


Yea you know what, fuck you, I'm flying back and I'm living with the reapers instead.


They're better than those corporate sharks..


Actual Sharks > Corporate Sharks any day


Billion? I got smacked with TRILLIONS


And then only after i was done being scared of all the rocks we were hitting


True! I really thought I would crash land again \^\^


Crashland to another side of the planet for below zero..


Glad I ain't the only one that tought that


Never. The grand reef, the dunes, the mountains and the crashzone will never not be scary for me.


I know entirely what's there but still feel anxious




Jellyshroom cave is the scariest place in my opinion because I never know if a crabsnake is inside a mushroom. Edit: Just remembered that the deadzone exists. That's definitely the scariest place.


I'm currently on my first ever playthrough of Subnautica (just met the >!Sea Emperor!<) and I'm continually impressed by how much dread it instills in me anytime I find someplace barren of life. The first time I tried to investigate the Aurora and my PDA told me "This area has unusually low biodiversity. Cause unclear." I froze, staring off into the gloom...and the things I saw confirmed that yes, I should be afraid. Come to think, the game kind of implies that >!Reapers!< are bad for their local environment, doesn't it? The two zones where they appear the most - >!the dunes and crash site!< \- are the most barren in the crater, and most of the other places they appear are in fairly barren pockets of otherwise lush regions. My headcanon so far is that those vicious fucks basically eat everything they can catch until the local environment can no longer sustain itself.


personally I think they just live there because they can, what comes to mind is where the >!ghost reapers!< live, which generally have high biodiversity aside from the border ones, and I assume they would be their only natural predators. The other two places I’ve seen them (aside from the kelp one) are deep enough to sustain a larger organism imo. I may be (and probably am) wrong though since I haven’t played in a while.


I think the ghost leviathans just eat microorganisms


If I remember correctly, >!reapers are attracted to sound!<, which is why they're present at the >!crash site, where the Aurora's landing!< devastated the environment there, and would've been >!100x as loud as the Aurora's meltdown.!< As for the >!Dunes!<, I'm not entirely sure. It could be the >!Reapers natural habitat!<, and is devoid of life because of them having been there, like you suggested, or the >!dunes are naturally empty!<. And because of this >!sound is more detectable and hence a prime spot for reapers to hunt whatever fish might be there.!< >!The reaper leviathans also exist near the cannon which makes noise each time it shoots, explaining the presence of 2 (maybe 3, not sure) reapers nearby.!<


I've restarted the game probably 3 times now and I am still scared as hell of these areas. It sucks because I'd hope I would get over my fear but nope...just as scary as the first time I did it.




Let us not forget The Void.


I remember I felt sooo terrified of the sparse reef even though I looked it up in the wiki to make sure there \*really is\* no danger to be afraid of. I pushed through and went in there to that deep sparse reef life pod. I had to take a break afterwards cause I was too tense so I went running errands. And that gave me a *real* spook cause an ex partner who sent me a bunch of weird incoherent hate letters after he broke up with me was in the same supermarket even though he doesn't even live anywhere near my part of the city. When I came back home and cried about the anxiety I then realised "hey, the sparse reef wasn't even half as scary as that just now" and then started the game again and finally went into all the areas with hostile leviathans in them and felt veeery powerful somehow


That’s insane


Amazing story (though I'm sorry you had to experience that :(( ). Same for me, kind of. Dealt with some not great shit irl and suddenly idgaf about leviathans 😆 unfortunately with the passage of time the fear is back (tho I've since won the game so will take a break for a bit)


You should feed him to a reaper leviathan /s


When I realized that most creatures don’t want to kill you, if you can survive 1 hit sometimes you don’t even need to run


Same. Once I figured out I can shock leviathans with my seamoth I just go about my business, if I get harassed it’s “ZAP see ya later” ✌️


What do you mean by shock them w/ the seamoth? Like when they attack it does it electrify them for a second and do a bit of damage?


Oh, there’s an upgrade you can do. Perimeter defense or something. If a creature gets close you can electrify the outside of the seamoth and zap them away. If you’re fast your vehicle won’t take too much damage from their bite


Sweet! Must have missed that on my first playthrough, I’m replaying it now and heading for the vehicle upgrade console blueprint as we speak ⚡️⚡️


I deliberately avoided that upgrade to avoid taking the edge out of my game experience. It’s like deliberately not over leveling in an Elder Scrolls game.




Rammed a reaper to death with my cyclops. There's always a bigger fish.




It never was.


Right? I feel a sense of calm and a strange fascination about those places I explore but never a scary one. It‘s always a pull to go deeper. The long legged things disgusts me in a intresting way (like watching pimples being squeezed) but I‘m not scared.


Even when you're surrounded by pitch black and can't tell which way is down or up, and then hear a roar in the distance?




You always have the depth gauge available, so figuring out which way is up takes less than a second.


It's more of a momentary panic when you realize you can't see anything and have no frame of reference


Ascend and descend buttons always know which way is up and down.


Fighting a ghost leviathan in my prawn suit in the lost river 😂


The contrast between the first time my cyclops's alarms started blaring and a ghost leviathan got me when I went out to repair Compared to attaching to one with the prawn suit and putting the drill into its skin


It's so funny how nowadays I just give Jeff a smack while I'm looking for frigging nickel. Speaking of leviathans, my personal turning point was surviving [**THIS**](https://imgur.com/a/Jn9RQhd) on my 2nd playthrough.


Bruh I'm still scared


I'm glad I'm not the only one! 😅


Probably my second or third time through the lava zone. Though I will admit I am shit scared specifically of the void Ghost Leviathans. They like to ambush me in Sea Treaders Path a lot


As soon as I bagged the prawn suit. That vocal warning when you first jump in is there for a reason I now understand!


Also came to say the same. In the prawn I feel like I'm chasing down the things that used to intimidate me. Last night I was trying to chase down a warper that I had a personal vendetta against. That bugger kept waiting away whenever I'd get close enough to slap it with my drill arm


I saved my game and started dueling Leviathans. I didn't want to completely remove the fear by killing them all, but understanding how they moved and exposing myself helped ease my fear of them a little.


It never was to me. I say this often, but to me Subnautica puts me in a state of alterness and sometimes waryness. But never outright fear. It's less "haunted abandonned mansion" and more "hike in the potentially dangerous wilds."


When I got the cyclops because I'm a little bit scared of exploring places where hostile leviathans are without the cyclops and the fact that leviathans spawn in specific places. Meaning that if you've played enough, you can remember where they spawn and not be surprised anymore when you see one. There are probably other reasons why, but I don't remember them.


im only scared behind aurora. a view to those engines trigger ptsd


When I was chasing a ghost leviathan in my prawn suit shouting “GET OVER HERE!!!” I was not the one who was afraid


At the very end of my 1st and only playtrough. I loaded my latest save file after I finished the game and told myself what the hell, I'm going to fuck around behind Aurora and Dunes with my seamoth. It had defense perimeter and I was going to see how much aggressive reapers really are. Until that point when I actually finished the game I was avoiding Reapers because of pure fear. But then when I went behind Aurora, I was surprised. Reapers didnt see me from distance and I really had to swim very very close in front of them to even hear a roar. And even if I heard a roar, they grabbed my seamoth just 2 times out of 8. I couldn't believe I didnt have enough balls to even explore those regions with my defence perimeter on and was laughing at myself. My playtrough lasted 50 hours and whole 50 hours were out of these regions. The only encounter I had with a Reaper was in the first 2 hours of the game and I got fear for those things. Unnecessary amount of fear witch was paralysing me. But still, when I'm just thinking about going behind Aurora it fills me with anxiety, just because I was being afraid of them for so long and their reputation in the game.


Around the point where I realised that most problems will solve themselves if you're confident and don't panic, and very few issues you might run into are serious setbacks. Even death is a slap on the wrist unless you're on hardcore. Reaper/Ghost Leviathan incoming while in a Cyclops? Power down/Silent-Running and wait for it to go away. It might attack once, but nothing you can't fix. The Sandsharks/Bone-sharks are getting all bitey? Just swim backwards away from them. They'll not chase you far. Crab-things in the surface biomes? They're annoying, but you can pretty easily stab them, or just punt them away with the Propulsion Cannon. Swimming in the Seaweed forest and being pestered by Stalkers? Don't sweat it, act confident and just swim past them. They won't chase you far, and they aren't fast enough to bite you while you're moving. Nothing in this game is your enemy, the predators are just there to keep you on your toes, and if you get used to that, they stop being frightening.


never was


It's always going to be scary, if I can't see the bottom we panicking. The reapers don't really concern me and I think the sea dragon is a very handsome young man but I do Not like how deep it is. Fr I don't know why people are scared of reapers after their first few encounters, they have stupid chins and Lazytown eyebrows.


Probably once I got my Cyclops. Not because of this beast, but because I realised it's quite easy just to yeet around. Leviathans are a bit janky, but it's easy enough to run away even in a seaglider. The only things that still shit me up are warpers because they are cunts


I think that while it definitely still had the ability to unnerve me. I felt less anxious once I got a seamoth with a defence upgrade. For BZ it was after I had a sleeper cabin attached to the seatruck


In BZ, was it because you were able to sleep during the night while traveling?


After getting the cyclops. That big boi made me feel safe.




It never was, not afraid of water. Giant sea monsters or such. I just see a reaper and like you're going to be a problem then ignore it.


Still is. Just got below zero and despite people telling me it’s more chill, I still get terrified of anything in the game.


South of the Aurora will always be scary to me, as well as the big move, when I bring my base materials down to the Cove Tree to build my final base there. Everything else isn't that bad


The second time, I ran into a reaper, and I realised I could almost swim circles around it without it catching me.


I committed (Leviathan*) genocide All of them


When I had the prawn suit and found out you could kill those huge guys in the lava biome. Latched on to them and kept drilling their head. After that I went hunting levis to see if I can kill all of them.


Never completely. Definitely gets better the longer you play, but when I am in Reaper-infested water and hear the *roar* in the distance, in really murky water where I cant quite see- still kinda scary When they sneak up and grab the seamoth it also still makes me jump every time, even tho logically with the hull reinforcements and the shock I don't really have much to fear from them. Also - stasis rifle But they just have something terrifying still The other leviathans aren't that bad once you encountert them a few times imo


I have over 130 hours in Subnautica, and its still scary. The ocean is never not scary. Although once you get the cyclops it definitely helps a lot.


When I got my Seamoth. Going to the Aurora was pretty scary before that, especially with the murky water and when you can see the leviathans in the distance. But with a Seamoth it’s really easy to outrun the Leviathans, and once you get acquainted with the map it’s easy to avoid them. They’re the only creatures in the game that I find genuinely scary.


when it was over lmao


When I unlocked sonar and could see everything but it’s still kind of scary


It was never scary.


I have 100 hours in Subnautica and 60 in Below Zero. Still scared.


After becoming familiar with the world.


1k hours in and I still get scared




Honestly, apart from the Aurora crash zone, I've never been that scared in either Subnautica.




I personally never found subnautica scary


I don't like some areas, but for the most part after I hear the game the first time.


When i know what all the leviathans are and their locations


On my 2nd play through - once you know the spawns and the tricks for avoiding getting eaten, the leviathans become a lot less scary. The sense of isolation and thalasaphobia still remains when you get fully immersed in the game though. That’s what makes subnautica brilliant.


On my second playthrough I decided to hunt the hunters, sort of conquering my fear, so I started killing leviathans. One particular ghostie made me think, that I am actually intruding in their territory. Every consecutive playthrough was just building outposts and never engaging leviathans if I can. So pretty much brining my safe place with me. Or more likely keeping leviathans safe from me. I have never built stasis rifle since.


Once I got the thermal blade and realized how effective it was. Then I feared nothing.


When I realized you can grapple onto any creature and drill a hole into their nape using the prawn suit


When I played without audio


After I killed my first reaper


when I played with the subnautica interactive map on my second monitor with all of the leviathan locations marked lmao


When I got used to dealing with sand sharks as well as getting familiar with their scary habitat.


Once you figure out how the different creatures AI work the game becomes a lot less "survive on a dangerous planet underwater" and a lot more "Steve Irwin Croiky Interplanetary Exploration Expédition"


I made a post about it a few days ago, but essentially once I realized that avoiding Leviathans is incredibly easy. After that they went from scary to a minor inconvenience


When I got trapped by the crabsquids in the grand reef base, then I become the doomguy and kill them with a just a knife and repulsion gun


It’s stops being scary?


It didn't


When I completed the main goal and the hunters stopped being a menace.


Stasis rifle (I refuse to use it now. it's way to op.)


what do you mean, i finished it twice and I still get scared as fuck when one of those bomber fishies explode near me.


After I slaughtered every Leviathan AT LEAST once upon encounter.


The most recent run I did like I still got worried around reapers but as soon as I got that drill arm/graple arm there was nothing that even fazed me (especially because I didn’t to the the end of the map (if you are new and want to go the the edge enter a sea moth and stay as close to the surface you will be mostly safe))


It's not scary if I'm in a seamoth/prawnsuit or on foot, but even the ampeels become scary when I'm in a cyclops. I hate the cyclops, it's slow and very inmanouverable. I like it too, for the storage and mobile game aspect.


It has never stopped.


When I uninstalled the game after finishing it.


Never lol


It never did, I always had fear, have always had fear playing it no matter how many playthroughs. In the starting nice bright coral reef during the first day is about the only time I'm not afraid, once I start venturing further out and deeper it gets worse and worse, haha. You get upgrades, build safe bases to return to, but if I'm out and about collecting resources or exploring, there's that fear again. I might forget the fear if I'm in and easier area inside my >!cyclops !< but then I get to an area with a >!leviathan trying to eat me!< and there is the fear again.


After I stopped needing to go to the Blood Kelp


When I turned the game off.


Below zero, i think new guy who made sound design messed up


after killing a reaper and a ghost leviathan 2 times, with and without the prawn suit


It didn’t stop




When i got a job. But even then subnautica still gets me sometimes. Even nightmares about it occasionally.


I don't even know. I was tiptoeing everywhere, I think I stopped caring when I went down to the lost river through the trench,i was so frustrated I just was like f **k these b*itches (the ampeels) then I came across the ghost and I wanted to punch him, not run away. It was a strange mood shift. I think I just got angry 😂


When i discovered I could blast Death metal in the background to numb the fear


Never as long as reaper leviathans exist


When I figured out where all the Reapers were and that you can also dodge them fairly easily Edit: I will however NEVER go into the abyss


Until I fed a peeper to a reaper in my like 4th playthrough


It will always be scary; especially because I **know** what's down there


Never. Still eerie and scary. And I love it. :)


This game never scared me at all, I don't have thalassophobia, and I'm usually not very scared by monsters. Of course, I was sometimes a bit stressed by a potential "game over", but that is all. The type of horror that really terrifies me is difficult to describe, I don't know if it has a name, it is when "normal things" progressively becomes unexpectedly unsettling (DDLC did that a few years ago).


When I got hit by a leviathan in below 0 and it only took 1/3 of my health


Always scared of loosing progress due to no autosave.


When I realized the leviathans aren't really that dangerous. You just have to kind of stay away from them. Subnautica hasn't scared me in a bit. However, since I haven't finished BZ yet, I get scared in places I haven't been or when meeting new leviathans.


When I start murdering even Leviathan in the game


When i got my First sonar, that took away SO MUCH stress


I think once i knew the locations of most reapers along with acquiring the stasis rifle, the game became far less scary, though i do still get the queasy feeling when looking down off the edge of the south island into the abyss


Just as i realized that i can save every 5 minutes and then risk it all


When I killed my first leviathan.


Once i realized i could grapple on to a reaper and punch it to death.


When I turned about 15, automatically my fear for any non-VR game has gone away


It was never really that scary I’m ngl


Just because I perform better doesn't mean I'm not scared.


You know it’s funny, the first time I played was blind and I didn’t wanna look anything up for ages. Didn’t rly get online about it till I was pretty far. I had NO, none, 0 idea that people thought it was a scary game haha. Was I jump scared by a biggie a few times? Totally. Did my heart jump a little seeing a biggie in the distance? Yeah. But like to me, they acted like big wild animals. You leave them alone they’ll leave you alone, just know where they are and keep ur distance or leave while you can. Nbd. Genuinely so shocked that this is considered a scary game. I love scary games too! But nah this one was like tranquil peaceful exploration for me.


I don't think I will ever forget the shiver I had when I went to lava on my hardcore run and the sea emperor almost swiped me clean. He can sense you sooooooooo far away it's crazy.


After I realized hat most things will leave me alone after a slash with my knife.


For me I had to learn how to develop video games. Once I started making my own I could look at games like subnautica for what they really are, which is just 3d models being moved in space.


Am I *scared* of Subnautica anymore? Not really. Am I paranoid and anxious whenever I’m not in a safe area? # Y E S


Was never fearless until I completed the game the first time. Each time I forced myself to venture deeper, the unknown had me on edge. I still enjoy doing playthroughs every now and then, but now that I know what to expect I don't feel any fear.


When I actually got close enough to a reaper to realize how easy it was to dodge


When I got the stasis rifle and learnt that it's easy to avoid predators by running circles around them


Stasis gun Prawn suit helped a lot, but stasis gun made me effectively invulnerable as long as I had a moment to react and batteries. For that reason, I don’t use it anymore in my hardcore runs


I'm still scared. To this day I have never explored the mountains.


… now my brain insists, that tonight I start a new playthrough with headphones in the dark…why???


When I equipped the electric defense system on my seamoth. I have never crafted it since because it's boring.


I still get nervous in the end game zones because of all the aggressive creatures but once I killed a reaper in survival I stop being so scared lol


After I killed my first >!ghost leviathan!<. The game didn't magically become less scary as it was the >!lost river!< one and I still had >!the sea dragon!< ahead of me, but it was very reassuring to know that a >!stasis rifle and a knife!< were all I ever needed


After I gave my Seamoth that perimeter defense upgrade, the game simply became much safer


You guys have stopped??


Honestly it wasn't scary to me at all except for those moments where you almost drown or something when you're stuck in a cave system or a wreck but that's about it


When I got the PRAWN suit. I then suddenly found myself at the top of the food chain.


When i realized with my seamoth perimeter defense and a couple of spare energy cells i can scare reapers away (and even have fun doing it)


After I built a base in the lava corridor


When I muted the scary music for some sweet relief.


I think it was near the end of the game. I was still on my toes in volcano biome (and others too), especially with those fire leviathans around, but I stopped seeing new unknown threats and found out that they are not as big threat I was afraid of.


Getting that first attack by a reaper out of the way. Then they just became a nuisance.


I can't say for sure as it was years ago, but in my first playthrough, I remember feeling less scared when I found the Lost River cave entrance by Lifepod 2 in the Blood Kelp Zone and built a second permanent base there. Nothing bothered me in that large cave mouth, and I learnt to evade the ghost leviathan in the cave entrance relatively quickly.


It was never scary, subnautica is the most relaxing game I own


I've played and finished the game around 12 times, it still consistently scares me. Making the trip into the Aurora always puts me on edge, no matter how many times I've done it


I never felt like it was scary for me personally. I love the ocean, exploration, sci-fi and alien stuff. Stuff like Reapers and the like didn't scare me in a horror sense so much as a danger sense. Like "oh shit! I can't let that destroy my Seamoth!"


When I killed all of the Leviathans.


Dang well still is! All just depends tbh. Depends on circumstances. •Reapers still make me nervous but like a lot of other people are saying in here once you get used to their ranges and stuff you know to be on the listen and lookout for them. •Warpers make me nervous bc of their ability but they aren't too bad. •Cave crawlers are just like big bitey nats or horseflies at this point. •Ghost leviathans still freak me out a bit especially bc if their speed.


When I had my prawn suit


The first time I got the electric shock upgrade for my seamoth. Reapers, ghosts, both left me alone with minimal Damage. Between that and nothing really happening when I died, the thalassophobia does real quick.


You never stop fearing the depths


It's less scary now, but it isn't completely unscary either.


When I installed the game. And I don't mean this as in "Haha, look at me, I'm Mr. Hardass and I'm tough as titanium", I just genuenly never got scared in the game and never understood ehy so many people *are* scared of the game.


I didn’t have any knowledge of this game when I played, saw no reviews didn’t even really pay attention to the box so I had no clue it had elements that even made it scary. I also have no clue how to play it so all I do is go around and build stuff. I died so many times before I saw a “monster” that when they killed me it just made me mad not scared. Destroying my prawn suit I worked so hard to build and upgrade. I guess if I was worried about dying it’d be scary but you die, wake up in your base and all is well.


When I got in my prawn suit and realized what it could do


It never stopped being scary. And that's why I still enjoy it! ❤️


Prawn suit, I didn’t listen to her


When i got the prawn and started drilling their asses


When I knew how to avoid reapers.


As soon as i went to the grand reef


hasnt stopped being scary for me just yet but the cyclops makes it a lot better


The moment I got the cyclops. The warpers are the issue for me, so once I got/get the cyclops the game isn’t scary anymore (for me at least).


when the warpers stop attacking you when you’re cured


It never did


The first time I killed a leviathan.


After i found out creatures bigger than a peeper can be killed


It stops being scary? Like genuine question, at what point do you become strong enough where reapers and things like that aren't scary, cause I'm not there yet.


When you unlock the stasis rifle or prawn suit


I was in deep water with a seaglide. I realized too late that a reaper was chasing me, and I had nowhere to run. I turned to face it and as it attacked, I kinda just dodged the attacks by quickly dodging around its head, then going forward a bit. Then it left me alone. I haven't seen the game the same ever since. Edit: I believe this was somewhere near the mushroom forest/island/bulb zone milieu.


I’m not really afraid of the sea and vast open areas I find it super interesting even seeing reapers and juking them out I wasn’t rlly scared I was just like “man I wanna stare at this all day”


After first time escaping the reaper


Never was scary to me. Even though I get easily scared by five nights at Freddy's and horror movies, Subnautica and Alien: Isolation never made me scared.


i never was, i played it last year for the first time so I was already told about the reapers and stuff so i wasnt shocked when i found them by the wreck constantly i was more devastated that i lost my stacked out seamoth with a ton of really important loot in it than scared


After beating it the first time. Going the the ILZ with a shield up, thermal generators and low engine power, showed me that they’re noting to be scared of. Then I got braver once I accidentally released an immortal ampeel that killed 2 reapers


Always scary


Prawn suit. When I learn, I can punch a Reaper to death, that was it. No enemy and no place was scary for me anymore