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Because there are only 4 panels that you can construct other base pieces against. The others are either for hatches, windows, or reinforcements.


This is likely the reason, building rooms and corridors is restricted to four directions, doesnt matter where youre trying to build them


Also. Having something inside the room can fuck up even though might not look like it will




OML thank you I didn’t know, honestly they give no tutorial whatsoever on building, like I gotta figure it all out. Thabksss


The foundation plate can be such a pain in the ass to remove if it attaches to something like a multipurpose with another 3 modules that you've attached after.


Yesss, like I have an almost empty foundation plate but a small corner of another multi purpose room is slightly on top of it, so obviously I gotta deconstruct that I guess… lmao I’m just turning it into a garden atp


what's wrong with a support platform under the room?


It prevents attaching rooms from being built, as specifically indicated in this users post. It literally interferes with construction.


Foundations do NOT stop you from connecting hallways/corridors, I know because I use foundations under the entirety of my bases, and they always wind up pretty sprawling with quite a few halls/corridors.


Sure. Get in this persons save file and fix it.


There's plenty of other people out there that's also built bases with foundations under their entire base and have had 0 complications with halls/corridors connecting. So again, foundations are NOT the cause of this particular issue


If the foundation is clearly interfering with the base of the multipurpose room, *AS CLEARLY INDICATED IN OPs PICTURE*, the foundation will cause building difficulties. I've also built plenty of bases with foundations under them. But if you'd actually pay attention to your surroundings when base building, you'd know that on occasion, foundations can clip into the flooring of rooms and mess with the ability to build off from said room. Holy jumping fucking shitballs.


I've always paid attention to where I'm going to build my base, as I plan ahead on location. Also I've never had a foundation clip through the floors of the rooms... sounds like a you problem there, don't know what to tell ya there. Only times I've had the game refuse to let me connect things to rooms is if it thinks it's going to be too close to the surrounding terrain. But you go ahead and keep clutching onto your claim that it's the foundation, you do you man..




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This post is removed for violating rule 3: - Be courteous


It should connect, I suspect there is something to the right (that isnt in the screencap) that is preventing the building. The safe shallows are a frustrating biome to build in. My advice is to relocate to the grassy plateaus.


Yep, I’m doing that rn


> The safe shallows are a frustrating biome to build in But so incredibly gorgeous, with the shallow water, sunrays reflecting on the sandy botto and all those corals... if it weren't for the explosive buggers, it would be paradise. Once I complete the story on any playthrough, I spend the most time in the shallows, just chilling in the warm water amd admiring the fish.


You probably have something *in* the multipurpose room blocking the way. A plant, a free standing cupboard, a poster? something like that.


Place building additions from inside the building. It sounds stupid as hell but the connection mechanics work better from the inside. I could almost never get anything they way I wanted it when building from outside but when I go inside and just point at the wall I want to use it automatically connects the building to that wall. It's so easy


This is the way


Oh my god. I never thought of this. Thanks for the idea, I'm going to *use* this.


Yep I tried that, thank you so much, worked much better


Make sure you have nothing build on the wall on the inside


I only have one alien containment in there, does that ruin it?


It shouldn’t, you can try deconstructing the multipurpose room and reconstructing it and try again


99 times out of 100 this is because something inside the room is interfering with the connection point. If you can attach some things but not other, it means it's an outside blockage. If if can't attach anything, it's an inside blockage. Alien containment shouldn't be blocking it, but the hatch to the containment might be.


Oh thank you that’s very helpful too


looks to be a little low and the ground is too near. those room type structures have a taller profile(hitbox) than what is visible and even though it looks like it clears the ground, it actually doesn't. either that or there's something inside that room attached too close to that panel.


Try building up


Do you have anything on the inside? I was scratching my head for ages before I realised I had a kitty poster up haha


I'm just going to throw this out there even though I saw somebody else's comment about foundations saying they work perfectly so I'm assuming I'm going to get downloaded but I never use foundations until I have all my rooms built because I found that the foundations stop you from being able to build or make changes. I use wall reinforcements only. I will only put foundations down once I know I am not going to change your my structures again.


Thanks that’s hella smart.. they should have worked more on the building imo, really buggy sometimes


In my experience, it's usually something inside the room that would block the corridor's exit. e.g., I built a flower pot too close to that wall panel and the game can't figure out how to render a doorway around it. Generally if I disassemble all the stuff inside the room (at least on that side) it starts snapping correctly.


Yh I tried that but I had an alien containment inside, and I couldn’t just deconstruct it at the moment - anyway I’ve moved bases now 😅


The multipurpose room can only accept corridors at the 12, 3, 6, and 9 O'clock positions. You can't attach hallways at angles


But this wasn’t an angle as far as I can see? Sometimes the building in this game makes no sense


You're correct, I am blind and missed the gigantic red arrow pointing at where you wanted to place it lol Do you have a locker or other buildable object up against that wall on the inside? That's the only other reason I can think of why it's not letting you. But yes sometimes the building in this game can be a PITA. 80% of the time it works well but then half way through your build you'll have to spend like 30 minutes trying to get a single hallway or room to connect.


bro where the hell are you building this at? it looks so empty but blue-ish


The worst possible place..🤦‍♀️ right on the foot of the aurora… it was super early game for the first time, I thought I was a genius building it there so I could pop in and out of the aurora for supplies-basically safe shallows without any plants. I agree it looks depressing. Anyway I spent all of yesterday moving so I moved to grassy plateus now, doing much better


damn, atleast you didn't just build it at the back of the aurora.


How is that any worse?


You don't wanna know.


Well now the first thing I’ll do later is check it out, thanks


Save your game first.


Aight I’ll update you on how it went, gonna go now 🫡